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Russia - threadbanned users in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,155 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Almost certainly is. Quality isn't there but they have numbers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    At the current rate of losses they could in theory have another 250,000 dead in the next 10 -12 months ,

    While they have pumped the area full of new conscripts,the Ukrainans are better prepared, trained and equipped than they were 12 months ago,6 months of bakhmut is going to fall from the usual suspects , whats the casualties going to be like when 200,000 Russians go toe to toe with 200,000 angry and motivated Ukrainians,

    I think the losses will be staggering,

    Despite best predictions of some amateur psychic's

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,908 ✭✭✭✭Mam of 4

    Oh I know.. and I know we've all watched these atrocities happen for the last year , without being able to do anything physically to help .

    The strength and courage of everyone is unimaginable, to carry on living in whatever way shape or form, is humbling .

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,089 ✭✭✭threeball

    I dont think you can mobilise the number of men the Russians need to the front without becoming a movable feast for himars and howitzers. And if they do arrive they remain a large static target. You'll see tens of thousands of men dying from artillery barrages which can't be countered.

    I'd be pretty certain the Ukrainians know this and are ready to bring these guns forward to decimate the approaching mobiks before they get a chance to even get close to the front. The Swedish archers will be particularly adept at wiping out entire convoys of Ruskies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    There seem to to be two scenarios, but only one seems likely to me.

    Training non pilots to be fighter pilots from scratch; then Hawks are useful, but it's going to take longer than anyone wants this conflict to last and then they still need to be trained to a UK fighter type which gets handed over.

    The second is training of experienced pilots to fly UK fighters. This seems to me more likely, in which case the Hawks are not really of any use as they are another type they need to learn and convert to and SU-27 and Mig-29 pilots don't need to learn the basics.

    I think they would start on a type specific simulator for the typhhoon, Unless the US whispered the magic F-35 word in their ear, but that seems very unlikely given their general practice to date of only allowing neutered systems go to Ukraine and Biden vetoing even F-16s.

    The US colonel familiar with joint ops with Ukrainian pilots estimated only 3 months to train them on F-15s so this should be the same - 3 months training on Typhoons and then a decision as to whether they are given them or not, unless that's already been made.

    The British have just moved a piece on the board that really signals western resolve. Well done. It's probably got US elected representatives looking at each other and going 'did they just do that?'

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  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭MudSpud

    If the Wagner Group are a mercenary gang then why would they not employ anyone with combat skills? Or indeed anyone, no matter what nationality, who can pull a trigger? During the Iraq War, mobs like Blackwater, Aegis and Triple Canopy took any thug and gave them a grand a day. You were a hired gun. Didn't matter where you came from or where your allegiences lay. You are also outside the law.

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭MudSpud

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,922 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Wagner employs mercenaries, but not everyone wants to die in a Ukrainian field for money, or even freedom. The prisoners they are throwing at the Ukrainians are dying like flies. They are often used in human wave attacks. It's so notorious that Wagner are allegedly having difficulty recruiting even at prisons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Can't see them getting typhoons being they have only limited numbers themselves and the British experts say it could take up to 5 Years to effectively train a single typhoon pilot in all aspects of the aircraft,

    While we had talks of everything from f16s,A10s,Saabs ,F15s it will be the same case of rumors are great as well as wishful thinking, but we have seen zero commitments to any modern Western aircraft,

    Which case leads to training Ukrainian pilots for possible future aircraft purchases , longer term thinking,so we're back to the hawks which is the current go to trainer for UK aircraft ,no Europen countries fly the F15s and only a few Operate f16s , while some are moving to the F35s ukraine won't be seeing or getting them in the next decade or two ,

    We've seen how long discussions on tanks has taken, pretty much 12 months and so far none have actually arrived in Ukraine bar the 3 from Canada currently on Poland,

    While various parties are talking F15s and F16s which is all good but the moment one is shown getting shot down in Ukraine, support for sending more would dry up pretty quick,

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,922 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    I'd like to think so, but even the Russians learn and adapt. The Ukrainians have pulled off an incredible defence, but they aren't super-human. I'm not sure what comes next, but I think people may have to prepare for the possibility of Russian gains, and possibly surprises in the next weeks and months.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭MudSpud

    Has a single one of these vehicles arrived in Ukraine? I see videos of tanks being loaded onto ships. I see politicians talking about "pledging" assistance. How long does it take for a cargo ship to get to Ukraine? Considering that it can't get through the Black Sea? So where are these tanks dropped off? France? Rotterdam? and then taken by rail to Ukraine? Ukraine's rail system is destroyed. How exactly are these Abrams ans Leopards and Bradleys getting to the front in battle condition?

