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The wondrous adventures of Sinn Fein (part 3) Mod Notes and Threadbanned List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,928 ✭✭✭Bishop of hope

    Jesus, ira men in high vis telling ya where to park. Scandalous.

    Our league and championship here in longford must be riddled with ira men, not a traffic light or cop in sight, just ira men in high vi's, some of them armed with walkie talkies even. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

    how many times do you have to be told on here, they won't get a majority. its clear as day. and shouting Republican slogans and repeating IRA tropes won't sway any on the fence voter. thats why i'm calling them jokers, its beyond stupid. build some **** bridges, leave the past alone. you can't go half way in here.

    and you do realise there is a couple of million people on the Island who hate SF and the IRA..right? you have to convince them. its hilarious you think its a slam dunk. the culture war/trumpian politics SF is taking part in could actually lead us down a dark path if a FF/FG government get in.

    The majority of Irish people enabled the theocracy that strangled our country.

    Many of the freedom fighters you love were also religious conservative people.

    actually looking at the video i don't think she did, cause she's not as stupid as yourself or the person speaking. Being a Rathgar born, Notre Dame (private) educated woman Mary Lou knows the d4 mindset as well. you don't win it by shouting tiocadh ar la. you like many others seem incapable of understanding the demographics of this country, as well as the voting patterns. The ISland of IReland has about 2. something million able bodied tax paying workers. Like you do know many farmers and country people, middle class but not in that d4 sense are shock horror FIne Gaelers or Fianna Fail? particularly the latter. You're jokers cause you have such simplistic, toxic and one eyed, trumpian notions about politics and history. The culture war SF is trying to foster is beyond toxic.

    as many of us on here havre said ad nauseum, its the whole SF problem in a nutshell. playing to everyone in the gallery. Hardened Republicans, Socialists, Capitalists, middle class, lumpen proles, working class NI and so on. best of luck with that, its super obvious what will happen here.

    and it will be hilarious in a dark twisted way, until it ends in tears. and i suspect violence

    IF SF fully renounced the past, dropped this schtick in the video and embraced normalcy then many of us on here could move on and accept it. but you can't, so we will continue to criticise the hypocrisy and doublespeak.

  • Registered Users Posts: 482 ✭✭notsocutehoor

    These SF/IRA lads are everywhere, wearing all sorts of disguises, I presume ye have no traffic lights in Longford so ye'd be rightly fcuked on match days if it wasn't for these SF/IRA lads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 482 ✭✭notsocutehoor

    how many times do you have to be told on here, they won't get a majority. its clear as day.

    You are probably correct as things stand. It looks like FFG would have 71 approx with Sinn Fein on 64 approx if an election were held at the moment. It is difficult to see how a government could be formed (would need at least 84 for any stability) without FFG splitting or an FFG/Green/Lab/Soc Democrat/PBP/Independent coalition (that could be a bit of craic).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,402 ✭✭✭nigeldaniel

    well then, taking money from a criminal is all ok then.

    Eoin Broin thinks it is all fine and dandy. Now can we think for a moment what Sf would say if this was FG or the labour party or anyone else for the matter? Sf and its members sure do like their cash. money money money... where it comes from they don't care.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 417 ✭✭CarProblem

    was it known Dowdall was a criminal in 2011 when the donation was received? F*ck me, 11+ years ago, desperation time.

    Hint to the government/government supporters/media - stop the mud slinging. It hasn't worked and will not work. Concentrate on the lunacy of SF policies, call Doherty out for the populist loud mouth he is. Focus on why people are disenfranchised and try address those issues. That's how to discredit SF, not this stupidity. But of course any form of debate re. the above would expose the lack of policy in the government parties

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,774 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    That is the impression that I get from the outside looking in anyway. It is as if ‘new SF’ the MLM brand at best go quiet or worse tacitly agree with ‘old SF’ the Gerry Adams brand.

    I kind of feel sorry for the newer SF members whose focus is less on the ‘oh ah up the Ra’ Republicanism and are drawn to SF because of the idea of more egalitarian society etc.

    But the overt Republicanism subsumes the former. As decent humanity slowly gets watered down all for.the glorification of ‘the struggle’.

    You only have to have quick glance at the ‘An Phoblacht’ site to see how rooted in the past the core SF are.

    Now I am not comparing SF to the Nazis. I don’t want a Sean Russell Fairview statue debate. Of which commemoration was Mary Lou’s first litmus test as the bright young SF hope - way back - by the way.

    But I find if you look at an phoblacht now and again. It gives a good flavour of how the true SF thinks.

    Hitler did it in plain site with Mein Kampf ‘My Struggle’ . There was also magazines such as Der Sturmer etc.

    Now I am not saying SF has got racial undertones or anything of the sort. My point it is all there in plain site. Particularly the harking back to the past ‘the troubles’ and glorification of events relating to the provisionals.

    If any ordinary decent people were considering voting or even joining SF -

    I would say first have a look at an Phoblacht site - and cross check the names and events with other neutral publications. Find out the full facts, what were the individuals convicted of?

