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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭Field east

    Where do all the areas of worship levelled by Russia eg churches, and all the Ukr civilians who were killed - being directly targeted/killed by Russia and who worshiped there fit in to a plea by Russia for a ceasefire ? It does not add up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭Field east

    The Ukr could also postpone the celebration of Christmas on Jan 7 because of the very dangerous life threatening situation that is ongoing and get back to celebrating it when the EMMERGENCY has passed. We , IN ireland, did something similar recently ie because of the very dangerous life threatening Corona virus we postponed a lot of activities - including going to religious services.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,427 ✭✭✭ZX7R

    Just help out when I can, most people are just volunteers some are members of organisations.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭Field east

    J—-s wept. I would not trust the Russians to push even an empty pram not to say a one with a child in it. It is very capable of coming up with any reason - including a false one- to break a ceasefire and catch out the Ukr when it’s ‘ defences are on standby’

  • Registered Users Posts: 478 ✭✭Run Forest Run

    It's something that should be expected really.

    The more western or Ukrainian hatred that Russians see/hear/experience, the more it will engender the same feelings in them. It won't really matter to them what the objective truth is necessarily or whether this is a just war or not. Hatred begets hatred. Violence begets violence.

    We experienced this ourselves, on this island, during the troubles. Both sides had equal hatred for each other, and felt completely justified in feeling that way. How many of those people were naturally hate filled people? The circumstances can turn many people into heartless monsters - plus it's much easier for a soldier to do their job effectively if they don't care about the people they're killing.

    Many of my own friends in Russia now cannot stand Ukraine or the west - and most were never really like this before. I am starting to see a big shift in attitude, where people care much less about what happens to Ukraine or the level of brutality used by the military in this war. In the beginning, it felt like a civil war against Slavic brothers... but not anymore. We are entering a very worrying period imho, because Putin will have been waiting for enough collective anger to justify more drastic measures. And he is very slowly starting to get that now. It's feeling more and more like a siege mentality now, where Russia must do whatever it takes - no matter how barbaric or ugly it may be.

    That's the danger of hatred on either side. The red mist descends and people can become capable of almost anything.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,964 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Beyond the link I posted I don't know about all the details but most orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on 25th of December. The ones that celebrate it on 7th of January are the ones still aligned with Russian church, e.g. Serbia and until recently Ukraine. Other orthodox countries like Bulgaria, Romania and Greece celebrate Christmas on 25th.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    @Run Forest Run

    Nice story,

    All bs of course

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,023 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa

    We've had nearly 12 months now of "Oh, we shouldn't offend the Russians! They'll get serious!". All while they attempt to decimate an innocent, sovereign nation with unrelenting war crimes. No one's swallowing it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    During the battle 73 Easting during the Gulf war ,a pretty significant tank battle 2 scout Bradleys took on 5 Iraqi main battle tanks and defeated them before a larger force of Abrams and other Bradleys arrived to support them during a broader battle, if I remember correctly one Bradley was damaged by enemy fire and another taken out by another Bradley(blue on blue),the Iraqis had lost a serious amount of vehicles and men by the time the battle had ended after 3 days.

    Bradleys and Abrams can essentially fight day and night due to superior tech and optics and in bad weather unlike Soviet era vehicles

  • Registered Users Posts: 856 ✭✭✭gk5000

    What shoite! "Russians siege mentality"....they are not under siege. "Slavic brothers..." ha ha except it's not funny.

    So do you agree with "justify more drastic measures"?

    Anyway "and people can become capable of almost anything."... given Russia has no moral sense, or even realisation it is the aggressor then it's shall have to be rendered incapable of offensive action outside its own borders. Eventually it will be given a big enough slap to fcuk off home and leave everybody else alone; and you can equally fcuk off and stop defending them, because its pointless and boring.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,825 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    Would it really take months of training though? It's similar to training in say an F16, the time people quote to train fail to mention that's from training someone with zero flight experience. I'd imagine there's more in common between a Bradley and a BMP than different.

    I'm sure it would take months for a non military person to be trained, but an experienced tank/IFV crew should be able to pick it up pretty quick. If anything the Ukrainians have been praised for their quick grasp and training on NATO hardware.

    The sea sparrow is a good addition to NASAMS. Both have an abundance of missiles produced.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,559 ✭✭✭✭machiavellianme

    In the beginning it felt like civil war against Slavic brothers? Civil war that you and your lot started and that the Ukrainians wanted no party to. However, because they didn't roll over and play dead, you and the rest of your Russian ilk are now upset?

    If you hate the Ukrainians and West so much, head on back over to Russia but leave us and the Ukrainians alone

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,062 ✭✭✭Hobgoblin11

    your 144 posts all as interesting as this? what's next? nukes?

    Dundalk, Co. Louth

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,102 ✭✭✭TheRepentent

    Doubt anyone gives a sh1t what your alleged friends in russia think.🙄

    Wanna support genocide?Cheer on the murder of women and children?The Ruzzians aren't rapey enough for you? Morally bankrupt cockroaches and islamaphobes , Israel needs your help NOW!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    From what I remember at the time the Ukrainians offered more money for the Maraders than they were worth but scholz said they couldn't be sold , then they were sold to the Greeks for less than ukraine wanted to pay

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,053 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Nice catch, but neither Merkel or Scholz are funny. That so many world leaders are so incredibly bad (Trump, Sco Mo, Bush, Orban, Howard, Erdogan, Duterte, Blair, Ahern...) just firms my belief democracy isn't a great idea, as the type of people who want to run countries are mostly the sort of people you should least want to be running countries.

