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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Knauf had been promoted by the Cambridges to CEO of their charitable foundation when he gave evidence.

    Knauf testimony about Omid Scobie's book had nothing to do with the legal case that Meghan was pursuing which was about the publication of Meghan's letter to her father by the Mail on Line without her permission. Scobie's book had nothing to do with the case. Knauf was asked to testify by the Mail. He claimed that he was asked by Meghan's team. Her legal representative said they had not.

    Knauf did not have to testify on behalf of the Mail against his employer. He would have signed a NDA and would have still been covered by it after he has left without the permission of Kensington Palace/Prince William, his employer.

    The only one trying mental gymnastics here is you and the Mail. Knauf was dismissed by the court and Meghan won her case. Its total bullshit that anyone would think that Knauf was being neutral!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    But was he telling the truth though regardless of relevance to the actual case being lost? I reckon he was. The judge re-iterated that they printed too much and Meghans credibility snuffed it in the process. A pyrrhic victory since she brought about the case itself no matter how it can be dressed up.

    You see this was a glimpse into getting something approaching the other side of the grand story here, a side we are never going to hear the full story from (e.g. William doing an Oprah tell all) yet even a few emails via Knaufs evidence was sufficient in skewering the incessant and still ongoing pulling-at-the-heart-strings victim playing. Perhaps the idea of Knauf being under an NDA imbued Meghan with the confidence to press ahead knowing he wouldn't be involved. Ultimately he was. Even if it really was William authorising a "f*ck you" after the Oprah bullshit then I guess if you throw a proverbial punch then there should be no surprise if you get a punch in return.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Knauf only appeared for the Mail's appeal as the Mail lost the initial case. He claimed that both sides had requested that he give evidence in an attempt to pretend that he was 'neutral'. The Sussex's barrister said this was a lie, they had not requested him to give evidence.

    Whats the 'grand story'. Meghan wrote a personal letter to her father which ended up in the Mail. Meghan sued them for breach of privacy and she won her case. Why would William need to go onto Oprah to talk about that? Why would he have anything to say about it? It should be nothing to do with him (unless he is in the pocket of some Mail so called 'royal expert' who has got into a bit of legal bother for publishing some stuff that was none of their business).

    And please, both William's father and mother gave extremely personal tv interviews that told it all (Charles was extremely critical of his mother for the record and he also lied about his relationship with Camilla), so there is nothing stopping Wiliam doing the same if he wants to get some stuff off his chest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    She wrote the letter with feedback and guidance from Knauf. But you say Knauf should have had nothing to do with it. I would say he was absolutely relevant to that case regardless of inferred affiliations. As to why William doesn't do a tell all. His father, his mother, his brother and sister in law, his uncle did them. They all went splendidly didn't they. I see a pattern perhaps William does too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    It was still her letter (as the courts decided). Knauf did not need to testify.He lied about claiming that Meghan's legal team had asked him to appear in court (according to Meghan's barrister). The judge found that his testimony about whether Meghan had anything to do with the Scobie book was not relevant to the case about the Mail breaching her letter to her father copyright. Knauf was testifying on behalf of the Mail against his employer who he would have had signed a NDA with and would not have needed to cooperate with the Mail. He wasn't some sort of whistleblower.

    Its William's choice then not to do a tell all. He has a choice though and isn't silenced like you are trying to claim. Basically, he prefers to leak instead to the scum of the earth rather than stand up and be counted. What a snake gutless William is.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    To recap the case. It is 2018 and Meghan is asked by the family to visit her not media shy father in private. She suggests a letter is better. She crafts it with Knaufs help to pull at the publics heart strings as there will be the expectation that "Dear Daddy" will leak it. It is delivered but Thomas holds onto it. Six months later he is still holding on to it and then suddenly five anonymous friends talk to People magazine and he is thrown under the bus while Meghan is aggrandised in parallel. The letter and some content of that letter is mentioned by these friends.

