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Softening house market?



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,450 ✭✭✭fliball123

    Show me where I clamed to be an expert in this? I have shown you by experience that builders when doing construction work like extensions cover themselves from risk, that is my experience. You have yet to show me the risk, Indemnity insurance and deposits + paid in advanced for work? Not to mention your argument of them going on the dole or to a different job which is completely laughable and then they will emigrate according to your wise words and neglecting to state that other countries all over the globe are also going through what Ireland are going through with regards to prices with raw materials so its out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,812 ✭✭✭straight

    Couldn't care less how people choose to interpret it. It's a fairly basic statement. In other words, it's all fur coat now and no knickers.

    There seems to be alot of people now that want to blame everyone else for their own shortcomings. There can't always be a shortcut to your goals. Sometimes we have to take the scenic route.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,958 ✭✭✭cute geoge

    To me he is coming across as saying nearly all folk nowadays are driving around in fairly good cars that the banks own.I had a similar experience with car salesman when paying for a 2 year old car /

    What is your take on what was said

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,812 ✭✭✭straight

  • Administrators Posts: 53,832 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭awec

    I think you are completely oblivious, to be honest.

    You are someone who can afford to buy cars with cash, and who bought their house during the tiger. I don't think you have any concept of what the world is like for people at the bottom of the ladder today. They don't have it as easy as you had it, unfortunately, and it's not down to a lack of effort on their behalf.

    As I said already, the people buying houses today are paying for the mistakes of those who bought in the 00s.

    You are also absolutely oblivious to the realities out there.

    Imagine making a post suggesting people aren't wise with their money and using buying a 2 year old car with cash as an example of how you're supposed to do it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,812 ✭✭✭straight

    Talk about pot calling the kettle black. You are oblivious to what hard work and saving is.

    When I was building my second house I had to sell my car to pay for furniture. Ended up selling mine for 10k and buying another for 600 euro.

    Nothing ever came easy for me and I believe that's the biggest problem for people nowadays is they are used to having everything they want when they want it. Throw their toys out of the pram then when they can't have it.

    As I said already, there are plenty houses available in cork city for under 250k and that's easily affordable for any couple on an average wage plus a little bit of saving.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,958 ✭✭✭cute geoge

    I am 49 years and have worked with the last 35 years ,there would be something wrong if I could not afford to buy for cash .When I started out 12 pound was my wage for long day of manual work and that is not so long ago and so appreciate money.It is unbelievable that young working people can not gather together 30k between a typical couple to put deposit on house yet they eat out 3 times a week ,have a newish suv,go on 2 foreign holidays and pay 5k/annum rent .Houses were way dearer from 2001 -2008 with higher apr so expecting house prices to drop from current prices is wishfull thinking and that is the reality!!!

    'The people buying houses today are paying for the mistakes of those who bought in the 00's'

    could you please explain your rationale behind this statement

  • Administrators Posts: 53,832 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭awec

    I have a house, I am not oblivious to hard work nor saving. I think what you don't understand is that people today can work just as hard as you did, can sacrifice just as much as you did, and they would still have no hope of buying a house.

    But your posts are just the usual avocado toast nonsense. It stands up to no scrutiny whatsoever. "Used to having everything they want when they want it", it's like you live in an alternative reality.

    All of this bluster is just fluff to make certain people feel better about themselves, rather than have to acknowledge that the property market today is more unfair than it has ever been before.

  • Administrators Posts: 53,832 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭awec

    It is unbelievable that young working people can not gather together 30k between a typical couple to put deposit on house yet they eat out 3 times a week ,have a newish suv,go on 2 foreign holidays and pay 5k/annum rent 

    You're believing way too much nonsense.

    But the 5k rent thing did make me laugh, I think a couple would be absolutely delighted to be paying only 5k a year in rent. A couple is more likely to be paying 15-20k a year in rent. What do you expect them to do, live in tents instead?

  • Registered Users Posts: 722 ✭✭✭drogon.

    I sit beside a guy at work, he bought his house in 2005. About 5 or 6 years ago it was sold to a vulture fund and he has been paying interest only on his mortgage for while now. Yet he drives a 3 year old car on PCP, has the latest iPhone, buys lunch every day at work, buys two coffee at the coffee kiosk even though there is free coffee. Yet he bitches about his car payment or how much heating costs him. He will be in his early 50s.

    Personally I think he is fortunate to have bought even though he is paying feck all on his mortgage today. Many would die to be in his shoes and actually pay the mortgage. But our government policy makes it impossible for lenders to repossess the house and he knows, hence doesn't care. Where is the fairness in the system there ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,450 ✭✭✭fliball123

    You should ask him if he was doing all of that before and when trying to purchase the house? Fact is he doesn't need to save for one so he can spend his cash on what he wants. It is not fair do people who dont pay their mortgage should be out of their house

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,786 ✭✭✭DownByTheGarden

    Its not actually nonsense though is it. Im just back from helping a neighbor across the road hang up his television. While I was there his son (who bought the TV by the way. 65in QLED) and daughter in law, who ive heard moaning hundreds of times about not being able to afford a house and living with the parents to save for a deposit ordered justeat for the pair of them. €64. And both with new cars on PCP too. But no, its not their fault they cant save for a house. That sh!t wouldnt have happened in my parents house I can tell you.

