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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 15,126 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    At this stage you would not know whether to laugh or cry at these green-washing reports written by so called experts

    The crowd behind this one obviously believes we are living in our own little biosphere.

    Measure 8 would "only have a direct impact if structured in a way that ensures that reductions in breeding ruminates on a participating farm are not offset by increases in breeding ruminant numbers on that farm or others"

    Seems nobody behind that report knows that Brazil alone intends to increase it`s cattle numbers by 6.5 million between now and 2031 to keep pace with world demand.

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    Irish govt representatives heading off to COP27, with a good mix across all govt parties

    • Fianna Fail Taoiseach Micheál Martin
    • Green Party Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan
    • Fine Gael Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney
    • Fine Gael Minister of State for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy.

    Statements from each on the event below. It really is encouraging to see all govt parties singing from the same hymn sheet on the topic of climate change.

     the Taoiseach said:

    “Climate change is the single greatest challenge the world faces. Its effects are already being felt in more extreme weather events, and its consequences are fuelling conflict, global instability, competition for resources and abject human misery in some of the world’s poorest countries.

    “Political leaders meeting at COP27 have a special responsibility to urgently drive the transformation needed to secure the sustainable future of our planet and its people.

    “It is very clear that some of the countries that contributed least to climate change are bearing the worst brunt of its impacts. Many of these vulnerable countries lack the resources they need to deal with the challenges they face. I expect that climate finance will be a prominent issue in our discussions at the Summit, and I hope that developed countries will step up, ensuring that commitments entered into at previous meetings are delivered.”

    Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, said:

    “The devastating effects of climate change are clear to all, with extreme weather events becoming ever more frequent across the world. We know we must act now to protect people and the planet, and it is vital that we act together.

    “We have to move as hard and as fast as possible to reduce our emissions. Every kg of emissions saved matters at this stage. COP27 is an opportunity to work together to keep commitments already made on track and to make further progress on net zero ambitions.

    “Ireland is committed to reducing our emissions by 51% by 2030 and to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, as set out in the Climate Action Plan 2021. This year’s successor to that plan which we will publish in December, will emphasise the need to speed up measures to decarbonise our economy and move towards renewables. The scale of change we need to make is beyond compare but I am optimistic that we can do it and that we will play our part in ensuring that we have a greener, healthier, more prosperous globe to pass on to our children and their children.”

    Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, said:

    “2022 has been a year for devastating climate impacts. The deadly floods in Pakistan are just one recent example of why the decisions to be taken at COP27 are so important. I am looking forward to visiting the Conference on Wednesday to hold discussions with climate vulnerable countries and with Ireland’s partners to see what more Ireland can do to promote strong and rapid climate action.”

    Minister of State for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy, said:

    “Climate change is happening right now and is having devastating impacts. In the Horn of Africa, tens of millions of people are going hungry directly because of climate change. Unless the world comes together to take collective action, we are condemning those people to an appalling famine that could lead to a loss of life on an unimaginable scale.

    “This is Africa’s COP and it has to result in practical and concrete action. We can’t afford a talking shop. What is happening today in the Horn of Africa is a wake-up call for the future we are walking ourselves into"

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,204 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    do you not think we should diversify what we produce somewhat, given climate change is predicted to cause crop failures worldwide? We're very dependent on imported food currently.

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    Fianna Fail Taoiseach Micheál Martin says that Ireland must do more, faster, to address climate change.

    That means speeding up the rollout of offshore wind, retrofitting, more environmentally friendly farming practices and biodiversity protections

    RTE news : Quicker delivery of climate pledges needed - Taoiseach

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    Another political entity, this time the NWRA (Northern and Western Regional Assembly) call for more EV infrastructure to encourage more people to switch away from fossil fuel cars

    On a side note, there has been a significant ramping up of the support for green initiatives over the last 6 months. Anyone else noticing that too?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,204 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    he's full of sh*te, he signed up to a methane reduction agreement at the last COP then came home and said it didn't apply to Ireland

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,288 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    I get the impression that climate scientists know now that it's utterly pointless and that we will never hit even the minimum targets required. They have gone from warning to despair. There will be no global cooperation and countries will get even more selfish in relation to resources and food. Our own government will give us loads of targets and waffle but we know their 'plans' with little detail will completely fail (as per usual).

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,126 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    What has that got do with an idiotic Irish Green Party plan to cull up to 1.5M. cattle here for the sake of global emissions , and an equally idiotic report by so called experts that seem to believe we are living in a biosphere, when Brazil alone is increasing their cattle numbers by 6.5M ?

