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Fighter jets for the Air Corps?



  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭Nighttime22

    Sure you did lmao you made yourself look proper silly with a nonsense comparison.

  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭Nighttime22

    Are you a mod or pretending to be one? don't think you can tell people what do on this thread as you've no authority, further more just because someone has a difference of opinion to yours doesn't classify them as a troll, you've been on this thread for over 5 years now and your only contributions to it is to bash other posters.

    If you arent willing or able to debate the points being made then at least stop derailing the thread by attacking posters and trying to brand them as trolls simply because you lack the capacity to debate them in a factual civil manner

  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭Nighttime22

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,974 ✭✭✭EchoIndia

    Don't confuse people declining to engage further with your having secured some kind of "victory" here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭Nighttime22

    Great to see you've recovered from the shock of learning that Denmark, Belgium and Netherlands are all in NATO... any other matter's you'd like me to educate you on?

    When you are put to the question and have to run or conveniently "decline to engage further" rather than address it you are beaten and soundly beaten.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,946 ✭✭✭sparky42

    Unless you count the number of blank posts per page...

    God bless the Ignore function.

  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭Nighttime22

    Never seen so many people so insecure in there own views that they have to label anyone that says Ireland doesn't really need fighter jets as a troll and a radical 🤣🤣

    He disagrees with us! Ban him ! Block him! Quick! 🤣🤣

    I'd love to know the tactic when ye have someone that doesn't agree with ye in the real world... Stick yer fingers in yer ears and start yelling lalalalal till they go away? Is it? 🤣🤣

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,285 ✭✭✭source

    The issue is not that you have an opinion that is opposed to fighters. The issue is that the conversation about need has been had, and concluded, with the outcome being that the need is there.

    The conversation has now moved on to requirements, suitability and funding. Your opinion that fighters are not needed runs counter to the Minister of Defence, The Department of Defence, The CODF and The Air Corps, not to mention all the other Western European countries who can see Ireland is a gaping hole in the defence of Western Europe.

    I have no doubt you'll have some comeback, or reason that all these organisations who have responsibility for the defence of our nation are wrong, and you're right. But that is the very reason other posters are deciding to tune you out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭Nighttime22

    Do provide sources that say we are absolutely getting jets, id imagine the "funding" part will be very interesting and a significant counter weigh to the "need" proposed by our supposed war fighting experts.

    Again in what way is Ireland a "gaping hole" and whos attacking us and how? the fact that not one of you can answer this is proof enough that this whole concept is utter hyperbolic nonsense to encourage spending billions on jet's yes that's right folks your fighter jets and all that come with them will run bills into the BILLIONs, this idea that we'll have a few of the cheapest jets on a shoe string budget and wont still be the "gaping hole" in western defense is laughable.

    So many flaw's in the logic of all this it's ridiculous start to finish. I think sense will prevail and this idea will be let fizzle out and die hopefully we pay enough tax it should be spent better than on the kneejerk notion's of defence "experts" that have never seen combat let alone full scale war.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,285 ✭✭✭source

    Do provide a quote from my post where I said we were definitely getting fighters. I think you'll find I didn't say that, so I won't try to defend to you a position you've tried to ascribe to me.

    May I say, are very adept at attempting to move the goalposts, then arguing the new position. It's tactics like this which are getting you labelled a troll.

    Ireland is a gaping hole in the defence of Western Europe because we have been underfunding defence for decades. The CODF clearly outlines the issues with defence in Ireland. Your opinion on the CODF doesnt change their findings or the beliefs of the organisations tasked with our defence.

    My opinion on this matter is built on decades of thought and some first hand knowledge of our Air Defence capabilities. I'm not going to try to defend that opinion to you as you strike me as someone who will stick rigidly to an opinion, no matter what the evidence says.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭Nighttime22

    Here's your qoute

    "The issue is that the conversation about need has been had, and concluded, with the outcome being that the need is there.

    The conversation has now moved on to requirements, suitability and funding."

    Unless of course you are saying the conversation has in fact not been concluded and there is still plenty to discuss, the above quote implies a certainty and states a conclusion of agreement where we are in fact buying fighter jets.. which is it?

    I find it amusing when people say such hyperbolic things like " We are the gaping whole in western Europe's defence" who exactly is relying on us for defence ? a gaping hole to where? fairly sure the UK has the entire region under control with or without us.

    Please enlighten us as to what this hole in the western defence is and why is there a sudden urgency to defend it and why are we being relied upon to do a role that is apparently ultra critical to the survival of western Europe.. also... who exactly is this so called "threat" to western europe all of a sudden..??

    Its great saying their is this imaginary chink in the armor but it has no depth in reality. I find it very odd and worrisome that so called experts are stating these things... So far you have produced 0 evidence for these claims nor has anyone else infairness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,285 ✭✭✭source

    Indeed I did say exactly that, but I don't see where in that sentence you're pulling that I said it was a done deal.

    I said the conversation around NEED has been had. Now the conversation has moved on to suitability, requirements and funding.

    The point being, you're trying to drag us all back onto the need topic because you feel you know better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭Nighttime22

    No one is dragging anyone anywhere ye love the dramatics, this thread has been going for 5 or 6 years what's the purpose of the thread if new posters cant discuss all aspects of the topic because they will be bashed by a clique of posters who've been on this thread for 5-6 years and "know it all".. i think the people that have been here 5 + years need to just leave if they get offended by people with opposing view points or posters that bring up a topic they feel has been discussed.

