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No quitten we're whelan on to chitchat 11



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,331 ✭✭✭Anto_Meath

    @GNWoodd I get the impress that there is a push to blame agriculture for emission so that they can push for a massive reduction in agriculture. That will allow other industries that provide more employment and taxes to the exchequer expand or remain but as is. They will be able to fudge the figures and point to an over all reduction in emissions, farm land will then be planted in trees so they will actually saying there has been a massive decrease in the amount of emissions this little island produced. Out sourcing our food production to Brazil and the likes looks good on paper for Ireland / Europe in terms of emissions but the reality is the overall levels produced in the World will actually have increase and with no benefit to climate change.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,508 ✭✭✭✭Say my name

    There was a business man interviewed on radio 1 once when the negotiations were ongoing in one of the Cop-out conventions. He was saying Ireland is in a great position to lower emissions as we export so much food. He maintained all we need is enough for our own population. He was an educated fool but emphasised other countries hadn't got the scope to reduce emissions in agriculture as they were food importers or and had large industrial output. Naturally enough non agricultural industry was not to be touched.

    This is what we're up against. Throw in the cow is being blamed for everything in the EU, English speaking world, vegan culture religion in high circles/media.

    We're rabbits caught in headlights in this country.

    The enviros are trying to play farmer against farmer here to just even get 50% of what they want. What they want is reduced output to really just feed ourselves. The cynic in me says Putin is putting money into them to cause disruption in the EU. Russia has already been found to be funding enviros in Germany who objected and protested to nuclear power plants and to even get gas declared emissions free. Putin was a handler in his Germany days for the leader of a terrorist (if there was ever any else) neo nazi group in Western Germany. He needs chaos in countries that are his enemy. Back to the food and who benefits from reduced EU output. The Brics countries benefit which includes Russia as a food exporter. Enough was made of this fact by Russian supporters in with all the potential African people dying of hunger. Enviros also nearly showed their hand here in nearly championing Russia for this.

    Back to here our Minister for Heritage.

    Who has now funded a bio data centre to be run as a company. Basically a wildlife info gathering centre who will now be able to advocate to government based on info gathered but here's the kicker. It claims it'll be independent of government but it allows the way it'll be funded to be funded by outside interests. It'll now be beholding to those outside financiers. The same way an Taisce has been set up.

    There's huge money to be made in being disruptive.

    As for the farmers in this country. We're dirt on their shoes.

    We really need representation in this country and not be rolling over for everything.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    On the last line, I was going to say "final line" but thought better of it, where will it come from, I don't see it, or rather enough of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,408 ✭✭✭FintanMcluskey

    I agree with this sentiment to the point I had to check I didn't write it myself!!

    Livestock agriculture will eventually be sacrificed in Ireland to protect the golden goose (multinationals).

    I'd bet one of the larger Pharmaceutical facilities add's more value to the Irish economy each year than all the livestock on the island.

    I'd also bet one large pharmaceutical facility is more harmful to the environment than all the livestock on the island.

    The carbon figures will be twisted and no one will question it, and our food requirements will be outsourced.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,508 ✭✭✭✭Say my name

    The farmer head on this yoke!!

    Tadgh Furlong.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,555 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    In A&E with the young lad since 1 today. He was triage around half 3 and then brought into A&E around half 5. Still in there taking up space on someone while they wait for a surgeon to come and confirm he should be checked in. There must be a better system than him taking a bed to wait.

    Place is manic too. Staff under serious pressure. I don't know how they stick it

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,508 ✭✭✭✭Say my name

    Sympathies. Had something similar with a family member recently. It's getting worse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,508 ✭✭✭✭Say my name

    Jesus. It's an actual wonder this is being broadcast on RTE with the farmer bashing lately. The council's status would surprise nobody in this country however.

    Now if it were on the other foot and a farmer was found polluting. Well then put me down for overtime and there's days out to be had on this one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,205 ✭✭✭carrollsno1

    Was there every investigations like it done around Foynes? Would be interesting to see the results.

    Better living everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,508 ✭✭✭✭Say my name

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,205 ✭✭✭carrollsno1

    That direction. If i had to stay with my previous employer i could have been working there over the past year thankfully i left when i did, i would refuse to go there now at this stage. I worked on a mechanical overhaul of a vessel out of there before and that was rough enough and ive seen vehicles that have come out of there after a few years too. I was told you wouldnt hear any birds in around there however true that is i dont know i was also told there was no big men working there no thrive in the place at all.

    Better living everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,289 ✭✭✭✭Esel

    See can you find your family name on this great map, covering Gaelic and Hiberno-Norman names. Scroll up a bit.

    Not your ornery onager

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Thanks, I did, been looking for something like that for a while

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,205 ✭✭✭carrollsno1

    Still concentrated in the one spot as back then, shake a bush down in this county one of us would fall out a fella told me before. Worked with a little dub before who was amazed when ever i had to give my name for permits and the like everyone with the book mentioned the county straight away.

