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Time for a zero refugee policy? - *Read OP for mod warnings and threadbans - updated 11/5/24*



  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    actually, they don't.

    the figures only show that immigration is happening, not mass immigration.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,156 ✭✭✭Mr. teddywinkles

    Yep that sure is some going down the rabbit hole stuff right there. A free for all policy will lead exactly to what you describe. You do understand that too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tinsofpeas

    So if 9% of the population arrived within the last 5 years, and that isn't mass migration to you...

    could you give a rough estimate of what does constitute mass migration to you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tinsofpeas

    So immigration was never put to the Irish population in any politically meaningful way.

    Just what I already knew. And everyone else.

    I had to do a double take there, what are you waffling specifically about "brown people" for? What's that got to do with anything?

    The day "brown people" take up double the space of a Japanese or German person I'll pay attention to "brown" people specifically.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    the torys implemented the free for all policy by defunding the immigration service.

    originally they did this cause free morket and small government, but in recent years have been continuing with it to manufacture a crisis so as to whip up their new hard/far/alt right voter base.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    of course it was, via every election.

    it will be again at the next election.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tinsofpeas

    So, never, in other words, was immigration as an issue in itself put to the people of Ireland at any politically actionable level.

    Like everyone knows, including your good self.

    Any definition yet on what mass migration is to you, in a number?

    9% foreign born in 5 years is not to you, so what % in 5 years is?

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    no, always, via every election where the people are free to raise the issue of immigration with candidates.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 526 ✭✭✭yoke

    Fot the sake of your 6-month old, you should be voting for more immigration then.

    You do know that there is a shortage of doctors in Ireland because richer countries such as America can offer more money to Irish doctors, so there will always be a “brain drain” to richer countries for skilled positions such as a doctors.

    The only thing Ireland can do to solve this involves doing the same thing to poorer countries such as India/Pakistan/Phillipines etc., where we attract their doctors using our doctors salary. This is called immigration.

    otherwise, we are free to go back to some backward time where Ireland had no immigration and no doctors, and people didn’t even go to the doctor because sure what would a doctor do for you anyway, just keep working out on the farm and suck it up if your kid dies of some easily treated disease cos you don’t use doctors

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tinsofpeas

    So, never, in other words, was immigration as an issue in itself put to the people of Ireland at any politically actionable level.

    Like everyone knows, including your good self.

    Any definition yet on what mass migration is to you, in a number?

    9% foreign born in 5 years is not to you, so what % in 5 years is?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,210 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    does it actually bother you that 9% of the population are foreign born? why? how does it affect you personally? it's considerably lower than the UK at 16.8% and lower than Germany and Spain by a few %. In Switzerland it's 26%. 20% in Sweden.

    Why do you even care? I genuinely don't get it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tinsofpeas

    "Go back to a time when there was no immigration and no doctors". Hard to credit that a human wrote that.

    Ah yes, the great pyramid theory in full force.

    First, let's forget that Ireland existed as a fully functioning country, warts and all, healthcare included, before the great arrival of mass immigration. That way, you don't need to question "but how?!"

    Next, you need to ignore that hundreds of thousands of extra people have put downward pressure on employment and wages, put upward pressure on infrastructure like housing and healthcare, and therefore "encouraging" whole rafts of healthcare student classes to get the feck out of the place, as well as put many other people in worse circumstances.

    Then you need to ignore that it's essentially a swap of people who expect more for people who work for less. Great business idea in the short term. You get what you pay for, but never mind that, we're on a roll.

    Then you need to ignore that the resultant cost of these infrastructural problems means less money available to pay for better standards because everything's an emergency...

    ..and then, with less people able to afford normal family life, ergo less ability to have children, it is only AFTER this magic point that the brain is allowed engage, and state with gusto "Well, gonna have to import even more people cos derp"!

    All joking aside, this pyramid scheme is one of the stupidest things going these days.

    No, scams don't work, and *look at the healthcare situation*, sure is getting better year after year. Isn't it? Let's have more of that, not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭high_tower

    Oh for god sake. The issue people have here is with unskilled mass migration from god knows where as half of them have destroyed their ID. blatant chancers flying in from safe counties and being put up in hotels on our tab.

    people don’t have issues with essential workers coming here as requested and to add value.

    give your head a wobble. I doubt many doctors are coming over on dinghies or flushing their passports down an aeroplane toilet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,461 ✭✭✭✭Loafing Oaf

    Boys votes??? I'm asuming you're saying there is potential for such a party to secure significant number of votes. But as long as this remains purely hypothetical it's irrelevant. There is no sign I am aware of that anybody is taking steps to establish such a party, and it's probably already too late for one to have a serious impact at the next general election.

    So until such a party overcomes the minor hurdle of not existing and starts winning serious votes in meaningful elections, the established parties will ignore this 'threat' and carry on their merry way...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,210 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    that's not the issue people have here, posters are giving out about the amount of foreign born people in Ireland full stop, regardless of whether they are from the EU or here legally. People are giving out about the amount of PPN numbers issued to foreigners. Read the thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,496 ✭✭✭Luxembourgo

    No idea what the boys was about 😂😂 maybe some..

