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Ukraine (Mod Note & Threadbanned Users in OP)



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,110 ✭✭✭Brussels Sprout

    We also know what it's like to have an aggressive, domineering, neighbour come and take our lands, murder our people and attempt to eradicate our culture. One of those is actually happening right now - to Ukraine. The other one is something that Russia keeps bringing up as a veiled threat in an effort to allow it to freely continue their crimes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,484 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    Who is “we”? Ireland is not in NATO, nor are we providing weapons.

    Russia has stated that it does not want to talk peace. That’s how I know.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Although you are right, we haven't provided weapons. We have provided military aid to Ukrainian soldiers and we have agreed to provide direct training for Ukrainian military personnel.

    And you're right, we are not in NATO although that doesn't stop our current leaders from trying to get us into the club and chip away at our supposed neutrality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,928 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Heard this going on two decades now about how Ireland is "just about to join" NATO. It isn't happening.

    It wouldn't matter to Putin, in any form of (extremely unlikely) nuclear exchange, we'd be wiped out anyway. Our geographical position makes us a strategic target by default.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,357 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69

    But what will make Russia agree to end the war????

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭fash

    The rules based international order is the entire eco system of international law and human rights, the UN, the Hague etc, much of which was set up just after WW2. Those who agreed the rules were, in particular the victors of WW2: the USSR, USA, UK, France & China. What "imposing of will" do you think occurred? Which precise human rights abuses, crimes against humanity or acts of genocide do you think people should be allowed to commit? One might also note that it was only by ignoring the agreed rules that the US could invade Iraq.

    As regards nuclear war, you may not have noticed but Putin is not a nice guy. Any concessions that anyone give to Russia to avoid nuclear war merely confirms that you are willing to give concessions if Russia threatens nuclear war and confirms Russia was right to threaten you - and should threaten you some more to get more of what it wants (a land bridge to Moldova, a land bridge to Kaliningrad, a new Russian empire). So well done on that.

    It also confirms to everyone else with nukes or in the process (China - who want Taiwan, North Korea, Iran) that they should immediately acquire nukes and start threatening you so that you start conceding.

    So now you've built a world filled with nukes where the most unpleasant people threaten to use them every other day and you keep making ever greater concessions to them emboldening them further increasing their demands.

    I.e. you've engaged in a course of action certain to bring about nuclear war resulting in the death of billions. So well done.

    I thought here in Ireland we would be against such a war as we already know what it is like to have a large portion of our population starve to death, which is a likely outcome if there was an all-out nuclear war.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭rgossip30

    The AFU would be nothing without all the military aid .

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,110 ✭✭✭Brussels Sprout

    and the military aid would be nothing without the AFU.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭fash

    If you kept up with Russian propaganda, you'd know that the current line to take is "the Ukrainians sell all the military aid on the black market".

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,169 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    I forgot this thread existed.

    What do people think the end game is for this awful war? And in what timeframe?

    I personally see peace negotiations before Christmas with Ukraine to lose territory but gain in other ways that protect their future.

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭fash

    At least another year.

    There is no chance of peace negotiations by Christmas: Ukraine is just getting going on recovering their territory and Putin cannot survive with any deal acceptable to the Ukrainians (at a minimum back to the pre 2022 lines - but likely even that insufficient).

    So in order for there to be peace, an alternative political structure must have time to develop in Russia - to depose Putin at the appropriate time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,885 ✭✭✭fly_agaric

    The "we" and "our" stuff, and chin stroking concern about diminution of Irish neutrality by the govt. position on Ukraine is odd.

    afair adversarial was gleefully capering about on other thread(s) seeking out + posting images and video of Russia's destruction of targets in Ukraine culled off obscure (for average Irish person) Russian social media (with text in cyrillic) when the invasion of Ukraine started. Not very peacknik.

    I suppose if Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams can turn to the way of peace anyone can!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There you go again with the same boring accusation. Anybody who disagrees with Ukraine must work for Putin or be a Russian agent. Seriously change the record. It's boring now. I only posted videos from Russian telegram channels as I thought the thread was one-sided and people should try and see situations from every angle is not my problem that that thread has turned into a pro-Ukrainian propaganda and anti-Russian hatred fest.

    Believe it or not, I do care about Ukrainian people and want this war to end as soon as possible but you know what in life you have to compromise at times. I'm sorry but if the cost of ending the war in Ukraine is Ukraine having to give up some territory which is predominantly occupied by those who are ethnically Russian or support Russian state then so be it.

    But people like you will never compromise. You are happy to throw Ukrainians and Russians into the slaughter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    I find it comical that people seem to think that there can be negotiations between Ukraine and Russia.

    Ukraine have made it law that it cannot happen so unless Putin is overthrown, shot a la JFK or just steps down then there isn't a snow balls chance in Lucifer's hell will Ukraine negotiate.

    And when you have idiots on RT calling for Ukrainian kids to be drowned on national TV you can sort of maybe see why Ukraine in the next 1.5 months won't be saying "sound Vlad let's just end this yeah?"

