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Adult ADHD Advice



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,882 ✭✭✭tusk

    So I was referred to murtagh by my gp. But didn't hear anything for a while so I googled him.. Accidently ended up ringing the wrong number and got through to spectrum mental health. They had shorter wait times than both murthagh and merrion so I went ahead with them.

    Got an appointment about 6 weeks away. Then got a cancellation in about 2 weeks which was great.

    Found the whole process really grand tbh. 3 hour assessment was hard. Keeping focus and energy was tough. And felt very drained for a few days after.

    Got my report and diagnosis on Thursday and had a 50 minute feedback session with the doctor on Friday.

    I'm feeling positive and slightly uneasy.

    Looking forward to this next chapter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 MyGodThisIsTiring

    Hi All,

    I spent a few hours last night reading this entire thread, I really started to believe I had ADHD about a year ago when we began becoming concerned that our son might have (5yr old now), my wife doesn’t recognise his behaviour from her own personality but for me it’s like looking at my childhood in the 3rd person! Anyway, after some research that started out focusing on him I was floored to start to realise that I ticked every box and that a huge amount of my failures in life and work would seem directly connected.

    I’m 34 now, I’ve always found things that I’m interested in incredibly easy but as soon as the topic requires some actual work to get passed a certain level everything falls away, I run my own business and I’ve failed over and over again at several aspects of it even when they started well it would all crash and I’d just suddenly become paralysed and barely be able to complete a single task until there is a tidal wave in front of me. I see how “easy” it would be to be consistent and see others doing it day in and day out and can’t do it myself. That has led to great guilt and shame of underachieving even though on the whole I’m still doing alright. I dropped out of college after 6 months stopped going to lectures after about 2 weeks. I look back now and realise I spent my teen and early twenties getting through life hyper focusing at 1am to 3am to complete whatever I had to do. With a child that doesn’t work anymore mostly.

    I find it next to impossible to stick to any routine I try out in place, eating habits all over the place, my friends and wife have been frustrated for years as I space out of almost any conversation we have that goes passed 30 seconds. I misplace keys, wallet etc multiple times a day, I can zone out and miss appointments that i am waiting for all day. I make careless and frustrating mistakes in work and am late for everything. Every report card I ever got in school from 5 upward said giddy and easily distracted. Every single one. My wife is convinced also I have it from the zoning out to meltdowns I’ve had from overwhelm. I’ve also always needed tons of lists and other life hacks to keep myself functioning but they usually fall away after a while too…

    I used to have huge ambition (in my head) with work but after so many small failures it’s stacked up and I lack belief (and rightly so 😂) that I’m simply not able. That’s the back story now for the action.

    About 2 months ago I built up the courage to go see my GP, I asked to see the guy I’ve seen who has seemed to me to be the most open minded in the past. I have very little time for them in there, I rarely go to the doctor but I find if I do you usually feel fobbed off or crazy for having a problem! He was fine in fairness, though not particularly knowledgable. I told him why I thought I had it and I wanted to get assessed and do something about it. I also told him clearly that I wanted to go down the route of meds (I wasn’t specific on type as I’m not really up on it) and then I wanted to do whatever OT/CBT would work but that without meds I don’t believe I’d be capable of going or sticking to anything without something that helps in place first. I was glad to see most posts on this thread would agree with me in that sense.

    He referred me to the Hazleton Clinic in Cork. They called me after a week or so saying that they couldn’t add me to the waiting list yet but if I called back in a week they could. Which I found odd but anyway I did it and got an apt eventually for initial consultation (Zoom) with Dr. Cesar Jayaro who is a clinical psychologist (I now realise it probably should have been psychiatrist first day). The initial consultation was okay, lasted about 15 mins he asked me general questions I told him my problems, though I never really felt I got passed the surface but figured it was just initial. He asked a lot about drugs alcohol depression, none of which are a thing for me though depression likely is in some respects but I don’t have a history. That was that, he agreed that I showed a lot of classic symptoms. He asked me if I’d booked the assessment and I had and that was that.

    Assessment date comes around, I’ve been honestly excited at the thought of doing it, this is a huge moment for to actually change something, I go to the clinic in cork. Go in, 3 American girls working up there (fine) I’m brought into a room with a computer, I figured this was step one and I’d see the doctor after. I was tasked with clicking a button for 20 minutes every time a white square appeared at the top of the screen and not clicking every time it appeared at the bottom. I have no idea how I did in that but it was torturously boring and I found myself zoning out several times.

