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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,045 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    Harry is articulate in the same vein as a politician, throw out stock phrases and buzz words without saying anything substantial - he's had a lifetime of training after all.

    He's angry, bitter and hurting, we can all see why he has reason to feel that way, he's never dealt with his mother's death.

    But, why the fcuk does he think we need to know he and his brother are circumcised, that he lost his virginity by 'mounting a horsey woman in a field at the back of a pub and she spanked his arse', that he had frostbite on his penis and that he apparently wants to play happy families while hanging them out to dry at every possible opportunity.

    He's a millionaire in America, he needs to get himself into therapy and stay there, he's going to end up a laughing stock.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    I think what he is referring to is that supposedly private conversations in the past that he has had (and William as well where he implies the only person who could have leaked it was Camilla) have appeared in the press.

    With regard to putting them in a book. Most have already been out there, leaked by someone to the press.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    So you have a problem with understanding what he was saying; To summarise:

    1. He loves his father and his brother.
    2. He hates the British tabloid press (with reason)
    3. He is making it his life's work to bring them down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 891 ✭✭✭nolivesmatter

    Ah yes, the old "divorced biracial American actress" stereotype, who among us isn't familiar with that one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,346 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    It’s quite clear that he is on a revenge mission against the family/ institution that he feels mistreated him. The lack of response infuriates him, obviously, which makes him angrier and angrier.

    I believe his repeated calls for reconciliation (which he insists has to be initiated by his family) are down to two reasons. He is being stonewalled and can’t get a response out of them, and he desperately needs them to acknowledge him. His reconciliation offer is nothing but an attempt to assert power over the family, because he thinks that they will falter and give in to avoid him revealing more “details”.

    I write this as someone who has done similar things, though not publicly (because nobody would have cared). Anyone who knows “the rage” can understand how difficult it is to turn it off again once it has started. It is addictive and hugely enjoyable when you are firmly in this mindset. And the problem is that he is way too many people encouraging him because they are benefitting from the situation, too.

    He will keep going because is 100% convinced that his view reflects reality, and he will try to destroy relationships between other family members to make them suffer “like he did”.

    Personally I find this both entertaining but also eye opening to a degree. His reasoning makes no sense to me and I can’t understand what he could possibly feel so hurt by. It’s quite impressive really, and I have zero interest in the royal family.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 55,694 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    Btw, you can be articulate and articulate waffle and nonsense. Harry has been a bit like this for quite a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,999 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    So he’s had a road to Damascus moment- his eyes have seen the light- he now knows what unconscious bias is and he wants the royal family to learn what he has learnt and repent for their racially related misdeeds or else they are conscious racists.

    That’s essentially what he’s saying - the race angle is still there when it comes to Meaghan- no willingness to concede that just maybe, it’s her personality they don’t like, not her skin colour.

    Best action for RF is ignore - you’ll never win if you try and take on this argument - I’m surprised Harry isn’t advocating handing over the family silver in retribution for profiteering from slavery 300 years ago- but there’s plenty of time for that yet.

    I notice he’s picked a racial angle to build his fortune on- funny how it wasn’t a monetary inequality angle - a focus on the haves and have nots- nah, Harry likes his private jets and his millionaire mansions- there’s a limit even Harry won’t pass.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,077 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    but he already knows they won't respond so your theory makes no sense on that score.

    him revealing and them not responding would actually work more in his favour because enough will think there is no smoke without fire.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    "Nothing I have said is scathing towards my family". He got quite annoyed at Bradby for saying he was "consistently scathing" towards Camilla throughout the book. The same book where he says his brother knocked him on his arse and gaslit him and his mother in law was a Crown craving scheming PR driven villain. He has lost touch with reality. Imagine someone like Maitlis or a Paxman interviewing him and having none of such BS deflection and not backing down so easily. The laughable part was him saying they never said anyone in his family were racist, that it was the press who said it, and he says that there was unconscious bias there instead. His point being that unless this unconscious bias was acknowledged then it becomes racism. He would be glad to help them about that. In the end, given that he has acknowledged drug taking, he seems to have settled into this permanent paranoid state of mind where every imagined slight is blown up and exaggerated. You could sense that bristling anger when Bradby used the scathing remark. The part where William confronts him after Phillips funeral struck me as someone engaging in an intervention of sorts and wanting him to get help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    I had to rewind this part where he talked about briefing against each other to try and suss what the hell he was saying at the end. Articulate my ass.

