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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 23,973 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    To be fair, the Russians had concentration camps of their own long before WW2. Its a system with which their corporate memory is very familar.

    From 1934-53, the generally accepted death toll in correctional labour camps (Gulag was actually the agency that ran them, not the camps themselves) was 2.9 million.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,472 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    People nearly forget that the Soviet Union was more repressive and brutal towards its own people than even Nazi Germany, certainly pre-1939. The Nazis were extreme, but the Soviets were even more extreme and murderous towards ordinary citizens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,409 ✭✭✭✭Say my name

    Another plaything for Putin's wagner group with sledgehammers.

    A member of Putin's own presidential guard no less.

    Edit: Who knows the thought processes though. As far as Kazakhstan could have been concerned he was a planted spy by Putin on Russian immigrants and Kazakh affairs. 🤷‍♂️

    Post edited by Say my name on

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,773 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    That type of camp goes back much further, the real development of them starting under Trotsky's time as Commissar for military affairs.

    Look at the Tambov rebellion against the Bolsheviks in 1920, as the confiscation of food and grain left communities on the edge of starvation. It was met with the Red Army swamping the place with soldiers, chemical weapons and 100k villagers being shipped to camps, where the death rate was estimated at 20% per month. 250k died in the fighting and massacres.

    Who outside of those deeply fascinated by the period know of the Tambov rebellion, 300 to 350k dead in a few months and its a historical side piece because in the deeds of Soviet Russia that level of killing doesn't stand out, that's from the period where Socialists say that Stalin hadn't yet corrupted the revolution.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,773 ✭✭✭✭Danzy

    Fascists hate Jews but Communists hate everyone.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 978 ✭✭✭Mike3549

    I saw a tweet earlier with a screenshot translated to english, they all laugh at this, claim of 600 dead, 600 HIMARS destroyed and 600 zelenskyys killed

    Edit: here it is

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    This Ukraine war is the most stupid idiotic thing done in recent years ... along with long lockdowns for Covid ... it makes lockdowns look sensible in comparison indeed someone needed to lock down or lock up the pandemic of stupid idiots in Russia posing as a 'government' this time last year ... when some clown made that decision in Russia this time last year to escalate this war why the hell didn't someone shut him up and put him back in his box? Lack of intelligence is contagious in the Duma .... not one of them could call time on this lunacy ... they have by remaining silent on opposition to this stupidity signed their death warrant and flushed their country down the drain for the next 100 years ... There is only one way this stupid thing is going ... Wagner group global terrorist entity ... Ukraine will be a basket case ... Russia will collapse economically and revolution and civil war will follow ... this Wagner group of far right gun toting ultra nationalist terrorists will become the new ISIS ... and will climb to total power in Russia just like the Taliban in Afghanistan ... only Russia is not I repeat not Afghanistan ... it is a nuclear power ...

    Then all those Russian politicians will appear on CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, etc. crying why the hell didn't they shout down the idiotic dunce who suggested this war ... his name will be mentioned ... my guess is that creep Nicolai Patrushev ... January or February 2021 was the time to shut up that hidden idiot ... it is too late now ... welcome to global potentially nuclear terrorism ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    I can't make head nor tail of all that.....

    Adding in a covid lockdown as being stupid, I guess as stupid as going to a bomb shelter when under aerial attack?

    Some more rambling and then why didn't the Duma stop Putin.... only a handful of people knew he was actually going to invade.

    Some more rambling that I can't grasp.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    Depends on what came back, if Belarus sent Russia 200k shells and only 100k came back, that's 100k less shells.

    Same for tanks, troops and equipment etc...

    They may share a massive border, but there's only a few points for them to cross, as for indirect shelling from within Belarus borders, there's very little for them to shell apart from fields.

    The question arises though, if Russia does shell Ukraine from the safety of Belarusian soil, will Ukraine counter fire?.... I believe they will.

    They will not allow another Bucha or Irpin to occur.

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    If only a hndful were responsible for this madness, kick the effers out .. and end this .. the Duma and army could just refuse and Putin could have told his hardline advisor to get out of his face and all ... 11 months of this and they still cannot call halt to this ... where is the Russian spirit of 1917 when they got out of another stupid war ...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    You make it sound like this wasn't Putin's decision. Do you think he was forced into it?????

