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What's the etiquette here??



  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 5,048 Mod ✭✭✭✭spacetweek

    About 15 years ago myself and Mrs. Tweek booked a romantic weekend in Paris. I paused to wolf down a Fish Filet in Burger King in the airport on the way to the plane. After the flight which landed in Beauvais as it was Ryanair, we boarded the bus for the one hour journey into the city.

    Twenty minutes in, I felt an ominous pressure in my bowel and farted dangerously. Then I was seized by a dull pain that inhabited my entire nether region. I turned to my lovely lady (who inexplicably, despite witnessing all this, is now my wife) and nervously asked her to see if there was a toilet on board. She returned from a recce down the aisle to answer in the negative, and my heart sank. I felt sorry for these fellow Irish and French travel companions who might have needed to get out the gas masks and hazmat suits shortly.

    It came at me in waves. Every 10 minutes my bowel would contract, attempting to perform a routine explusion, but I counted numbers in my head and held the Memphis Belle's bomb bay doors in the closed and locked position. Then the pressure would subside for a while. But by the time we came into Paris, it was down to 3-4 minutes. How I managed to avoid sh*teing myself I'll never now. I had an Eiffel Tower-sized faecal deposit ready to drop. I needed to George Pompi-poo. I had to go to the Loovre. I needed to visit Cimetière Père Lash*ts.

    After what felt like 1,000,000 hours, we pulled into a bus park. I had counted well beyond 600 at this stage. I hurried past the driver, muttering, "toilettes?" and he pointed to a jacks block. I shuffled over quickly, my legs tightly clasped to prevent a premature deposition, arrived at the men's door.... and almost inevitably, it was locked. It was 11:30pm after all.

    Plan B it was so. I headed round the corner into the darkness, went between a parked bus and a fence, and dropped trou.

    Mrs. Tweek finally approached gingerly after several minutes of painful evacuation while I was wiping with some discarded newspaper - that's one advantage of cities that aren't spotlessly clean - I couldn't imagine randomly finding a page from Le Monde in Geneva or Zurich to clean my arsehole with. Those Swiss don't think of these things.

    I was worried the poor taxi driver might catch a boladh uafásach as he drove us to our B&B as my pants and trousers were so soaked with colon fluid that I smelled like a sewage treatment plant, but he was too busy avoiding collisions with nutty Parisian drivers on La Périphérique to notice.

    Incredibly our holiday continued without further mishap and our relationship has lasted all this time. She is surely a headstrong and tolerant member of the feminine gender.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,045 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    You bought a filet-o-fish at an Airport McDonalds?

    Sounds like you got off easy. Foolish boy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,016 ✭✭✭Slideways

    i didn’t think anyone ate them, thought they were just there to keep the pescatarians happy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,016 ✭✭✭Slideways

    I’ve just been to the communal jacks and was behest with one the gravest breeches in toilet etiquette in quite some time.

    3 bay schitters and I was in the end stall. Had evacuated and was reading about UK politics when in burst this pie scoffing cretin from the safety department. Could tell it was him as he was on the bloody phone. I’m assuming hands free with Bluetooth ear piece?

    Into the middle bay and all belt buckles and fabric noises while he contributed to talk to what I assume is his long suffering wife. She must have twigged something was afoot as Brant soon said “ no it’s fine I can talk”

    No you fücking can’t Brant. You filthy deviant.

    He then continued to discuss the back garden beds and if they should put down this white stones in a matt or gloss finish, without even pausing for breath as he dumped what sounded like a basket of snakes into the pot.

    I bailed at that point, only giving the hoop a cursory wipe.

    Im surrounded by cretins and malcontents. 😡

  • Registered Users Posts: 832 ✭✭✭Nevin Parsnipp

    Reading some of that tales is surprising that so many dudes experienced and educated in the finer arts of schittery and indeed schitthousery..manage to find themselves caught shorrrrrt.?

    I mention this in passing as they, like me, may be a bit skundered by this noo public holiday craic.

    Your poster was aware of the no work requirement for Biddy day and "went large" on some leftover Polish Beer and home made cocktails the evening previous.

    All of which resulted in pushing out a half kilo of "nut roast" in the downstairs this morn...the fent was truly savage ....would take out a fully grown Egyptian Dromedary or a mature "Maor Uisce"...the sort you see at Pairc Essler....

    No point lighting a match to mask the would want one of them flares you see at the beginning of 6 Nations games.

    Anyways just as well it happened when it did as a visit to Auntie Lilly's is scheduled this aft and she would not appreciate one of those bad boys marinading "dockside" as it were......

    Another bullet dodged .......😲

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  • Posts: 2,725 [Deleted User]

    Dropped a letter of apology and a box of Roses into reception here earlier. The woman there said there was a Status Brown alert ongoing - seems the bank holiday, rugby and Dublin Racing Festival are being blamed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,466 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    Just left a mushroom of military green midden into the upstairs lavvie.Lovely shine off the fcukker.

    Usually not an event to be noted, but after a few days of feeling there was the handle of a spade lodged in the ‘torpedo tube’ very very welcome.

    Feelin tip top now, clen out, and light as a feather.

    Bit like that Fcukking green Comet flying around…..bulbous head and a

    scutthery tail behind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,016 ✭✭✭Slideways

    Off for a game of pitch and putt now that the tension is off the chocolate starfish?

  • Posts: 2,725 [Deleted User]

    The fat shïte is a real big cheese on the Dublin pub darts circuit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,466 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    Only cheese you are familiar with is under the rim of your helmet, pal.

    Helmetdale I believe is the brand.

    Fohhrking cretin.

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  • Posts: 2,725 [Deleted User]

    Also known as Philly Willy, Peckerino, and the Stinking Bishop.

