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online dating



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,365 ✭✭✭raclle

    You already know you like older women but in what context? Can you see a future with an older woman as in settling down and having kids or is it just physical? I'm asking as your posts come across like you don't know what you want but its a good starting point. Life's like a puzzle but once the pieces start falling into place you'll start to figure it out but you may need help along the way.

    Best of luck!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I can't have kids anymore anyway. That wouldn't happen with a woman my age or otherwise. I relate to them easier in my experience. As far as the phsyical is concerned, there's no bonus necessarily going older. It's the same to me. There's a large life experience gap there. I understand that. But that in itself hasn't caused me problems before. I can't easily relate to women my age because, I feel fundamentally different to people my own age. I don't have the same interests, I don't have the same taste in film, TV, music etc. I don't feel comfortable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

  • Posts: 1 [Deleted User]

    Whilst I understand this, nearly 20 years older is a BIG difference and a 40 year woman likely isn't going to want a relationship with a 20 year old man. I say this as someone who had a relationship with a guy 9 years younger and men 10+ years older. I'm not against age gaps overall, but 20 years is a LOT when the younger person is just out of their teens.

    There are plenty of women who aren't interested in kids, check out the childfree forum here for an example.

    The having things in common thing, I understand, but you're not an anomaly -there will be women in the same boat as you around your own age with similar interests who are looking for someone more mature than the average 20 year old.

    I would cap it at 30 TBH.

  • Posts: 1 [Deleted User]

    might be worth it for 10 years left on the clock.😂

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I've actually made a post on the CF section here before, asking how people were getting on dating wise. Didn't gain a lot of traction though.

    Interestingly (to me anyway) I haven't had much luck around the 30 mark before. Always late 30s/early 40s. Someone else here may know what that's about, I certainly don't.

  • Posts: 1 [Deleted User]

    The thing is - have you had any relationships happen out of the ones with women in their late 30s/40s? I'm asking because it sounds like it's not actually going too well if you really look at it.

    What about early 20s?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    One long term, many short term FWB situations. The long term one ended up going back to her ex husband ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Expectations I can't meet.

  • Posts: 1 [Deleted User]

    See I think this is why you're feeling so bad about yourself in terms of job/car/house etc. You're comparing yourself to people with 20 years on you.

    I seriously think you should start reaching out to girls a lot closer to your age and just give it a try. But only when you build up your own confidence in yourself a bit more.

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    I was referring to women my age with the last part of the last comment

  • Posts: 1 [Deleted User]

    Ah ok. What expectations? Like you've said you're already forking out on hotels for these older women.

    I honestly think you just need to be happier in yourself so that you're the one setting the standard of what you want rather than trying to find someone who'll have you. You seem like a genuinely lovely guy.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Same ones I've listed before. The car, place of my own (or at least renting) etc. I've no idea how anyone sees these as realistic expectations, but some blokes my age must live up to them, or they wouldn't be there.

    Christ that about sums me up doesn't it? Trying to find someone who'll have me.

    Appreciate that last thing you said :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

    Seriously. No one your age has those things! Get a girl your own age.

    40 something woman expecting to be wined and dined. Using you. Get out of there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,365 ✭✭✭raclle

    The car, place of my own (or at least renting) etc. I've no idea how anyone sees these as realistic expectations, but some blokes my age must live up to them, or they wouldn't be there.

    You're living in a fantasy world. Do you watch the news at all? Its near impossible to buy a house never mind rent one for extortionate prices. The majority of young lads your age are either living at home or renting with 4/5 other people. I mentioned about the price of cars earlier. Again it'll cost you thousands just to get on the road. Do you want to put yourself into debt if you're financially unable to afford it? Get your mindset right. Take a real hard look at what you want in life. Look at career prospects and find someone your own age. I'm sure there's plenty who have similar interests if you keep looking.

  • Posts: 1 [Deleted User]


    I've dated plenty of guys living in house shares, I'd consider it normal if you're single in Ireland and wouldn't be at all fazed. Having a car or not is definitely not a big deal either, sure I only started driving myself the past year.

    You need to open your mind up to the possibility that you've made a lot of assumptions based on a limited amount of experience and that there's every chance you'll meet someone closer to your own age who isn't looking for all of those things. You're too young to be this cynical already! :)

    What are your own goals? What do you want to do with your life? What do you want in life? Get that clear first and then look for someone on the same page.

    Edit: add on

    I was dating a fella on/off in my 20s who was 11 years older, and I remember feeling a similar way at one point in comparison to him because he had the house/car setup going on. You know what he said? The same thing we're saying now: "you have plenty of time to sort all that, I've had a good few more years ahead of you." Not the nicest guy I ever dated but he wasn't wrong about that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    It's not about her point of view, only that she is upset about something or whatever she feels. Everyone has full right to feel, what they feel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,360 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    I usually date younger, and not for the reasons you list there. While there are exceptions, younger people are often more naive and have less life experiences, and they are therefore easier to manipulate than people who have experienced more. Likewise your current mental health and confidence issues make you a definite target for someone who might want to abuse them.

    I am not a very nice person and if you were female you’d be on my radar for sure. You are practically running around with a an advertising sign that reads “happy to be abused if you tell me that you love me”.

    I’m not saying this to freak you out but to make you realise that other people do not necessarily see you the way you think they do. Your “reasons” for not having found “the one” are, as previous posters pointed out, a fantasy and an excuse. You will not find what you are looking for while you are considering yourself worthless and just happy to be wanted.

