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2022 Revenue Audit & Compliance Officer (AO)

  • 11-10-2022 10:17am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13

    Hi All, This nationwide comp was listed on Revenue website & closed in Aug 2022. Anyone know how many positions are expected to be filled? I did interview & emailed today to follow up as I hadn't heard anything. They replied to say that interviews are still ongoing & expect it will be another 2 weeks before any decision is made. My 2 chosen locations are outside Dublin & currently have less that 20 AO's between them so unless I place within top 3 OOM I doubt I will get anywhere with it!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    Hi, I received my email stating I've made the panel and my place number. Can anyone tell me the process of how the panel works for Revenue?

    The number on the panel I was given, is that the national placement or the placement on the areas I have chosen. Wondering if I can expect an offer out of it.

    I am familiar with the HSE panel and how that works but as far as I can tell Revenue may work a little different. Thanks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 Woofderful comment

    Congrats on being placed on the panel! 👍 I received same email & place number last week. Unfortunately I cannot answer your query as I have no idea how this works from here. I was given 1 panel number, despite choosing 2 locations on the application form. I assume I will be offered a position based on whichever location hits my panel number first. I sent an email to panel placings on Friday eve to see if they have any info regarding the number of placings available in my chosen areas, but I haven't received a reply yet. The original campaign booklet mentioned an expected employment start date of October. Obviously things fell behind, so I am hoping they will be looking to urgently fill positions.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,904 ✭✭✭StevenToast

    The number you have been given on the panel is the countrywide placing.....your chosen locations will be different...

    E.g if you were given a panel placing of could be no.1 for donegal (if that was your chosen location).....

    "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining." - Fletcher

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 Woofderful comment

    Thanks Steven for your reply! I'm really glad to hear that as it puts me in a much better position! I don't suppose there is any way to find out your panel number for the specific locations chosen? I emailed panel placings last week but only to ask if they knew of any current or upcoming vacancies, & I haven't received any reply yet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    Thanks for your answer.This is amazing for me as I placed 4 so would it be possible that I could be 1 in my chosen locations?

    Do u know if there is anyway to find out if there are jobs coming up. I have 1 location I would 100% prefer over the other and don't want to accept if the other location comes up first. How do u play this u wait in hopes or is there a more definite way of doing it?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    Congrats to you too.. I was delighted to get the email. Same as u I got one panel number but 2 locations so I am hoping that because I placed pretty high nationally that I could possibly be 1 in both my chosen locations. Fingers crossed!

    I have emailed panel placings too and waiting to hear back. Do you think they will know if there are jobs coming up in certain locations

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    Can I also ask do you get job offers by email or is it like the HSE where u express interest to job emails sent to a certain amount of people and whoever who is highest on the panel that expresses interest gets the job.

    So new to this i have no idea how it works

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 Woofderful comment

    Thanks! 😊 I was very happy to hear about the overall placings as well as I am really hoping to be offered a position soon! 🤞 ...Still no email today from Panel Placings but the automatic reply did say to expect a delay because they are dealing with a large volume of queries. According to some previous threads I read on here it has been suggested that they can provide info on the number of positions available per location..(If they have the info to hand). I am hopeful that they will be able to give an indication at least but I am wondering if any hiring will actually commence before Xmas. My understanding is the next step will be a request to provide 2 references (one of which must be from your current employer)..(This will be awkward!) ..and after that I have no idea how things go as I am also totally new to this! I assume all correspondence will be via email but again I don't really know! 😕

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    Hopefully we will hear something back soon from panel placings. I will be back on here when I hear back but until then I guess it's a waiting game. I just wanted to know the ins and outs of it in case an offer came quickly.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 Woofderful comment

    Just an update! Got a reply today (from panel placings) to let me know my panel placing for both of my chosen locations ( I am in the top 2 for both counties). I had also asked for info regarding number of vacancies currently available/upcoming in my chosen locations but they replied as follows;

    "Unfortunately, we have no further guidance, we are not made aware of upcoming positions in advance, we offer the positions on a demand led basis where our Work Force Planning Unit advise us to offer an assignment in a certain area from a certain stream".

    I'm still optimistic that a position will arise soon! 🤞


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    Great ur in the top 2 in both locations. Hopefully I will hear back tomorrow. Fingers crossed something will come up for us.

    Thanks for letting me know. Seems like it's just a waiting game now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    I also heard back from panel placings. I placed 1st in both my locations 🎉 so hopeful something will come up.

