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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,290 ✭✭✭BruteStock

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    While the monarchy is not a political institution it can be seen as an apolitical one. It remains an institution all the same and it should come as no surprise to anyone (including Harry) that an (a)political insitution acts like an (a)political insitution. As part of that framework, arguably for good or bad, there are rules for this institution e.g. I don't think if the member of any regular family here in Ireland wanted to emigrate that there would be the need for a Summit meeting to discuss the consequences and iron out the details of that decision. As an institution it gives Britain a head of state and the family does public duties. Considering this then there is a public interest in the family charged with doing all of that and this interest needs to be managed via press offices etc. 

    If William had an affair then surely it would be a field day for the tabloids. Those weekly gossip mags would derive literally years of mileage from such a story (e.g. Will and Kate at War! Kate in DIVORCE ultimatum! Will declares love for Rose!). If there was a shred of it being true that is. Tabloids have solicitors too. Given there was, outside of Twitter, nary a drip about it then it's a logical fallacy. You have plenty of republican leaning British people who would love something like that to leverage with to damage the monarchy. It was a circulating rumour picked up on and spread by Giles Coren who then subsequently retracted it. I guess William "got" to him and had him do that? I do love a good conspiracy theory. But sure, yeah, there must be some clandestine arrangement behind the scenes with William and his press office doing a quid pro quo with the correspondents with Harry and Meghan served up as sacrificial lambs as part of the transaction. I don't see this as me having a grá for William or any of them either. It's simple common sense. Do the Royal press offices schmooze and play nice with the representatives of the wider press? Of course they do. That's their job. Do they try to keep negative stories out of the headlines? Again, of course they do. That's their job. Just like any other institutional/public relations outlet would. Now ask yourself which Royals were the ones who went about breaking ranks and went about fighting that same wider press? i.e. publicly declaring that four particular press groups would be excluded. Consider if them doing that had anything to do with an increase in negative coverage? e.g. BS articles about eating avocados on a slow news day. Did the rest of his family encourage them to go suing such outlets? Or did they know to not kick the dragon knowing it was best to maintain some equilibrium for the institution? They are just people flawed like everyone else making do in the institution they find themselves in.

    The strange part was Meghan suing ANL and it coming out that they were up to the very same shenanigans they are touting was done to them i.e. stories planted, collaborating with media. A book was being written about them, the content was going to be supportive and praising and they used that to covertly deliver briefing notes to one of the authors as well as ensuring their involvement was concealed. Their comms director used as a proxy and a statement made about no involvement would throw people off the scent. The targets were Meghans paternal family. They publicly denied involvement as mentioned but, with the prospect of perjury appearing if the appeal went to an actual trial, Meghan then said she misremembered giving her comms director extensive notes and emails. Now since there are no facts about William or whoever planting stories about the Sussexes then I can't believe that to be the case. I doubt Harrys memoir will go into such specifics either. I think this is a pair of victim players perhaps indulging themselves in the old "accuse others of that which you yourself are guilty of" strategy. There are actual facts as per above to argue that to be a reasonable opinion.

    They ostensibly left the public role and have sought celebrity. Typically (actual) celebrities are celebrated because of their well known involvement in a known field e.g. acting, sports, music etc. What are the Sussexes known for beyond being members of the Royal family? Can Meghan base her celebrity on being sixth on the call sheet from a series made years ago which wasn't a major hit? It is fair to say that no one beyond Suits fans knew who she was before Harry. When they initially left then I was personally supportive of them doing that. Public service isn't for everyone and who hasn’t worked a job they despised and wanted to quit? More power to them, go live your lives etc. Given this, you suggesting I have a fixated hate simply isn’t true. I thought given Meghans background in media that they'd be setting up some production company, doing deals and creating content based on what they were interested in and passionate about. They'd both act as executive producers i.e. giving overarching guidance about what they wanted and securing the talent to deliver. They've done none of that except latch onto whatever was trending and tried to sprinkle it with royal fairy dust. Vaccines, Climate Change, Mental Health etc. They haven't focused on anything beyond taking clapbacks against the very thing which gave them any leverage whatsoever to do deals with. They took the easy money likely to sustain their McMansion lifestyle and instead of doing actual work they were seemingly busy briefing with their lawyers about a growing list of cases instead. I think their shelf life is now coming to an end. People are sick sh*t of them to be honest. There is no hatred in saying that. Famous for being famous types always have a shelf life. Consider the Tindalls. They are private citizens and have no titles. Their Royal connection adds to their celebrity rather than it being their celebrity. He a rugby world champion and she an olympian. That is what they are known for. I didn't even know Mike, not exactly the epitome of charisma, had a podcast. The question is where is Harrys one? Why isn't he talking about his passions whatever they may be? Meghan had one but it was scattershot and unfocused. It was a flop.

