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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Do you think it is ok to hack phones, break into and place listening devices in people's homes and write news stories about people's private lives and publish them for everyone to read. This is what the tabloids did to a lot of people who don't have the resources of the Sussex's to fight back. This court case is just a bit more than just the RF / Sussexes. Do you really think it was ok for a paper to print the private conversation between Charles & Camilla by tapping their phone (tampon gate) for example, and that they should just put up with it?

    Are you suggesting that its ok to allow this kind of immoral / illegal activity to go on as long with as long as they can find someone to dump on.

    I suppose we are lucky that if it was a GOT fantasy, Charles would have been killed off at this stage by either William or Harry, or Harry & Meghan would have been marched naked around the cities of the UK (per what Jeremy Clarkson, Camilla's good friend wanted to do).

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

    Catherine was hacked most of all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    No, I don't think it's ok to hack phones and all the other things mentioned above. Also;

    @jm08 Do you really think it was ok for a paper to print the private conversation between Charles & Camilla by tapping their phone (tampon gate) for example, and that they should just put up with it?

    Again no, I don't. Neither do I think it's ok for Harry to disclose any number of private conversations with his father, his brother, his thoughts about Camilla - need I go on? - in his book, interviews, reality Netflix docuseries and so on. Harry and Meghan obviously want one set of principles for them, and a completely different set for everyone else. And that's one of the reasons why I have a problem with them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Harry didn't steal what he published. I doubt he has signed a non-disclosure agreement unlike what RF staff do who are privy to conversations between and with members of the RF. The tabloids did steal and publish private conversations. Thats a big difference from what you are trying to claim. If Charles wanted to publish his private conversation with Camilla, he could have (though I see a bit of justification as Charles had claimed in an interview on TV that he was not having an affair with Mrs Parker Bowles - they were just friends) and the tapes proved he was lying.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    As far as is known. The DM editor told the Leveson Enquiry that they didn't hack phones which we now know to be untrue, but everyone believed up to 2019 when a PI/Pap. came forward and said otherwise. The basis for this court case is that the claimants didn't know that they had been hacked by the DM because they believed what they said in the Leveson Enquiry.

    Edit: by the way, the News of the World was put out of business and people went to jail for doing what they did. Big stakes here for the Daily Mail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    For me, it's not solely about whether or not a crime has been committed. It's broader than the court case. Consider this.

    Harry wants his privacy to be secured and maintained - not an unreasonable thing for anyone to expect. So he's going to Court. But, if he is so keen on privacy, why does he fail so grossly to respect the privacy of others, especially matters such as the private conversations between Harry, William and Charles plus, of course Catherine and the rest of his (now) estranged family. Can you imagine the King reading Harry's account in Spare, revealing the very private conversation that Harry and William allegedly has with their father about Camilla? Or his comments about Camilla in general? Was that really necessary? Go on about your frozen todger as much as you want, but keep away from private, intimate family issues. Actually, shut up about your frozen todger, too, nobody gives a damn.

    Harry is demonstrating that he has no feelings for his family. He is also demonstrating he has no respect, no humanity, no moral compass, no compassion, no loyalty, no integrity and, frankly, no common sense. He is just an angry person, lashing out in all directions. He should stop, for his own wellbeing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,137 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Why would Harry have any feelings for his family. All they have ever done is used and abused him and just about broke every promise they made to him including that he would get protection (it in the statement of the agreement I posted earlier). They never spoke against the racist attacks on Meghan (despite something like 70 MPs writing a letter about it). A couple of weeks ago, William was giving a lecture about racism in football and he could not bring himself to condemn the racism against his sister in law. The Norwegian King showed him how to do it when his family received racist attacks. Both Charles & William said nothing when their grandson/nephew was depicted as a monkey by a BBC journalist. But, probably the worst thing KC & William did was take away their security and then let the press know where they were staying in Canada. (The only people who knew where they were staying were Charles and William). Time and time again, Harry was let down by his family, so feic them now.

