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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,579 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    I don't find any of that particularly interesting. It is all so tiresome. Despite your assertion, people you are arguing against are not deciding their conclusion and then casting about for evidence. They can cite reams of evidence that mass migration contributes to worse outcomes for the indigenous people in terms of economic, political and social outcomes and indeed their own personal safety.

    That you have to pretend you have no real position and are just engaged in some sort of community service just demonstrates the weakness of your own argument. The threads where I have no real position? I don't post in those. You post in this thread. A lot. If you are shy about representing your position, its likely a sign its a bad position.

    As for the usage of the term misanthrope I've used it deliberately. I'm not sure if there is a term that fully and specifically describes people who despise/resent their own home and community for whatever reason. I've seen the term oikophobia used, but that also describes a fear of household appliances as well as related irrational fear and hatred of the home environment. So I can see the argument for it, but its not precise I think.

    That aside, I find there is a broad class of people who favour mass migration because they know it hurts the indigenous people. And the indigenous people are the people they know best and hate most. They have deep resentments (perhaps disappointment?) in people more generally, but particularly against the people they know best. Who they feel have in some way or the other disappointed and failed them by failing some loyalty or purity test. So misanthrope, if not perfect, is good enough for my purposes in describing these types.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,177 ✭✭✭Fandymo

    Gardai have arrested 2 of those excellent thespians.

    Nothing to see here, move along…………

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,510 ✭✭✭jmreire

    The planet passed its 8 billionth mark recently, it also reached new heights in climate change, with a corresponding loss of life. As a proposer of multiculture, (and you are not the only one, as can be seen on this thread) and by definition, (at least in the Irish sense) a increase in population as well. Without which we will not be able to survive economically. Dammed if we do, equally dammed if we don't. Personally, I'm more afraid of the climate change, which if it passes the tipping point, will become uncontrollable and the link between population Nrs and climate are indisputable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,753 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    I’ve no doubt they can provide reams of evidence which supports their position, anyone can do that. That’s why I call it cherry picking, it’s why I question it, because their claims don’t align with my experiences. If I think a claim sounds dodgy, I’ll question it if I could be arsed, or I’ll dismiss it as bullshìt. I’m assuming that approach is no different from anyone else here. As tiresome and uninteresting as you may find it, you’re not forced to be here, and you’re not forced to participate in the discussion, and when you come out with extraordinary claims, you can’t honestly expect to be immune from criticism as though nobody has the right to question your ideas.

    I’m not shy about representing my position at all, I’ve made my position clear already - I think anyone making the sorts of claims you’re making is full of shìt. I couldn’t care less about providing a community service or pretending I give a fiddlers about other countries in Europe or Ireland or any of the rest of the nonsense when it’s patently obvious what they actually care about is promoting their own interests.

    I’m sure there’s a more polite term than bullshìtter to describe the phenomenon you’re referring to too of people who bear animosity towards other people on the basis of their socioeconomic or social status, political views or religious beliefs, employment or family status, ethnicity, sex, etc, the whole gamut of characteristics which can be labelled and categorised in more polite terms. I really don’t care, ‘bullshìtter’ is just more convenient to describe their attitude towards other people who they deem unworthy of their respect. The fact is though that in the same society they’re claiming they wish to protect, they are only interested in protecting their own interests, and characterise anyone who doesn’t share their opinions in an unfavourable, unreasonable and unfair manner by referring to them as ‘leeches’ and so on -

    That’s why a statement like “it almost appears as if you have a hatred for your own people and want to see them negatively affected” means nothing, because it makes me wonder who is “your own people” in that context? It’s actually yourself you’re referring to when you come out with that kind of statement. Because it can’t be the Irish people who you refer to as leeches who don’t pay taxes or any of the rest of it, and apparently you have no time either for narrow minded conspiracy theorists who have angles or agendas.

    By their own words and the language they use and the way they speak of other people, it’s obvious that in spite of their signalling their virtues of caring for the welfare of the Irish people, or ‘the indigenous people’ if you prefer, it’s clear from their opinions that they only care about the people who are identical to themselves.