    If your seeing the same topic over and over again maybe you've been here too long and don't really have any grounds for complaint ?

    You talk about moving goal posts but you completely avoided and side stepped points in my previous post we both know you cant answer..

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,091 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    Flawed logic he says!

    The whole ****ing point of maintaining appropriate armed forces is to PREVENT the conditions of an attack or violation from becoming possible. They are an insurance policy, not an assurance policy and one that sovereign States all over the World take very seriously.

    As recently as 2012, Ukraine and Poland co-hosted the Euros in 8 major cities across their full territories, including big matches in Donetsk and Kharkiv.

    Do you think the people who lived there, who enjoyed the warm summer weather and the curious visitors from all over Europe and the attention of millions on their old towns for a month, could have imagined in 2022 they'd be living in a freezing apocalyptic hellhole, shepherding millions of refugees, separated from family and impoverished due to lack of work, energy and supplies?

    **** away off now with your infantile contrarianism. Your skill as a polemicist is only paralleled by the nappied toddler spending his waking hours following his worn out mother around, asking 'but why....?'

  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭Nighttime22

    Thought i was "ignored!" in your last dramatic reply, make up your mind will you its coming across slightly bipolar, you either want to debate the point or you're too elitist and know it all to entertain anything beyond what you believe to be correct. Try to keep your emotions in check as well child, someone disagreeing with our country getting jets isnt a personal attack on you...

    If you cant differentiate between the level of threats faced by the Ukraine and the threats faced by Ireland... and are trying to use said conflict as a reason for increased military spending here.. you shouldn't even be discussing this topic let alone have the neck to believe your superior to anyone.

    The fact remains and this is an absolute undeniable fact, we have done decades on decades without fighter jets and got by absolutely fine flawlessly in fact! Yet now all of a sudden out of thin air there is an imminent threat and we direly, urgently need fighter jets.... yeah im not buying it and most people capable of logical rationale thought dont either.

    It's billions of euros down the drain to all but soothe the paranoia of a few without any realistic justification for such spending (and for the love of god before you cry about billions please educate yourself on the cost of not just the aircraft but all the support/planning that goes with it for years..fighter jets arent just for xmas there for life!)

    Don't get it twisted your little echo chamber clique in here isn't an indication your "Correctness".

  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭Nighttime22

    And just for the laugh lets say your apocalypses scenario comes true and UK or Russia goes feral and attacks us what do you think our little "Insurance Policy" is going to do? lol

    Honestly have a think about it lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,757 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    In news that will no doubt be of great joy to @jonnybigwallet 😁 news of an imminent improvement in the cooperation and offsetting deal between Airbus and South Korea. Looks like Airbus could well be at the very least a marketing effort for the new Korean aircraft.

    The separate Polish FA50 deal will likely see a full maintenance and overhaul facility in Europe. If and I do mean if, Airbus manage to tie up a deal that will allow both license manufacturing and maintenance via a potential Polish subsidiary.

    An interesting aside in the article is the below. There aren't too many Western European countries that will be in the market for the level of LiFT and basic combat capability that the FA50 offers. Us and likely the Baltic's along with any future Ukrainian buy are IMO the likely targets there.

    The Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy of South Korea stated on November 16 that Airbus proposed a “win-win strategy” that would involve exporting South Korean aircraft to Western European nations.

    However, neither Airbus nor South Korea specified to which nation they would particularly want to export FA-50 in western Europe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,102 ✭✭✭jonnybigwallet

    Thanks Banie01! It's a fine looking aircraft. A good fit for our Air Force as its not too pricey. I'd say about 24 should do the trick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,751 ✭✭✭roadmaster

    Instead of the facility being in Poland we should get the IDA to offer them a location in Shannon . We could do a good deal on tax

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,946 ✭✭✭sparky42

    Yet a pain in the arse for everything else, could you imagine the PANA types?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,445 ✭✭✭Dohvolle

    RAF will be crying out for a Hawk replacement soon, and they lack the ability to design one on their own. Could do much worse than a T50 variant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,141 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,751 ✭✭✭roadmaster

    Can they not use there Texans and sims and then go straight to fast jets or do you still need a jet trainer?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,751 ✭✭✭roadmaster

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,465 ✭✭✭Sgt. Bilko 09

    Aeralis in the UK were tasked with developing a new jet trainer for the RAF I believe, I remember reading an article on it and thinking it’s comparable to a Lego block set. The RAF want them to develop a jet trainer whereby they can change certain elements of the aircraft to make it more specified for a particular role i.e. air to ground or air to air. I actually thought it was a joke but it appears to be true. The photos of the aircraft appear suggest it’s going to be a build/copy of the T-346

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,091 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    It makes sense, as unlike Boeing, Airbus Defence & Space don't have a combat aircraft in their portfolio and its the sort of plane that will sell well in small and medium size militaries and also larger forces looking for an anti-armour attack platform.

    Exploring a facility in Shannon is a very good idea. Many advantages to the project in doing so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,445 ✭✭✭Dohvolle

    While training on sims is possible, the real issue is keeping people flight qualified and current while they wait for advanced and type training. Can't do that on a sim, and there aren't enough texans to go around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,445 ✭✭✭Dohvolle

    Is there much industrial space with access to the ramp? Apart from Shannon Aerospace, the Paint shed, Coast Guard HQ and the Westair ramp.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,445 ✭✭✭Dohvolle

    Very interesting. I wonder how far beyond design stage they are at.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,091 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    Building 2. Airbus Space and Defence

    Building 3. Air Force Shannon air station.