    To use Republican lingo what was not ‘condemned nor apologised for’? Then if you still in good conscience vote SF or join SF, fair enough.

    Post edited by gormdubhgorm on

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,345 ✭✭✭landofthetree

    SF has opposed every single free trade deal that the EEC/EC/EU has signed up to.

    Now when they go into government they will support every deal according to Mary Lou. Joke of a party.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,774 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    I am not sure did you deliberately miss the point of my post, it was that in NI and the border areas there is a different mindset and it’s roots are historical/political. Different atmosphere.

    As for the Crossmaglen lack of traffic lights which you focused on, it was explained to me that the traffic lights were removed by ‘The Brits’ as they used as places for explosives. I am sure that is not the reason in Longford.

    I mean even if you look at Donegal there is a culture of youngsters driving dangerously and regularly, even at higher rate than most counties in ROI. It is culture, a mindset of lawlessness.

    I firmly believe that has been created in NI and the border areas because of decades of the troubles. Which leads to a disproportionate amount of crime per population.

    We have already seen the Diesel smuggling case from Crossmaglen recently. Or How Dublin gangland criminals are attracted to SF. And furthermore how such gangland criminals have Republican contacts, and so on.

    Post edited by gormdubhgorm on

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 482 ✭✭notsocutehoor

    I'm feeling it even more for you Bishop, did you know that Longford is the most lawbreaking county in Ireland, hard to believe they are worse than those lawless counties like Louth and Donegal, them hi viz SF/IRA lads are obviously doing more than guiding drivers to their match day parking slots

    Edit: Ah FFS Donegal is the most law abiding county in Ireland

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,774 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    See this is part of what I mean it is second nature for you are your ilk to deflect away from the salient point (in this case mindset/culture) when it hits a nerve.

    And then snigger to yourself behind the computer screen/phone. Patting yourself on the back of how you now feel you did your small part for ‘The Struggle’ even if it is only virtually. That too is (ironically in this case) part of the cultural SF mindset.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 482 ✭✭notsocutehoor

    I'm just feeling it for the Bishop and his local community in Longford, can't be easy

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,774 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Which can’t be easy exactly? Supporting SF? Supporting Longford? Or living in Longford? Or is it combination of all three?

    Because geographically Longford is isolated from the SF hotbeds, the border areas/NI - working class Dublin, and so on.

    Plus I mean if a fella from Longford tried to finish his rousing Republican oratory with ‘Tiocfaidh ar la’ it wouldn’t end up like that.

    It would be be ‘Tiocfaidh ar la, hay’. Which could cause other members of the Army Council into fits of laughter. But behind balaclavas this could have serious health implications- difficulty breathing and so on.

    Thankfully David Cullinane has the Health portfolio eyed up, I am sure (of all people) he has contingencies thought of in such a scenario.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 482 ✭✭notsocutehoor

    Living in a lawless society like that with all them hi viz SF/IRA lads running wild, can't be easy, he probably loves Longford but for that he might want to live in the most law abiding county in Ireland, Donegal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,774 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Weak response - I am disappointed (more of a rehash than anything) - you should really give it 23 hours - think about it and give it a rewrite. Surely you can do better than that?

    Even if the objective is to say nothing. One thing is for sure your’e not an editor for An Phoblacht!

    From what I see all responses from you can be summed up with rhetorical questions - including but not limited to -

    It is hard to tell isn’t it?

    It can’t be easy?


    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    I can see it now, bearded lads in stained t-shirts with ivory coast flag tattoos high-fiving each other over taking you down. The pathetic whataboutery and deflection they come out with is so tired.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,774 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    They enjoy though, at least the ‘virtual struggle’ has less chance of causing harm than the actual ‘struggle’ that is progress!

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,103 ✭✭✭Odhinn

  • Registered Users Posts: 482 ✭✭notsocutehoor

  • Registered Users Posts: 482 ✭✭notsocutehoor

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,077 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    they will eventually get a majority, republican slogans and all as most don't care as a UI is coming meaning the war is over.

    FFG won't be able to keep them out this time, the march is on and we are going to win.

    we have had enough of the civil war, catholic church enabling main 2 parties and the fighting irish will take it no more.

    SF'S past glory is why we are a free country and why the illegal sectarian creation that is northern ireland will eventually be free and back part of it's home country.

    tiocfaidh ar la.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,774 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Since you seem the militant kind do you get the Beret’s in scout shops and dye them? Or are they brought in bulk on order based on colour?

    And what are your views on Raspberry Beret’s? (the kind you buy in a second hand store)

    Isn’t it about time SF brightened itself up a bit? Those black and dark greens are dull and the Easter Lillies are a bit passé?

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,482 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    An attitude like that ensures our country will be back in the Stone Age in one term.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,077 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    no it will insure the opposite, remember and be proud of past glories but build a better future which is what SF will do.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,482 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,774 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    I agree with you, that poster you replied to sounds very indoctrinated. So you can’t really talk logically or seriously on the issue with them.

