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What's the point?



  • to bounce off ToS point about daily reports, the reports are not by any stretch from a lone actor.

    There are many and often. Any notion the thread was closed because I found some topics ridiculous and didn’t wish to engage is nothing more than deflection and looking for someone to blame.

    They can point the fingers at me if they want. The content of that thread and reports are what triggered investigation, as was said, behind the curtains you don’t see what’s happening and there’s only so much i’m going to be able to share.

    Don’t worry about me either, anewme, I’m fine. I can see clear as day what’s happening here.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Nah, I won't be gaslighted into the idea that this is just a witch hunt. My engagement with that poster some weeks back - he was an absolute bully.

    There's a bunch of such bullies though - and people have now simply had enough, because it's bad enough when they're not mods, but to make one a mod...?

    It's extremely disrespectful to a community to close a long running thread out of the blue like that. The feedback has been given - reopen it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,130 ✭✭✭Hodors Appletart

    it's an easy way to shut down unwelcome feedback, tell the people giving the unwanted feedback that they are engaging in a witch-hunt, even though they've never engaged with one another before.

    they'll say whatever they need to to cover their own arses - twas ever thus.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    What's happening is people are objecting to your appalling behaviour - nothing more. Own it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,818 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    Anyone who reads that thread know it is a handful of posters who ruin it.

    Someone posts up something funny and the usual few drag it off topic and openly insult posters without facing any action.

    They are effectively trying to get the thread shut down.

    That mod a few days ago done the exact same, could not argue a point and referred to someone as weak minded and another as ignorant.

    The mod clearly has the same beliefs of those who drag it off topic and relentlessly hit the report button to try get it shut down.

    They have now got a mod who agrees with them and they have finally got their wish.

    I would hope the other mods will show a bit of cop on and reopen the thread closed down by someone who is not impartial.

    It is a very bad sign for the forum, lets hope the mod learns to be a mod and not allow personal beliefs destroy another forum.

    The site is losing numbers as it is and this behaviour is just going to turn people away.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yes, the bootlicking from the fans just because they've got a mod now who agrees with their schoolmarmish outlook... 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,046 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    I didn't say that only one person was reporting posts, I'd be able to name quite a few of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,046 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    There we are now, note the plural:

    I'd be fairly confident I could identify posters who regularly report posts in that thread.

  • Yeah maybe read the thread Fugue before launching at me? I have consistently taken on board all feedback since the thread was started.

    However it has devolved into little more at this stage than just taking pot shots at me personally because a thread was closed that upset some people.

    If you or anyone else thinks I’m just going to lie down and roll over whenever a storm is kicked up over something a few people don’t like, think again.

    I’ve been as receptive to feedback as I can be for the entire weekend I’ve responded to criticism and feedback, I’ve reversed decisions I made and yet still over and over the same points are repeated and some absolutely ridiculous ones are being made.

    I’m being accused of every type of incompetence despite very few contributors even having the access necessary to understand why I came to conclusions I have and made actions I have.

    What’s going on here is a bunch of people are butt hurt the wokeism thread is closed and are using it as an excuse to have a go at me. If you think it’s anything but that give your head a shake. Look at the last two days worth of posts and show me where I’ve refused to take on board any feedback offered?

    I have been accused regularly just this morning that I am lying about forgetting I posted there and that’s definitely the reason it’s closed. When I refuted the point I had excerpts of my post thrown back at me as if they were a smoking gun and undeniable proof of a transgression.

    I’m swiftly beginning to lose patience with the farce this has turned into. At this stage the thread is not about feedback it’s a targeted attack on me and in some cases other mods for daring to have a difference of opinion to you or doing the job assigned which is making sure the forum and threads therein follow the site rules and charter.

    Yes, you poor things, a thread was closed for review, whatever will you do. It’s a wonder you haven’t fallen down dead without it.

    Yeah, yeah, bad mod, okay, go DM the admins and seek my removal then, by all means if you think I’m doing such a bad job let the powers that be make the call. I’m fed up trying to explain myself to you guys, everything I say is being taken and turned around to try and make me out to be a boogeyman.

    I’ve done my level best to be as transparent with you all as possible but it’s evident that it is being used to attack and take the piss. I’m not wasting anymore time with this thread.

    Thats the very last thing I have to say on the subject.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,365 ✭✭✭raclle

    Closing long running threads like that is going to annoy a lot of people especially those who enjoy participating in. Can it not be re-opened while being investigated? If you all agree its not suitable for AH, instead of closing it why not just move it?