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Please leave a message after the tone, and i might get back to you; Bleeeeee....

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,440 ✭✭✭jmreire

    Really? are you saying that every mercenary outfit has the same level of standards and operationality as Wagner? They recruit from prisons, and sledgehammer their recruits if they get out of line? You have some proof of this? Because from what I've seen and heard about the US outfits especially, they were rather fussy about who they took on. Proven military service and active service history for starters, and definitely not the same model as Wagner, who took anyone they could get, and when you have to stoop to using convicts, that's pretty low.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    Zelensky has done it again!

    Another classic quote for the book.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,922 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    To go through your questions one by one

    Canadian Leopard 2's have already arrived in Poland, will likely cross the border soon. However long it takes a cargo ship to get to a friendly country. Thousands of pieces of equipment have been delivered to Ukraine, some just takes longer to arrive than others. There's also training to factor in (although sometimes training operates in tandem with the deliveries to speed the process up). Most equipment seems to flow through Poland. Ukraine's rail system is not destroyed.

    How exactly are these Abrams ans Leopards and Bradleys getting to the front in battle condition?

    Transported across Ukraine. Driven to frontlines.

    I'm getting a strange feeling of deja-vu with these questions

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭MudSpud

    Mercenaries do NOT have to be from a NATO country. They are hired guns. They can come from anywhere. An acquaintance of mine signed up with one of these groups and got paid handsomely for escorting convoys in Iraq. The lunatic is from Monaghan. He's now being paid well manning a machine gun on boats in the Red Sea to kill pirates.

    So don't think for one second that one has to have a loyalty in order to be a mercenary.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,254 ✭✭✭Virgil°

    One thing to consider with regards to what is being announced is that none of us have a clue what is happening in reality.

    I'd suspected for a while now that what's being announced by politicians is the delayed truth. That was confirmed today when Rishi Sunak said (standing in front of the ukrainian tankers training with the challengers) something like "our tanker instructors have informed me that some of you are already better than them after just some weeks of training". Keeping in mind that the challengers were only announced to being sent at all a few weeks ago. So these guys were already earmarked or probably had already begun basic training on the Challengers well in advance of the announcement.

    Same thing applies to fighter jets. I doubt very much the British defense would be announcing that they're training Ukranians on some NATO air hardware if there hadn't already been some training plan made(or indeed actual training done). And probably IMO a type of fighter Jet (Typhoons? F16s?) earmarked for future sending. It would just be a colossal waste of time and resources to train them if that wasn't the case. And indeed they really don't need to. Why give the Russians any sort of heads up on what will be patrolling the skies in the coming months/year?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,922 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Ukrainians were already pictured arriving in the UK one or two weeks ago for Challenger tank training.

    The logistics and planning operation behind the scenes, not just in Ukraine, but in Europe must be staggering.

    As for the information on the equipment being announced, my opinion is that the morale impact for both sides probably outweighs the info being released (which it's likely the Russians will know anyway)

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    "We are talking about weeks, I cannot give you an exact answer... It's been almost a month since they've been here. Usually, if you start teaching from scratch, the training period can take from several months to a year," Kremenetskyy said.

    He added that the training programme was shortened compared to how other specialists are taught. The reason is that Ukraine sends for training those specialists who have experience with air defence systems. They know the basics of operation, the basics of air defence systems, so they don't need to be taught the basic elements.

    Training times in a war are not the same as in peacetime.

    Poland aims to get training time on Leopard 2 battle tanks down to five weeks at a centre where Ukrainian soldiers are likely to be taught how to operate the Western battlefield workhorse against Russia's invasion.