    That group of people doesn’t exist. It’s why there’s just no popular support for their ideas, because people who think like them are just as self-interested and share the same disdain for other people as they do. That’s why they can’t agree among themselves on anything and only ever poll about 1% in national elections. It’s why they coalesce around a single thread and try to steer the discussion their way in order to promote their own narrative which serves their own interests, and obviously it stands to reason that they’ll attempt to shun and humiliate anyone who questions their narrative.

    Your own behaviour isn’t any different than the behaviour you’re critical of in other people who don’t share your opinions. I’ve no need to justify myself to you or to anyone else for that matter before I question your extraordinary claims, but for what it’s worth - I wouldn’t want you to see me as one of ‘your people’, as I’m not seeking either your approval, or the validation.

    My only interest is in questioning the validity or legitimacy of your extraordinary claims which the onus is upon you to justify if you’re arguing in favour of any changes in Irish laws which would actually have a negative impact upon other people in Irish society whose equal status and participation in Irish society you claim is detrimental to Irish people’s welfare.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Very disingenuous trying to conflate two totally separate issues.

    Of course migration will only increase when climate driven migration really kicks in.

    Borders are human constructs, artificial things. Why shouldn't people have full freedom of movement. Natural selection will determine the 'winning' culture. And whatever culture dominates in the end. Would it be any worse than the current western Americanised culture we have?

    Anyway we could have a population of 10 million people on this island. Eamonn ryan himself said so. If he isn't worried about the so called relationship between climate and population numbers then neither am I and neither should you be.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭lmao10

    Somehow I think you're being a little disingenuous. Just a hunch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,592 ✭✭✭Real Donald Trump

    Ryan says a lot of things, thankfully though, most people don't take him seriously.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    Would you not be better staying in a land locked country as Ireland is slipping into the sea according to RTE.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭lmao10

    The same RTE folks who many on here think are extracting some chemicals from children to make themselves look younger?

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,753 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Well if Eamonn Ryan says it, must be true 😁

    Was only talking about him earlier this evening when myself and the young lad were discussing the Government’s plans for “rotating Taoiseach” next month -

    Apparently Leo is due back in control as Taoiseach, but there’s a possibility Eamon could be Tanaiste. I’d love to see Eamon as Taoiseach tbh, he’s completely useless, but thoroughly entertaining at the same time. His ‘we’ll have our salads ready to go’ speech was comedy gold! 😁

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,390 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    Around 1000 Albanian people come here every year to seek asylum. GNIB staff have started taking the unprecedented measures of meeting them at the aircraft so they don’t destroy or bin their passports or other documents…

    There is no war going on there.

    but they seek that Irish citizens facilitate them with a better life, free housing, free healthcare, free travel… etc..

    a similar issue with Georgians.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    So it can be done why are they not doing it to all then ?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    That is all below replacement. Population would be falling without this enrichment. Your economy would be in ruins.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,159 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Ryan is a Grade A moron who has clearly demonstrated this time and time again. The single biggest thing someone can do for the environment is have one fewer child. For obvious reasons. People consume, fewer people equals less consumption.

    Now we could try to tackle the consumption side of things, but that's not going away any time soon. If anything it's rising. In the developed world we consume far more than our grandparents did. Since the year 2000 half of all plastics ever since modern plastics were invented has been produced.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,434 ✭✭✭batman_oh

    This is the main problem, it's the number of people and it is constantly growing. In the western countries that aren't we want to import more and more people to make sure it does. There will be no space for any wild animals in Africa if the population increase doesn't slow down and all these extra people need to constantly consume and use resources. However this doesn't appear to be an issue for the greens because, let's face it they are all in on the globalist non stop growth and profit for the rich model, while the plebs can put up with reduced standards of living.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭lmao10

    Is this related to mutliculturalism? Can't believe immigrants caused this as well. Every immigrant fighting on the street and causing the sea levels to rise due to their presence on the Island making it too heavy to stay afloat?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,186 ✭✭✭✭jmayo

    I just love how you chastise me for grouping people and making assertions about what others may think and then you go off and do the same thing. Multicultralism means TROUBLE.