    Putin decided to invade and shared that plan with a handful of people (I think I read less than 5 people knew about it)

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    Putin made the decision advised by 5 hardliners ... that is 5-6 people at most ... Putin was not forced into it ... but was talked into it ... I hold all the others more responsible ... 5-6 prob less people can be stopped and the others didn not revolt against what they should have KNOWN as suicidal madness of 5-6 men ... they are only people not the Terminator ... they should have been stopped ... they could have been told to take a hike or shot with a simple handgun ... those who made the decision are Russia's enemy as much as they are Ukraine's and the Duma and army should have known it ... they will know it when it is too late ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    I haven't seen it reported that he was advised by 5 hardliners. You'll have to share that source.

    And the buck stops with him, how you an absolve him or have him be less responsible is ridiculous.

    Putin could have not invaded, Putin could have stopped and retreated within a week of it turning into a **** show, he carried on.

    He rewarded the butchers of Bucha with medals, he passed a law stating any crimes committed in Ukraine are acceptable (that's murder, rape, genocide, looting, war crimes etc...) but don't blame Putin is your argument? Blame the people who advised him?????

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,634 ✭✭✭RoyalCelt

    As stated recently there are not actually many points along the Belarusian border for them to enter by and they'll be defended the most. It will become another frontline like Bakhmut where Russia need to throw 500 men to their deaths daily to make even a few hundred metres of gains.

    If they want to fast track through their mobilised and destruction of their equipment then sure go for it. I also wouldn't put it past Poland invading from their side if it happens which would require a crazy amount of Russian army to relocate over there. The poles are itching for an excuse.

    The Ukrainian army is in such a better state now compared to a year ago it's not even funny and the quality of the Russian greatly reduced.

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    I have not absolved Putin or made him less responsible ... I read that a small group of hardliners ... Patrushev is one ... were telling him to extend this war during the Covid era ... will look for the source tomorrow as I read it way back in March ... It is not absolving Putin, Patrushev or any other individual when I say that the rest of them did not stop them .. Putin or Patrushev are not the Terminator ... they have hearts, brains and lungs like all human beings and are not bullet proof or immortal ... they could have and should have been stopped ... the problem is the Duma and army are either sucked into a cult or are too stupid to know who Russia's real enemies are ...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I’m in the ‘Poland isn’t going to accept Russia at its borders’ camp and if Belarus attacking with Russian support looked to be turning the war against Ukraine Poland would enter the conflict, imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,874 ✭✭✭✭Discodog

    If that's their intention then maybe they should make it very clear. Belarus should know that there will be consequences.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,738 ✭✭✭zv2


    “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” — Voltaire

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,892 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,996 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Flightradar 24 is showing a number of US/Nato Intelligence gathering aircraft close enough to the polish/Belarusian border, rivet joint , rivet stars and several Guardrail signals intelligence aircraft

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭RGARDINR

    Interesting read on sky news

  • Registered Users Posts: 797 ✭✭✭eoinbn

    RGARDINR - I would agree regarding the withdrawal from Kherson. It was the correct call and they pulled it off with minimal losses. In hindsight Ukraine were overly cautious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,636 ✭✭✭victor8600

    Ukraine's forces could not just charge over mine fields and booby trapped roads, this gave Russians time to withdraw. Nonetheless, the liberation of Kherson was a marvelous success and went exactly to plan. Ukraine said months in advance that they will remove Russian from Kherson by denying their effective resupply, and that worked to a 100%.

  • Registered Users Posts: 478 ✭✭Run Forest Run

    Poland can't really do diddly squat about it, since they're part of NATO. Unless they want to disband from the NATO alliance, just so they can go it alone and declare war on Russia. Which is possible, but unlikely to happen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 934 ✭✭✭mikep

    They are in that general area pretty much every day.

    I've been keeping an eye on these for a while now.

    There's a drone over the Black sea almost every day also

    Makes you wonder what's up there that they aren't showing us...

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Interesting report involving the Gardai stepping in to prevent Irish lads barely out of school going to Ukraine to fight,

    This is one thing the Ukrainians don't need inexperienced people or unsuitable people with in cases serious health issues traveling to a war zone for few adventures

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling


    If you click this to copy the link and then insert the link here at the bottom of the Post, it will save you having to screen shot article's.



  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    I know we usually see the rivet joint aircraft (2) and forte 11 the global hawk over the black sea pretty much everyday since the invasion,

    But it's the number of intelligence gathering aircraft is increasing around the border and other states close to kalingrad that's interesting, definitely a increase in the general area

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    Add in the fact he seems to be making up the casualty numbers and referring to war crimes as being 'cunningly effective'.... Says alot about him.

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