  • Administrators Posts: 53,832 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭awec

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭mcsean2163

    The developers funding development will not be going on the dole. There may be less work for builders and their wages decline but the average builder is not taking on big development contracts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭mcsean2163

    So basically, couple can afford a house if they each save for 5 years? Seems like a long time... would they still be a couple in five years? Definitely didn't seem to be that way in the past.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,234 ✭✭✭herbalplants

    You described very well what is happening with a lot of people, I know many more just like that.

    Living the life

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,647 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    Well you see, the generation before you weren't hoovering up all the assets and creating conditions for prices to explode so it was indeed easier for you.

    The current generation are being held to ransom by all the people who "struggled" to build or acquire their second (and subsequent) houses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,812 ✭✭✭straight

    5 years is a blink of an eye. You will see that as you get older.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,647 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    How about a theoretical suggestion that the government lower income taxes and VAT and reintroduce rates on domestic property? (Or significantly increase the property tax). It would bring down the value of houses while also increasing the money in workers pockets to help them to buy them!

    All the old fogeys moaning about "avocado toast" can then deal with the new reality of a reversion back to the conditions that were still around (or the effects of those conditions) when they were "struggling" to get their feet on the ladder.

    Did people commute for as long 30 years ago? I guarantee you "no". Did people work as long hours as they did 30 years ago? Again the answer is usually "no". (People starting out in professional salaried jobs generally have to do far more than 40 hours a week on practice).

    Back in the day people probably had a 15 minute commute, leaving their house in the morning at 8:45am with their packed lunch their missus had ready for them. They then arrived home to their dinner sitting on the table at 5:15pm. Maybe headed out for a few pints then afterwards. Now you probably have someone leaving their house at 7am, being stuck in traffic for over an hour, leaving the office at 6, getting back home around half 7, answering more emails and then trying to cook their own dinner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭byrne249

    My generation seems to have spawned an entirely new one uppery, an insta photo on phi phi island. This wasteful lifestyle and bad decisions slap them in the face when it comes time to buy. Countless holidays, weekends away and takeways and coffee. On finishing a graduate program in Galway with 30 others, 80% of them just had to be in the Dublin office, for what I do not know, to spend 600e a month sharing a five bed in Lucan? I spent 6 years in Galway living practically for free in comparison saving hard and managed to buy and sell. I have moved home for the moment saving as much as possible but will be buying soon regardless. I know lads who bought BMWs for 15k in cash and have lived at home all their lives and yet still complain about house prices. A lot of people want it all with no compromise.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,325 ✭✭✭✭Marcusm

    I’d love you to cite the law for me as it does not exist generally. There are very few debts in the U.K. failure to pay which would amount to a criminal offence (being generally tax, a court penalty or failure to meet a court order). For a simple invoice, utter rubbish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,812 ✭✭✭straight

    I guess alot of the new regs are to prevent guys like him from buying in the first place. I have friends like that and I often envy how care free they are as they bungle through life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,812 ✭✭✭straight

    I know plenty young people getting with life. Buying/building houses, getting married, etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,325 ✭✭✭✭Marcusm

    And now you pick up the dishonesty point from my earlier note! Failure to pay simpliciter is not a criminal offence it needs a dishonesty element. At least you’ve now realised it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,812 ✭✭✭straight

    Jeez, you have it tough lad. Where do you find time for the phone. 😂😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,647 ✭✭✭✭Donald Trump

    No I'm perfectly fine. I'm sorted. Thanks for your concern gramps

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭mcsean2163

    A pregnancy over 35 Is classified as a geriatric pregnancy. I know plenty that missed the boat. 5 years is definitely not an eye blink. Meet someone and then say after two years decide they are the one. Save for a year for a wedding and then another five for a house, that's 8 years. Start at 32, oh no, sadly turns out you're 40 now and one of the many too old to have kids at that age. Save for IVF, you've missed the boat.

    What happens if there's an emergency, sick parent, accident, etc. and you have to dig into your savings?

    For too many it's too difficult now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,812 ✭✭✭straight

    I started saving from my first paycheck. I'd save 15k a year on my own no bother. Get the house sorted because once children come along there is no more saving.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,812 ✭✭✭straight

    What's the gramps about? I'm 42, practically a millennial myself.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,812 ✭✭✭straight

    Thanks for the exchange of views today lads. No doubt alot of people finding it difficult. I don't come on here to antagonize or upset anyone but I just thought I'd share my own lived experience in the hope that it might help someone.

    Few lads a bit touchy alright, you couldn't open your mouth but you would be accused of avocado.

    I'll leave ye with one bit of advice which I got years ago and sadly I didn't listen to it.

    "Throw down the deposit as soon as you can and be paying away".

    I thought I could time the market. Was waiting for the drop, house prices doubled in the meantime. Eventually bought near the top of the market after my girlfriend insisted.

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