    Next up I was handed an iPad with questionnaires on it. “Are you suicidal” “do you forget your keys” “do you wake up in the morning and do drugs” etc etc etc. around 500 questions many of them repeated multiple times with slightly different wording on it with answers : False, somewhat true, mostly true, very true. I finished that, another incredibly boring task.

    I went out to reception and was told that was it and that the doctor is based in America so he will get that test and analyse it and I’ll have my results emailed to me in 8 weeks. If I wish to follow up call with him then I can book that.

    Initial consultation €180

    ADHD assessment €700

    I left in a sort of shock, and was incredibly angry and sad on the way home. I’m smart enough to know when something is a total grift and it felt like a total grift. I’ve seen plenty of similar setups in America from mechanics to realtors 😬. I was excited at the thought of finally spilling my problem to someone who understood and would help me and instead left feeling really stupid. I’m now trying to figure out what to do. Since looking up Google they have a lot of bad reviews of similarly bemused people. It seems however that many others are receiving equally shoddy treatment and assessments. What I’m afraid of now is them coming back saying “we need to do more tests, that’ll be €1000”. I’m angry at my gp and I also know even if I do get “diagnosed” that I probably have to go elsewhere to get prescribed anything? And will those people even acknowledge this assessment.

    Longest message ever, I apologise, if someone can read it mainly the hazleton part I’d appreciate it a lot. You don’t need to read my life story ✌️

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 MyGodThisIsTiring

    And thanks to those that set this thread up, it was eye opening to read last night. Thank you so much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭Rewind

    Wow! That sounds like a terrible experience. Sad to hear you went through that. Can't imagine how frustrating it was. As you indicated, a psychiatrist is typically the best option due to prescriptions. There is a really important place for psychological assessments also as they can give guidance on strategies which can complement medication. Try not to let this negative experience through you off. You made it this far! If you have not already, consider making an appointment with a reputable psychiatrist. Waiting lists appear to be an issue but trust me, it's worth the wait if you have ADHD. Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,882 ✭✭✭tusk

    Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a tough ride. But it's like reading about my own life. Very similar issues across the board.

    Can highly recommend spectrum btw. The assessment was 750 quid and it was 3 solid hours with a psychologist and my informant. We went through a lot. And it was actually kind of cathartic for me. Almost like a therapy session, but really reflecting on the past, most of which I'd forgotten until actively trying to remember.

    They do not automatically give access to psychiatrist for meds, but afaik, they can help you with going that route after your diagnosis.

    I want to initially work on med free actions to see if they can help, but I am curious if I try the meds, will I completely turn a corner.

    Good luck with your journey mate. Hope the next steps work out more positively for you!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 783 ✭✭✭Board Walker

    Hi All. Id like to share my "self diagnosis" `Well, its more of a this is what i've discovered and i'm going to make an appointment with my GP during the week to take the first step but id like to know that i'm not totally imagining it or trying to find something to blame my crankiness on. I am 39 and have a beautiful wife and 2 year old boy.

    So a few weeks ago on instagram reels i saw a reel about a guy that has ADHD and i replayed it a few times because i found it struck a cord and after that because i'd played it a few times, it decided to show me loads and loads of ADHD reels and i was a bit shell shocked. I could relate to almost everything. I did tell my wife 6 months ago that i did think there was something wrong with me. We'd had an argument and she was saying i was very vague at the time and away in my own world constantly and not taking in anything she was saying. And as she was saying it i found i was just staring through her exactly not taking in anything she was saying. I obsess over things like minor tiffs ive had with people or i found a new hobby in photography a few years back and ended up spending 3000 on equipment in the first 2 months. Thankfully i love it and still use all the gear but thats just an example of my compulsiveness.

    Around this time of year i can be away in my own world for weeks on end and i cant remember anything that my wife has asked me to do and i just keep putting it on the long finger and then everything is done at the last minute with major panic and things frequently end up in an argument. For years in school or college ive found myself snapping out of a day dream wondering what planet ive been on for the last hour and i end up walking away from a lecture after taking in zero. I don't tend to be unable to sit down but i do have a tendency to just sit in front of the telly for hours chewing my nails also.