    This presumably provokes her Dad to get his side out and so he goes to ANL with the letter. They print circa 50% of the letter. They get sued. A judge sides with Meghan. Excessive use of the letter. Privacy breached. ANL appeal. Knauf is involved. ANL argue that it wasn't private since it was written with the expectation that it would be made public by her not media shy father. It was thus in the public interest. In lieu of an actual trial Meghan apologises for misleading them because perjury. Judge doesn't allow such arguments to reach trial. Confirms initial ruling. Meghan wins £1. Posts aggrandising statement about victory over the Daily Fail but to anyone being rational her reputation and integrity is dented. Meanwhile the "scum of the earth" presumably makes multiples on subsequent coverage than what they would have paid out in costs. Who then really won here? Would that letter have been even given to ANL if there was no People magazine article attacking her fathers character?

    I would be of the opinion that William may well have acquiesced to Knauf giving details. If you're a realist then you accept that there is the Press and that this Press (both those favourable and antagonistic) needs to be managed. Harry didn’t like the antagonistic side and chose to battle them. One could, like Harry, see this as them getting into bed with the press or one could see it as being the old Godfather tactic of keeping your friends close but keep your enemies closer i.e. you schmooze and have wining and dining press relations with all factions of the press and royal rota. You'll get the inevitable Clarkson went to a lunch hosted by Camilla and then he wrote a hateful Meghan article after it thus Camilla is leaking to Clarkson logic but it ignores the idea of him being there with a litany of other journos/media and the article was written while a certain docuseries was broadcast and making headlines. You'll also get people thinking that the Royals entertaining toxic characters as being done to cover up their nefarious affairs. Whereas in reality the gig is to be amiable to each and everyone, even the arseholes like Piers Morgan et al. Interestingly Harry never mentions this angle in his book. I mean it would be solid gold tea in outing his brother as a cheat desperate enough to cover it up that he is engaging in a quid pro quo with the press and serving his brother and his wife up as sacrificial lambs to take the heat off himself. I don't buy that at all. Maybe it is in some of the 400 pages he left out (or that Penguins lawyers took out).

    I think the Times bullying allegations (also involving a whistle blowing Knauf) in the days before the Oprah interview likely stemmed from Williams agreement. I suppose when your family is about to be thrown under a bus then something needs to be done. You can call that gutless but I'd see it as clandestine management of a problem. What did he say in the aftermath? That his family wasn’t racist? Well he was right since his brother confirmed it. I could easily envisage the Queen and Charles being inert regarding it all. Who knows, maybe the monarchy is indeed on its last legs and in time we'll get Williams side of things via a memoir or a tell all interview. As it is then it is just never explain, never complain but engage in Machiavellian strategies beneath that surface to prolong the monarchy (i.e. Times bullying, Knauf testimony). Finally, it is worth pointing out that both of those examples are reactionary in that Knauf wouldn’t be testifying if there was no trial to begin with, if Meghan had made peace with her Dad or if there was no Oprah interview. I’d be with you in saying it was gutless carry on if those things were made public without the provocation which seemingly elicited them.

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    I think you better read this account in the Guardian to get your facts straight. All this time, Knauf was advising Meghan what to do about her father and she trusted him. He then testifies against her. He is a snake of the first order, just like his boss, Prince William.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Again she is the aggrandising hero and the victim at the same time. Are you missing the point I continually make about reputation? i.e. that Meghan was shown to be manipulative with an unfortunate lapse of memory. Once you get a reputation like that then it follows you and so any subsequent "I was only protecting Harry" word salad needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. So she can say constantly berating was happening but why should she be believed? That isn't factual. It is her opinion. It emerged that an option open to her was to go a visit her father in private. It looked like they were willing to make whatever arrangements they could to square it all away for her. That is despite subsequent accusations of not helping her at all. It is telling from the article that Meghan chose a letter because she knew it would be leaked and she could protect Harry by pointing out that her father was still doing media despite best efforts to stop it and they should leave him alone. Turns out that her Dad wasn't playing ball and didn't say anything publicly until that is he was provoked by anonymous sources in the People magazine article, an article which says he wrote back. Is it plausible that people were asked to go on record anonymously and talk about the contents of that private letter so as to coax a reply? It is to my mind.