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There does come a point when what's been said has been said, and the person on the receiving end can feel attacked, no matter how thick-skinned they are, but it doesn't help then when they say stuff like they know exactly what's going on (like it's something nefarious) and double down on the decision that was unnecessary, based on personal bias, and won't take responsibility for what's causing the grievance.

    Leaving the thread closed is just pigheadedness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,046 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    The petulant tone of that speaks volumes, as does the usual closing of It being the last thing you'll say on the subject.

    You got carried away when you were made a mod, insulted one poster's literacy and belittled one other poster when you closed 2 of their threads.

    You're now accusing us of being butt hurt because you pissed in our cornflakes, but the fact remains another mod got the better of you in the woke thread and you swooped in to close that down.

    You're not impartial enough to be a mod, that's why people are posting here, it's not a personal attack because none of us know you.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 7,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭cdeb

    Yeah, I was going to say similar. It's very hard to take a debate seriously when phrases like "butt hurt" and "piss in your cornflakes" are being thrown around willy-nilly.

    I'm not sure the comments have really been taken on board here either - looking back to the start of the thread, Ramona Lively Pension is very clear that the decision he's taken is final and is explaining why it was taken. But that's not taking on feedback at all.

    This, again, from a poster who can't actually engage in debate on the main thread in question, calls others weak and ignorant, cites offence and leaves without contributing to the debate.

    That's not moderation. Moderation is weeding out the crap and letting the discussion flow. Shutting down threads is the opposite of that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,947 ✭✭✭✭anewme

    No one said it was you who said it.

    The response to you was something like, bet I know its the same person, or something like that. You liked the response, so that could look like you were agreeing that it was the same person reporting posts.

    Same as OEJ, I do not understand the issue about reporting post. its nearly like "snitches get stitches" ratting out mentality. Unless someone is malicious, the report post is there if people want a Mod to look at the content. OEJ's response was very relevant, as there is no way you could know who is reporting posts, unless they are reporting them to you. People could be reporting posts and not visible at all on the thread as has now been confirmed by a number of Mods.

    So if there are loads of reports about a thread, then there is clearly a problem with it.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's turning into a pile-on, yes, but what doesn't help is you being disingenuous with "a few people are upset". Don't be so dishonest. It was an extremely active thread, and the height of disrespect to close it out of the blue due to personal bias. And then to refuse to reopen it just to save face. Whereas you would look the bigger person if you reopened it.

    I suspect it's because a lot of the stuff being laughed at on that thread is the more daft gender ideology stuff. Angry gender ideologues need to accept that many many people aren't willing to accept the anti reality side of the matter.

  • moving it elsewhere presents its own problems (namely finding a forum it fits and then ensuring there’s nothing there that breaches the forum charter).

    There’s also a matter of would moving it absolutely kill the thread dead, no one wants any active and busy thread to die and if it’s moved somewhere else, especially if the forum it goes to doesn’t have enough mods to keep an eye, that’s exactly what may happen.

    Opening it while reviewing makes the process a bit harder I really understand why some folks are anxious to have it reopened but please understand that we are working as fast as we can to assess the situation and do what is necessary.

    What I will say is the thread currently more likely to be reopened and moderated more closely than it is to be moved. From what I’ve seen there does appear to be a minority posting in bad faith and the entire thread isn’t for the bin, which is good, obviously.

    As for posters who may be contributing in bad faith they will be addressed as necessary but you will need to just be patient. I am in two minds about reopening ahead of that being done, regrettably I think it’s best to leave it as it is for now just because it’s easier for the team to look over the thread when it’s closed.

  • Again you’re asserting I have closed it for personal bias, when it’s been said numerous times & confirmed by a Cmod that the thread has been reported, daily.

    this is the exact type of disingenuous remark that leaves me disinterested in engaging any further in this thread because no matter how many times it’s explained the thread just drew too much attention to itself I’m being accused of personal bias.

    A Cmod was just here earlier to explain this themselves also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,346 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    Seriously now @[Deleted User]

    Step away from this thread and liaise with your other mods before replying because every response you give is making things worse. You are swerving between plain arrogance, petulance and playing the victim card (and the gaslighting attempts are ridiculous to say the least).

    It’s a pity it has to come this far but it was inevitable. Looking forward to the outcome of this important review.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,130 ✭✭✭Hodors Appletart

    DMing the Admins to seek your removal

    jesus jumping christ what do you think you are?