    "It creates this competition, and if you're the new kids on the block and you come in and you're stealing the limelight, not a limelight that you've asked to be put in or have, a limelight that the press, the British press, have decided for you, presumably because of clickbait and it sells newspapers, whatever it is, but just as much as William and Kate suffered from my father and stepmother, or their office, because the moment William married Kate they went through a large portion of the same things that Meg and I went through.

    But then I always believed that - well I'm the spare, I'm no competition to my father, no competition to my brother, I think this will be absolutely fine. How wrong I was. The very thing that William and Kate had experienced from pa and Camilla happened to us, and happened from William and Kate's office as well. But somehow in that, apparently the same experience that they had had, William and Kate, wasn't happening to us."

    Translation: William was competition to Pa. So they briefed with the press against William and Kate and they suffered bad press. I was the spare so expected no such treatment. I was wrong and not only did my dads office brief against us but Williams office did so as well. We suffered the bad press as well but we were being institutionally gaslit that it wasn't happening to us.

    Am I understanding him here?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭squidgainz

    Haha are you saying that he's on drugs now cos he said he tried coke and shrooms in his youth? 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Oh not at all. He seemed clearly very sober, level headed and articulate. Not at all a rambling, paranoid mess who is so clearly bristling with anger. 😎

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,694 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    The chap was let off quite lightly when you consider he was in possession of class A drugs. Interviewer should have been more firm here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    In Poland we have a poem for kids about liars taught at school. The sens of this was to show, how liars work. They try to hide the lie as well as make it more believable by adding more and more details.

    For me they lied many times in Oprah interview and now they try to make them true by adding these details. No-one told them that it is counter productive? The more they blab the less their initial lies work for them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    The charge against the royal family is 'unconscious bias.' That can be rectified very easily. I think Harry has said that the RF institution would hire a 'diversity czar' but they have not done that yet.

    I think he probably has made his fortune now and the intention is to take on the British media in the courts with that. That terrifies the British tabloids because they know he isn't afraid of them and he won't be bought off. Some could well be put out of business by this as was the News of the World.

    From what I know, Harry doesn't have a private jet, doesn't use a helicopter to go to work and only 1 mansion (presumably purchased because of the security it offers) and a relatively modest house in the UK owned by the his father on which he pays rent and would be also secure since its in the grounds of Windsor Castle.

    His brother William, the future king, has five homes in the UK, uses a helicopter to get around in the middle of a cost of living crisis, all on the taxpayer who contributes about £100 million every year to their upkeep. At least Harry is paying for his own lifestyle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭squidgainz

    I sense sarcasm but he did seem very sober and articulate to me. Level headed is questionable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,694 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    Guys, he was composed, articulate and in control. But still saying nothing and still just telling silly immature anecdotes and tales. He needs to put this crusade of his to bed. It’s weird and unhealthy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    It seems that recollections vary for Harry as well. It was unconscious bias all along. Not racism, at least until his family fail to acknowledge it and possibly with his help too i.e. you're not racist unless you refuse to admit you are. Such arrogance, such mental gymnastics. So he on the one hand is saying that silence is betrayal but since that interview aired, and his family are widely accused of racism, he is only now giving clarification. Took a while didn’t it? Could have jumped on a podcast to talk about his expertise in unconcious bias. So a hypocrite. You'd be peeved if you are of the opinion that some or all of them are racist when the one with the inside track is refuting it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,325 ✭✭✭Man Vs ManUre

    Harold and Megalomaniac.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,038 ✭✭✭Deeec

    Shut up Harry, just stop - its like watching Harry run along the road towards self destruction.

    Its actually sad to watch this play out. His marriage will break down - himself and Meg will not be together in 5 years time. He will then realise what she has done to him with her american 'blame everyone else' attitude. She will ruin him. I cant see a way back for him to be accepted back by his family. He's embarrassing himself now with his childish pettiness - even people that were sympathetic of H & M have changed their views. Hes going to end up very damaged by his actions - he is being totally led astray.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,010 ✭✭✭Shelga

    I completely disagree with him on his attitude towards Charles and Camilla’s marriage. It’s absolutely none of his business if they want to get married, nor should it be. How would Harry feel if Charles and William had used his own lines on his marriage to Meghan? “Do what you like with her, live with her, but don’t marry her”- he’d have rightly told them to eff off.

    Harry clearly knows more about Charles and Camilla than I do, but I don’t need to know all the ins and outs to be clear that it should only ever be the decision of two adults in a couple to decide whether they get married or not. One of the first things they drum into you in therapy is that you’re not responsible for anyone else’s actions but your own, nor can you control anyone else.

