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Covid vaccines - thread banned users in First Post



  • Subscribers Posts: 41,596 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    can you find anyone else of merit (scientist, medical researcher etc) who backs up your claim that that "negative effectiveness" exists in relation to the vaccines.

    keeping in mind i have presented you with a factcheck, quoting an infectious disease Fellow doctor who specifically stated that it is "indisputable at this point” that vaccinated people are less likely to become infected than unvaccinated people.

    please present your evidence , backed up by anyone to the same level as above that, as you claim " the vaccinated are more likely to get infected than the unvaccinated"

    keeping in mind again that you have been told quite a number of times that you are interpreting graphs incorrectly when negative values are returned in a study with a 95% confidence intervals.

  • Administrators Posts: 14,033 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    @hometruths do not mention negative data again in this thread. You have one understanding of it. Others have explained the data. You even communicated directly with the author who explained it to you.

    The point from the charter applies to you too - you don't need to convince others of your arguments, and you are unlikely to change anyone's mind. So stop.

    Do not mention it again in this thread. You will be thread banned.

  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 5,982 ✭✭✭hometruths

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,596 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    Yes I can. The authors of the study I posted previously. And it is not my claim. I am simply quoting the findings of their study. In doing so I am making a statement of fact that their study resulted in estimates of negative VE after certain timescales. This is not a matter of opinion. It is an inarguable fact.


    please post where the authors of the study said that " the vaccinated are more likely to get infected than the unvaccinated"????

    you will not find that ANYWHERE in any study youve linked to

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Number four, it's apparently based on this: which is preliminary data and doesn't paint a very compelling picture either way

    I was listening to Knowledge Fight today, and in it they talked about how Alex Jones was raising this same point and using the same study to make his own conspiracy claims. They succinctly rounded up some key issues with this "study". Namely how it's not actually peer reviewed or published in any paper and it doesn't seem to have any authors.

    I then found this article on Science Based Medicine where it gives a good break down of the paper and the other key issues with it as well as a summary of reasons to suspect the motivations behind it.

    Some highlights:

    The authors included basically a wastebasket set of cardiac diagnoses in their analysis, including ones without a plausible biologic link to vaccination (e.g., valvular disease) and ones that are often included in death certificates as the final cause of death, given that the terminal event in anyone dying is, ultimately, the heart stopping its beating.


    The authors also admit a huge limitation in their discussion:

    This study cannot determine the causative nature of a participant’s death. We used death certificate data and not medical records. COVID testing status was unknown for those who did not die of/with COVID. Cardiac-related deaths were ascertained if an ACME code of I3-I52 were on their death certificate, thus, the underlying cause of death may not be cardiac-related.

    In other words, even the anonymous authors themselves couldn’t say for sure whether all their “cardiac” deaths were, in fact, cardiac deaths.

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  • Administrators Posts: 14,033 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    All posters are reminded this is a Conspiracy Theories forum. It's for discussion of conspiracy theories, by conspiracy theorists. It's for opinions that may not fit with widespread beliefs. Posters are entitled to discuss these issues in this forum. Without the need to continually justify themselves to non-conspiracy theorists. You wouldn't go into the Ladies Lounge for example telling the women they have it all wrong, or the LGBTQ forum arguing against LGBTQ issues.

    If you don't like the topic you are free to move to other areas of There are plenty of them. Nobody is obliged to post here, and nobody should feel the need to argue every single point that 'the other side' put across.

    It's the conspiracy theories forum, for people who like to discuss conspiracy theories. If you don't want to discuss conspiracy theories or are just here to repeatedly argue with someone who does, then you're in the wrong forum.

    Please bear this in mind going forward. Thread bans and forum bans will be issued to anyone who does not get that you're posting in a conspiracy theories forum.

    As mentioned before, the clue is in the name.

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭Kumejima

    Wait what's this? Pfizer admit in the European parliament that they never even tested if their "vaccine" would stop the spread of the disease before releasing it? But I thought I was going to save Granny? Surely they didn't lie to us? But but...if they never even tested for its efficacy in stopping transmission how could they claim it was effective? And ...gulp... does that mean they were lying too about its safety? Oh noes....who could have thought they'd be so deceptive? These were the world'd best scientists! I trusted The Science! I don't feel too good Mr Stark...

  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 5,982 ✭✭✭hometruths

    In fairness it was no great secret at the time that the trials were not designed to test transmission. All the experts and the scientists knew this, and it wasn't regarded to be a big issue if the vaccine proved to be 95% effective.

    The whole protect your granny thing was political propaganda, and the experts and scientists we were were asked to trust just let it go unchecked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    I personally wouldn't put too much stock in this narrative seeing that it's coming from Tucker Carlson. His show is constantly deceptive.