    My only worry is that if my 2nd choice location comes up first do I refuse and hope that my 1st choice comes up. Such a gamble 🙈

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 Woofderful comment

    Wow! Congrats on placing 1st in both!! That's excellent! 😊 Yes it looks like a waiting game now. The panel is valid until Oct 2023 so we have a full year to be placed. Given both our listings I would expect us to get in eventually. I am also wondering about accepting an offer if its not 1st choice..I believe my 2nd location is a larger office so positions may be offered there but traffic would be a nightmare. Even though it is quite close to me I placed it 2nd for that very reason. However I think I will accept whichever location comes up first as I want to leave my current job & the sooner you start the position the faster you climb up the pay ladder. After 2 years of service I believe you can apply to transfer to another location if required (via civil service mobility program). So that may be an option to look at. I also looked up the civil service online mobility map & there appears to be AO vacancies available in both of my chosen Revenue locations at the moment so I am hoping they decide to recruit soon! I'll update when I hear anything further! Let me know when there's any further progress on your side! Here's hoping!! 🤞

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    I'm the same as you really want my first location as it's easier and quicker to get too but will take whatever comes first in fear that an offer does not come from my 1st.

    Can I ask how do you tell from the mobility map whether positions are available or not. Can't seem to figure it out. Thanks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 75 ✭✭willthiswork

    The map shows where there are AO positions, not vacancies. Outside of Dublin, movement for AOs is very slow. Might be different for internal transfers within Revenue though.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 Woofderful comment

    Thanks for the comments! I'm just a little confused about the data on the civil service mobility map. I thought this was a good indicator of current stats. When I click on each of my chosen Revenue locations, I then click on the table on the right side of the screen (using laptop!). The chart shows "Number of actual AO positions including current vacancies" & a number is listed underneath. However there is also a separate section of the table entitled "AO Positions available" & the word 'Yes' is listed under both of my chosen locations. I have understood this to mean that there are currently AO positions available there..However there is no further indications as to when these expect to be filled...Am I reading the mobility map wrong? .. 🤔

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 Woofderful comment

    Apologies for the terrible editing!! 🤦 ... but this is the table from the mobility map that I have referred to in my comment above...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 205 ✭✭Kirbi

    It just means that AO roles exist there - not whether any are vacant.

    The map doesn't have any kind of live feed or have frequent updates of that sort.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 75 ✭✭willthiswork

    I can't say. If you are on a panel for a competition, you may get offered a position in your location of choice. But mobility can be slow so if you accept a position in Limerick say, but you really want Sligo or somewhere, you might be waiting a while to get a transfer.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    Thanks a million for ur answer. I am 1st on a panel in both my chosen locations so I have my fingers crossed something will come up for me.

    I'm taking from ur answer that the mobility relates to transfers and not new entrants.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 Woofderful comment

    Following on from some of the info above about slow progress with offers, I contacted Panel Placings again with a few queries just to see if they could advise any further. Just in terms of offering an update, they did advise that the AO 2021 panel is still active & candidates are still currently being recruited from this. It is due to expire on 16th Nov 2022 so I expect there will be no calls from the 2022 panel until at least this date has passed. Also they have advised that it is possible to get called between Nov & Xmas as the calls are demand-led. They hire on a continuous basis throughout the year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    Good morning, just to update I received an offer this morning for one of my chosen areas. So it must be starting to move

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87 ✭✭vatsie76

    Hi folks , i just got on under 1000 OOM for the AO general 2022 stage 1. Do I stand a chance? I heard they only call upto 500 for interview. Is that true ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 Woofderful comment

    Congratulations!! & Best of Luck with it! 👍 I got my 1st preference offer today so I'm delighted! I accepted straight away so now I'm just trying to organise all the required documentation! They said they are looking for availability to start in about 4 weeks...assuming all documents are ok. Given the date I'm wondering if this would be pushed out a little to suit a start in January.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13 Woofderful comment

    To be honest this is my first time applying for this so I have no idea how it works!! I think a lot depends on the locations you Dublin would probably hire quite a lot of AO's compared to a smaller county. From previous different threads on I have noticed a lot of people tend to apply for the competitions but do not accept a position if it is offered. Most of these seem to work in private sector & would be required to take a pay cut if they had to start at bottom end of the pay-scale, so a lot tend to drop out. Other threads indicate that a lot of Revenue staff retired over the past few years & that there is now scope to hire. So this is a positive sign. It may be worth emailing panel placings & asking what number they reached for your area the last time they ran the same competition. That should give you a rough idea of what to expect. Best of Luck! 🍀

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Pousse1978

    Congrats that's brilliant. I got my second preference but gonna snap it up in case I wouldn't get an offer from my 1st. The Garda vetting can take up to 2 weeks if not more and I assume we won't get our official offer until that goes through along with the other verification stuff. I have asked for a start date in Feb and they were happy enough. Suppose it depends where or who u are trying to agree this with. I'd say u will be looking at Jan for sure.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 27 Lottie125

    How long did it take them to come back to you after your initial application submission? I applied last month and just curious as to a general timeline after submitting initial application?
