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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    Try this article.

    The salient part is this:

    After Winfrey suggested that the couple should “have an expectation that you’re going to have to lose privacy” and that it’s “part of the deal,” the duchess said: “I think everyone has a basic right to privacy. Basic. Right? And we’re not talking about anything that anybody else wouldn’t expect".

    So, Meghan believes everyone has a right to privacy. Apart from actually practising what she preaches, perhaps she could mention that "basic right" to Harry. He doesn't seem to have got the memo, judging from the docuseries or Spare, which drove a coach and horses through many people's "basic right to privacy", but especially his family's.

    One rule for them, a different rule for everybody else. That's hypocrisy. And that's what I dislike about them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Can you tell me a couple of examples of where H&M invaded the privacy of members of the royal family.

    For example, where Harry says that William hit him - should Harry have got permission from William to put that in his book?

    And do you think it was an invasion of Charles & William's privacy to say that they pulled their security at short notice and told the tabloids where they were in Canada.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    One example springs to mind. Presumably as a married couple they talk together in private and Harry would talk about what he was going to put in Spare. Almost five years after the fact he felt he needed to address the whole who-made-who-cry debacle. He included Whatsapp messages from Kate taken from Meghans phone. Remember this is a grown man dedicating three pages of his book explaining the circumstances about what happened when a dress didn't fit his neice and because the tabloids being the tabloids got wind of it and blew it up because conflict no matter how trivial (i.e. Two people who probably had a mutual disliking for each other getting passive aggressive and pissy with each other in a text exchange) equals money for them. It is a man putting out a side to the story but doing so by using messages Kate assumed would remain private and doing so knowing that her other side to the story wouldn't be broadcast because she is clearly a dedicated stickler for the Queens template for service. It was an invasion of privacy but for all the grandiosity it was a case of "Is that it?". Meghan, dealing with her Dad and the tabloids exposing his dealing with staged photos and obviously stressed out, sobbed and fell to the floor according to Harry. Kate, post partum, probably cried as well at some point. Time ticking, things to do, smallies, stress, getting called Baby Brain, married to a violent psychopath (lol) etc. 

    They would have also talked about suing ANL and following through on it. Meghan about a letter. Harry because he was hacked years earlier. They printed a letter given to them by her father who, like Harry, was giving a side to the story as well and getting money to do so. Harry, without permission, using contents of a phone to pad out a memoir so he could make lots of money.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Kate went along with the lie as to what happened. Extract from Spare:

    "We [H&M, W&K] all gathered in our little front annexe, and this time there was no small talk: Kate got things rolling straightaway by acknowledging that the stories in the papers about Meg making her cry were totally false," Harry writes. He adds that Kate allegedly said, "I know, Meghan, that I was the one who made you cry."

    When it came to taking action about setting the record straight, Kate became "flustered" while William gave" supportive-sounding evasions." When they realized that no action would be taken, the Sussexes decided to focus on who leaked the story to the tabloids.

    Interesting read - seemingly, it was Charles who leaked it to the press when on tour in Australia! Maybe someone should have a word about his two son's privacy!

    As regards the letter in the paper - legally it has been decided that it was Meghan's copyright and the tabloid (a third party) had no right to publish it without her permission. I would not have an issue with her father posting the letter on his own twitter account/facebook though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    With pleasure. Allow me

    • Harry publicising the conversation that he alleged occurred between him, William and the King, about their concerns about Camilla as a wife. Very private and personal familiar stuff, hurtful to publicise it.
    • Harry's revelation that he and William are circumcised. More fixation on his todger. What is it about him and his todger? I'm not remotely interested, but anyone who is needs to check out the photos of his Las Vegas jaunt.

    One extra - three for the price of two offer, if you will

    • Giving a blow by blow account of the late Queen's passing, something that most English people regard (even in the death of a Monarch) is an intensely private and personal event