    I do all these online ADHD quizzes and i tick so many boxes its crazy. This time of year i'm all plans but i do absolutely nothing. Ive a big list of DIY jobs i want to do but i have spent more sleepless nights planning them all out and doing absolutely nothing. it is coming to a point that it is effecting my relationship with my wife so i really think now is the time for me to visit the GP about it and get the ball rolling.

    I have achieved a lot in life and thankfully i have not let it take control but i just wanted to share my story and see if it stuck any chords with anyone as ive been putting this off for the last 3 months.

    Then again, i may just be lazy and cranky and need and attitude adjustment...

  • Registered Users Posts: 710 ✭✭✭Feu

    I am so sorry to hear your experience. I had never heard of this clinic, and can see from at least one Reddit thread that others have had a similar experience. This really grinds my gears. People are working up the courage for months or years to talk to their GP, and then beg/borrow/steal the cash for a private assessment, and this is the state of what you get. I can only imagine how far back this sets some people.

    While there is a place for some of those computerised ADHD assessments, as part of a comprehensive psychological assessment, this aint it. I've actually never heard of these being done here, and obviously many people who go for ADHD or Autism Assessments are on the one hand thinking "this is definitely me", and on the other hand thinking "i am an imposter", so you really need that face time with a professional to hash things out. Also some people may be ADHD and autistic, so a questionnaire with no room for discussion can lead to bad results.

    From that Reddit thread, it does seem like they have a pyschiatrist on staff, although, maybe not in the country, but if they're registered with the Irish Medical Council, they should still be able to prescribe medication. You should clarify with them if that can be done before starting over elsewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 MyGodThisIsTiring

    Thanks you've nailed it. I built this up and honestly realised afterward how excited I was to speak to someone about it all and then ended up clicking a button a screen for 20 mins lol. I knew it was dodgy. My GP clearly has no idea how bad they are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 Dublin_Denver


    I just recently moved back from the United States, and I have been on medication for adult ADHD for a few years now (previously thinking it was depression), however the medication of Adderall is not available in Ireland. I talked with my GP, and she has reached out trying to find a prescription equivalent, however it has not been easy for her to figure out after asking other professionals. While she was able to get me an appointment in April of next year with a psychiatrist, she asked for me to try around for an appointment, as my prescription only has a week left.

    My US doctor who I just contacted stated "Looking at your dose I would probably start with the 10-20 mg tablets of Vyvanse" (I am currently on 40mg of Adderall).

    I'm trying to find a way to get some sort of prescription, as cutting back I'm already noticing the negative effects.

    My few questions are:

    Can an online psychiatrist provide a prescription, and are there any quick?

    As I have already been diagnosed (albeit USA, will i have to do the assessment again)

    Is there a way to get in somewhere before April?

    I do have private insurance, but would appreciate any advice, thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38,374 ✭✭✭✭PTH2009

    Please keep safe for the next few weeks

    This is such an overwhelming time and some people don't realise It

    Keep alcohol and emotions at check even if the Christmas songs are pumping constantly and you feel like you want too explode

    Bad memories become harder over this time but there never not bads memories no matter what time of year

    Keep talking to someone even if it means on here

    Stay safe everyone and happy Xmas

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  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭alanzo27

    Hi all.

    I thought I would update you on my progress regarding ADHD/ASD assessment.

    I finally have received "closure" regarding my suspicions over the past few years of this long and difficult journey. Firstly I cannot thank the Adult Autism Practice enough. They are courteous, professional, thorough and transparent in their assessment approach which is neuroaffirmative. They also offer post assessment advice and one free additional post assessment support meeting with Thriving Autistic. My experience has been thoroughly positive. I feel content. I can now focus on my identity and discover my strengths and opportunities, while re-integrating within society after regressing during the COVID pandemic.

    As of this morning I have been formally diagnosed as a neurodivergent individual. Other areas indicated include ADHD - Combined Type and OCD. I will receive one detailed report, one abridged report for the purposes of forwarding to my GP and University Support Services, and additional links related to supports and peer groups as discussed with the assessor.

    I have a lot of information to process, however I can now rest for the Christmas period after a stressful but productive semester at University. 😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 710 ✭✭✭Feu

    Hi Alanzo,

    I am so glad to read your update, and that you finally got confirmation of what you had known for a long time, and after all that messing around with the other clinic. I have also heard really good things about Adult Autism, so I'm glad to hear this also. I hope you were able to relax and enjoy the break having got that good news before Christmas. Send that in to your college Disability Service as soon as you get it, so you can get some supports set up for this term! best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 nbarrow12345

    Hi Rewind,

    Just reading through this forum, do you mind if I ask was your partner referred through St. Pats in Dublin to meet O'Ceallaigh?