    Jesus Christ.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,885 ✭✭✭fly_agaric

    I did not accuse you of either of those things in that post. Accusation I made (or intended to make, if not clear) was dishonesty and I don't care if that "bores" you. Thought it was better to state it, because others reading along may not have seen what you posted previously.

    The thread in question was very "one sided" because it is a one sided issue in this country I believe, and people are also very angry with Russia over the invasion and how they have conducted the war and will be for a long while. Some of them take it too far and enage in hatred/xenophobia. May as well come down off the cross now though as you'll feel better.

    You did appear to me to be enjoying the invasion, "Gulf War 1" like with the Russian military videos and stuff when you thought it would go quite well for Russia (to which you must have a strong connection given your posts) and would all be over very quickly. Nothing like an easily won war for puffing up national pride of people of an empire/great power like Russia. I can kind of understand it, but it is only theoretical for (most) Irish people rather than a lived experience.

    Now it is peace talks + lecturing "us" here (Ireland/Irish people) about NATO + "our" neutrality in peril caused by the incorrect position of our govt. on Ukraine war as you see it, like you know what is good for this country. You can't be taken seriously really.

    To give my own opinion vs caricature of me as some kind of warmonger, I too hope this ends as soon as possible. If Ukraine's govt. cede territory and people in the end to Russia as part of a settlement, the timing, the compromises, that should be up to them. I don't think Russia's leadership are at all interested in peace (other than through fully achieving original goal of the war, and that is not exactly likely to ever be acceptable "terms" is it?). Likeliest way to a better peace is through supporting Ukraine fully at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Negotiations between who exactly?

    No negotiating with Ukraine they are pushing ahead with taking their whole country back,Nato ,the EU the US aren't looking for any kind of negotiations.

    The Russians can surrender at anytime they wish,

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,169 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Hmmm. I came to this thread for some balance and less 'emotion'. On the other thread I asked you why you wanted every single Russian soldier killed irrespective - even ones that had committed no war crimes or were against the war but following orders. You didn't reply.

    I gave my opinion on the endgame. Pure guesswork. I really wanted to hear other guesses.

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭beggars_bush

    They'll protect themselves by defeating russia.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,169 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Ok but do you really believe they can? Full Russian expulsion including Crimea?

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    I believe your opinion is just that ,

    You can see negotiations in the next 6 weeks or so ,

    Yet there is no talk anywhere of negotiations,let alone involving Ukraine giving up territory, wishful thinking or day dreaming, seems like a nightmare scenario for the Ukrainian,

    But yet they keep pushing and fighting day in and day out taking back their territories occupied by orc's, Russia is free to surrender at any time, failing economy which is mainly based on supplying the eu with energy, which they have permanently lost , meanwhile they are selling at huge losses to the Chinese who in turn will be more than happy to drain Russia for every last drop .then what for Russia more crying to the UN about russopobia

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    Those soldiers are more than welcome to surrender.

  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭JL555

    Personally I do not support this war, but I can certainly understand why the Russian leadership have taken this action, not saying it's right or wrong, I'm not a Russian agent. But I am not so stupid as to think that this action was unprovoked and it all started on the 24th of February 2022.

    There have been steps taken since the 90s that has led to this, one of the biggest steps came in 2008. In 2010 Ukraine determined that it wanted to be nuetral, albeit friendly with Russia, but this was not good enough for us in the west, and of course we should all be aware of what happened at the end of 2013 to the beginning of 2014 when suddenly there was a western leaning puppet installed in Kyiv.

    Whether we like it or not, the Russian leadership see this whole issue (NATO expansion) as a serious threat to their national security. And remember, throughout 2021, on several occasions it was mentioned by NATO that Ukraine would be part of NATO, and again, I'm not saying this is right or wrong, but think about the threat that the Russians see this kind talk as. Sure didn't we ourselves have a huge hissy fit when Russian naval manoeuvres where happening in the Atlantic, didn't we even bring our fishing fleet into it? (cue whataboutery accusations)

    It is far too easy (and lazy imo) to label Putin a crazy guy, if he was truly crazy this conflict would be looking more like WW3 right now.

    This is not a game. It is bad enough that Ukraine is in ruins, tens of thousands dead and their economy decimated, it can and must stop now and where there are negations there must be compromise as bad as that sounds, particularly to Ukraine.

    The west says that Russia cannot win this, Russia says, they cannot lose, so where does this end?

    the great JFK said : '...nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. '

    Surely to most logical people this rings true today also. I have said it before on here, the leaders in the west could actually stop this right now if they wanted to, there was a great opportunity early on when the talks were being held in Turkey, might have been very difficult negotiations, but remember at that same time NATO held an 'emergency' session in Brussels, and then the announcement came from Biden that this was going to be a long war. Well why the hell did he not take a different approach like encouraging peace talks to continue, offering proposals, whatever, no, the answer was that this must keep going. BoJo flew to Ukraine earlier on than that when there was another potential of a de-escalation, but no, We are with you to the end, we must keep fighting, we will keep sending weapons, we must defeat and humiliate Putin.