    If I were you I’d really step back from dating for now while you figure out what exactly you want and why.

  • Registered Users Posts: 555 ✭✭✭laoisgem

    I can only echo what everyone else has said @IE.TP1J6 You need to get off the apps, stop dating and work on yourself, ALOT!

    I say this a as a 40 year old woman who has been single for almost 10 years and goes to therapy twice a week. Sure I've had FWB situations, one even going on for 7 years 😁 because I couldn't mentally & emotionally commit to a relationship and honestly I wouldn't have the time to fit a partner in my life, I'm sure that'll change eventually but I'm happy as I am.

    There are plenty of online options for therapy and support groups you can turn to but you need to be willing and open to hear the hard **** and step outside your comfort zone. I wish you all the best.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,085 ✭✭✭Mister Vain

    Its near impossible to buy a house never mind rent one for extortionate prices.

    And despite that it still seems to be a deal breaker for many people if you're living at home. It can be disheartening when you're chatting away with someone and everything seems to be going well, then immediately get unmatched as soon as you mention your living arrangement.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    This is the point I'm making. It's not my fantasy world. There's no shortage of people that expect those things. And I vividly remember when I was living in Cavan matching with a girl 18 or 19, talking about a date. She asks when and where I can pick her up, I say I don't drive, immediately unmatched. I'm not making this crap up.

    I'm off all of the apps now anyway. Can't deal with the migraines.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    My not listening to anything anyone has said here is an assumption on your part. I said that I've deleted the apps for my own good.

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The reason for that goes back to what I said last week (I think) I'm not going into pubs, clubs, or whatever on my own to try pickup women.

    No, not shy. Don't do rejection well, but not shy.

    Just lost touch with the friends I had in Cavan since leaving college. I was 18 then, 21 next month. Long time (in my eyes) to have had no friends. Don't find it easy.

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,365 ✭✭✭raclle

  • Posts: 1 [Deleted User]

    Ok so the first thing I want to say here is - please don't take anything anyone is posting the wrong way. I was reading over the replies (including my own) and I can see how you might be feeling a bit disheartened and under attack. I'm not assuming you feel that way, but in case you are - don't be. Everyone here is genuinely trying to help based on their own experience, and here's the thing: if people with more experience are telling you that your assumption of the dating pool available to you is wrong, then it's probably wrong. You know?

    Again, I do think you need to work on yourself first. If you looked at half the datingships/relationships I was in in my 20s, you wouldn't be taking any advice from me, I was richoheting from one mess to another. But people learn and people grow, and you CAN get past these things when you work hard at it. The thing is, you have to work at it and no-one else can do it for you.

    No relationship is going to fix what's going on with you. You have to do it. And if you go looking for relationships before you're ready, I honestly don't think they're going to last.

    It's okay to be on your own for a while, even if you give it 6 months to start with, take the pressure of dating off yourself. I get the whole friends thing, that's really fcuking tough with anxiety. I didn't have a big bunch of friends at 20 when I moved to Dublin and I wasn't overly friendly with the college ones as I was always working, so what I did was I joined a few online groups and met people through them, have a look in your local area for Facebook groups and see if there are any that do meet ups. I found the gym a really great way to meet people too AND it helps so much with your mood, it really really does. Are there any small fitness groups in your area? Maybe a running club? You might find a free one that a few people have set up locally if you have a look. You need an outlet. It sounds like you don't have one at the moment and that's not good, especially not when you're dating because everything is going to revolve around that person if you've nothing else going on.

    This money you're spending on dates and hotels, look for a therapist who does a sliding scale for unemployed people (most do if you call and ask, and doesn't have to be local as they do online now) and use that money to work on yourself.

    You're 20, you're good-looking, you're clearly a nice person. This is just the start of your life. You have plenty of time to get it right, and you will. You just need to change your focus a little right now.

    **edited to be less of a biography😂

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 827 ✭✭✭farmingquestion

    This probable explanation behind this is the woman wants to have casual sex but then regrets it after so she tries to fool herself into believing she was used or lied to and you're just collateral damage for this to happen.

    And man, don't worry about anything happening to your home house or anything. That won't happen. You also know where she lives and she knows this too.

    This is an irrational fear. A woman is pissed at you through no fault of yours, has blocked you on whatsapp and you've jumped ahead to her attacking your house and you being thrown out of your home. Relax. Just block yer wan and you'll never come across her again.

  • Posts: 1 [Deleted User]

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,193 ✭✭✭Eircom_Sucks

    most of the women on dating apps just love the attention , seeking instagram followers , or they all posing in bikini's , and generally after the ego massage

    also what's with all the Machu Pichu pics taking from behind and can't even see her face

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    Nah I don't feel attacked in any way. All good there. I appreciate your input.

    I know relationships won't fix me. Deep down, I know that. Just a vain hope. In terms of things going on, things I could do etc. The Occupational Therapist was telling me that she organises a few different groups. Like the Gym group is on Mondays, and walking is on Fridays. Can't remember what the others are. I'd like to study again, because I'm not getting anywhere otherwise, but I have this fear of failure after how it went the first time around. Programming screwed me up quite badly.

    I'm on waiting lists for further help like psychiatrists and psychologists and so on. Already seeing on psychologist though.

    I appreciate you mentioning your own life experience by the way.