    Or do you believe we should follow the green ideology on farming organically seeing how well that worked for Sri Lanka when they tried it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,274 ✭✭✭EOQRTL

    They've been telling us we are at a tipping point for around 20 years now. People have lost interest and don't care anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,204 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    never heard of a plan to cull 1.5m cattle and don't know anything about Sri Lanka or organic farming. But do you not think we should try to be more food secure by diversifying what we produce?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,126 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    You are asking about food security for Ireland and you know nothing about the Irish Green Party`s proposal to cull 1.5M cattle here to reduce global emissions while Brazil on its own is increasing their numbers by 6.5M, or what green policy on organic farming actually resulted in for food security when put into practice in Sri Lanka ?

    Perhaps educate yourself on both and then get back to me. But even without knowing anything on either, I find it incongruous that you have now this interest in food security when you have no interest in us not having energy security, something that is a threat to not just our overall economy, but too all aspects of our lives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,204 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    I have no interest in energy security? What makes you think that?

    I never said organic farming was the way forward either nor am I a member of the Green Party lol.

    Anyway I'm not sure culling 1.5 or even 5 million cows in Ireland would affect our food security given its all exported.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭kabakuyu

    The greens are buggered, its been a litany of disasters these past few weeks,(see below) they will be lucky to get 3 seats at the next GE, people have to stop seeing them as harmless hippy types, they are a danger to the people of Ireland and not fit to govern.

    Academy of Irish Engineers dismiss Ryans energy plan as simplistic,flawed and unrealistic

    Home retrofit scheme is an abject failure

    Refugee policy in crisis with a green minister in charge, totally out of his depth

    Green grinch mayor cancels crib and offends many people,

    Green idiot Smith says lawbreaking is ok

    Turf burners to be jailed and fined and people encouraged to inform on their neighbours if they use the auld smoky fuel

    Next they will be appointing a green gauleiter to various districts to oversee implementation of green policy

    I posted this on another thread but needs to be here as well, I nearly forgot the cargo bike nonsense 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,204 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    Lots of people are in favour of banning smoky fuels, especially in urban areas where their voter base is, so some annoyed one-off-housers isn't really going to bother their voters.

    It's a bit of a stretch to blame the green minister for the refugee problems, it was the Taoiseach who said there'd be no limits on how many are taken in, and FF/FG have the housing situation in the mess that it is in, not the Greens.

    What's wrong with extending the bike to work scheme to cargo bikes? I see loads of people these days bringing their kids to school in them.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Regarding Sri Lanka, I posted this previously, but it bears repeating apparently

    Sri Lanka's situation is not that simple

    • Trade deficit
    • Low reserves of foreign currencies
    • Tieing the Sri Lanka rupee value to the dollar
    • A collapse of tourism due to terrorist attacks in 2019 particularly impacted the second item above
    • Mismanagement of central funds by the govt
    • Populist but costly social programmes were rolled out which they couldn't afford to keep going but kept going anyway
    • Covid
    • Supply chain issues
    • The Russian invasion led to the cost of food and energy imports sky rocketing
    • and so on

    They then untied the value of their currency which saw it drop through the floor and worsened everything.

    The ban on fertilisers you highlighted is absolutely a problem in how it was implemented, not disputing that but its one item on a long list of bad decisions and poor luck that have f'ed up its economy.

    Its the first in what is going to be a long list of countries that are going to default due to mismanagement. Next up, Pakistan, Lebanon, Eritrea etc

    The Sri Lanka situation is analyzed in detail below

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭kabakuyu

    They are accumulating negative publicity by the cargo bike load, rural people are up in arms, alot of urbanites are just 1 or 2 generations from the land so it will affect their vote, transfers will be not forthcoming as easy as they were.

    Like it or not O'Gorman is the public face of the refugee crisis,first and foremost the public will remember his utterances when it comes to an election.

    You see lots of people in London on cargo bikes you mean, not so much here but if people want to use them fine by me.Unfortunately Ryan sees them as a replacement for vans to be used by delivery workers,tradespeople, and couriers🤣 like I said pie in the sky.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,204 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    I see them in London but they're also more and more common in Dublin too. What's the problem with them? Surely they're a good initiative if they get cars off the road and clear up traffic a bit during the school runs?

    Also Ryan said "We also need to see our courier and delivery companies moving at a faster pace from vans and trucks to cargo bikes and we are looking at ways of supporting this transformation, specifically for the last mile element of their deliveries".

    So yeah using them in some cases for the last mile for deliveries etc., again freeing up traffic in cities. You seem them everywhere in London now delivering parcels and food, lots of businesses are operating with them as their transport. Not sure why you think it's pie in the sky to see them used more instead of cars in cities, it's already happening.

    Yeah rural Ireland never voted for the Greens especially the ones who want to burn turf and drive everywhere all the time, this is hardly news. I would imagine they'll lose most of their votes because of young people unable to afford housing, will probably lead them to vote for SF because why the hell not try something different.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,126 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    All that and still ignoring that Sri Lanka before implementing green organic farming theory was self sufficient in their most basic primary source of food, rice, which had to import just to keep people alive after implementing green policy. One of their largest sources of foreign income, tea also suffered drastically along with the welfare of those involved.