    Seems to be that it's using the same word games that have been played throughout this thread where if the vaccine isn't 100% effective then it's useless.

    The vaccines have been effective in reducing infection, transmission and especially severe disease. All studies posted in this thread have confirmed this. Likewise we've yet to see any evidence of secret safety issues. Just vague insinuations and claims that have been shown to be false.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,366 ✭✭✭Hoop66

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  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭Kumejima

    "Its a nothingburger, it was known at the time, to anyone who looked at the data". Riiiiiigghhhtttt. I'm sure there were people who pointed that out at the time but weirdly enough, I don't remember them being invited on Primetime? Or CNN?

    Shame how so many people got the wrong end of the stick because I don't remember "we didn't test for transmission" being a message that was plastered all over the media for 2 years?

    I do remember "Stop the spread, get the jab", "Protect you and your vulnerable loved ones by getting your Covid 19 vaccine" or my favourite "No jab, no job".

    Strange how Pfizer didn't correct every single media outlet in the Western World when they were spreading these messages. Or every government when they were needlessly shutting the unjabbed out of society, given that as you say this was known at the time? Or every major celebrity, or authority figures like Joe Biden, Rachel Wallensky, et al when they claimed that you wouldn't get covid if you got these jabs.

    But they really should have said it to their CEO Albert Bourla who claimed it was variously 100%, 95% and 80% effective. Bad day at the office there

    Pfizers communication department really dropped the ball on that one. But, hey, things were crazy, you can't get every minor detail out I guess.

    If billions of people somehow got needlessly jabbed under false pretences creating billions for Pfizer and thousands of vaccine injured or killed, well...what do you expect? It was a pandemic, the situation was fluid. These misunderstandings happen

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,218 ✭✭✭snowcat

    Interesting article on mRNA and its effect on different aspects of the reproductive system as it stands today, according to the linked doctors.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,984 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,984 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    If billions of people somehow got needlessly jabbed under false pretences creating billions for Pfizer and thousands of vaccine injured or killed, well...what do you expect? It was a pandemic, the situation was fluid. These misunderstandings happen

    The virus killed 6 million people in just over 2 years and put national health systems under critical strain. The vaccines significantly reduced death from the virus and continues to save many lives. It's a no-brainer.

    Conversely the virus killed people who were unvaccinated at a higher proportion, therefore these people put an unnecessary strain on the health system during a pandemic. It's no wonder there was public anger at their ignorance and selfishness under such conditions.

    If you misunderstood early speculation about vaccines, that's on you. I got the same information and it became evident what the vaccines could and couldn't do against a mutating virus.

    The world was reacting to a pandemic. Keyword: reacting. If people want to gaslight and convince themselves that the authorities and professionals know everything about everything and are in control at all times, they are going to end up very paranoid bitter people.

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,596 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    snowcat completely owned once again..... does he not get tired of being duped by the grifters?

  • Registered Users Posts: 237 ✭✭Kumejima

    Oh wait, so now the authorities don't know everything about everything? They aren't necessarily in control or have all the facts? Weren't you guys telling us to trust the experts? To trust The Science? Now you're saying that a healthy scepticism is the smart move? When did you join our side? And why did you and your ilk castigate us for that very position and continue to do so even to this day?

    This is all most confusing 🤨

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Very strange for him to post this from those people while still trying to assert he isn't an anti-vaxxer.

    Is it because he isn't being forthright about his beliefs, or is it that he didn't look into the claims or the people behind them again?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,984 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    It's not confusing at all

    When you are sick, do you go to your GP or do you go to a conspiracy forum on the internet? Exactly you go to a GP. Does that mean your GP is infallible? No it doesn't. You may need a second opinion. For that second opinion you go to another GP.

    You trust the experts, but you know that aren't always infallible. This is something you already know.

    Attacking medical treatment on a conspiracy theory forum using pseudo-science and faulty arguments is not healthy skepticism anymore than Alex Jones "questioning" the Sandy Hook shooting is healthy skepticism

    There is constant debate and evolution among scientists, experts, regulators about the effectiveness, safety, impact, reach, etc of vaccines. Constant. That is completely different from people who have irrational silly beliefs about them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,621 ✭✭✭flexcon

    Nah this is bull. I just asked my entire workforce what they remember back then about what was said.

    After answering I told them that the trials didn't test for stopping the spread. Angry the lot of them. 9 of them if you want specifics.

    So no, this is wilfully changing the actual reality of why people got jabbed. you greatly misunderstand the persuasion of "Protect those around you" that got those over the line to get vaccinated.