    And organzola of course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭Hoop66

    Feed of pints watching the rugby, naturally. Absolutely destroyed the MiL's downstairs cloak the next day. FiL was in after me, he was retching but I could tell he was secretly proud.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,011 ✭✭✭✭cj maxx

    A bit of a watery scour . One that japped around the bowl. Serves me right for eating Irish stew all week

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭Grouptherapy

    Busy morning earlier in the traps. High footfall from the get go.

    Managed to get a seat eventually and was greeted with a bowl covered in midden. Don't know how the fcuker managed it but it definitely wasn't a vertical drop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,110 ✭✭✭✭Gael23

    Who came up with the idea of using dry paper to clean your asshole? It just smells the shïte around

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,466 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    Apparently, and it’s not been authenticated, it was the dispute between two Greek scholars, the poet Pysadoris and the writer Senadopoulous.

    Its said Pysadoris was envious of the wedge Senadopoulis was getting from his writing and wrote a poem about him and had it delivered.

    Senadopoulis took umbrage, had a big feed of souflaki and beans, went to the lavvie and backed out thin streel of mincey scutther over the poetry pages and wiped his hole with it.Then returned the soiled pages.

    Ordinary folk then took to wiping their holes with news sheets they didn’t like and the eventually the practice grew.

    ❎🈳With thanks to Prof. Theo Pannatiakis prof. Greek History University of Thessaloniki

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,370 ✭✭✭easygoing39

    Thanks Brendan,we can now add History to the many subjects we have gained knowledge off in this wonderful topic.

  • Posts: 2,725 [Deleted User]

    Yes, very interesting line of debate and enquiry.

    I do remember someone posting the ancient Chinese proverb “go to sleep with itchy bottom - wake up with smelly finger”, but that’s about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,016 ✭✭✭Slideways

    Got myself in a terrible routine of dropping the Cosbys off circa 10pm, I’m blaming nightshift. Body clock just isn’t adjusting.

    Heaving out a thick log in the en-suite while my beloved lies in the bed a few feet away is not doing anything for enticing bedroom antics.

    Should I just force myself to hold on until the morning to get the bowels back in sync with normal human activity?

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭You the man

    No, you should absolutely not 'back it up'.

    What about the 'thumb up the bum' event if it occurs?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,297 ✭✭✭Count Dracula

    Dropping the Cosby's off.... holy phuck, tenuous stuff.

    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

    I reckon mr Huxtable would be doing his swivel dance to his do doody do do do doody doooooo....

    Knocking out large craps in the en suite highly hazardous to nocturnal activities , what are you at? Text book error.

    If you must, run a piping hot shower afterwards and have a full douche, do NOT under any circs open that phucking door , at all... She should appreciate the effort at least? I personally use a toilet brush for dangle berry scrubbing, great for reach around, it doesn't get any easier i am afraid. I presume you have a window in there? Open that bitch wide open.

    Take care mate, don't let your craps get in the way of your lovey times, not without a pre-nup, seriously.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,045 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    Why would you just not use another bathroom?

    I never even go into my own en suite, let alone weigh anchor in it. My missus uses it to tart herself up and store all her makeup crap.

    I use the main bathroom to S, S and S and neither of us are allowed shaaaat in the downstairs utility bog. Ever.

    Keeps a harmonious household.

  • Posts: 2,725 [Deleted User]

    Not understanding it either, Larbre. Might there be some sort of malevolence behind it? Has sustained use of the ensuite to "pinch a length of spine" ever been used in the divorce courts I wonder?

    Could be some sort of legal precedent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,016 ✭✭✭Slideways

    What is the point of having an en-suite if you don’t make use of it?

    Makes me think some of the posters in here would buy a new car and keep the plastic seat covers on to save it for when you go to sell it.

    These things are not for just a feature on Better Homes & Gardens

  • Registered Users Posts: 258 ✭✭It is a Dunne Deal

    100% if a man is afraid of having a shite in each and everyone of his toilets then he is truly not a man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,742 ✭✭✭✭EmmetSpiceland

    Terrible breach of “etiquette” dumping in the en suite before bed. What are you doing when you get back into bed? High fiving your partner and asking “did you hear that?!” or “whoa, get a whiff of that!”.

    Do what you want during the day but morning or nighttime dumps should be done anywhere other than the en suite.


    “It is not blood that makes you Irish but a willingness to be part of the Irish nation” - Thomas Davis

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,016 ✭✭✭Slideways

    I shan’t be reprimanded from a man who is told to sit down to pisś

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,467 ✭✭✭Sgt Hartman

    I've already had three big dumps today. I didn't even eat much in the last couple of days so I don't know where it's all coming from. I've been pretty flatulent since Thursday also, with farts mainly smelling like a blend of burning rubber and McDonnell's curry sauce.

  • Registered Users Posts: 832 ✭✭✭Nevin Parsnipp

    Surely a lads health should come before any niceties or etiquette ?

    At least thats what I thought as I pondered an item in my excellent local Mr.Price

    Had been somewhat out of sorts with the bilge pipe not working to full capacity leading to an unpleasant build up of arse gas which also showed a reluctance to exit.

    So as your poster inspected a potential purchase a welcome signal came from below deck that the build of pressure could be ...slight squat....feet planted ...max thrust....blew out frighteningly loud belche of sour arse gas reeking of porther and fried onions.

    "Thats disgusting" said two auld beours who I had not noticed in proximity"you should be ashamed of yourself" !!

    "Nothin to be ashamed of Missus" says I .."Youse look like youse could drop the odd sour one yoursells"

    That quitened them rapido ...but could still hear the muttering as I took my purchase to the till and exited the building....

    A lad's health should come first.....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 258 ✭✭It is a Dunne Deal

    Atta boy Nev I doubt you're a man afraid to lay a log on the En-Suite.
