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If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,739 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    It would be easy put the "safe" target out there but I think it's great that you've nailed your colours to the mast on the more ambitious target. As you say, you've done the miles and the times to indicate 3:45 is a possibility so why not be brave enough to say it. You've earned that right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Best of luck K. You will Smash it tomorrow - seriously impressive training block showing strength , dedication and resolve . Enjoy the run and the celebrations after !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks R …. Any FOMO?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Not really - just pure jealously of your running and achievements !!! Next year I’ll be studying your logs with a fine tooth comb !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,417 ✭✭✭Lazare

    That was a great listen, you came across so well, and knowledgeable. Great conversation.

    One thing I was thinking, the chap Jim when asked his strategy said he was going to run out ahead of the 3 hour pacers and let them catch up to him. Yikes.

    I do hope he has reconsidered that, especially after listening to the rest of you with your sensible approaches

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    2nd attempt at this report …. Wrote half of it last night and saved it as a draft but must have deleted it 🙄 Might be a bit long!

    DCM 2022 - my 8th marathon and first sub 4!

    I got the train up to Dublin Saturday morning so excited to be finally underway. It was definitely the kid waiting for Christmas feeling all week. Met C and we dumped our bags to the hotel and headed for the expo via lunch in McGrattans when we happened to pass it. Was funny seeing it empty and we texted the 2017 grads to say we were there. Was really looking forward to seeing some of them the next day in there again. Really enjoyed the expo and picked up a new flipbelt and Steigen socks. Had coffee with another friend there and toddled back to the hotel, had dinner and bed very early. I couldn’t get to sleep. My mind went in to overdrive and even though I know my training block was good I got very nervous. My fuelling and hydration were good and I was trying to remind myself of that. I’d 4.5 litres Saturday and 3.5 all week. Luckily C was there to calm me down the next morning. The hotel kindly heated our baked oats that I’d baked at home and brought with me and we strolled to the start line at 8:15 or so, dropped our bags and lined up. I just had a light hoodie on to throwaway … and it was really warm. Took it off 5 mins before staring and no cold there. I’d been debating where to start. I was going for 3:45 but starting out slowly so lined up a bit behind the 3:50 pacers. Took a gel and walked forward with the group.

    Miles 1-6

    Suddenly we were off. I just watched people’s feet in front of me and made sure I didn’t trip. Kept an eye on the watch as slightly ahead of pace but only by seconds. It felt fine but I was warm! During mile 2 I started to panic. I’d been very aware how busy the train was coming up and thinking of Covid and now I was wondering did I have a temperature. I was sweating already. I hadn’t planned to take water at the first station but was thirsty so decided I would … it was chaos and I wasn’t able to. I had my Tailwind though so took a sip of that. As we ran up Chesterfield avenue I asked 2 guys if it was just me or was it really hot and they confirmed it was very warm and ridiculously humid. I relaxed a bit after that and noticed a guy in front of me who’s back was already soaked with sweat. I moved out of the group a little to the left side of the road and there was a lovely side on breeze. I can see on Strava that my heart rate dropped round there too and not sure if that’s because the panic was over or what. Anyway, on I went, took a drink at the next station and passed out the 3:50 guys. That suited me as I was finding the crowds hard from the very start. The numbers of people walking 2 or 3 abreast or jogging really slowly and you’d to get around them was really annoying especially on the narrower parts like coming in to the zoo. I was slightly ahead of my paceband by 10-20 seconds I think but my legs were perfect so just went with it. I’d been looking out for people I knew but wasn’t seeing anybody. I was so thrilled to suddenly have Aoife roaring and shouting and cheering me on then. Headed out the gate to Castleknock keeping an eye out for another friend but never got to see her. Ran through the 10Km mark at 53:49 and stage position 5862. Pretty much band on time according to my paceband. 