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    So according to Harry Charles said nothing about outfits/crying but may (allegedly) have said something to someone (who?) while in Australia about his sons and their wives not, shock horror, exactly getting along like a house on fire and that William said nothing all along inferring that he was happy for such stories to be reported on and that he was reluctant to correct or sue the papers for reporting on them not getting along even though with all their sniffing around for the gossip and tea it was actually true that they weren't getting along. The drama. The kind of drama which belongs in supermarket weekly gossip magazines like Bella et al. It is the idea of them not only mutually drawing this all up on Oprah but then doing it all again in Spare which is quite ridiculous and makes them look petty and self-absorbed. People, albeit high profile ones, not getting along. Shocking stuff. I mean if that is the kind of thing they need to prattle on about then they've got it pretty good. Who made who cry? Who cares. Harry and Meghan it seems. Maybe they actually are drama queens. Not unreasonable to presume so given the above. Maybe after dropping their wishes about half in and half out they were surprised at a lack of wrangling to keep them on board and left before actual proper arrangements could be made and they subsequently made it out that that they were unsecure and victims on a freedom flight. Wouldn't surprise me. Not one bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    That entire post is what is usually known as (at best) hearsay and at worst, a complete fabrication. What is it with the championing of H&M? They are hypocrites, as I have already shown with numerous examples. One rule for them, a different rule for everyone else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Hurtful to who? Camilla? Give me a break. That woman broke up their family. She doesn't deserve any sympathy from anyone. What she did to their family is far worse than actually being Charles' mistress. As for William, how open is it saying that their mother, Diana, suffered from paranoia (when she had every reason to).

    We all know that Charles and his brothers were circumcised. Only doubt there would have been about William and Harry, as it was thought that Diana was against it and apparently there have been several books written about it. LOL.

    The point of telling that story was to explain that he had frost bite but couldn't tell anyone in the Palace because it would be all over the press the next day, so he got a friend to make an appointment with a doctor and snook in the back door. I think that is a good demonstration about the total lack of privacy the royals have.

    Your additional point is nonsense. The RF had a 10 day public mourning for her. Nothing private about that funeral.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Not getting along wasn't the issue. Its how that was turned into a lie by the British media and William & Kate would not correct it. Meghan did not make Meghan cry. All she had to do was say that. She didn't even have to say that she was the one that was absolutely **** to Meghan and Harry would not have had to produce the text to say what actually happened.

    Bear in mind this was Meghan wedding and Kate was acting very unreasonably demanding that all the bridesmaids dress be remade 2/3 days before the wedding and refusing to bring Charlotte (like all the other mothers) to get her fitted properly. What a bitch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    They have the texts to prove what happened. Thats why Harry published them because people like you would not believe him. On Oprah, Meghan was very nice about Kate, saying that she apologised to her (but Kate and William did not correct what was written in the media. That demonstrates that it is not a fabrication.

    I explained earlier in this thread. My interest is in how the British Media has far too much power and influence in England (don't think the Scots or Welsh are so influenced) and that M&H's story is a very good case study in how they operate. I admire them for taking on the British Media and I really hope they win. I also feel sorry for the British Royal family because they are so beholden to the press as they can destroy them in a minute. Diana was destroyed by the press. Jeremy Corbyn is another one. Caroline Flack committed suicide.

    Now, tell me why you hate them so much?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    You know the Great British Sewing Bee show on BBC? Talented contestants rigging up clothes/outfits within a set time frame. I am sure between the exposure a gig in creating clothes for a Royal wedding would afford brilliant sewers and the means at the disposal of a multi million pound wedding that they could find a team to wrangle up some acceptable outfits with very short notice. 

    My wife got the latest edition of Bella magazine. It has a front page story and a two pager inside about how William and Kate argue and give each other the silent treatment. Kate is the stoic and William the bristling one type thing. It stems from "sources, insiders, friends close to" types. Long term married couple acting like long term married couple. It is the kind of thing you glance over and then without giving it a second thought continue on to the latest fashions, diet tips etc. I doubt William or Kate are running to their comms people to try and stop such stuff from being printed. My point is that the press will eek whatever they can from whatever crumbs they can find. Rational people dismiss it as the nature of the beast and a consequence of their profile that they deal with in their own way. Ridiculous people tell 50 million people about such stuff on TV years after the fact and also write about it again in a book years after talking about it on TV.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Did you not read the texts - Meghan had arranged for people to fix the dresses. She had to beg Kate to bring 3 old Charlotte for a fitting. Since Meghan was paying for the dresses herself, it wasn't up to Kate to be dictating anything about the dresses.

    Meghan was vilified in the press for that. She was accused of bullying and being nasty to Charlotte (a 3 year old) as well as making Kate cry. Will thought it serious enough to deny that Kate was getting botox, I think being accused of bullying a 3 year old and making her mother cry is a bit more serious. I'd be sueing the tabloids for defamation of character if that was me. There are hundreds of articles about it if you do a search.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭superflyninja

    I think the issue here is that you are so obsessed with the wrongdoings of the British Media that you are wilfully ignoring the valid counterpoints. And there are many counterpoints. Why do you keep asking why some people in this thread dislike H&M? We are blue in the face repeating ourselves. You know full well the reasons.

