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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,520 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Quote: "us estimates

    40K civilian killed aswell,they've paid an horrendous toll.....and it's only going to escalate from here,as it moves from skirmish to pitches battles to dislodge Russians from entrenched defensive positions" Unquote.

    Had Putins original 3-day plan worked, and he had taken Ukraine, the current figure of 40'000 civilians dead would pale into insignificance (and I don't mean that disrespectfully) by comparison with how many civilians Putin's hordes would have killed since February? 100'000, 200'000, 300'000, 400'000, 500'000??? Take your pick. And I'm talking about the civilians, and not the military. As for the battles with the entrenched Russians, so far, all things considered, the Ukraine military has done remarkably well, given the nature of war itself. Their strategies will be talked about for years and included in military academy teaching.

    Quote:- "Meaningful peace talks are needed badly imo,otherwise we're looking at a civilian catastrophe next year and a likely breakdown in civil life,which will cause a lurch into civil war conditions with Wagner group likely killing with impunity aswell in the occupied regions", UnQuote

    It may help if you shared your thoughts on what would be involved in these peace talks. Personally, for me, peace talks only when Ukraine looks for them. Breakdown in civil life...well so far, the only breakdown in civil order is where the Russians / Wagner are in occupation, and both the Russians and Wagner group have been killing with impunity since day one. So what's new there? Definitely no breakdown in Civilian life in the Ukrainian liberated areas

    Collaborators: - Since the dawn of mankind, collaborators have met murderous ends during wars. Remember what the French resistance did to collaborators? Even the women who had German boyfriends.? Public shaming by cutting off their hair? Even nearer home, here in Ireland? The Quisling's? But whatever the Ukrainian resistance or even civilians have done, it pales into insignificance compared to the horrors Putins murderers have done in Ukraine, and it's going on now this minute, and will go on until the last Russian has left Ukrainian territory.

    Spill over into other Country's? Yes, had Putins plans worked, I'm pretty sure that there would be multiple wars going on now, especially in Country's bordering Russia, and maybe further afield. How about East Germany? Alaska? (yes it's on Putins list) Now thats serious refugee figures you would have, not to mention a recession that would make the present on like a storm in a teacup. And how about conscription in the west? Yup. That would be a possibility too, had Putin not been stopped. We in the west owe a dept of gratitude to Ukraine for stopping Putin.

    The war in the Balkans bears absolutely no comparison to what is happening in Ukraine, and where one country illegally invaded an independent sovereign state. The war in the Balkans started when the former Yugoslavia split up along religious / ethnic lines after the death of Tito. Both Croatia and Serbia, do not have civil strife now, in Bosnia there is still friction between the ethnic / religious groups, but the war is long finished. This civil war you speak about is not going to happen in a liberated Ukraine.

    Sanctions:- Yes the sanctions are working, and biting deeper all the time, with another round being planned, and due to kick in soon Why are the Russians trying every trick in the book to get them removed? And on a more personal note, my friends there tell me that for ordinary Russians (and not just the oligarchs) they are feeling the shortages in the shops, with it becoming more and more like the old USSR era shortages. Back to the USSR GUM stores soon.

    NATO:- When the time is right for NATO / US to put boots on the ground, they will do so, for now, strategically they are happy to keep supplying Ukraine with ever increasing amounts of the armament's that they need.

    Peace Talks:- Quote "At no point have I said, nor suggested anyone accept Russia's position,nor is it a precondition of a peacetalks....any functioning adult can see this reality. Unquote.

    Yet you imply the thousands of deaths that will occur unless there are peace talks. So the humanitarian Crisis blackmail bit...When posters speak about the civilian death toll as justification or used a lever for peace talks, I'm always suspicious about their motivation. Where's the guarantee that there won't be thousands of deaths even with a peace agreement, given Russia's history of signing treaties, and breaking them even before the ink is dry? And this is well understood by any functioning, or even non-functioning adult. Russian agreements are less than worthless, Russia now urgently needs breathing space, to conscript and train more soldiers, to replenish its armaments etc. And any "Peace" movement from the Russian side is to be seen in that light.