    Zelensky is such an exception we all know how amazing an exception he is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,977 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Nope. 30 years after the fall of the iron curtain, any resentment and bitterness on the Russian side is entirely their own fault and no one else's.

    It's feeling more and more like a siege mentality now,

    Lol, they aren't under siege, no one wants to invade Russia. They are the invaders.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,475 ✭✭✭bennyineire

    If anyone thinks an invading force is "under siege" then let then be damned along with Putin and the other gangsters who "currently" rule Russia

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,205 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    If this is true - it's good news.

    Because it means that the message is getting through to ordinary Russians. That they are now regarded as pariahs & terrorists, that their economy is tanking and that their military is being slowly defeated.

    Finally they might do something about it, if they feel this way.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Right, I've given much thought to Russia's concerns vis-á-vis the multi hundred killing of invaders at the educational facility, and Putin's personal request (demand?) for a ceasefire. And my considered response is FCUK OFF RUSSIA!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,825 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    I'm not sure about the coms being the issue or the shipping. Needless to say there's almost a certainly Scholz will say the Marders will need months and months of refurbishment etc...

    But if the goal is a spring offensive by Ukraine, once they recieve them all by then it should make an impact. Personally I'd love to see them arrive ASAP

    Things are definitely looking up for Ukraine (equipment wise) this year and we're only a week into it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,636 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    Watching one of the vox pop videos from Russia (not 1420) recorded around New Year's Day and there was a general air of pessimism and gloom in the air and no sense that the war would end any time soon or that there is even any real hope that Russia might 'win' it.

    Looks like state propaganda is not working. The Russian public know they are in a right spot and things are not going to plan (reminds me a bit of the mood in Nazi Germany post-Stalingrad....apparently most people were down and pessimistic and no longer listening to the state slogans).

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,517 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Its what happens to any state where the mafia is in charge, and world wide, Russia is one of the best if not the actual best example of that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45 Mar53

    You're kidding, right? This has been common knowledge for 8 years...8 years. That's when all this basically started. The people in Eastern Ukraine (mostly Ukrainians and Russians) did not support the US-puppet we illegally installed (Petro Poroshenko). Because they didn't bow down to that fake president, that's when things started to really boil over to another level. That's basically when the bombing and shelling of Eastern Ukraine started. Approximately 14,000 mostly Ukrainian and Russian men, women, and children have died since then. The people of Donbas (especially Lugansk and Donetsk) have been crying for 8 years to the international community for help. If it wasn't for Russia sending in contracted (or official, or both) forces, the people of Eastern Ukraine would have been decimated long ago in what was basically a slow genocide going on.

    I don't even understand how people can be discussing the Ukrainian situation and not even know anything about the coup in 2014 that kicked most of this off, not to mention the people of Eastern Ukraine standing up and resisting the coup and then being shelled and bombed for 8 years (and counting).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭Field east

    U forgot about the billionss invested in the west ,eg London.also investing in and following certain sports that cost millions to get involved in eg soccer and and and and—————. Maybe it’s the only place /activity that will hide their DIRTY money??

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,053 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Lol; little green men and BUKs crossing the border and definetely not murdering a plane load of Australians and Dutch innocents.

    Your edited and deceiptful version of history I'd shelve next to Harry Potter books.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,977 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe


    Poroshenko was elected in 2014 and received around 54% of the vote in an election widely considered free and fair. Polls in 2014 showed that people in Eastern Ukraine wanted some autonomy from Kyiv but a majority didn't want to "join" Russia. The Kremlin proxy invaded the East of Ukraine that year using fringe separatists as cover. The people in Eastern Ukraine never had a choice.

    There was no "coup" in 2014, that's more direct Kremlin propaganda. Likewise your mentions of "genocide". Embarrassing some are still parroting this stuff after all this time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45 Mar53

    100k+ dead? Those are ridiculous numbers spouted by Ukrainian and Western media. Not only that, but that almost certainly way over-inflated number was stated as 100k dead and wounded (and wounded numbers are usually way more than deceased). So, sorry, you're twisting words and basically making up lies.

    I'm not sure if that response is towards me but I never said Russia destroyed all the HIMARS. LOL. Not only that, but the 5 HIMARS I read were reported destroyed were in RESPONSE to the new years eve attack, not before it. So, again, you're attacking me by making up lies and responding to things I never said but that you rather are lying about and making up that I said.

    ??? I never said anything about the Russian military being so "stronk" (I'm guessing you meant to say strong?). I also never said anything about the Russian economy. Maybe you were replying to some one else and not me, if that's the case then my bad.

    Speaking of propaganda, how's the "Ghost of Ukraine" or the "Snake Island" lies going? Ghost of Ukraine was completely made up, Snake Island situation was a clear lie as the Ukrainian soldiers were clearly taken captive (later admitted by Ukraine and also shown in tons of videos) rather than being brutally murdered like we were lead by Ukrainian and Western mainstream media to believe. I could go on with a ton of other fantastical stories perpetuated in the mainstream media, lol.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,977 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Speaking of propaganda, how's the "Ghost of Ukraine" or the "Snake Island" lies going?

    The "ghost of Ukraine" is propaganda, the Ukrainians have openly said this. It's a country that is being invaded, it's only natural they used certain stories to keep morale up.

    Snake Island was not a "lie", its defenders refused to surrender to Russian forces, they famously told the Russian warship to go "**** itself", and since their position was attacked and communication was cut it to the best of everyone's knowledge they were dead. That was the information at the time. Later it emerged the defenders survived the attack and were captured. This was universally reported as it was discovered.

    Considering the fantastical Russian propaganda you've already been sharing looking forward to your other "fantastical stories", please do share..

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