    I expect there to be genuine fury of this, and rightly so. No point ironically in trying to gaslight those that feel aggrieved at this. It is their reality and it is their reason they got the vaccine (not everyone but a massive shade)

    Remember those 21 year olds who got jabbed just to get the passport to get into a club? Mental. Madness. I would honestly go on a whim and suggest the majority of those people got it to get the cert - not to protect themselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,137 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    What 'trials' exactly? The decision on vaccination was not based just on that trial data. There were other trials and studies.

    The only people trying to change the reality are the people touting this as some sort of gotcha, without engaging with the real evidence of the vaccines in preventing infection and transmission.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,621 ✭✭✭flexcon

    Before we continue discourse, I am being genuine and legit. Just a person who is angry at this.

    I don't want to get caught up in the exact wording I need to use but hear me when I say this:

    MANY of us got vaccinated who were on the fence because we were told it would "protect others around us". This was patently misleading considering there was no actual evidence it would from Pfizer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,137 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    It was not misleading. It did protect others around you. You haven't shown how that statement was false in reality, at the time it was given.

    You have made the presumption that the only data used to make the decision on vaccine mandates and advise "protect others" was the Pfizer trial data. This is a false assumption.

    The false spin being put on this claim is thoroughly debunked here, as linked above:

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,621 ✭✭✭flexcon

    I've actually read this and sat on it a few hours.

    What sticks out for me is this "...When the vaccines first became available, public health messaging was clear - we don't know whether they stop transmission, & people should continue keeping preventative measures"

    That's not the reality I remember and what many of us remember. Genuinely here, we didn't all share some made up dream.

    Perhaps it is some weird shared memory distortion but I whole heartedly remember being told endlessly "Get the vaccine - Protect others around you"

    My younger 21 year old brother literally took it to go to the pub legally for the first time. Did not want the jab, and at that stage it was already becoming clearer that the vaccine on the Delta variant was not exactly doing a great job of stopping the spread.

    Yes the vaccine may very well protect him etc etc - but his decision to get him over the line was based on a false assumption.

    anyway, I'm annoyed and don't know what to think probably, who knows. Draining

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,984 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    The vaccines did reduce transmission (depending on variant). People who were vaccinated incubated the virus for less time and were less likely to pass it on (depending on variant). You were protecting others around you. The general advice was correct. At the time.

    The problem is that the virus mutated.

    A new variant could come out tomorrow whereby the vaccine would render no protection. That happening wouldn't invalidate previous advice. It's a dynamic situation and advice/guidelines do evolve and have to be updated.

    All of this is in context of some individuals here pretending there is some conspiracy or something nefarious behind this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,137 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Based on known immunology principles, if the vaccine was protecting in the studies against infection, that was a clear sign it triggered an immune response, which should mean neutralizing antibodies generated.

    They didn't know for sure - when they first became available. But it was a reasonable assumption.

    By the time the vaccine were being rolled out beyond the most vulnerable groups, they had real world data to go on showing how the vaccine prevented infection and transmission. The evidence is cited on the twitter BBC link.

    By getting the vaccine, even against delta variant, your brother did the #1 thing he could do to reduce his chances of getting infected and transmitting the virus onto someone else. There is nothing to be annoyed about except the people peddling this revisionist twitter gotcha and falsely making people second guess their decisions.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,621 ✭✭✭flexcon

    Ok, will take a step back.

    I don't know enough to properly debate anything here, I have enjoyed this thread for many months

    I guess I am just annoyed at the certainty that was given with this

    Thanks for the response, every response helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,621 ✭✭✭flexcon

    Thanks for the response. Will take it on board and get some sleep I think. Apologies to those if I came across as barking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,137 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    I prefer it when people bark, if that's what they are feeling, and express genuine questions. It can lead to an understanding.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 5,982 ✭✭✭hometruths

    What 'trials' exactly? The decision on vaccination was not based just on that trial data. There were other trials and studies.

    Can you link to these other trials and studies that the decision on vaccination was based on.

    Certainly as far as we're concerned in Ireland, once the EU approved the vaccines for use, that was the decision to vaccinate taken. And that stage the only trials available were from the manufacturers.

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  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 5,982 ✭✭✭hometruths

    What sticks out for me is this "...When the vaccines first became available, public health messaging was clear - we don't know whether they stop transmission, & people should continue keeping preventative measures"

    That's not the reality I remember and what many of us remember. Genuinely here, we didn't all share some made up dream.

    Perhaps it is some weird shared memory distortion but I whole heartedly remember being told endlessly "Get the vaccine - Protect others around you"

    You're 100% right as far as I recall and many others. No need to apologise because some are intent on revisionism.

    The pressure to vaccinate was based on everybody doing their bit to protect each other.