    As I mentioned earlier, I'm all for a peace talks, but only when Zelensky agrees to them, and not before. It has to be Ukraine's decision, without pressurization from 3rd parties. You will only have peace in Ukraine when the Russians have left, and not before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,446 ✭✭✭macraignil

    Post edited by macraignil on

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Yous will be guaranteed 100s of thousands of deaths without peace talks.....would seem reason enough to me for peace talks

    Russia will likely use this winter to fortify it's positions, potentially openly move nuclear weapons into location in crimea to underpin it's positions there

    Likely implemnt an air defence system into the occupied territories,develop signal jammers for low flying drones to end their effectiveness (in theory this is relatively easy with some suggestion they & Ukraine are having success at).....I just think it's fanciful the above can removed by military force,without a massive Deployment by NATO/America neither of which I can envisage willing to lose 70 - 100K troops and plunge their economies into deep depression

    Whereas unpalatable peace talks to allow a full military withdrawal with an international financial package to rebuild Ukraine,seems the most viable option....unless one side or other is willing to rachet up the pressure and deploy weak nuclear weapons as a warning shot....but given yanks wouldn't let Ukraine have substantial numbers of missiles capable of striking russian cities,I can't see em handing em a nuclear weapon🤔

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,416 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,416 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69

    You actually think Putin will agree to your peace plan???

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,669 ✭✭✭storker

    (a) Which general public are switihing off and just want it finished?

    (b) Why should the outcome of the war be decided by people with short attention spans?

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,079 ✭✭✭✭BorneTobyWilde

    Putin is an expert at normalizing atrocities, we're at that point, it's war crime after war crime, day after day, and the world has been conditioned not to care.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 bazza935

    Ireland should not facilitate nor have any input on this proxy shambles. One as bad as the other. Nothing to do with this island. It is ruined this country sadly

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Strand1970

    Most people are bored with ukraine now, the interest is in the cost of living which russia is hoping will work. I don't support russia but ukraine has to compromise, they are not nato member and the West is only supporting ukraine for its own Interests, if it was located further east they couldn't care less. Nato will want a settlement and they provide the weapons so it will happen.Ukraine will get their territory back eventually but not in the near future that is just reality. Russia as a country will fail due to its size and diminishing population but not yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 bazza935

    Ukraine and zelensky are as corrupt as the kremlin

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    Were hosting the largest russian embassy outside the USA. What do you think they are here for ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    I'm sure we have a link. Probably not as it takes 100 posts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,520 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Briefly, (unlike my last post, where I went into detail)

    (1) Russia is not to be trusted...ever.

    (2) as I mentioned earlier, Russia speaking about peace talks, is a scam. They are feeling the pressure, at every level. Getting weapons from Iran, N Korea, etc, Recruiting men from Syria, Africa, Afghanistan ( ?? ) prisons.etc. Scraping the bottom of a very deep barrel. This winter is Putins last shot, and he knows it. All your thought's about what Putin will do during the winter....maybe he will, but I cannot see it. The hi-tec equipment you mention considering he is having to cannibalize his aircraft to keep them in the air, tanks which saw service in ww2...and the list goes on. Cracks are starting to appear in Putins Russia, cracks which do not bode well for Vladimir. Zelensky is not Putins only worry now, he has ones closer to home. A rapidly developing unhappy home population is another one.