    What I found amusing from the poster @end of the road was -

    1) That the creation of NI was illegal, apparently.

    But a treaty was signed by people with the mandate on both sides and hands were shook.

    In sporting parlance the match was over and SF moaned, maimed and murdered (on and off) for the next 60 plus years.

    Ironically in the Dail treaty debates only 10% is on the North East of Ireland (soon to become) NI The vast debate was on the Oath that had to be taken when entering the Dail. I was at a talk where a historian pointed this out.

    2) The poster you reference seems to imply that SF has got nothing to do with the Catholic Church

    But The Catholic Church/priests were in fact integral to the NI peace process/violence.

    Some were go between’s and peace makers and others were IRA priests’

    Of course there is also the irony of the Catholic Church abuse scandals, and later Adams hiding his own Paedophile brother within SF.

    3) I love the fact not only does the poster seem to erroneously create a dividing line between the Catholic Church / SF and the more democratic Irish political parties.

    In the posters mind there also seems to be a divide between SF and the Civil War. When in fact Anti Treaty SF had the very same mindset as the Provos of the 70’s - 90’s.

    Until they copped on and got shrewd of course. I wonder does the poster realise that SF are just going through the same process of growth that brought about Fine Fail and Fine Gael in the first place?

    If things were as simple as that poster pretends SF would still be where ‘The New IRA’ /Saoradh are today. Both groups view SF as quislings/traitors/collaborators. And have disgraced the men of 1916 etc. Does that sound familiar? To me only the names have changed.

    To me SF will slowly morph into the SDLP they just have a few edges to iron out. And in the end their journey will be no different to Fianna Fáil. The only difference is SF took the long way around to get there.

    Post edited by gormdubhgorm on

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,928 ✭✭✭Bishop of hope

    From where I live in isolated Longford 20 miles to the first border crossing by road.

    From my garden I can view co Fermanagh quite easily, with binoculars even see traffic on the road across the border. The former Sean Quinn quarry and loads of his factories lit up at night easily visible.

    The border isn't far away. I have relatives and friends in Enniskillen and Keady and Omagh. I am, and have been all my life really, even through the troubles,a regular visitor to that area.

    They are of a certain mindset that most people,including myself by times, would find disturbing perhaps politically. But it's been forced on them mostly by the actions of loyalists there rather than anything pressured on them by the IRA.

    The vast majority are great people who have lived very difficult lives, certainly those of my age and older. If you hadn't or haven't a sympathy for their cause then you either haven't a clue or you don't care how they had to live or the conditions they lived in. It really wasnt much, if anything, short of what black South Africans went through.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,555 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    So if SF get the biggest share of the vote next time then who will they have as part of their coalition government?

    Soc Dems, Greens and Labour and the 2 commies Murphy and Boyd Barrett?

    Or more likely FF, wonder do the people voting for "change" remember that McDonald wanted to enter talks with them after the last election.

    SF and the hard left know most of their voters are stupid and all they have to do is tell them they shouldn't have to pay for anything to get a number 1 vote out of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,774 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    What was it Gerry said about Django Unchained ? ‘Ballymurphy N*ggers’ I believe it was.

    The bit that most annoys me about SF/IRA is not even the violence and equating their cause to others.

    It the duplicity and talking from both sides of their mouths around such past. Zero sincerity to it.

    I can’t have any sympathy for anyone who does that. If ‘the war’ is ‘over’. Why not talk straight? Instead we see the same auld stuff at the SF Ard Fheis.

    From the speech from an older woman at the SF Ard Fheis. The words were just out of the SF-NI playbook that have been used for decades

    But the woman Katy Power who was speaking her accent was working class Dublin. Representing Dublin Central.

    Yet she had all the phrases ‘neither condemn nor apologise for’ her Republicanism. What does that even mean?

    And then she went on about the right to sing songs and stories about former heroes?

    Tell me what is that woman’s excuse? Was she living in the falls? Should I have sympathy for her?

    She just parroted the old Republican phrases used in the troubles in a Dublin accent. But the worst sins for me are the zero awareness/accountability/ duplicity of language.

    Last year a SF Dublin councillor made an excuse NOT to attend the unveiling of plaque in Dublin to Gardai shot by the IRA in 1940.

    He claimed he ‘was not scheduled to attend the event’ this was the chair of the commemoration committee!

    So who is codding who here? SF/PIRA as a whole has a long way to go to get my sympathy. It’s representatives must first start being completely honest about the ‘glorious past’ stop the duplicity, and show maturity and some accountability.

    The only high profile SF person I have heard do so to any extent was Martin McGuinness. Pity more don’t follow his example.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,077 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    SF are 100% honest about their past.

    those of us who support them are unashamed of their past and never will be.

    we are going to sing our songs, remember our war heroes and war dead and celebrate the eradication of one of the world's most sectarian and apartheid statelets.

    people can dislike it all they like but that is how it is going to be, sf will be our future cross ireland government and a UI will be achieved.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.