    Either way, the history and MO of is that when decisions made by Admins/Cmods etc come into question, especially around the appointment of mods, they will never, ever admit they got something wrong, will double down on their decisions with a circling of wagons - each and every time.

    Your tone and reaction to the first bit of criticism you've received is very telling. Your continual denial of remembering that you posted in that thread and had a negative interaction is verging on the ridiculous, and is in no way credible. If some random user decided to use that as a line of defence in Dispute Resolution they'd be given short shrift, and you know it. But it's cool, because you have the back-up of the heirarchy now, and nobody can question anything you do or say.

    What happens the next time someone dares to question some arbitrary decision you make? More petulant outbursts? Will you start banning people who disagree with you on a thread, get the bold text out and start scolding people?

    Hold your hands up here mate, I've never posted in that thread (that I remember) but it's wholly and completely obvious what the agenda here is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,046 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    The other poster merely said he could name one of them.

    The fact is it has been acknowledged that sometimes mods only action reported posts without reading the full thread, so reporting posts are often used as a tactic to get threads closed down.

    Ramona Lively Pension said earlier in this thread that it wasn't just about reported posts, for some other reason he decided to read the thread and decide himself it was "as funny as a funeral", doubling down and calling us butt hurt and pissing on corn flakes isn't really helping him, especially since he lost an argument and rage quit the very thread that is now so problematic in his opinion.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,118 ✭✭✭StrawbsM

    I’d bet the house on you being a reporter of posts.

  • what speaks volumes is as many times as you are all told why the thread was closed you are demanding it’s because I didn’t like it. You might imagine I grow tired of explaining the contrary to you.

    As for “another mod”, no, sorry but that poster being a mod in another forum is irrelevant and holds no weight whatsoever. Outside their forum they are just a regular poster. Same as me here. I’m not a feedback mod, I’m just Ramona Lively Pension when I post here.

    Look I’ve wasted so much time explaining how it had nothing to do with personal feelings and was triggered as a result of numerous reports spanning the entire two weeks I’ve been a mod here. When a thread gets that much attention it can’t go unnoticed.

    in fact it’s absolutely ridiculous that you think a topic I couldn’t be bothered to argue about any longer from a week ago is the reason I closed the thread and not the reports we’ve received, it’s clear to me that there’s no point in arguing with you about it the same as in the thread, you have your opinion and there’s nothing I can say that will change that. So I won’t bother trying anymore.

    The threads closed until the review is complete.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Cannot possibly believe that there was no personal bias considering behaviour before the thread closure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,046 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    It has always received reports, yet stayed open. How many times do you need this posted?

    During your review maybe look at who is generating the reports and consider what their agenda is likely to be.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Can't totally blame Ramona Lively Pension though. For a long time, the environment was: be as aggressive as you want to be with the "right" views and you'll have impunity. That's changing now though, thank goodness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,955 ✭✭✭✭Quazzie

    Ramona Lively Pension, I think for me the reason it's hard to believe that it isn't personal is because the thread has been open and running for a very long time, and is very active, but it's only now that it's been closed for review. I fully believe that there are numerous reports generated from that thread, I don't think anyone would seriously doubt that, but the question remains, why is it only closed now, and why is it a new mod who made that call? Surely all previous existing mods were reading the same reports since the thread began. It's been acted on before and moderated, but did you feel it necessary to close it when they didn't? The claim was made that it took fresh eyes to look at that thread, but as pointed out your eyes were not fresh as you has history on that thread. Were you asked to give fresh eyes on it, or did you take it upon yourself to close it without any consultation with existing long term experienced mods?

    If we are being asked to accept your claim that you don't recall posting in that thread(despite that not being a valid reason for a normal poster as pointed out above) then surely you can concede that for the normal poster it does look suspiciously like you had an agenda when being made a mod.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,046 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,947 ✭✭✭✭anewme

    Read One Eyed Jack's posts on that topic yesterday, which I agree with.

    Same applies here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,750 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    Ramona Lively Pension posted above. I'm not sure if it was one of their last, last, last word on the topic posts or not tho.

    Wait, it was said but a quick scan (I'm on mobile) now? And I can't see it, may have been retracted?

    Apologies to Ramona Lively Pension if I'm mistaken

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,708 ✭✭✭✭Dial Hard

    Some of you are making this awfully personal. And I say that as someone with absolutely no skin in the game as I don't go near the Woke thread.

    You've all made your point, repeatedly. I'm not sure what leaving this thread open is achieving at this point, other than giving people an opportunity to take pops.

This discussion has been closed.