    You can say Knauf is a snake if you like but from that same article you see how he was once Harry and Meghans fixer and middle man for Finding Freedom, the book they weren't involved with. He was happy to have their friends talk to the authors and in the end did so himself so they could deny their involvement. If he is a snake then at one point he was their snake. If the boss of a snake is also a snake as you infer then Harry and Meghan must be snakes too then. But it is obviously William who is now the big bad considering Knauf is now working with him and that those very same fixer and middle man type shenanigans are happening for Williams explicit benefit and not for Harry and Meghan anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    The whole sorry mess could probably have been avoided, at least in part, if she had gone to see her father - who raised her - as a daughter oughta

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    How was she manipulative. Her father was being used by the Press to get at her. There was absolutely no chance that she could have gone to see her father in private with the snakes in the Firm feeding info to the tabloids. How do you know it would have been any better if she had gone to see him. She asked him to stop talking to the press and he would not. What kind of a father is he? She choose a letter rather than a text or email because that could be manipulated by the press. Why do you think she was so paranoid about what she said or did was going to be manipulated and be on the front page of the press? You think she should have put up with that kind of ****? Why are you so convinced that going to see her father would have meant that he would have stopped talking to the press? You claim that the father wasn't talking to the press, please explain why the Royal Family were harassing Harry to get Meghan to get him to stop talking to the press. (For the record, I think Thomas Markle was being manipulated by Samantha Markle as she was trying to make money out of the connection - she wrote the book, Princess Pushy).

    Knauf was Meghan & Harry's manipulater - not fixer. He gave very bad advice. He was the one who was charged with looking after Thomas Markle for the wedding. He did nothing to protect him from the press. Considering the harrassment her mother had to deal with, he failed miserably on that score and is still failing miserably as William's CEO of the Earthshot programme. What planet is he on to think that not having the recipients of the Earthshot prizes at the prize giving, but it was ok to fly David Beckham in from the world cup to attend the ceremony. And Caroline Kennedy gave it a quick swerve as well by finding an excuse not to attend the ceremony.

    William also had 'Simon Case as his private secretary - you know the guy who Boris Johnson recruited to be his chief of staff in Downing Street and Head of the British Civil Service. This is the person who thought it was ok to investigate partygate in Downing Street when he himself was attending the parties! That tells you all you need to know about him and his integrity (he also arranged the 800K loan for Boris by the Chairman of the BBC).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

    Why didn’t Meghan ever introduce Harry to her father properly? They were in regular contact until shortly before the wedding so why didn't they meet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Nobody knew who her father or even her sister was before she met Harry. Some Suits fans might have but to the general public they were unknowns. Then she becomes one of the most famous people on the planet and obviously this will create wider media interest in her family. The Raglands for their part were drawn into this but they haven't been as thoroughly meddlesome as the Markles have been. Her paternal family did court this new attention and while they may or may not have enjoyed that intrusive attention they certainly took the opportunity to hustle a buck off the back of it. I can see why Meghan would have wanted to cut ties but a consequence of marrying a Prince foisted them all into the public eye. It was a situation which needed squaring away. It was toxic to the point that Tom Junior wrote Harry a warning letter, a letter which was then derided but to some in hindsight seems rather prescient with what subsequently happened. I think her paternal side had the capacity to show that the self-made sizzler salad success story was a fairy tale and so having Harry and his family avoid these people like the plague was a motivating factor in that regard. Again just my take. I think there was no need for letters or texts or emails. From an objective point of view then it seems that money was a motivation for her father, her sister and her brother. Could she have gone to see him, suss him out and perhaps agree for his finances to be taken care of in lieu of him signing on a dotted line to keep quiet in return? NDA’s being all the rage in such circles. I think that is what the royal family were perhaps angling towards. Take care of it. Pay them off. Make it go away. Considering the Andrew pay off then it is clear they have means of making their problems go away. If that is the case then they were seeking to protect Meghan as a working member of the firm i.e. do what you can to pay off your family and keep them quiet. This was not long after they had done a £32 million wedding and to my mind this was the Firm pressing for something to be done in order to protect two people wanting to hit the ground running and enjoying a wave of popularity. Even if this did happen and money was offered then the optics of trying to shut people up with money is a bad look for the Firm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    Odd how Harry was attending a purely legal argument session in London, ahead of the actual hearing - if one ensues. And by the front door, was that simply to make an "entrance"? Of course it was! Pity the poor photographer who was bumped out of the way. NB Elton John used the side entrance.

