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Softening house market?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭OEP

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,450 ✭✭✭fliball123

    In fairness he has a point. What reason was there to relax these rules when we have feck all supply? These questions have to be asked and the government were the ones putting pressure on the Central Bank to relax the rules. It completely flies in the face of trying to fight inflation and our cost of living crisis. Why do it now? Why not wait until we have a bit more stock to choose from (even if that takes a few years)?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,557 ✭✭✭wassie

    You're free to leave anytime you like to a state that is run for the benefit of its citizens, like the 'People's Republic of China' or 'Democratic People's Republic of Korea' (thats North not South), where they appreciate the voices of dissent on publicy accessible forums.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,689 ✭✭✭RichardAnd

    I have two responses to that. Firstly, yes I was being deliberately hyperbolic, and I think that that is rather obvious. Secondly, the "why don't you just leave" rebuttal has always seemed a very odd thing to say. I actually care about this country, and I am invested in trying to do the best that I can to help my family here. I myself am childless and single, but I have a nephew, and I am trying to gather a patrimony to leave to him. I also look after my last surviving grandmother and my mother.

    I am fully aware that Ireland is a lot better than a lot of other places in the world, but this is no way obviates the very clear (to me at least) reality that the social contract of this country is broken, and things may well get worse. Telling someone who points this out that they should leave is simply a maddingly defeatist remark to make.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭OEP

    I don't see anywhere in my statement that agrees with relaxing the rules. Nor do I see anything in his statement that gives a reasoned argument against relaxing the rules - just a hyperbolic statement about the state of Ireland.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,450 ✭✭✭fliball123

    sorry I had no coffee me I attached the wrong quote .. apologies

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,089 ✭✭✭✭Cyrus

    so the government get blamed for the CB rule change and the post ends with another non specific doom prediction, pretty standard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,450 ✭✭✭fliball123

    Will you stop the government have been putting pressure on the CB for years to relax the rules. So yeah they should be blamed for their part it in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,568 ✭✭✭✭Bass Reeves

    The article is behind a paywall. The only company I could see named before the wall was Flutter Entrainment which is a gaming/ betting company it owns Paddy Power which it says is the most shorted

    I looked up the CB list you will see it below. It lists no current positions. On the historical list there was some action on bigger Irish corporate stocks most manufacturing companies that have large operations outside Ireland ( Kerry group, Glanbia, Smurfit, Irish Continental Group) but they do not seem to be in place at present

    While Flutter entertainment may be shorted it mainly a British company so it may be over priced in the irish Market.

    The Irish market is notorious as it it such a small market. I be much more worried if I saw the Irish banks shorted or companies just involved in the Irish market

    Slava Ukrainii

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,450 ✭✭✭fliball123

    There was more than Flutter, as the article explains up until recently Ireland's short position was at about 1% of the market we have leapfrogged France and the basket case that is the UK (I mean look at the sh1tshow over there) to hit the number one position. We are 15% higher than the UK. The banks are in a good position feck all competition and high saving rates giving them a nice tidy increase in profits from interest rates. I think we are going to see an absolute decimation of Irish SMEs in the next 12 months and if tech keeps going the way it has been next year's budget will be full of tax increases and spending cuts.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,568 ✭✭✭✭Bass Reeves

    The only short positions listed( and they are historical) are for bigger companies that have exposure to the international market. There is very few companies on the Irish stock market that have huge dependence on the Irish SME's.

    Most of the stock value in the Irish market is made our large MBC's ( Kerry, Glanbia, Surmfits, CRH, Ryanair, Flutter ICG) and the Irish Banks you cannot short any large portion without shorting them.

    The last big shot on the Irish market was Irish Permanent about 4 years ago where it was shorted and the price fell substantially. This was due to its exposure to negative ECB interest rates.

    90% of Flutter's business is outside Ireland.

    Slava Ukrainii

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,557 ✭✭✭wassie

    The rebuttal was simply a response to your rant which wasnt making any point. But in fairness, your post above does add to this discussion and I would agree with your notion of the social contract being broken.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,689 ✭✭✭RichardAnd

    I'm permitted one rant per week; it's in my boards contract :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭The Spider

    Nah, been here before the first tech crash 2001/2002 I remember it well, this is very similar, investors getting the heeby jeebies around the companies they put money into especially the ones not making profit, Musk buying Twitter was a gargantuan mistake on his behalf, he might kill it, who knows? But something else will take its place, Metaverse another huge mistake but the writing has been on the wall for Facebook for some time now.