    (3) Ukraine has no manpower shortages, on the contrary, they as many as they will need to get the job done, Even if that figure is a million, they have the Nrs. They have the weapons suppliers, and the quantities and quality, with more and more even higher tec weapons on the way. Plus, the logistics to put the whole package together. And they are being financed to a high level. Most important, morale, they are fighting for their families and Country. There is no stronger incentive

    (4) Why would the west give Zelensky nuclear weapons? Why would they need too? Putin is the only one talking about nuclear weapons, and even his friend (supposedly) China, has told him to turn down the rhetoric. The west has more than enough conventional weapons to sort out Putin, and very quickly at that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    lol Ukraine would last 2 day. New russian territory taken within weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 761 ✭✭✭mikewest

    Eeehh,,,, NO! Only in Putin's corrupt mind. Time for someone to put down the vodka bottle and go to bed. Actually there are a few here tonight that seem to be vodka posting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 761 ✭✭✭mikewest

    If you want to be brief point one covers it all (but needs capitalization and an exclamation mark)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

  • Registered Users Posts: 761 ✭✭✭mikewest

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    Hats off that made me laugh. Probably hazzar or what ever it was called back in the day.

    Edit googled huzzar  lol I remember that drain cleaner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,520 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Hard to bate the auld Russian Standard wodka......for a headache to remember !!!😎

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,412 ✭✭✭Homelander

    Just stop posting this nonsense.

    Fighting an insurgency for 8 years? An "insurgency" only made viable by Russia. Without Russia intervention the "insurgency" would have collapsed within weeks. The irony is that Russian intervention achieved very little, hence this current war, BECAUSE Ukraine was united against it.

    Russia pounding civilian targets, cities, will not win them the war. That's been proven time and time again in history. Countless countries have been hit far, FAR, harder and failed to break in historical conflicts, what Ukraine is suffering is horrendous, but nowhere near breaking point. Russia is doing this because it's floundered on the actual battlefield and continues to do so, and is resorting to Nazi Germany terror tactics.

    It didn't work then, it won't ultimately work now.

    Who would have thought it. A modern Ukrainian army trained by the west, trouncing the antiquated Russian army with a fraction of the annual budget. How embarrassing.

    The point about strikebacks on Russia soil is irrelevant. It doesn't matter. Russia is the aggressor, Russia is the one that needs to feed a war machine that's not officially at war, fighting against an entire nation, and frankly, proven to not be capable of waging a real war after losing their opening gamble.

    I don't know what your obsession is with these mythical Russian defenses. Smacks of Hitler ranting about the impenetrable Atlantic Wall. We had posters here claiming that Ukraine could never take Kherson because of the topography. Sorry to rain on your parade but the Russian army is a rotten, corrupt disaster and it's being exposed by an army minuscule in size with very limited western support.

    And now Ukraine needs nuclear weapons to break the deadlock in your imaginary campaign? Ukraine should surrender because of the danger of civil war, despite the fact there's absolutely zero fracture within Ukraine, because the entire country is united against Russia? Seems impartial.

    Finally, Belarus. Ukraine should surrender because your vague, erotic, far-flung fantasy of civil war in Ukraine, might affect the dictatorship in Belarus, thus causing a refugee crisis.

    Seriously, put down the crack pipe.

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Personal insults and jibes asides,(quite what yous hope to achieve accusing others of smoking crack is beyond me🤷)you have failed to address any actual points?

    Just posted some dogma about Russia being an out of date army & corrupt,which they may well be 🤷,but one that rains bombs down on Ukraine infrastructure and is crippling it's economy.....and have dismissed quite clear issues about a likely build up of russian defences on ground as irrelevant??

    When it would seem to me,the obvious issue that will happen,while society there collapsed and attacks each other and fractures develop.....the notion that peace talks are unnecessary & this war isn't going to cost 100s of thousands of lives next year is pure head in the sand stuff,

    25% of Ukraine's population either dead or fled,while another 25% internally displaced....and lads cheering on an even worse blood bath next year,and dismissing out of hand the potential for this to be multiples worse seemingly based entirely on dogma and rethoric...unless Ukraine has the ability to strike back at Russia internally,or gets a massive deployment international troops to turn the tide,this war could drag on for years on end....while seemingly anyone suggesting peace talks is to be accused/insinuated of smoking class A drugs🤔

  • Registered Users Posts: 287 ✭✭dennis72

    A positive show of strength 5 NATO carrier groups and escorts patrolling the waters around Europe.