    It means we sacrifice homogeneity of a society to placate the fools that for the most part reckon they are superior to other people, be it their own group or the ones they usually want to invite in to live a totally different alien way of life.

    And no that does not mean I want all pasty White Irish people or all catholics or some such.

    I want a secular Western democracy where we don't have idiots going off to join the likes of ISIS, we don't have demands for the reintroduction of segregation in education to placate the demands of a certain religion, we don't have the introduction of FGM, etc.

    And he with go again with the massive jumping to conclusios

    Please find one single post where I laud or back Gemma O'Doherty or her fellow spanner Waters?

    So put up or shut up as they say.

    I am not allowed discuss …

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭lmao10

    Well you accused me of "hating Irish people" and all that jazz. That's not jumping to ridiculous conclusions of course. I only really see that kind of idiocy coming from supporters of certain people, of which 99% of the anti-multiculturalists show allegiance to. If you're not a fan, then you're the exception that proves the rule bud.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    Yeah if that fool has so much support how come they only ever scrape about 10 people together to protest. 🤪

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭lmao10

    Because the far right are idiots. Most of the high profile people are, in the eyes of some of the public, very clearly racist and don't understand that the general public are turned off by that. Great for the left in Ireland to have such idiocy representing the right. That turns people off but there seems to be an ego to these people so I don't think they mind. Just my opinion of course. I'm ready to be told that these people are the epic bastions of Irish nationalism. lmao

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    But both extremes are fools. Skin heads on one side yelling stuff. Blue/pink hair on the other yelling stuff. Most people don't want to read Mein Kampf or be told what your pronoun is today they want to go to work. have a drink.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,510 ✭✭✭jmreire

    " Very disingenuous trying to conflate two totally separate issues." Nope. Global population is directly linked to climate change

    "Of course, migration will only increase when climate driven migration really kicks in." Migration levels are already way too high and former welcoming Country's, are now starting to limit their immigrant intake. Border controls and entry criteria will get more and more strict.

    "Borders are human constructs, artificial things. Why shouldn't people have full freedom of movement. Natural selection will determine the 'winning' culture. And whatever culture dominates in the end. Would it be any worse than the current western Americanised culture we have?" It's a human construct for a very good reason, it's already natural selection in action. Imagine worldwide open borders in a world with aggressive countries like Russia, China, N Korea? No thanks.

    "Anyway we could have a population of 10 million people on this island. Eamonn Ryan himself said so. If he isn't worried about the so called relationship between climate and population numbers then neither am I and neither should you be."

    The fact that Eamon Ryan, given his position, is not worried about the link between population Nrs and climate is seriously cause enough to start worrying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,503 ✭✭✭✭Mad_maxx

    The class of Irish people who despise middle Ireland ( Media , academia etc ) never forgave the middle class for rejecting socialism when it was getting close to a level footing ( 1970,s to 1989 ) and have rowed in aggressively behind every cause that in anyway rattles middle Ireland since.

    you can observe this every day in how RTE etc brand any sort of opposition or reservation about DP centres opening in small towns as being “ influenced or organised by the far right “

    I fully expect the “ far right “ charge to be wheeled out endlessly when the new educational curriculum is going full bore and gender theory etc is being taught to six year olds

    Post edited by Mad_maxx on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭lmao10

    Perhaps because they are organised by the far right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,503 ✭✭✭✭Mad_maxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,503 ✭✭✭✭Mad_maxx

    so you believe people local to those small areas couldn’t organically oppose DP centres opening ?, they must be led by the nose by the Gemma Dohertys of this world?

  • Registered Users Posts: 41,062 ✭✭✭✭Annasopra

    Mostly not but what happens is the far right descend and hijack

    It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.

    Terry Pratchet

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,503 ✭✭✭✭Mad_maxx

    Where is the proof that “ the far right descends and hijacks “ ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭Tonesjones








    Ireland is the 7th fastest growing population in Europe.

    Although look at most of those countries ahead. Micro nations where a small number makes a big difference.