    By the way, you have missed the rationale for the frozen todger. Harry needed to see a doctor, but he couldn't ask the palace staff to get him one because it would be leaked to the press and his todger would have been all the over papers the next day. (He asked a friend who he could trust to make an appointment and he brought him the back door of the GPs). What is your assessment of that, did the public have a right to know about his frost bitten todger or would you regard that should be a private matter between Harry and his doctor?

    The point of what Harry did is that he has owned up to everything, there is nothing that he hasn't said that can be used against him in this court case. Thats why the tabloids are running scared.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,137 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    I think we can all agree her half sister is an extremely unpleasant individual.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    I think we have "irreconcilable differences" between our views.

    Harry was not used and abused. He did the damage to himself. Nazi uniform, hopeless relationships with great girlfriends (Chelsy and Cressida, to name but two) who saw through him. Drugs, Bunker Harry and so on

    As I see things, Meghan was enthusiastically and warmly welcomed into the RF, not just by them - Charles walked her down the aisle, remember, at a wedding that cost £32m? - but by most of the British public. It could have been so good for the "Institution" but H&M, driven in my view by Meghan and her particular ambitions, chose to trash that possibility.

    Why am I reminded of Macbeth (and Lady Macbeth!) and his "vaulting ambition"? Don't forget that Lady Macbeth manipulated her husband very effectively; when he is hesitant to murder Duncan, she questions his manhood (read frozen todger, here) until he decides to murder him to prove himself. Spot any similarities?

    It didn't end well for Macbeth.

    I don't wish either of the any ill. I just wish they would STFU and live quietly somewhere.

    Oh, and by the way, Danny Baker is a grade one idiot, and was rightly fired by the BBC over that totally unacceptable tweet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    He was told from Day 1 by his father's family, he was the spare. Thats abuse. When as a teenager he was messing around with drugs, instead of dealing with it, his father advisors thought it was a good idea to pretend that Charles (single father trying his best etc. etc) was doing something about it and so concocted this story that Harry was being brought to meet some drug additc centre to warn him against the evils of drugs - except that didn't happen. Harry had paid a visit to a drug addict centre about six months previous to the story being published. Charles just used him to help his PR - thats abuse of his teenage son. William was great friends with Tom Parker Bowles (Camilla's son) who was caught out supplying cocaine in a tabloid sting in 1999 - you seriously think that William was avoiding all of that. Here is an article from 1999 which explains that in that particular class, drugs were handed around at parties like after dinner mints.,2763,207412,00.html

    You think Chelsy and Cressida would be put off by Harry taking drugs back then when it was so widespread in their circles. Just for the record, Cressida and Harry split up after two years. It was a mutual separation. Chelsey said she couldn't take the hassle (bear in mind her phone was bugged etc. Unlike Kate, she was not prepared to deal with it). It was pressure from the tabloids that caused that split, not Harry wearing a Nazi uniform or drug taking and shame on you trying to infer it did. Harry is still very good friends with Chelsey.

    The Queen & Charles welcomed Meghan, but the rest of them were jealous of her. Neither Harry or Meghan wanted a big wedding, but the Royal family did (weddings and funerals are good PR for the royals). The wedding cost about 3 million, the rest went on security on mainly the royal family's guests. They wouldn't let her invite her own step-niece (Samantha's daughter). Meghan paid for her own dresses and bridesmaids, flowers etc. so don't use the wedding as some kind of welcome gift from the RF.

    So now, you have come from despising them because they were disloyal/nasty to to royal family to just wanting them to go away. Well they have gone away, but you (and the British tabloids) can't stop talking about them. Stop reading the British tabloids. Meghan has been seen once or twice in public in the last 5 months, but the tabloids still keep talking about her.

    Not much talk in the tabloids about the current court case. They thought that would go under the radar. Fair play for Harry turning up and now the world knows.