    Spoke to my GP this week on getting an assessment and he sent a referral to St Patrick's, but I was under the impression from other posts I've read elsewhere online that they don't provide this service anymore!

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭Rewind

    My partner was referred to him by her GP in Dublin. Not sure if it went through St. Patricks system, I don't think so. That said the assessment was in fact in St Pats!

  • Registered Users Posts: 710 ✭✭✭Feu

    I emailed the secretary on Friday. Seems to be directly with O'Ceallaigh, but in St Pats. She said 15 month waiting list for him :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 38,374 ✭✭✭✭PTH2009

    Am I pissing in the wind trying to argue an element of an assessment ??

    I feel in one that i was described is false and ive sent off reaons why i think so but so far the doctor just won't accept my reasoning

    Gone are the days where 'you just have too accept what the doctor says'

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 Students_Tea

    So this is my first time posting and I won't go into my history that much but basically I have been confirmed ADHD abroad but that diagnosis didn't transfer over. Due to procrastination I have been slow to get the ball moving in Ireland but I recently started looking into getting treated here. I booked an appointment with my GP who I got to refer me to Dr. Alan Murtagh. I was added to the waiting list but my appointment is for April 2025. Bummer. Anyone else been getting horrendously long waiting times?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 Students_Tea

    Well who was it who provided the assessment? Not everyone is well trained in how to diagnose adult ADHD. And I don't mean naming names by the way. I just mean were they a physiatrist etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 564 ✭✭✭dbas

    I got June 2025.

    I already have a diagnosis, I just want to try a different medication.

    It's mental out there

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 Students_Tea

    Yea I'm going to have to look at some other options it seems. Waiting 2 years just to be seen is pretty crazy. The GPs don't seem to be much help either.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,879 ✭✭✭Flaneur OBrien

    Hi, I didn't realise this was here. I'm self diagnosed, hopefully getting seen by the end of the year to confirm. Nice to meet ye, lokk forward to reading the posts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭lucalux

    Hi all, just want to look for some idea of people's experience and probably reassurance?!

    I was diagnosed ADHD back in 2019 by my mental health team (psychologist and psychiatrist), they wouldn't prescribe any stimulant type meds (history of self-medication/drugs and alcohol) and wanted me to try a therapy model which I accepted at the time. No meds, no improvement, and therapy ended around the summer of 2020.

    Since then, I've moved areas, discharged myself from their services as I wasn't having therapy or meds.

    In the past 2 years I've been noticing a big uptick in symptoms and my life is really a mess tbvh, so I've been thinking about going to the mental health team to ask what my options are regarding medications.

    Many months later (thanks anxiety and procrastination) I finally called my GP today and have an appointment for this afternoon.

    Panicking now because a huge part of my health anxiety is rooted around 'not being believed', or coming across as 'drug-seeking'. (Case in point, I first asked for an ADHD assessment when I was 20, it was done and I was diagnosed at 32, even my psychologist who knew me 3 years at that point said she was surprised, she wouldn't have guessed I had it.. go figure)

    Now I'm facing into dealing with a new team, my GP isn't the greatest with anything mental health related, and because I have no experience of how the medication situation is now in Ireland, I'm wondering is this going to be a disheartening experience, and is it even worth asking about stimulant medications?

    I've been on antidepressants and anxiety medications before, and I really want to try anything that might help.

    Anyone have any experience lately (going through the HSE specifically preferably) I'd be really grateful to hear any experiences, good or bad! Thanks

    (also love that this thread is here, it's very reassuring thanks all)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭lucalux

    Ok, maybe someone can help here?! I just saw this on the ADHD Ireland website:

    PLEASE BE AWARE – If you receive an ADHD report from a psychologist and wish to take medication, you will have to be re-diagnosed by your GP or psychiatrist. You will not be able to use your psychologist report to acquire medication.

    I got a diagnosis through my mental health team, my psychiatrist asked my psychologist to do a full ADHD assessment, which she did, me and my reporting person (mother) both did the questionnaire thing, and I received the results through my an appointment with my psychiatrist.