    Better living everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,142 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    Even the private hospitals..... I had an operation on my hand in the beacon a fortnight ago, it got an infection, the wound burst open yesterday, surgeons receptionist said they'd look after it this morning, fair enough, but a nurse phoned me last night to say they'd change the dressing and assess it.

    Looks like the earliest it'll be repaired is sometime next week. I went to the GP yest morning and he didn't want to touch it, his only comment was That'll never heal sure I can see the tendons.

    I know a good few that came out of the beacon with infections, even sepsis.

    It's strange....... if you get an infection while you're in the beacon they call it a bad infection , but if you get it 24hrs after coming home and have to go to local hospital, the local hospital calls it sepsis

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,555 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    Ah ya may get it sorted. Ya should bite the bullet with the civil servants and head to A&E in Mullingar and see what they say. Once yer in then they are 100% and ya get well minded. The issue there is getting in and the waiting. My mrs and kid had a 7 hour wait in the A&E department looking at youtube on a bed waiting for a surgeon to tell us the young lad was going to be admitted. Was a nonsense.

    BTW, if ya are coming in, bring me in a few sandwiches or something. The canteen/little shop here seems to be replaced with a waiting area and the only grub looks like it's from a coffee van outside. Vending machine doesn't accept cash and the card reader isn't working. Few lads during the night now were less than impressed

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,142 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    Just back from the beacon, they can't do anything with my hand until the infection is cured. so it was just change the dressing and assess.

    I'm waiting since september to get scans in tullamore,

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,809 ✭✭✭straight

    Shot of blue spray or iodine would be my approach...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭Grueller

    We haven't moved too far either. About 12 miles I'd say.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Queuing for cashier in AIB almost as good as waiting in A&E

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,142 ✭✭✭✭wrangler

    Hope your little lad comes alright and gets out well before christmas

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Will we have a change in Minister in the next day or so?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,555 ✭✭✭roosterman71


    Thankfully he's out and home here now. Have to monitor for a few days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,926 ✭✭✭farawaygrass

    Anyone know how to do the equine census on line? I’m on agfood at the moment but can’t for the life of me find and tab for it and tried Googling it also

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,461 ✭✭✭Jb1989

    Can't see it on mine. Can't see sheep either. Maybe you have to be registered as eqine or sheep holder before the option is on agfood. I'm just Cattle, and only see cattle options on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,269 ✭✭✭✭Base price

    Is your equine premises registration number linked to your herd number - if not then it will not show on agfood.

    Google equine census 2022 online and it will show the EQUINE CENSUS 2022 frequently asked questions and when you click on it a pdf file opens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,926 ✭✭✭farawaygrass

    Thanks for the fast replies.

    im not certain if the equine premises no is linked to my herd number. I presume it is. Didn’t have horses on the farm for a few years though. I read that pdf document alright but was none the wiser after it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,522 ✭✭✭✭whelan2

    One time one of the kids was being admitted it was the same crack, waiting on a porter to bring us to the kids floor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,269 ✭✭✭✭Base price

    "Q10. What is an equine premises registration number (EPRN)?

    A10. Where a person intends to keep equines, s/he must firstly apply to their DAFM Regional

    Veterinary Office to have the premises registered for that purpose. Contact details for the

    Department’s RVO can be found at the following link

    information/9dc27-contact-us/#regional-offices-rvos. Premises approved to keep equines are

    issued with a unique equine premises registration number (EPRN), which is essentially a herd

    number. If you have other species, your EPRN will be the same as your herd number.

    Q11. I keep other species and have a herd number. Do I need a separate approval to

    keep equines?

    A11. Yes – you must notify your DAFM Regional Veterinary Office (RVO) of your intention to

    keep equines, and you must submit a completed application form. Where approved, your

    herd number will be updated on the Department’s systems and will be activated for equines.

    Your (EPRN) will be the same as your herd number. If you do not notify the Department of

    your intention to keep equines, we will not be in a position to contact you with equine-

    related information - e.g. in the case of a disease alert etc. Contact details for the

    Department’s RVO can be found at the following link


    Q12. The system says that my EPRN is not valid. I am using the herd number assigned by

    the Department. What is wrong?

    A12. This would indicate that your herd number has not been activated to keep equines. You

    should contact your DAFM Regional Veterinary Office to regularise the position. Contact

    details for the Department’s RVO can be found at the following link"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,926 ✭✭✭farawaygrass

    what I couldn’t figure out though is where the tab was for doing it. As I said I think my two numbers are aligned, i remember a few years ago when it was mandatory to notify the department if you kept equines and I done that. I’ll make contact with them after the weekend. Cheers 👍