    8:37, 8:51, 8:40, 8:28, 8:25, 8:31 

    Miles 7-13

    Castleknock was slightly quieter than other years but made myself smile and nice to see the band. The legs were still fine and the pace felt easy. I was delighted when the downhill started again. Time to pick it up. I just let it naturally happen and no pushing of pace at any time. Sipped my TW every mile and on I went. My watch beeped for mile 9 ages before the mile marker. Checked the paceband as I passed the marker and I was still on track anyway. I was possibly about 40 seconds ahead at this stage. Out of the park to Chapelizod and the crowds were great. The road wasn’t as sticky as other years. Passed the crowd having a bbq which smelled lovely and onto the next hill … St Laurence’s road maybe? Oooh that was tough or maybe it was the next one or both. Pulled right back and took it handy. First time I was working and this was mile 11 or so … bit early for that I thought, though Skyblue had warned me to cool the jets in mile 11 anyway so I ran that a bit slower than the paceband. I remember crossing over the canal and heading for Crumlin. I passed the 20km mark at 1:45:22 and now stage position 5398, up 464 places. I was finding it very warm at this point and not quite enjoying life. Next focus was the water station at mile 13 and filling my soft bottle without losing a lid. Each bottle had 2 scoops of TW and would last 6 miles. Managed that going through the halfway mark and 1:51:25 and stage position 5315 up 83 places in that short distance! Swashbuckler gave me a great shout out around there somewhere.I was thrilled to see him but I wish I’d looked a bit happier at that point. Even though I was bang on to my paceband and the legs were feeling good and moving nicely I just wasn’t really feeling as easy as I thought it would still be at that point. The problem too is I was sipping tailwind but also needed water so I was feeling very full every now and then too which wasn’t nice. 

    8.31; 8:13, 8:10, 8:03, 8:33, 8:18, 8:20

    Miles 14 - 19

    Time to dial the pace back a small bit now as I still have a long way to go and I was slightly ahead of the paceband so had 40 seconds or so to play with. Pulled mile 14 back and don’t remember much about the next few miles besides knowing I was hopefully going to see a friend at mile 16ish. Next thing she was in front of me and ran for a few minutes. I told her I was struggling and she told me to slow down … I was like ‘oh I can’t do that!’. I was hanging for the easy downhills that were due to appear somewhere in the second half. I can’t even remember now where they were but I made the most of them whenever they appeared anyway. From mile 17 on I did slow down … had no choice really. I’d made my paceband for 3:43 anyway as every other time I ran Dublin I did 26.5 miles on my watch so I reckoned I’d 2 mins to play with anyway. Passed 30Km at 2:38:51 and now in place 4760 up 555 more places. I’m not sure what the tracker was saying at that stage but I think I was still well on track. 

    8:47, 8:28, 8:24, 8:34, 8:32, 8:43

    Miles 20-finish (26.31 miles)

    Heading down to Milltown was great. I was enjoying the downhills and very pleased that my IT Band was behaving and allowing me make the most of them. We were going round a bend at one point and I was the only person on the inside of the bend and everybody else taking it really wide. A spectator was telling them to move over and stop running extra distance. I always pass people out in races who do that. Amazing how many people don’t realise how much extra distance they add to their race … and as for the people who then complain that the route was long and measured incorrectly … that drives me nuts! On I went, cranky out, up Clonskeagh road thinking I did not remember this hill from before. I as wondering was it heart break hill and what was Roebuck, was it up or down. I couldn’t remember. Either way I was really struggling and desperate for a water stop. I walked for a couple of seconds. Then there was a water stop and it cups. I wanted a bottle to carry with me. I stopped and took 2 cups. Lovely and full and drank the lot of the lovely cold water. Then I was looking blankly at the other cup knowing I’d be too full if I drank it. I was slightly dizzy. I threw it over my head and face. It was bloody freezing. I got such a shock and think I yelped. Anyway, did the job and I took off again. Got to Roebuck and it was most definitely an uphill. Crawled up it and yahoo, Fosters Avenue was most definitely a downhill! I went down quite fast passing everybody out again and round onto the Stillorgan dual carriageway. There was a guy on the ground in the recovery position being attended to. I hope he is ok now. There were two people lying further on with blankets over them, waiting to be collected I suppose. So many walking, stretching and in a bad way. On I went and over the fly over and down towards RTE. I thought we had to pass that big pylon thing before turning right and seemed so far away but another nice surprise and we turned before it. Phew. Nutley Lane was supposed to be a downhill I thought and now it’s not. I was praying for water again and luckily there was a water station with bottles. Should have taken two. I took one and it didn’t last long. Around onto Merrion Row and was in a strop again for some reason so walked for a few seconds and then there was the 40km mat. Only 2Km to go more or less … well more but time to get going again. Only 1.2 miles so cop on and go. 40km was at 3:34:21 so a bit behind time at this point but I’d torn off the paceband in my strop anyway so hadn’t a clue where I was at really. Stage position was at 4321 so I had moved up another 439 places. 