    I like how you too are imitating the BM by constantly twisting and massaging our words to fit your point of view. Here is an example from your post quoted here; We "hate" H&M instead of dislike, you seem quite happy to brand us in the same vein as Jeremy Clarkson in our levels of criticism.

    If an editor of the DM or some other trash paper were to read this I'm sure they would offer you a job in a heartbeat. Your constant ignoring of facts that dont suit your cause is impressive as is your twisting of your opponent's opinions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    For the umpteenth time, I don't hate them. I have a strong dislike of hypocrites, and H&M are exemplars of this deeply unattractive trait (I won't go over the narcissism of and manipulation by Meghan). William and Catherine respect the "never complain, never explain" tradition. That's not a cover up. It's just not pouring petrol on whatever fire someone else has tried to start.

    I've noticed that you never refer to the points I make. Instead, you deflect on to another theme and change the agenda by muddying the waters and not addressing the issue. I am not going to rise to the bait of addressing your (mostly spurious) points. You should try dealing with the very simple fact that H&M expect privacy, but don't afford that right to anyone else. Thinking H&M can say anything they want - but nobody else can, is not sustainable. I wish you well in continuing to defend the indefensible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

    It's gas how Catherine has been well known for 20 odd years now without any stories/rumours of her being a wagon. Whereas Meghan being famous for much less time with plenty coming from previous and current sources.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭superflyninja

    I just want to pick up on the "never complain, never explain" point. It is totally the right way to go.

    Im basing this on personal experience. From the outside looking in it's easy to just assume that honesty (and transparency) is the best policy. It almost never is.

    TLDR narcissists bad

    It's only by having experienced this sort of gaslighting and manipulation from these narcissists that you can truly know what people are capable of. This is why I find Harry & Meghan so interesting, it's seeing a similar situation play out in public. The royal family by not commenting are absolutely doing the right thing. Anything they say would be pounced upon and dissected and twisted by Harry and Meghan and made public.

    However, if the royal family did make a statement I'm sure they would blow H&M out of the water. I don't care a jot about the royal family, I'm sure they are guilty of a great many things (hello Andrew) but I really don't think they are guilty of all the mud H&M are slinging.

    I think it's very simple. H&M (led by Meghan) wanted the half-in, half-out setup. They wanted it all and the RF said no. This is simply an extended toys being thrown out of the pram scenario for two spoiled narcissistic clowns.

    Post edited by superflyninja on

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,137 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

    I'm not talking about the media. Rather more about old friends and relatives etc. As far as I know no-one who might know Catherine on a personal basis, has said anything negative. And it's nothing to do with race so don't make it so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    God almighty the length of some of those posts since I was last here- I need to take some annual leave to catch up 😀

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Essay Incoming alert!

    Experienced the narcissism, histrionics, victim playing, role reversal and gas lighting myself in a falling out with my brother and his serial bullying wife. Long story short, his wife decided to try and split me and my now wife up, failed and since they worked in the same building bullied her to the point of suicide ideation. After years of this kind of carry on (e.g. she was abusive and borderline coercively controlling with my younger brother, caused ructions between him, our older brother and his wife which almost alienated them from each other etc.) she thought she could get away with similar again when she zeroed in on us. She got exposed as a liar and went down the rather impressive route of twisting everything around on us. Their general situation and her behaviour became our situation and behaviour i.e. The gullible unwitting dimwit duped and married to the serial bully who had everyone fooled into thinking she was simply marvellous. Like superflyninja said, people wouldn't believe the sheer lengths people would desperately go to in order to cover up their behaviour and the strange part is that it was all absolutely unnecessary and unwarranted. Attempts were made to salvage what was once a close relationship with my brother (i.e. the goal was to retain some civility between us (we used to play golf regularly together) but on condition that his wife was clearly now persona non grata to me).