    She was suicidal and came through it. Why not a series talking to those who also survived? It could have flopped too but at least they’d be trying. I think instead of leveraging their victim playing which obviously has diminishing returns then they ought to pick a lane and stick to it. They had/have their deals in place. In the end I just think these two are fascinating in so far as they had everything going for them and have fumbled it so badly that for whatever reason you can't look away. The press are only all too happy to make some bank via providing coverage of their every move to that end. Their conduct now, to me at least, serves as an insight into how entitled and difficult they must have been during their stint in that public role. They simply strike me as a pair who were and never will be happy or satisfied. The institution must have been sick to death of them and happy to see them go. It is quite jarring although not surprising that since they use money to fund their lifestyle and nothing they've produced or declared has had any traction that Harry now wants his father and brother back. Looking at the previews of the Anderson Cooper interview all I see is some guy all but saying help.

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,277 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    How can he moan about his family not reconciling when he is constantly slating them to the world and leaking details of private conversations? And he even made this statement during another interview complaining about them. Is he dumb or what?

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,694 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    He’s just in a rut that he can’t get out of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,694 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    That Twitter rant above couldn’t have said it better!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,138 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    The cultists are beyond rattled, when is the ITV interview?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,927 ✭✭✭dogbert27

    I think Harry is overtaking Edward VIII as the biggest embarrassment to the RF.

    He's really coming across as infantile in his rants. He's nearly 40 years old FFS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,277 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Apparently, in the book he also blames William and Kate for him wearing the nazi costume. Saint Harry can do no wrong. He's bonkers and seems to be projecting everything onto William. He must have made him use the racist terms to refer to his army colleagues too, evil bastard!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,178 ✭✭✭Be right back

    He also mentions he contacted a therapist but he didn't know how to help Meghan when she was suicidal. Their stories always contradict each others.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,975 ✭✭✭Xander10

    His brother broke his necklace when he grabbed him.

    I'm in tears reading about this horrific attack.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,404 ✭✭✭prunudo

    The contuined irony of the Sussex' feeling badly treated by the rf while they capitalise by airing their dirty laundry in public while also looking for a reconciliation. Harry needs a good friend to pull him aside, give him some tough love and save him from self destructing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,138 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Wow, didn't think William would be a violent scumbag.

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭madeiracake

    Single tear left eye.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    i always thought the Meghan help request was a mirror image copy of something Diana said

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,694 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    Relax there, lad. We know you despise the RF, but an alleged shove/scuffle between two brothers (that has no business being aired) doesn’t at all deserve a ridiculous description like yours.

    your views, interpretations and analysis of all this is just beyond illogical, and clearly comes from a hatred of RF, when it should come from an unbiased and objective place. Your take is laughable!

    and Harry still wants to reconcile. The chap is absolutely deluded.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,010 ✭✭✭Shelga

    I just don’t get what Harry’s goal is here. If William physically attacked him, that’s obviously not good or in any way acceptable. And assuming William does indeed show zero desire to reconcile. What does Harry hope to gain by broadcasting this to the world? It’s not about the institution, it’s a direct account of an interaction with his brother, who he knows right well cannot respond.

    Everything else aside- I just think- show some dignity? Dignity doesn’t generate $$$ though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,138 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    I think we are way past the thinking, well at least most of us are that victims of domestic violence should keep their mouth shut.

    Fair play to him for speaking out, it can't be easy. Hopefully encourages others to do so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,694 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    Absolute laughable. Domestic violence? two brothers have an alleged scuffle and's this is the tripe you want to spin..if he feels so sure snd serious, why is he waiting g to tell us all in a book? Why not report being assaulted? Because it’s absolute nonsense and just more venom spouting by him against a brother unable to tell his side.

    you really need to park your RF hatred and just see this from a human/family side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,138 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Yes, he was verbally and physically attacked in his own home, that is domestic violence.