    The Gerald R Ford is the newest US carrier.

    Unity against 1 brutal and thankfully weakened enemy.

    I live in an area where many Russians have arrived for holidays they are cold creatures its in their eyes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Strand1970

    Ukrainian man power without the weapons means nothing. They will have to compromise for now. The west just wants the war over and doesn't t really care if Russia holds on to the east of Ukraine. Its amazing how important air defence has become, it almost neutralise a large air force

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The full banned list is in. I'm shocked that Wallace and Daly are not on it. 🤣

    Fianna Fáil (33)

    Taoiseach Micheál Martin

    Minister for European Affairs Thomas Byrne

    Jackie Cahill TD

    Barry Cowen TD

    Cathal Crowe TD

    Cormac Devlin TD

    Joe Flaherty TD

    Seán Haughey TD

    John Lahart TD

    James Lawless TD

    Paul McAuliffe TD

    John McGuinness TD

    Michael Moynihan TD

    Jennifer Murnane O’Connor TD

    Jim O’Callaghan TD

    Willie O’Dea TD

    Christopher O’Sullivan TD

    Pádraig O’Sullivan TD

    Niamh Smyth TD

    Billy Kelleher MEP

    Senator Niall Blaney

    Senator Lisa Chambers

    Senator Lorraine Clifford-Lee

    Senator Ollie Crowe

    Senator Paul Daly

    Senator Timmy Dooley

    Senator Robbie Gallagher

    Senator Gerry Horkan

    Senator Erin McGreehan

    Senator Denis O’Donovan

    Senator Fiona O’Loughlin

    Senator Ned O’Sullivan

    Senator Diarmuid Wilson

    Fine Gael (16)

    Tánaiste Leo Varadkar

    Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney

    Minister for Justice Helen McEntee

    Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe

    Richard Bruton TD

    Ciarán Cannon TD

    Joe Carey TD

    Jennifer Carroll MacNeill TD

    Alan Dillon TD

    Alan Farrell TD

    Charlie Flanagan TD

    Brendan Griffin TD

    Joe McHugh TD

    John Paul Phelan TD

    Neale Richmond TD

    Michael Ring TD

    Labour leader Ivana Bacik TD

    Independent Senator Gerard Craughwell

    Sean Ó Fearghaíl Ceann Comhairle

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,455 ✭✭✭weisses

    Not as much as the Kremlin but close ... 122th vs 136 in the corruption index

    To corrupt to join the EU in the past

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,387 ✭✭✭h2005

    Repeating the same nonsense does not make it true. Why would Ukraine compromise? The tide has turned against Russia and the West continues to back Ukraine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Strand1970

    How many of these politicians were intending go to to Russia in the near future, none I would suggest. Funny daly and Wallace not on the list alright

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,045 ✭✭✭rogber

    I don't normally say this,but bloody hell, the Putin bots are out in force here the last couple of so ridiculous they don't even bear engaging with...

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    “I don't support russia but…”

    Lads, ye are posting on an Irish forum, that’s low level stuff for flunkies… ye’ll surely be first on the list for repatriation when Russia’s embassy gets downsized… Hope ye didn’t get too acclimatised to a ‘decadent pig dog’ Western lifestyle.

    As for Russophile’s in Ukrainian Oblasts that welcomed Russian advances - I’d say they are sorely ruing that support now they’ve had a taste of ‘Russian Love’ - often forcibly.

    Anyone thinking Ukraine should look for peace with the animals from Russia are clueless. Will tens of thousands more Ukrainians die to preserve Ukraine from Russian tyranny… yes, that’s the price Ukraine knows it has to pay… simply because the alternative is clearly worse. Under Russia’s “protection” much worse would befall them. Anyone like to counter that argument, thinking Russia would be benevolent masters… anyone?

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