    Our parents and her parents fell out because their son was bullying their daughter and nothing was being done about it. My brother was in complete denial about it all, mental gymnastics, cognitive dissonance, you name it. Anything but use plain common sense and see the obvious that his wife was the source of it all. Ultimately the cue for me to cut ties and deem it a lost cause not worth the effort was, instead of him being reasonable, seeing him adopting the same tactics she'd already been using such as zeroing in on things he had done himself (like getting aggressive when drunk) and applying them to me expressly because it helped their now established narrative of me being a conflict craving psychopath who is married to someone who bullied his wife. Their public aggrandising with extended friends and family now being that they avoid us for their mental health, we're evil bullies etc. Victims. No one needs that toxic carry on and those who know us know better than to believe such malignance. It's been 8 drama/histrionic free years since we spoke. I haven't seen him since 2019. We have two kids and they have two kids of similar age. None of them have met obviously and the frustrating part is that it didn't need to be that way.

    It was my wife who got me interested in this really. She just loves those royal documentaries/The Crown etc. Could care less about the royal family. I thought Meghan, who like many I didn't know and deemed a blank canvas, marrying in was a net force in shaking up the archaic institution of monarchy but at the same time even I understood that it was a business, a brand and that there was a hierarchy to the thing itself. She was clearly welcomed and PR Harry who seemed a decent bloke was clearly in love. I watched the wedding and wrote them off as a couple who would be doing the whole working Royal thing for years, that with Meghan there would be benefits for diversity since she symbolised that same thing and paid no more attention to it until South Africa with Tom Bradby and Megxit soon after that. The tabloids did what the tabloids do in stirring things up. To my mind, to sell papers/attract clicks, they went with the propping them up as The Fab Four initially and then tore that down when it began emerging that it was anything but Fab behind the scenes. When you've been through the above experience then it all becomes eerily familiar watching it play out and it becomes an exercise in divide and conquer in rubbernecking a family splitting up. I personally feel like there was no interest in mediation or conflict resolution. I suspect a narrative was being built up, everything and anything useful was being latched onto waiting to be weaponised when/if it became clear they couldn’t have their cake and eat it too. I was happy to believe them but the extent of the logical fallacies/hypocrisy dents their credibility for me. I guess the interest also stems from highlighting that this kind of behaviour is widespread and the royal drama in particular is an easily digestible example of this carry on involving people most people are familiar with.

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭superflyninja

    @valoren Your story sounds eerily familiar. I feel sorry for anybody experiencing similar. Its a hell of a thing to go through and its amazing how easily people can get away with this sort of behaviour. No one wants to talk about it as a group out in the open, its all whispers and knives from the shadows.

    I remember one recent instance with her mother, we had not spoken for months, she had no contact with her grandkids for probably close to a year. We were at a family funeral and in front of all the cousins and family she made a big public show with us about how family was so important, that we must all come together in times like this etc etc, knowing full well it was all lies and she had no intention following through on of any of it. And she said that in front of the children, all just to make a show to the world that she was some Mother Theresa-like saintly figure. We had to have a chat with them later and let them down. Disgusting behavior.

    Its so clever though. If we say anything there, she slaps on the hurt victim face and denies everything, which makes us look bad for saying anything at a funeral, particularly when she has made such a spectacle of her deep love of family, she wins. Or we say nothing and she wins, the out of touch extended family now think she loves her family deeply. If they hear any different it will be that much harder for them to accept. The only answer really is no contact and no response. I do think the lack of response actually hits back at the narcissists, they dont like being ignored.

    Same as you Valoren its noticing the similar behaviour with H&M that has my interest, not the RF aspect.

    A big telltale with H&M is their state of constant victimhood, never taking responsibility for anything.

    Post edited by superflyninja on

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Great post- sorry to hear of your own family woes but your mental health is more important than maintaining toxic family relationships- maybe some day things will change if the years make them wiser but I believe you’re doing the right thing.

    And don’t let guilt get in on you either- this decision was made to protect you and your wife’s mental health- had you not done this, you’d be in complete turmoil right now- I’ve experienced inter family issues in the past- whilst mostly resolved now, it’s not a healthy place to be. Take care.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,041 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    The whole thing is rotten to the core ... even more reason why H & M should have relinquished their titles when they left, rather than crying for their children to get them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    £1.2 billion but presumably this is total income from over 70 years. That would come to about 17 million per annum on average. I guess when you own a lot of (inherited) land, manage it wisely, take advantage of tax breaks and let compounding, inflation work together then you come to such an amount given such a time period.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 Tomst

    it's amazing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

    For anyone having sleepless nights over the whole thing, you'll be delighted to hear that Harry is going to the Coronation and Meghan is staying behind with the children.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

    I don't think she rejected the invite, I would be surprised if she was asked in the first place.