    Even Sri Lanka`s own agricultural research institute based on years of research warned that yield from organic farming would be catastrophic, But hey why worry about that when you are the leader of a country running around COP beanfests with your begging bowl looks for lotsa cash when you can run the livelihood of your people to impress.

    Organic farming does not produce anywhere near the yield per acre conventional farming does. It`s a myth and just further madcap green ideology from a group where the vast majority have not grown anything other than weeds in their lives.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Ignoring like where I called it out specifically 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,204 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    Pretty sure it was Pippa Hackett, herself a farmer, that wanted 20% of farming to be organic in Ireland by 2030. Not sure anyone suggested all farming to be organic. I would have thought 20% of the land being organically farmed isn't a bad thing for nature and biodiversity.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    a replacement for vans to be used by delivery workers,tradespeople, and couriers

    Yeah, they are already used by An Post and other courier companies and have been for several years

    Trades will take a bit longer, but trades on cargo bikes is normal in a lot of cities on the continent where it can make more sense (time & money) to use such a bike rather than a van.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭kabakuyu

    I'm fine with the cargo bike if people choose to use them, but we all know there wo'nt be a choice, it will be forced on us.

    You have a poor opinion of rural people, just like all the greens, rural people have the least access to public transport and a dependency on turf due to being economically disadvantaged, most turf burning is in the more deprived areas of the west and south west.Recently the greens have set about making the rural populace the bogeyman in the the climate change debate, who will be next I wonder, trades people with their diesel vans?

    The greens will lose out because once again they are incompetent, blundering amateurs but you never know what will transpire,Mary Lou did'nt rule them out for a coalition.😯

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,204 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    Cargo bikes will be forced upon you. Yeah that's just absolute nonsense.

    Yes you're right rural people do have no access to transport or heating, but they never voted for the Greens did they? They are not the reason the Greens are gone in the next election.

    It would be so hilarious if the Greens got in with SF in the next election, God I would love it, you'd all be up in arms and have another 5 years of Eamon ruining your lives lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭kabakuyu

    You havent a clue, have you.In a previous thread you could'nt count the number of windows and doors in typical 3 bed semi, yet you expect trades people like plumbers.,carpenters, brickies, and others to put the tools/materials that they use to earn a crust into a cargo bike and cycle from job to job,🤣 ye greens are for the birds.Its hilarious but worryingly I know ye lot are serious.😕

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    You said the same about delivery companies and I just showed you were incorrect.

    As for trades, as mentioned, its not unusual to see trades using cargo bikes in other cities. You don't need to take my word for it, just have a google.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Everyone's favorite young lady was interviewed on RTE. As expected she doesn't pull any punches

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    If proof were needed of Green extremism, one need look no further than at the proposed new forestry grants.

    Effectively, we have forestry for the birds. nothing wrong with that, but these forests will NOT produce saleable timber. There are 12 forest types, and timber production has been relegated to the last 2.

    Green wooliness and ignorance has collapsed the forest industry. Insiders within DAFM have apparently worked to bring about this engineered collapse, aided by A sec General and his Ass Sec acolyte, both refusing to point out the obvious and interested only in preserving the status quo with respect to DAFM. Their behavior I'd characterize as treasonous.

    As for Minister Hackett/Hacker, she has seen planting at the lowest since 1946 at 2000ha. The annual target of 8000ha has not been met for years. Hacker refuses to meet with foresters and professional forestry groups, but has no problem meeting with her support base of literally the great unwashed, tree-huggers and crusties whose fanatacism makes Greta Thunberg look like Attila the Hun.

    Sitka spruce accounts for over 70% of the carbon stored in our forests. It sequesters far more C than native trees in it's commercial lifetime.

    We will have a timber deficit in the futrue due to the Green hatred of conifers. A shameful gang of fascists, and a shameful Taoiseach and Tanaiste who know all too well the damage done, but who for political reasons have sacrificed forestry to get their portraits on the walls of Leinster House.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,732 ✭✭✭ginger22

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,126 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    Organic farming is a niche market, and much like those other loves of greens, heat pumps and retrofitting etc, all well and dandy for those that can afford it. Interesting you should mention 20%. That was the drop in yield for Sri Lanka`s staple crop of rice in just the first 6 months. Having been a member of IOFGA for a number of years, that percentage would tally with my experience of growing food organically.

    Worldwide the yearly consumption of wheat grain is around 800 million ton and we were told that people would starve because 20 million could not be exported from Ukraine due to Russia`s war. That is just 2.5% of total yearly consumption, so you do the maths on how many would starve worldwide with 20% lower yields by following green ideology on growing food organically. Great for nature and biodiversity. Not so good for mankind in general.