    Would you be downplaying it if he was knocking his wife around?

    Seriously lad, sometimes you have to park your love of the royal family and call out violent behaviour for it is, unacceptable, whether that be inflicted on a man or a woman.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,039 ✭✭✭rogber

    It's a hilarious distraction from all the grim news in the world. Long may it continue

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,927 ✭✭✭dogbert27

    Because he knows he can say anything he wants and there will be no response.

    It's his word that this has happened and William won't stoop to his level to dignify it with a response.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Clearly the "Harry Potter" levels of book security didn't work then. Harry is saying that William and his press office were planting stories about Meghan. Feeding her to the wolves. Yet the argument was about Meghan being rude and difficult. Harry retorts that William is wrong and he is believing what he was reading in the papers. The same stories which Harry said he was planting all along. Make up your mind as to which it is. In his need to take a swipe at the media he trips himself up. William had known Meghan for three years by that time. Yet he was basing his judgment on tabloids? Yeah right. Also he was quick to ring his therapist (and not the Cops or RPO's) after getting assaulted. He wasn't so quick when his wife said she didn't want to be alive anymore.

    What was it I was saying about his lack of mea culpa? Now it becomes that William and Kate egged him on to wear the Nazi uniform. A complete lack of accountability. At least take ownership of making a stupid mistake and saying you've learned a lesson from it. Nothing is his fault. It's a case of He Said but with no He Said from the other side. He knows that. He knows how the system works and his brother won't/can't respond. The last thing he wants is engaging in a tit for tat with someone who clearly feels they are totally blameless about everything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,346 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    It’s quite interesting to see how they have gone about this. The vague allegations to lure people in and make them guess, which now gets fleshed out to keep interest alive. The whole thing is designed like a drawn out TV series where plot twists, “revelations” and character twists are required to keep the audience gripped and entertained. The focus has, for now, also been turned away from Meghan and is focussed primarily on the brotherly drama, which is bound to be intentional.

    I mean it is a very boring soap opera that is being dished out, but sounds like people become interested again with each morsel of information that gets “leaked” like a teaser trailer.

    Very interesting approach overall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,302 ✭✭✭PropJoe10

    A 40-year-old man making an absolute fool of himself in the press, over and over again, and destroying any sort of relationship with his family in the process. It's quite ugly to watch, it must be said.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Harry could have gotten receipts about this assault. He could have reported it to the police. While there was no protection order or safety order in place then the cops couldn't have arrested William. All they could do is take a statement. He didn't report it but at least it would have been on file. Who did he report it to instead? His therapist who, very conveniently, can't divulge anything about a client because of confidentiality. It comes across as a complete stitch up, handbags at dawn.

    To speculate I think that had something to do with machinations with the Royal Foundation. Harry and Meghan were also patrons but wanted perhaps to split away but take 50% of the annual proceeds as part of that. With their own yes men/women as trustees they’d be able to wrangle together a financial set up which would give them a “register in Delaware and take 95% for yourself” type set up. It would be at least a couple of million a year, enough to make mortgage payments on some mansion in America. When there was a stand against this from staff then the toys came out of the pram about their inability to make it happen, about not “fighting enough for them” and staff were eviscerated to the point of tears and resignations. William, who knew they wanted to grift, went to confront Harry about it and the bullying behaviour. Raised voices, pushing, shoving etc. Much more plausible that William going to Harry explicitly because he wanted to tell Harry his wife was rude and difficult. William caught them with their hand in the cookie jar so to speak.

  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭squidgainz

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,077 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    no they come from the facts, the actual facts that we know to be the case.

    by the sounds of it, it was way more then a shove.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,138 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Jesus, that is epic whataboutery to excuse someone who quiet obviously has a violent temper.

    Thought as a society we had moved on from that, but no apparently.

    Any normal decent human being would be straight out apologising for their violent behaviour. But but but, handy again, whether paying off rape victims or throttling family members, Never Explain. Chitching!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭squidgainz

    Why is it two brothers? Harry didn't attack William by the description I've read. Why are you spinning it into something different?