    Odd that he is claiming invasion of privacy when the Oprah interview, the Spare book, the reality show on Netflix etc basically demonstrated H&M's invasion of privacy of others - the "older woman" he first encountered (praise be for her fortitude once he spilt the beans; no pun intended) who turned out to be younger than Meghan - William, his father, the UK Forces; need I keep going??

    Odd that H&M have double standards. He wasn't concerned about the click of cameras yesterday, perhaps his pay-per-view sessions with Dr Maté have cured his PTSD.

    Odd that there was no Police protection for him, given that he's suing the Home Office about their withdrawal of same.

    Odd that he flew several thousand miles to make these appearances, yet is reminding everyone of the climate damage of flying.

    Odd, in all dimensions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,137 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    NB Elton John used the side entrance.

    Yeah, very low key.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,137 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Well no, that's just your hate-o-meter on overdrive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    I left the UK because the "Institution" didn't protect us from the media but now I'm complaining that the "Institution" protected me too much from the media.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    As I’ve said before, I don’t “hate” Harry. What I dislike are hypocrites, especially those at the extreme end of the spectrum.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    It's not a bad strategy when you think about it. It's pretty much guaranteed worldwide coverage of a case that many didn't even know was about to take place. So now the spotlight is on the media and how they obtain information and in turn, there might be quite a few other publications who are quietly shtting themselves hoping other celebrities don't come forward either, so that could lead to pressure to settle.

    Plus it verifies Harry's claims that the press were overly intrusive.

    They've always wanted to control what the media are told about them - it was one of the main drivers in their dissatisfaction as working royals that the palace rules about the press rota meant that they had to interact with certain publications they didn't want to.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,926 ✭✭✭dogbert27

    As you say they were working royals, it was part of the job that they had to interact with press that they did not like.

    I have to interact with people everyday at work who I don't really want to interact with but work rules mean I have to.

    If I can't tolerate it then I have the choice to quit but if I do I'm not going to go on a crusade for the next number of years writing blogs or going on LinkedIn to highlight these people as axxholes who were the reason for me quitting my job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

    What's that saying, be nice to the people you meet on the way up as you might meet them again on the way back down?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    I think the royal family eventually understood that the best way to approach the press was to be friendly with them (even if it meant being superficially so) but to also keep them very much at arms length. Charles' hiring of a former Daily Mail editor as comms director/consigliere was indicative of how wishing away the tabloid press wasn't an option but reluctantly embracing it needed to be done in order to manage it as the way forward. I'd imagine Harry viewed such a development as his dad getting into bed with the devil. A quid pro quo arrangement which clearly irked Harry who thinks it was the press who killed his mother.