    At a training centre equipped with simulators, 14 crews of four personnel each can undergo instruction at once. Training on the Leopard - the vaunted modern battlefield tank used by many NATO member countries in Europe - has hitherto taken about 10 weeks but this could be reduced to five, instructors said.

    "If we intensify training (by maximising the number of) instructors, our time and our weekends, we can train an entire crew in five weeks," Major Maciej Banaszynski, Poland's Leopard training centre commander, told Reuters on Tuesday.

    "Leopard tanks are third-generation tanks. Their mobility on diverse terrain is better compared to Russian tanks," said chief warrant officer Lukasz Setny, a senior Leopard instructor.

    Ukraians are proving quick on the uptake in Challenger 2 training.

    The British Defense Ministry said on Saturday that Ukrainian troops were quick to learn how to operate Challenger 2 tanks.

    "Tank crews from the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been quick to master the controls of the mighty Challenger 2 this week," the ministry said on Twitter.

    "I'm the Operations Group Commander for the California F-15 unit. One of my duties is to challenge and evaluate ability to fly combat aircraft. My professional assessment, and I've been sharing this with lawmakers this (last) week, is these guys are more than capable of flying our aircraft. 100 percent," he said. ... Juice, who was given his call sign while training with the California Air National Guard in 2018 after repeatedly ordering juice instead of alcohol when out with his American comrades, said the Ukrainian pilots could be trained up on modern American planes in a three to six-month period.

    When Sunak said it nomaly takes 3 years to train a pilot, Zelensky quipped that the'd be sending pilots with 2.5 years training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    They are not meant to be in Ukraine yet, they are training in neighbouring countries. They will be taken across the border when the time is right. The French sent Ukraine Crotale air defence systems. There was never any announcement of their arrival or deployment in Ukraine.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭MudSpud

    On what grounds can you BAN a person leaving their country? Praytell?

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭MudSpud

    Does NATO Membership now also come with the caveat that you must operate your economic affairs as the bloc sees fit? If so then it is OBVIOUSLY NOT purely a defensive alliance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭Dufflecoat Fanny

    Gazprom wants to form an army now to protect it's hydrocarbon empire Russia is starting to mutate

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭MudSpud

    Well there is all this talk about tanks being sent to Ukraine. We see all this footage of thousands of dead "orcs". Where is the footage of these hundreds of tanks that will be a gamechanger? I don't see it. Do you? I see lovely shots of something being loaded onto a plane somewhere. I don't see any evidence of all this stuff arriving in Ukraine and prepped to go for the Russki Spring offensive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭MudSpud

    I was merely asking where these tanks are, when they will be deployed, how many of them, etc. It is all over the news that the Russkis are about to kick off in the next week or two. If columns of tanks are needed to hold them back and these tanks have been promised...where are they? It's a simple question. If you don't like the question or don't have an answer then don't blame me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    They might as well everyone else has one, despite the Orc constitution supposedly banning them, but a constitution is only meaningful if you have an independent judiciary, which is not the case in Orcistan. This will be at least the fourth private army there. No wonder they can't field troops against Ukraine, everyone with the money seems to be more concerned about war-lording than fighting externally and snaffling all the military types.

    Good way to avoid conscription, Join Patriot or Gazprom.

    Post edited by cnocbui on

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,612 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    There has been multiple columns of tanks pictured on their way to Ukraine, once there, the location will be classified until they are used.

    Why? Because they're not stupid like the russians have been with their battle tactics (or stupid like posters asking where the tanks are).

    That's your answer.

    What's the next russian shill talking point you just want to ask questions about?

    What's your bet on how long the mudspud account will last? Valentines day maybe?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,484 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    Ignoring the tough questions again I see. It must be all too real for you…just like all other Russian supporters who refuse to answer that one question.

    Post edited by Fighting Tao on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Would GPS co-ordinates do. Should we send to you or simply straight to Orwell road to save you the bother?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 257 ✭✭ElitesTeam

    That whole twitter thread is pure nonsense propaganda.

    No way the so called prisoner has time to talk to reporters or the Wagner are using convicts as recruiters lmao.

    But believe everything if reading it makes you happy.

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