    All these companies will be replaced by other companies, it’s tech it’s going nowhere, I’ve been involved in the industry since the mid nineties, in that time I’ve been made redundant 3 times, had contracts abruptly end, been part of startups that sunk, I’ve also been part of hugely successful companies, but the one constant is nothing stays forever.

    Tech jobs pay fantastic, but there’s zero security staying in the one place for over 6 years is a major mistake, tech doesn’t work the way traditional industries work (tech is such a catch all term, some industries are all tech, others have a tech component).

    I wouldn’t worry too much about these layoffs other companies will take the staff, the MCN’s aren’t leaving Ireland either, we have a low tax rate, English speaking population, serious tech skills across the board, oh and we’re part of the EU, if you feel like doing business with the biggest market on earth.

    Post edited by The Spider on

  • Registered Users Posts: 945 ✭✭✭WhiteWalls

    You keep your positive rhetoric to yourself please

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,192 ✭✭✭Padre_Pio

    Theres a certain macabre glee that some people take when discussing the Irish economy crashing. Glad that tech job losses will lower demand. Happy that interest rates will lower demand. Happy that emigration (god knows to where) will lower demand. As if we're going to see a repeat of 2008 and a fire sale on houses.

    I just can't see it happening. For every one downward pressure theres two upward pressures. This just feels like March 2020. Huge uncertainty followed by an inevitable rise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,820 ✭✭✭✭L1011

    I am are of a Tiger era estate which still has unsold, fully built, 2008 spec houses (Radharc an Atha in Glenties); and also when I was last in Oldtown in North county Dublin in 2020 there were still a few skeletons of houses there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭The Spider

    Also one thing to remember, when the last tech crash happened it had zero effect on the economy, builders were going gangbusters, people were buying houses left right and centre, guys who were laid off in IT got jobs on building sites, also most people aren’t out of jobs for very long.

    and conversely when the big house price crash around 2007 happened it had minimal impact on the IT sector I know many people in many companies and none of them lost their jobs, one effect I’ll say it did have was people wanting to be in bigger companies rather than taking a chance on the smaller ones.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,689 ✭✭✭RichardAnd

    The rise after March 2020 was probably mostly due to money printing. Trillions of dollars / euros / whatever were printed by states throughout the west, and it rather clear that a lot of it went straight into asset markets.

    I don't want to see the economy crash and people put out of work, but for those who do wish to see the economy take a hit, I can understand the position. There are people up and down the country who would kill to see a 2008-esque crash in the housing market because if it doesn't happen, they know that they will never own a home. If there is no "correction" in the economy, then things will continue as they are, and life will be come increasingly unaffordable for more and more people.

    Again, I'm not one to wish for a crash, but I can see where they're coming from.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,018 ✭✭✭Jonnyc135

    If liquidity in the markets starts to dry up which is looking like a real possibility, there will be more 'emergency' QE. This will cause asset prices to rise and hence create even greater divides between the have and have-nots. The economies now are actually a fraud really they are fake and are solely reliant on central bank money. Gone are the days of good old capitalism where profits funded expansion, now its low interest debt that fuels the economies GDP. If they do not reset the global economy by causing asset prices to fall, then come 10 years time we will have populist movements like the NAZI movement after the Weimar republic destruction all around the EU. The US nearly already there with the political and social divisions they have at the minute.

    Scary times but I do believe if the CBs resort to the same old low rates and QE to get us out of the next mess caused by having to fight inflation, then history shows that huge problems and unrest will follow.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 480 ✭✭getoutadodge

    I think you'll find that the post WW2 social contract is broken pretty much everywhere. It died in 2008. Check out the situation in Portugal from this article. They have the same uni party as here masquerading as choice. There's little by the way of livable property below 300k in Lisbon or Madrid where the average Joe is lucky to pull in 14K net per annum. Do the maths on multiples. Zero chance. Same applies in Sydney, Melbourne, Paris or Toronto etc . Meanwhile there's six Trillion in funny money being shuffled around the Docklands waiting to blow like a neuton bomb. At the start of the GFC Ireland had 70 B in supposedly tipping at 250B. Who knows the true figure? Where did the extra 180 B go?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,689 ✭✭✭RichardAnd

    I suspect that the only "reset" that the powers that be have in mind is the "eat zee bugz" type. That aside, I fully agree with what you are saying, and that was my point when I replied to the earlier poster. The choice seems to be either that things carry on as they are, in which case things will become ever more unaffordable or we get a crash and we start over. Either way, it's not exactly sunshine and roses...