    I just went for it at this point and kept moving. It was hard but plenty time to put the feet up for the rest of the day. People around me still falling over and sitting in the paths or one girl bending down with her hands in the ground. I barely looked left or right and then I was going over the bridge and into Mount Street. The crowds were roaring and I heard my name but no idea who or just lovely spectators reading my bib. I could see the finish line from a while off and just focused on it. Nice sprint finish and I was onto the purple mat. Didn’t even raise my arms like other years. My photos show I’m kind of smiling. 3:45:58 and I stopped the watch and now in position 4173 … another 148 places up. 

    8:29, 8:55, 9:59, 8:31, 8:52, 9:11, 8:37, 7:21 

    My initial reaction was disappointment. I wanted sub 3:45 and I thought I’d find it easier than I did. I was working hard much earlier than I expected. It took me a bit of time to get over myself in all honesty. Now I feel much better about it. I said I wanted 3:45 and I got 3:45. My first marathon ever was 4:49 and I don't remember how many seconds. I got a 17 minute PB (and 6 seconds depending on whether I want to count seconds or not 😂). When I saw how many people did struggle on the day with the humidity I’m relieved that I got what I did. Back in 2019 I thought I could never go sub 4 and now I know that on a good day I could go sub 3:45 so you know what, I am happy now. 

    Final results were:

    145th out of 1106 F45

    623rd out of 4791 Female

    4173rd out of 14772 overall ( not sure where the rest of the 25000 were )

    What’s next?? Short stuff for a little while and have a bit of fun with the fitness gained from this block and I’d love to do a flatter marathon and get another PB though I don’t know when or where. I’ll sign up to Dublin next year but whether I race it or not remains to be seen. Right now it’s a no but sure I’m very fickle! 

    Thanks to all my friends here for all the support and the people who were out on the course or supporting online. It was so good to meet up again in McGrattans and meet those who could make it there. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,417 ✭✭✭Lazare

    You're a warrior K.

    Fantastic stuff, a very highly deserved PB with all the hard work you put in, on all fronts, S&C, nutrition. You've really shown what's possible. 3:45 is an astounding achievement, and there's more to come.

    My wife has been convinced to do it next year and you're a big part of that. I've been telling her all about ya 😄

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,456 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Brilliant stuff K, I was delighted to see your result and even more delighted now to see now how hard you worked for it. Very well done. Enjoy the success, recover well and DO come back next year!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Great report! Well done again! I was tracking you on the app and you were smiling when you passed around 25.7 miles so clearly out of the strop by then 😀. We were roasting supporting and kept having to take off layers and I was glad I wasn't running in that, it was very warm. You worked really hard for that result, your consistency is an inspiration. Sorry I didn't see you in McGrattans, the place was jammers as usual so didn't stay long. Enjoy the after glow and recovery!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    I have already registered. I would have preferred a bit more time to decide but FOMO made me register 😂

    Thanks D. Sorry I didn’t get to meet you. I saw the back of your head as you were leaving. We’d gone through the whole pub looking for every one and were making our way back then through the crowds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Well I’m glad to hear I was smiling there. I don’t really remember though I do that in races and try and look like I’m happy at times!!

    Thanks for all the support and encouragement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Thats a fantastic race - and you did race it - the amount of people you passed at different stages shows it was a race well ran too. Also, noting in your report the amount of times you wanted water shows the tough conditions on the day.

    That additional 59 seconds for a 3.45 - use it as motivation!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Oh definitely motivation …just have to pick which marathon is best to take those seconds and another few minutes off now.