    Is this a 'full' diagnosis, or what? Now I'm wondering if what i got was an 'ADHD Report'.. Starting to worry now as I'm discharged from that team due to moving house, and not sure I'll be able to get another assessment in the next few years as I'm only able to access the HSE mental health team.. Trying not to panic, but you know, also panicking a bit (!)

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 60,190 Mod ✭✭✭✭Gremlinertia

    Get in touch with psychiatrist and ask them to issue a letter with the diagnosis and the answer will hopefully help you know what route to follow

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭lucalux

    Thanks @Gremlinertia, that's the way I think.

    I had the GP appt this afternoon and it was a locum with, tbvh, very poor english, I just requested the referral to Psych team, and referenced the therapy I'd done on diagnosis/ ADHD medication being postponed until after I had finished that, for him to put in referral letter.

    I'm going to email my old psychologist now and ask her to clarify the diagnosis if I can, and also to see if she might send a letter ahead of me to the new mental health team giving them some context of my history.

    Slightly off-topic but the locum doctor gave me the referral letter as he couldn't work the in-office system to send it through, so I said I'd bring it to reception.

    The PMH (previous medical history) notes included on referral letter, are unbelievably incorrect and kind of stigmatising if you were to read them not knowing me, or the actual correct info. It threw me, but I just wanted to get out of there at that stage. The amount of inaccuracies...omg. Sometimes feel like I need an advocate with me for medical appointments as it is so easy to be misjudged, treated with suspicion and end up misunderstood/gaslit tbh.

    Will have to leave that for another day I suppose

  • I was born in early 1960s, and from birth I slept very little. Always hyper in a sort of quiet way, my mind is always busy and getting distracted by tangents. I either neglect stuff or hyper-focus, rarely do moderation. Most of time I have very little patience, and feel I always have to be fidgeting. Inwardly I terribly restless, and I daydream almost non-stop.

    Never got homework done, when it would come to exams I might get completely lost in doing a section. Eg, when it came to Leaving Cert mock Geography I only got around to one major question. Was given 99% score but teacher advised he wasn’t looking for a PhD thesis on the Curragh of Kildare, so my overall result was only 65%.

    I heard one person describing ADHD on the radio, likening it to having too many windows open on a computer, crashing the system. I thought it described me perfectly.

    I have exotropia strabismus from birth, which didn’t respond well to treatment, so it’s always affected my vision. I believe it can be associated with ADHD.

    I’m thinking of going for a diagnosis, but in meantime need surgery for a physical condition which I’m focussing on now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 novamalina

    Hello all,

    Just wondering whether anyone has any experience of and/or Dr Maria Rubeo for ADHD assessment?

    I have a GP referral to a psychiatrist whose name I can't remember now but who is not even taking anyone on to his waiting list. I contacted Dr Alan Murtagh's office and they can add me to their waiting list on the basis of that referral, with availability for online assessment in September 2025. Typical, but still cracked.

    Yet I can as of this very moment book an online assessment for this Saturday coming with Dr Rubeo, who is psychiatrist registered with the Irish Medical Council and listed as well on ADHD Ireland's site.

    There must be a catch...?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17 Period Hotspod

    Are you sure that appt., is for an assessment or just a consult.?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 novamalina

    "The Full Assessment requires two consultations:

    The first one(Full Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment and Report - Consultation 1 of 2) where the specialist makes a first diagnosis and gathers all the required information to build the ADHD report.

    This second one(Full Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment and Report - Consultation 2 of 2) for medication assessment and management, to validate that the prescribed medication is working as expected and / or make the required medication adjustments."

    I found one online review (for an assessment earlier this month) from what seems like a legit reviewer: "Dr Rubeo was very warm and understanding of my issues, in an area of mental health that is woefully under staffed, getting an assessment with dronline was refreshingly stress free and well worth it if you believe you suffer with ADHD."

    So I decided to take the plunge and booked with her directly, via the email address on the ADHD Ireland website. Assessment next week. I'll report back!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17 Period Hotspod

    It really is strange that mental health practitioners dealing specifically with ADHD (adults), think it’s ok not to reply to email enquiries from their contacts page or don’t bother returning messages left on their voice mail. Sitting around wondering if the doctor even got your message in the first place plays havoc with anxiety. I think it also shows a lack of respect for the client / patient.

    The fact that an individual in distress has to wait over a year to get hold of a Ritalin,concerta adderal etc., but you can be given a Xanax prescription to calm the stress (which can be addictive) to someone with adhd.