    As for Danny Baker tweet which was disgraceful - how come Charles & William were not making statements about how unacceptable racism is like William did lately with the footballers? This is the deal done with the royal rota that William and Charles have made - Harry and Meghan are fair game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Didn't William have a statement made supporting Harrys one about the negative coverage of Meghan in the press? This was 2016. Do they have to comment on every single thing? These are grown ups we're talking about here. These are not children who need supervision. I've been over this ad nauseum in that if you comment on some things and not subsequently on other stuff then it really is a losing game i.e. you condemned that thing but you kept schtum about the other thing thus your silence is agreement. Toxic. You want William to address social media stuff like Danny Baker? The guy was rightly lambasted and his reputation tarnished because of what he posted. Nobody swallowed his BS excuses. William was speaking about racism in football because it was in the context of his role in the FA. It's not difficult to extrapolate his thinking there towards a wider context but yeah he is this evil physically abusive psychopath who hated Meghan and didn't give her a hug or ask if she was ok and is a flaming racist because he didn't jump to her defense at all times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

    I wonder did Harry ever release a statement supporting Catherine when she was given a terrible time by the press?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    According to Meghan the press were just being rude to Kate but they were racist to her. This rudeness being stuff like saying your uncle is a drug dealer, actually harassing you, taking the piss out your family and hacking your phone 155 times. 😀

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

    It only works one way so. Bold William should back Harry and Meghan all the time, no matter what they do or say. And should expect no support in return!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,876 ✭✭✭acequion

    You seem hell bent on defending Harry to the death which I find rather strange. Look at your opening statement, "Why would Harry have any feelings for his family." I find that bizarre. Why would anyone not have feelings for their family? Yes there are people who completely cut ties with their biological family but by all accounts it's extreme and traumatic and not all that common. Blood is thicker than water and all that. Despite your claims to justify his behaviour there really is no evidence that Harry was traumatised by his family to such a huge extent as to justify his enormous public disloyalty which must have caused great distress to many in the RF not least the late queen at the end of her life. There are always two sides to every story and there's no doubt that like in every dispute there are wrongs on both sides and family can be messy, but I personally have lost all respect for Harry as a result of his constant public whingeing, double standards and unforgiveable betrayal. As for his wife, her history of dumping close friends and family when they no longer suit her needs has been well documented so I find it impossible to have much time for her. Hard to defend either of them, imo, but you're entitled to your opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    The statement was titled in 2015: A Statement by the Communications Secretary to Prince Harry and gave the address as Kensington Palace. William obviously wanted nothing to do with it. If he did, it would be a statement from Kensington Palace. Since William recently made a statement condemning racism in football, why would he not condemn the facist attack on his new born nephew who was depicted as a monkey?

    All racism is toxic and all of it should be condemned, not just be selective about which part of racism is ok (if its your sister-in-law or your new born nephew). Its worse when someone like William doesn't condemn all racism. The King of Norway could manage to do that when it was aimed at members of his family.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,678 ✭✭✭Multipass

    Complete misrepresentation - ‘fascist attack’, depicted as a monkey’. It was not a racist tweet for gods sake, it’s quite obvious to anyone with a brain that it was a joke about class. Danny Baker said it was comparing the royals to circus animals in clothes. If we hadn’t been infected by this American toxicity of seeing race in everything, it wouldn’t even have caused a ripple. No-one in the uk gives 2 hoots about Markles racial background, or what % of skin colour background their ginger kids have. It’s a non issue, until the 2 grifters need something else to complain about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Getting the feeling that whatever he says or does will always be wrong or insufficient. Maybe the learning lesson was to not say anything at all. Maybe something like adopting the avoidance of explaining or complaining might do.

    Harry making a statement via Kensington Palace would have needed Williams tacit agreement as it was. Maybe he wanted his brother, a grown man, to take charge regarding his new beau perhaps.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    That statement came from Kensington Palace. That's enough of an originator - it was, at the time, unprecedented.

    I really don't know where to start in response to your recent posts. But I will just make a couple of observations.

    You think Chelsy and Cressida would be put off by Harry taking drugs back then when it was so widespread in their circles.

    I didn't say that. They split up because of his behaviour generally and inability to decide what he wanted from them or to commit to them. I don't recall Harry doing anything about the disgraceful intrusion into Chelsy's life.