    I don't think he has any intellectual curiosity. It is worth pointing out that his own mother was the trail blazer in regards to unable-to-beat-them so joining them instead. I wonder what he makes of the fact she was close friends with the likes of Richard Kay the then Daily Mail editor, how she had invited Piers Morgan to lunch with herself and William so they could all get to know each other, how she was on first name terms with editors of the gutter press many of whom got invites for private talks in Kensington Palace (e.g. those from the Sun and the Mirror only months before she died) etc. Diana knew how the tabloids operated and she had even used them to her own advantage (e.g. the famous photo of her alone sitting in front of the Taj Mahal was arranged with the press). She knew it was give and take and she knew in being so hunted she had the capacity to use that to her own advantage particularly in sticking it to her ex-husband and his missus but also embracing the tabloids to highlight her genuine interest in the causes she was passionate about. It was the tabloids who routinely championed her but the broadsheets who dismissed her funnily enough. She knew that courting the media with one hand and rejecting them as Harry did was a circling the drain recipe for disaster. For example had his mother lived and set up her own Archewell type foundation then I highly doubt public donations in a given year would have been embarrassingly small amounts like $4,500.

    It is why you see William and the family being intelligent about their press relations and likely understood the dynamic his mother had with the media. I don't think Harry ever gave it serious thought. This is the guy who says his family kept the extent of the phone hacking from him. That would rely on him not knowing that it was his brother and their mutual pal Tom Bradby who were the ones who initially sparked an investigation into it all. It resulted in a very public trial where a PI and a News of the World editor got jailed in 2007 for hacking members of the royal family (a then partying hard Harry being of particular interest included assuming he was actually paying attention). It is unbelievable that any adult in that family was not at least familiar with a public trial about criminality against that family but apparently Harry wasn't being told anything. According to a recent BBC article he really only started talking to senior lawyers for the Royal family when he began dating Meghan and what he deems "defamatory stories" were being published.

    When this is someone so keen on controlling a narrative that they have their comms director engaging with authors then this is not a coincidence to my mind. It was the press doing what the press have always done. He could have embraced what his mother understood about the nature of the press and gone along with the nose holding tit for tat or he could (quite clearly) have gone down the path of engaging only with those who aggrandised them, who blew smoke up their holes and asked the softball questions. Doing the latter doesn't mean the tabloids go away though despite whatever crusade he thinks he is fighting for the good of his country. So the press turned on them. They could have managed their way out of it or they could have cut and run. They did the latter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Thats a complete nonsense take on the situation.

    First of all, they never said anything about wanting privacy. Its clear that quite a few here have fallen for if its kept being claimed, it must be true. This is a statement from them at the end of 2022 (from BBC).

    The Sussexes' global press secretary, Ashley Hansen, said in a written statement: "The Duke and Duchess have never cited privacy as the reason for stepping back. This distorted narrative was intended to trap the couple into silence.

    "In fact, their statement announcing their decision to step back mentions nothing of privacy and reiterates their desire to continue their roles and public duties. Any suggestion otherwise speaks to a key point of this series.

    "They are choosing to share their story, on their terms, and yet the tabloid media has created an entirely untrue narrative that permeates press coverage and public opinion. The facts are right in front of them."

    This is the full statement they made and is still up on the Sussex Royal website. No where does it cite privacy.

    Interesting to see that the agreement included :

    It is agreed that The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will continue to require effective security to protect them and their son.  This is based on The Duke’s public profile by virtue of being born into The Royal Family, his military service, the Duchess’ own independent profile, and the shared threat and risk level documented specifically over the last few years. No further details can be shared as this is classified information for safety reasons.

    The current court case is about the criminal activity the Dail Mail used to obtain information - just a bit of a step up from 'privacy'. The RF made a deal with the tabloids that they would give them good publicity in exchange for agreeing not to take legal action with the senior royals (Charles, Camilla, William & Kate), but they could say anything they liked about Harry and Meghan and they would not be challenged.