    I hope you are feeling better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Cracking stuff there K and that’s a massive result. I shouted at you (recognized you from Strava and saw your name on your bib) when you were first crossing the canal before half way and again crossing Mount St bridge into the home straight. I shouted very loudly at you the second time as I was tracking you and knew your target. The conditions on the day were very warm as like AM and no doubt meant finishing times were a bit slower for many runners. Keep up the progress and you’ll go even faster again next time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Ah thanks a mill D. The problem with the name on my bib too is when people shout I don’t know if they know me or not 😂. I’ve a vague recollection of somebody shouting at me round Mount Street alright and wondering if it was somebody I knew. I was just focussed on the end at that point and getting across the line. I do think if the day had been a bit cooler I’d have been 1-2 minutes faster but it is what it is now. I’m just glad I didn’t lose more time. I was tempted to give up at points and just walk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    For sure, you spend half the time wondering is that someone I know and then feel bad for not recognizing but in fairness anyone with half a clue knows your eye is on the prize so that’s the focus on the day!

    Sure I basically fanboyed David Gillick (by shouting support using his full name) at Crumlin and he gave me a thumbs up. I’m sure me and him are besties now.

    You’re far too tough for giving up as your training has shown so just ignore such thoughts in future!

  • Registered Users Posts: 757 ✭✭✭marathon2022

    That was a really enjoyable report, an amazing performance made real by hard work. There more to come from you, I've no doubt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Great report. Nothing to add outside of what I said to you in person.....A PHENOMENAL ACHIEVEMENT! Nobody counts the seconds in a marathon time unless you're Krusty and you just ran 2.30.01. You're a three forty fiver!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thanks guys… much appreciated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Like P, not much more to add than what I've said to you over the past few days! But to put it somewhere more permanent I think you are amazing. You've shown over the last 18 months what patience, consistency, dedication and trust (in the process) can do. I picked each of those 4 words carefully, they all apply to you, in your strength work, nutrition and running. You are an inspiration to me and I've no doubt many many others.

    I was tracking a lot of people of Sunday and there weren't too many who didn't bleed some time, but you were one of the few who bled relatively little. At the best of times when you are 'racing' (and you were racing and not fun running) it's very hard not to bleed some time even when EVERYTHING goes right but throw tough conditions into the mix and it's nigh on impossible to avoid bleeding time especially when the target didn't move.

    You started this process looking for Sub 4, which became Sub 3:50, and then that became 3:45, that in itself shows just how far you have come during a relatively short space of time! You should be very very proud of what you achieved last Sunday. No doubt more to come but enjoy this one for what it is first! Congratulations 👏

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭py

    Well done on the PB. A great report showing how well planned you were going in to it and how much grit can be required to execute it. Great to meet you at McGrattans afterwards... same time next year!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,739 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    That's just brilliant. It's great to see all the hard work you've put into your running pay off. Delighted for you.

    Totally with you on the 'racing-line' observation too. See it every race and it's nuts.

    Great to chat in McGrattan's afterwards, but if I ever see you mid-race somehere I think I might keep a low profile until after the finish line.... you seem like an angry racer!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    A great race report to sum up a well deserved and fantastic pb ! I was shouting at my phone waiting for you to cross the line and nearly burst into tears when your time popped up. You are a great example of what can be achieved by hard work and determination - you’ve deffo inspired me to get back out there and give it another bash !

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Thank you so much for the lovely comments all. I’m only on my phone in London having walked round Harry Potter World all day so only catching up now while I have a few mins. I really appreciate all of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Lol! I’m normally not actually … don’t know what was up with me last week, frustration I presume that it wasn’t quite going to plan. Amazing how the mind forgets though. As Laineyfrecks says it’s like having a baby and you forget the pain and remember the good stuff.

    Awe, thanks a mill. Looking forward to seeing your comeback next year!!

    Of course. Registered again straight away, just in case 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    I’m not sure how to reply to this lovely post besides saying thanks. It was so lovely to read … and thanks for the support and encouragement all the time too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Recovery week 1

    Very little to report this week. I took recovery very literally and even broke my step streak which was 308 days long. Monday and Tuesday I was a little stiff but probably the best I’ve ever felt after a marathon. I was still running up and down the stairs which was a first I think! Wednesday we went to London for a few days with the kids and only got home late Friday night. Went to Tramore Valley Parkrun yesterday and jogged around with a friend in 31:22. Then we got a new puppy so I’m now exhausted and more tired at the end of the week than the start!

    So the plan for this week is to get back running nice and easy a few days but most importantly to get back into the gym and do my strength work. After the couple of weeks break I’ll have DOMs from that. Got back on track nutrition wise yesterday which feels great after the week of lots of food and drink.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    A new puppy ! Deffo a great way to increase your NEAT!