    500k for an apartment in Lisbon! That genuinely did surprise me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,983 ✭✭✭kevthegaff

    Looked at myhome last week and there was 597 houses for sale in my county, looked again today 652. I wonder are landlords starting to move...

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,503 ✭✭✭✭Mad_maxx

    The UK is no more a “ failed state “ than Ireland or France is , it’s an extremely well functioning state and society

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,029 ✭✭✭littlevillage

    There was some discussion earlier in the thread about the CBI (effectively an arm of Government) loosening the lending rules.... as I see it this was for a number of reasons

    - People up and down the country have plenty of savings (after the pandemic) and are well able to buy houses (if there were any available to buy).

    - The Government wants its share (stamp duty etc.) of that money soo needed to incentivise the builders to build more (some) houses by bumping up the selling prices of houses

    - The government had the ideal 'cover' for all of this by reasoning that people would be better off buying than renting.

    This is the exact nonsense that was going on back in the Celtic Tiger times.... the only difference now is that the banks aren't lending the big money to builders, soo they are not building "ghost" estates in BallyGoBackwards. We will have a recession but no great house price collapse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,192 ✭✭✭Padre_Pio

    I get it too. Property prices especially in Dublin are eye-watering.

    But 2008 is not going to happen. The same conditions don't exist. I was talking to a colleague who was giving out at having to pay a deposit, and a second loan to furnish the house. In his home country, he would get a 120% mortgage. It makes me somewhat grateful that we have a x3.5 and 10% minimum here.

    I'm in that mid-30's age bracket where people are buying houses, getting married and having kids, and all my friends are in the process. There is too much money in people's pockets, and too little supply. End of story. A few % of inflation, or a relative handful of job losses in a booming tech sector won't change this.

    Post edited by Padre_Pio on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,018 ✭✭✭Jonnyc135

    Lets hope and pray its not an "eat zee bugz" global reset, it certainly would make you question it though. If I was to put my mad hat on, there is certainly a agricultural land grab world wide at the minute and I'm not sure its all to do with the control of food. The control of food is a factor but I honestly believe that carbon or CO2 will become a traded commodity down the line as companies go towards net zero. Land mass and seas are the largest sequester of carbon in the world, and in fact the bogland is the best at carbon storage. I think invested interests want to kill the off the non intensive farming in these regions to eventually farmers will sell up and land will be bought for penny's when in fact if the value of carbon was added to the land it would be a hell of a lot more. Anyone wondering if I am crazy, look at the EU Bio-diversity 2030 directive, it involves setting legally binding targets in terms or re wetting reclaimed land going back 70 years. They want this land to soak the carbon emitted by the major multinational companies of the world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,450 ✭✭✭fliball123

    There definitely will be no loosening of interest rates the US which is ahead of Europe with regards to QT are by all measures starting to turn a corner and this was only possible by increasing rates so Europe for the next 12 - 24 will have to higher interest rates. They may start coming down or stalling after that who knows. As I have pointed out to you repeatedly the reason why we have such high inflation is in a big part due to the longevity of low interest rates and returning to that scenario is like trying to fight a fire by throwing petrol on it. It wont work and the ECB cannot be seen to deviate from there main objectivity of keeping inflation at around 2%.

  • Administrators Posts: 53,833 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭awec

    Nah, the problem in the tiger was that people up and down the country did not have plenty of savings, it was the exact opposite. Everything was being bought on credit with no savings to back it up. Many people were only able to buy because the banks were throwing money at them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,394 ✭✭✭Ray Palmer

    I find the way people claim the banks threw money at customers very odd. You didn't have to take it and you actually had to agree to taking a loan out. There were lots of foolish people who took out equity out of their properties to buy cars and TVs. They were to blame for their own circumstances not the banks. On my road during the tiger times every 2nd house had a 4x4 at least. All bought on credit or equity release. The blame on the banks is way overblown personal responsibility for your own loans you took out.

    Never have I ever not paid off my credit card each month. Stunned me to hear people talking about huge credit card bills as if it was normal. People on good wages spending way above their means along with people on low wages doing the same. It always seemed to be people who grew up with things being on credit and thinking that is normal life.

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