    Aontu are offering potentially something different on immigration. But we'll have to see. I'm just tired of politics in this country to be honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,496 ✭✭✭Luxembourgo

    Oddly I have been to many GPs in this country but never a non EU/US one. For all the talk of non EU GPs I see little. Not saying they aren't there.

    And besides skills based, visa driven immigration is a good thing. Despite the reservations I would have in my own sector about some of the visas being granted, and their 'necessity'

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tinsofpeas

    No, it's that 9% of the population arrived here in the space of 5 years.

    Why wouldn't it bother a person that their own country is under such immense population pressure?

    At the rate its going and projected to go, half the country won't be Irish in spitting time. So on the one hand there's the already farcical impacts on housing and everything else, so less of that thanks, and on the other hand it's outright ridiculous on a cultural level. Imagine the likes of China's Chinese population halving in no time, at what point does a person even be called Chinese? You're not talking about some slow and natural cultural, economic, and societal change over time, its the equivalent of just dumping masses of people in an instant and thinking its fine.

    Who'd encourage or condone essentially the same fate of American Indians? Except on fast forward speed.

    Besides a total lunatic.

    But you know what, I'm happy enough to contend with the infrastructural problems brought on by mass immigration, that'll do for right now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭high_tower

    I guarantee if you ask those people if they are ok with doctors being invited over to live and work - making up a shortage they would be good with that.

    their issue is with the mass amount of people arriving who are mostly unskilled to compete for jobs and services - and somehow end up with favourable treatment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,210 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    Vast majority of those who came here are EU/UK since Celtic Tiger. Are you against EU migration also? American Indians were slaughtered and treated like dirt, no comparison there when apart from some people ripping up passports, people have come here legally and mostly contribute to society.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,707 ✭✭✭Bobblehats

    That’s the truth of it I wish people would stop crying ireland is full; rapes at every turn ffs they’re only giving the other side ammunition to show them up. You change the literal face of a peoples, it’s gone this is the crux of a matter at hand is where priorities lay, the one absolute everything that comes after can take a backseat

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,210 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    they're not competing though, it's impossible to get Irish hospitality staff, cleaners, meat factory workers, etc. how are foreign people working these jobs being treated favourably anyway?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,210 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    so are you another one who wants to stop EU migration too, where the vast majority of immigrants have come from?

    almost all rapes are done by people known to the victim by the way, regardless of their nationality. don't buy into that nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tinsofpeas

    There absolutely is a comparison, a nation of one people reduced to sheer insignificance in numbers.

    It's a base point but entirely applicable. For arguments sake and simplicity, at a rate of population increase of non-irish at 10% every 5 years...what's the goal or endpoint there, a population of 10% Irish people before you know it? Why would it stop at 10%? When do the reservations begin? Replace gaeltachts with "original irish" places?

    As for EU migration, yes, I'm against that too as things stand. It's a number problem, not an origin problem.

    No need to mention laws and regulations, they're as durable as the paper they're written on. Everything can change, and looking at the state of the place in all regards, they simply must.

    And that's why I want, and many more want too, a direct say in the immigration non-policies of this tiny country. Today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,210 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    I think what you need to demand from your TDs going forward is:

    No more multinationals creating jobs that require a second European language, this brings in immigrants from around Europe and many of them are call centre jobs that pay 25k and the likes, low end jobs.

    No new business premises unless they can guarantee all cleaners and staff will be Irish

    Dublin Bus are looking to recruit South African bus drivers as they can't get enough people here to do it. The wages aren't terrible. This can't go ahead.

    Farmers have to reduce all of their output unless they have enough Irish people to work in the meat processing plants, pick the fruit etc. Remember the gall of those Bulgarians coming to pick fruit during covid? Why didn't they get Irish people to do that? We need our politicians to step up.

    Demand your TDs to stop growing the economy and thus the population and no more job creation UNLESS they can guarantee an Irish person is available to do it.

    Demand that Irish doctors and nurses are not allowed move abroad when they qualify, as they'll need to be replaced by foreigners. Actually demand any highly skilled people in demand aren't allowed leave or we'll need to import.

    And leave the EU.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tinsofpeas

    No man, it isn't the vast majority since the celtic tiger.

    17% foreign born total, 9% IN THE LAST 5 YEARS.

    Unless the celtic tiger was in 2018, you're way off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭high_tower

    Impossible to get or are the wages suppressed ?

    have you driven through the likes of balbriggan and seen who’s living in the state owned housing ? It’s certainly not the ethnically Irish. Despite there being a housing crises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,210 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    who the f**k wants to work in a meat factory or the likes of it? we're a highly educated country now with 3rd level quals coming out our arses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tinsofpeas

    Just about every point you raised there is "economy".

    When we have an economic crisis we can deal with the economic crisis.

    Meanwhile, we DO have a housing crisis, and burgeoning other crises to boot.

    A bit of focus on the crises of the country would be nice instead of a focus on the things that aren't in crisis. You know. Sensible prioritised forward thinking that doesn't lead invariably to...crises.

    Like being in a hospital with a gunshot and all the staff running around arguing about a scratch on my finger. That's not what I need. I'm shot. Do something about the bullet hole, I'll worry about what's not wrong later.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭high_tower

    You’ve got a fairly blinkered view of Irish society. Plenty of unskilled workers, more than third level educated anyways.