    They wouldn't let her invite her own step-niece (Samantha's daughter).

    But paradoxically, the RF were totally happy for her to invite people that Meghan either didn't know, or hardly knew, but simply wanted to invite in an attempt to try and advance her position as an "A-lister"? George and Amal Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, Idris Elba, James Cordon, etc. Tom Inskip, an old friend of Harry's, was not invited, apparently because advised Harry not to marry Meghan. Ah, well. The truth can hurt

    Meghan paid for her own dresses and bridesmaids, flowers etc. so don't use the wedding as some kind of welcome gift from the RF.

    So did Catherine at her wedding, that's how it works.

    Clearly, nothing I can say will have any effect whatsoever with your strident defence of Meghan. Let's just agree to differ

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,041 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    I think the monkey depiction was racist. Even before BLM or "American toxicity" black people were compared to apes and monkeys for years.

    No other member of the RF were ever depicted as a monkey, it was just the newborn son of the only mixed race couple, that speaks for itself.

    That said, I don't agree that all the negative press coverage of Meghan was because of racism, she's just unlikeable and a hypocrite.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    With regard to the 'feelings for family' part. I was responding to a post that suggested that it was awful how Harry should have some feelings for his family and protect their privacy.

    First of all, I don't know what Harry did wrong to be booted out of the family in the first place. They wanted to move away from England and the toxic British press, but were offering to continue doing charitable work and fund themselves, but that was unacceptable to the RF, so they had to make their own way. Why is their such venom towards them for wanting that? Why was it not possible to let them live in the Commonwealth and still work for the Royal Family? Why did they insist that they live in England?

    The reason why 'feelings' are in short supply is because of how they have been treated by Charles & William, one of the main ones and extremely dangerous was pulling their security at short notice when they went to Canada and then telling the press where they were (Charles and William were the only two people who knew where they were). Why would a father do that to his family? There is an agreement that they would be provided with security so Charles & William broke that agreement. (Just in case you say that since they are not working royals, they were not entitled to tax payers security, Charles is a billionaire and could well afford to cover it.)

    There were incessant attacks by the British media on them, although they were living very quietly in Canada/US for 18 months before they went on Oprah to set some of the record straight because his family certainly were never going to do that.

    Since then, they have been evicted from their house which they paid to refurbish and were paying rent by Charles. So now Charles has an empty house and no rent and should pay back the 2/3 million that they spent on refurbishing it. Whats the point in that? Its just bizarre that Charles would treat his own son this way.

    You say you are tired of listening to them 'whinging'. You don't have to read the British tabloids who go on incessantly about them, watch netflix, or read Harry book. Meghan has been seen twice in the last four months, Harry has given about 3 interviews and seen a few times walking in and out of a courtroom. There were even complaints about him using the front door of the court room. We have a problem with whinging all right, but its not Harry's whinging, its the British press incessantly whinging about them. ''Harry used the front door, he is looking for attention'' whinge, whinge. Meghan came out of the front door of a restaurant looking for attention ''whinge, whinge''. ''Harry & Meghan took a flight in a plane'' whinge, whinge. ''Harry should lose his title'' whinge, whinge. ''Harry & Meghan should not be invited to the cornation'' whinge, whinge.

    I'd like to hear more about Meghan dumping close friends. What are you getting at here? What close friends and family has she dumped?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,041 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    They wanted to be half in, half out, i.e., free to monetise their royal status to make their own money but still receive money from the RF. That wouldn't fly with taxpayers so it was all on or all out. They left, citing the desire for financial independence, yet Harry sulked on Oprah at his father cutting him off financially as if he didn't understand what financial independence actually means nor the terms of them leaving their senior royal status.

    Frogmore is for Andrew as he's currently living it up in the Royal Lodge (I think?) and can't afford it. It's a way to get the disgraced (alleged) sex offender further out of view and forcing him to live within his reduced means.

    The whinging is theirs - see Oprah, the Netflix special and Spare, millionaires moaning at their lot as if they're somehow disadvantaged.