    Somebody here said Ukraine has passed a law that they will not compromise, or something to that effect. Well, I can tell you that if the NATO leadership really wanted this war to end, they would stop shipping weapons to Ukraine and then that law would be quickly overturned.

    now I await the name calling and accusations and God knows what else, although I really would prefer some meaningful engagement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,455 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Absolutely fine !! Now just as soon as Ukraine agrees with the terms you have mentioned let them go right ahead!!! But personally, I can't see it happening.......ever!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭fash

    This is just regurgitated Russian nonsense:

    There was no "western leaning puppet" installed in Ukraine. Quite the opposite: Yanukovich on getting into power immediately started dismantling independent parts of the state (judiciary etc) and reneged on promises to the electorate to join the EU - i.e. he was a Russia leaning puppet who the Ukrainians rightly forced to resign so that they could have another election. Read all about it here:

    Furthermore, that was 2 election cycles ago - what part of the Ukrainian electoral system are you criticizing in particular?

    As regards "Ukraine just wanted to be friendly with Russia" - that's reasonably true. But (and you may be unaware of this) when a genocidal sociopath invades your country, occupies part and threatens to occupy the rest - as happened in 2014 - many people view it as an "unfriendly act" - and are less inclined to view the genocidal invader as "friendly neighbour".

    As regards Russia being concerned about NATO, that's obviously untrue for many reasons. If it were true, then Russia would not have carried out the 2022 invasion.

    NATO applicants cannot have hot border disputes as if they joined, it would mean immediate triggering of article 5 and a war between US and Russia. So the 2014 invasion was already more than sufficient to prevent NATO membership. Furthermore, the invasion - and in particular it's genocidal nature was guaranteed to massively reinvigorate NATO ( declared "brain dead" by Macron in about 2019 you may recall - and basically considered on its way to being defunct) and push non- NATO members to join NATO. The Russians aren't stupid and were well aware of these consequences.

    Furthermore, Russia has been more than happy to strip its forces from the NATO borders - which is not what it would do if it had any concern about NATO.

    Russia's only actual concern about NATO and NATO membership is that NATO membership severely limits (but does not entirely prevent) Russia's ability to wage war/hybrid war/exert undue influence against countries.

    I also like how you say "it is for the west to stop this" - yet again conveniently overlooking the Ukrainians and their wishes - a convenient Russian narrative that never regards Ukrainians as human with their own thoughts, feelings, motives, desires. This is their war. They decide what is an acceptable outcome. They are aware of Russia's history of genocide and reneging on more treaties than the British and how likely the Russians are to renege on any agreed outcome here.

    The west can either help give the Ukrainians more options so to assist them in their negotiations against a genocidal sociopath - or not support and let the genocidal sociopath win and go on to threaten Moldova and the Baltics next.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 36,326 CMod ✭✭✭✭pixelburp

    The Russian Army has shown its backside as not the mammoth machine of war it fronted itself as. Indeed it has Been reduced to Iranian drones and enforcing conscription. Once Ukraine got its house in order, and support from the West there's now a serious possibility it retakes Kherson, the biggest and first city snatched by Russia. Moscow has been reduced to telling porkies about Dirty bombs, and making vague threats about a nuclear response. That alone is outrageous. Meanwhile mass graves continue to be found on the reclaimed territory. Why should Ukraine compromise and just give the bully what it wants, as another user posits? Russia's backs are against he wall and if "negotiations" happen, it'll be with their side on retreat.

    The war ending through peaceful negotiation will require Putin being ejected from the picture. Be that by coup or by an accidental falling down stairs.

    Post edited by pixelburp on

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 36,326 CMod ✭✭✭✭pixelburp

    I'm sorry but if the cost of ending the war in Ukraine is Ukraine having to give up some territory which is predominantly occupied by those who are ethnically Russian or support Russian state then so be it.

    Question: do you recognise the referenda conducted in the snatched 4 provinces as legitimate?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,484 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    Don’t let the facts get in the way of the Russian propaganda you have swallowed. Russians rewrite history to suit themselves. They don’t deal in facts. It may have been possible to get away with that in the past when there was little in regards to modern communication, but not these days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭Field east

    Yes you are correct. NATO /Ukr/USA could end this war with the stroke of The Proverbial Pen BUT BUT BUT so could Ru end the war by going back to where they came from. After all Ru started it. And , by the way, what’s all this talk FROM Putin that the gravest mistake ever made ever was the break up of The USSR and that must be restored. All this talk about being threatened by NATO, Ukr nazis’, the West wants to annilate us,, Ukr is not a soverign nation and therefor has no right to exist, or whatever else you are having are just pure 100% deflections and he is 100% allowed to get away with these ‘reasons’

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭fash

    The latest explanation is that they are there to "desatanize" Ukraine.

    Perhaps those who believe that Ukraine "provoked" Russia in some way could in particular address this point - do they agree that Ukraine is satanic?

    And if it is indeed satanic, what exactly is wrong with that?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Clearly red pills 💊 have been injested,

    It's all the wests fault,it's all Nato's fault, we don't support the war but Ukraine should negotiate and give away their territory,and allow putin to come back in 12 months time, ukraine broke their nutrality, ukraine since independence have always stated they wanted to join the eu and Nato, that's their right to choose and they have repeatedly chosen, freedom over occupation