    How he doesn’t see the hypocrisy in his attitude to Charles and Camilla, I don’t know. It just makes me think yet again that he has only ever used therapists who give him an extremely easy ride and tell him what he wants to hear. But therapy isn’t meant to be comfortable.

    Yes, of course it’s going to be difficult for Harry to like Camilla, given she was a constant presence in his parents’ ill-fated marriage. But C&C married 13 years after his divorce from Diana, and 8 years after her death. I have cousins who are estranged from our family because they can’t forgive their father, my uncle, for an affair he had 30 years ago. At some point you have to just get the hell over it.

    edit And even if his suspicions are all completely true, that Camilla has plotted to be queen since the beginning, so what? She had nothing to do with his mother’s death. Who cares if she’s Queen Consort? Their problems are all so ridiculous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭maebee

    I have zero sympathy for him for now running to the media that he hates and thrashing his family in return for megabucks, but I do have a huge sympathy for the 12 year old boy who was told by his father that his mother had just died and for him to have his knee patted and not receive a hug from his dad. This is where all his troubles began imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,657 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    Interesting thing about Camilla is that she was actually strongly disliked by the same right wing tabloids fifteen - twenty years ago and was often mocked and ridiculed by them. She (or perhaps the RF in general) has been clearly been working on her PR image to get into their good books - that accusation by Harry sounds credible enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,258 ✭✭✭✭SlickRic

    it begins and ends with the fact he hasn't got over his mother's death, something which I'm not saying he should ever get over by the way. he has every reason to despise the paparazzi, and how his mother was treated.

    but it's fascinating how he can't see, is unwilling to see, or has been manipulated into not seeing, that every single decision he now makes goes through that prism of hatred towards the media. it is essentially his crutch for every single thing that has gone wrong, and for him, vindicates every single decision he and his wife make.

    the crystallisation of this was in the interaction with Bradby over the racism claims. it was the most revealing part of the entire interview. Meghan quite clearly inferred that people were racist within the family in that Oprah interview. it's on tape. you cannot infer anything else from what they were saying. every media outlet in the world - tabloid, paparazzi or broadsheet - came to the same conclusion. and he knows what his wife said and clearly inferred. what else are you supposed to conclude from the accusation that there was 'concern over Archie's skin colour'?

    and yet, even though the world can use their eyes, ears and mental faculties to come to the correct conclusion that his wife believes the Royal institution, and/or individuals within the institution, are racist - he instinctively blames the British press, and says it's their fault, and that they manipulated what they said. Bradby, and fair play to him, had the 'concern for skin colour' ready in the back of his head, and all Harry could do was say he doesn't believe his family is racist.

    he is completely messed up, and he has a right to be. i can't tell him how to feel about the death of his mother - a death so public, when he was at such a young age, that I will never fully understand.

    but he cannot and should not be relied upon to tell the truth on this stuff. he's telling his version of events through the prism of deep seated hatred for the press and deep mental health issues.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,549 ✭✭✭✭freshpopcorn

    Just out of interest what will Harry's and Megan's next move be after the book an these interviews are finished?

    Another Netflix series about their daily lives/life after his tell all book?

    Another book with more secrets from the past?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,707 ✭✭✭Bobblehats

    One of the most popular thread and hottest topics in current affairs is celebrity rubbish. Disturbing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,038 ✭✭✭Deeec

    Well I can see Harry the movie next where the true story is told of the time William took Harrys sweets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Staleturnips

    Given one of the main drivers pushing them to exiting the RF was the unwanted attention it brought why the hell is he jumping at every single opportunity for publicity? Secondly if he hates the RF as an institution so much why retain its titles?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭superflyninja

    For me, at least the intense dislike (I wouldn't call it hatred) is simply down to her actions. If someone pokes their head above the parapet and speaks out on a valid issue then more power to them IMO. It's not that. It's her actions and her faux butter wouldn't melt attitude, she is the perpetual victim. Never is anything her fault.

    Her lies are plain to see as is (what looks like to me anyway) narcissistic, manipulative behaviour. I've been on the other end of some "characters" like Markle and once you see that sort of lies and manipulation it becomes easier to recognize. Dealing with that sort of person is infuriating, I can only imagine what its like her making all her fantasy grievances public in the manner she does.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    That's why they are so disliked. They do nasty things mainly to their own families and then try to dress them up in noble causes. And think people are idiots and don't see it.

    COMPASSION was their aim, yet they only spread hatred...