    Family and friends - the only family members they seem to have a relationship with is Doria, Beatrice and Eugenie. Meghan dropping friends has been covered in this thread if you have a mind to trawl through it, I doubt anyone will volunteer to do it for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,678 ✭✭✭Multipass

    Meghan isn’t black though. She has more white genes than black, not that anyone cares. Seriously no-one cares. There was no racist intent behind that tweet. Danny Baker quickly realised that it would be taken up that way, and quickly deleted it. And subsequently apologised and was fired. But yeah, it was a terrible fascist and racist attack on a pale skinned woman who desperately slathers herself in bronzer to look more put upon 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,041 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    Meghan is mixed race. That tweet was offensive and Archie was the only one to be depicted as a monkey.

    I'm not a fan of Meghan, but I can see how that was offensive. The last paragraph of your post is crass, so I'll leave it at that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    @Multipass I'm with @Leg End Reject on this particular subject. Whilst I agree that Meghan considered and portrayed herself as "Caucasian" until she met Harry, (and has slowly increased the saturation level since, in direct opposition to Michael Jackson, as I understand it) Danny Baker was completely out of order when he portrayed H&M's baby as a chimp. Baker was, at the most benevolent interpretation, unwise. More in my view, is that he had/has an overinflated opinion of his own comedic talent. Whilst he "apologised", he apparently ended the call from BBC R5 by saying. "F... off". What a great example of our species he ain't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    They could have remained fully in, all they needed was to live away from England, but in the Commonwealth. They could have continued with all their existing charities such as Invictus etc. if they were living in England. Its not as if the Royal Family are paupers. I think Charles was earning 26m a year from the Duchy of Cornwall. But I suspect that racism was the real reason why Charles and William wanted to distance themselves from Meghan and her children. By pulling their security, they thought that Harry would have had no option but to come home and they hoped that Meghan would take Archie (who they refused to give a prince title to initially) and they would never hear from them again.

    The tabloids were claiming that H&M were being supported financially. Harry needed to explain that they were cut off financially, just like they were cut off from their security even though it was in the agreement that they would be protected. (another reason for denying Archie his title because as a prince of the UK, he would be entitlted to security up to the age of 18 (and that is why Meghan was very keen for him to get the title).

    At least they are doing the so called ''whinging'' about real life issues such as security threats and not continually whinging about incredible frevious things like Harry using the front door of a court room and then whinging again that he used the back door! Thats the kind of whinging that most people are sick of hearing from the tabloids. An awful lot of people are very interested in what they have to say, going on viewership of Oprah, netflix and sales of Harry's book. Why are people buying it if all they are doing is whinging?

    Can you explain that one?

    I think you have not a clue who they are close with. For instance, everyone was surprised to hear about the Spencer aunts being at the christening in California. The Spencers are family you know. I'd say part of the problem for most of the royal family is that if they are seen to take the side of H&M, they will be ripped apart by the tabloids and probably cut off by Charles/William.

    What friends has she dropped (surely its not that hard to name them). From what I see and hear not one person (including her ex-husband) has a bad word to say about her. All the crew of Suits have nothing but good to say about her. Even her high school boyfriends having nothing but good to say about her. There is one actor colleague who was offered a bribe £80K to say that he had slept with her and even though he could have done with the money, he didn't take it. You know nothing about the Ragland side of the family who seemingly were shying away from the publicity, but she is on good terms with and she is very close with Samantha Markle estranged daughter, Ashling. The people she cut out, betrayed her and deserved it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Nope. William sent out a press release signing Harry's name to which Harry had no knowledge of.

    William issued a statement 2 weeks later eventually getting around to publicly support his brother.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,041 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    Good lord! They wanted to launch themselves and their brand, that's why they wanted out. Archie wasn't entitled to a title until Charles was king, that's governed by the Letters Patent.

    The Spencer aunts, Doria, Eugene and Beatrice then are the family members they are close to. I'm sure the 2 aunts make a huge difference. 🤷‍♀️

    The rest was all discussed on the thread like I said before.