    The Daily Mail (Assoc. News) main defence for this case not going to trial is that it is over 6 years, the statue of limitations. Harry & Co.'s barrister is arguing that they were unaware until 2019 that they were using illegal means to gather information (invasion of privacy!). The Royal Family didn't tell Harry that his phone was being hacked and that they had this arrangement with the tabloids.

    I see that Samantha Markle has lost her defamation case against Meghan! It will be interesting to see who pays Samantha and Meghan's legal bill (though Dan Wootoon/GB News/Daily Mail) seems to have dropped Samantha from their panel of stalwarts of 'Meghan/Royal experts'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    See above post about wanting to call the tune with the media i.e. when Dad and my brother play the media game they are in bed with the devil but when Mum did it *la la la la* I can't hear you. Believe that a grown man was unaware of criminal prosecutions for phone hacking his own family if you like.

    What I gather is that Harrys argument is based on Gavin Burrows' statement about acting on behalf of ANL to target thousands of people. Now a second statement from Burrows has denied it all. That is the defense for ANL. Murky stuff indeed. If his case is predicated on this alone then it will be hard to win. The judge has told them to adjust their expectations. Translation: Your key witness is a liar. Unless you have more credible evidence to take to trial then you will lose here.

    Re the Samantha Markle case it is a technicality i.e. Meghan provided information to Scobie but she didn't write the book. She will instead now have to focus on the words said via the Oprah interview instead. I doubt she will win there either to be honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Do you have to interact with people at work who are bugging your phone and putting your private conversations on the staff newsletter/the front page of a newspaper for you to think that it was your friends/contacts were telling the newspapers and so destroying relationships with friends and love interests. Would you be happy with your family/employers for not bothering to inform you that you were being bugged and your friends/girl/boyfriends were not betraying you?

    Harry isn't the only one that this happened to. Sadie Frost's conversations on the phone were plastered all over the newspaper which made things particularly difficult for her during her divorce to Jude Law because he thought she was planting the stories in the press.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,926 ✭✭✭dogbert27

    Jesus, you're delving in to the world of GOT fantasy here with poor sweet innocent Sussexes being betrayed, double crossed and wanted dead by everyone in the RF because they only wanted to live their own life. My heart breaks for them and their plight. 😥

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    @jm08  The RF made a deal with the tabloids that they would give them good publicity in exchange for agreeing not to take legal action with the senior royals (Charles, Camilla, William & Kate), but they could say anything they liked about Harry and Meghan and they would not be challenged.

    The Daily Mail (Assoc. News) main defence for this case not going to trial is that it is over 6 years, the statue of limitations. Harry & Co.'s barrister is arguing that they were unaware until 2019 that they were using illegal means to gather information (invasion of privacy!). The Royal Family didn't tell Harry that his phone was being hacked and that they had this arrangement with the tabloids.

    I'm presuming that this is your assumption, rather than a fact - pending the outcome of the court action, of course??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    I think this is a better summary of what is happening in the court case. There is restricted reporting on the case (requested by Defendants), so no one is named at this stage. From what I understand, there are three Paps/PI's who have owned up to unlawfully bugging for the Daily Mail. Burrows has given a statement to the Claimants that he did bug on behalf of the DM. He also gave a statement to the DM that it didn't request him to commit any criminal activity! In other words, they just told him to get the info and paid him for it! The Claimants barrister has stated that this is a reason for the case to go to trial to actually find out which statement Burroes had made is true!

    This Sky courtroom report gives a much fuller description of what went on in court (i.e., it reports what the judge was saying) than what other publications are reporting despite the limitations on reporting requested by the DM (and imposed by the Judge).

    As for Samantha Markle, its not just a technicality:

    In court papers, US District Judge Charlene Edwards Honeywell wrote: "As a reasonable listener would understand it, defendant merely expresses an opinion about her childhood and her relationship with her half-siblings.

    "Thus, the court finds that defendant’s statement is not objectively verifiable or subject to empirical proof…. plaintiff cannot plausibly disprove defendant’s opinion of her own childhood."
