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Is it time to join Nato



  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    They do believe it why do you think they went to Nato,if it all kicks off with Nato and Russia maps will definitely getting redrawn and not in Russias favor

  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭Kiteview

    They want into NATO because they believe they need it to ensure their defence.

    If you have the ability to unilaterally defeat your biggest military neighbour and the only one which is likely to attack you as it is being aggressive to its neighbours, it isn’t necessary to join a military alliance. You might choose to do so but there would be no real need to do so.

    No one is suggesting Finland is joining NATO because it believes it can unilaterally defeat Russia in a conflict yet wants to join so it can offer protection to the other (weaker) NATO countries.

  • Registered Users Posts: 478 ✭✭Run Forest Run

    Well, you "think" wrong then. Either you've a terrible memory, or you're taking paraphrasing to a whole new level with this remark! (or you're just being a big old troll... most likely I'd say)

    Yes, I have mentioned that we are going towards a multi polar world. The conflict in Ukraine is a symptom of that shift, but not the main driving force behind it.

    Another aspect of this shift, is the pivoting away from the US petro dollar. Which is progressing at a much faster pace now, thanks to the west's reckless and irresponsible use of sanctions. When you hold the global reserve currency, but then wield this like a weapon towards anyone who gets in your way... countries are not going to take this lying down forever. Because they know literally any of them could be next.

    NATO is a dead duck, and the US petro dollar might very well start to go in the same direction soon as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,883 ✭✭✭fly_agaric

    I know/you know we are moving to or already in a "multipolar" world. It was your contentions that it is going to be better (an improvement over a US led post WW2 or post Cold war order - you definitely do think that) and your positivity about it all with which I disagreed (+ mocked).

    Yes I am "trolling" you as I can't help it. I wonder what kind of individual could look at what is going on in Ukraine as evidence for an improved world that is on the way purely because of their ideology/politics.

    On your other points, NATO does not seem to be a dead duck quite yet (maybe Russia thought it was perhaps but misjudged a bit). It's kind of busy at the moment, countries even looking to join it again!

    Reckless sanctioning of poor Russia, don't you contradict yourself? Part of this "multipolar" world is going to be opposed poles in conflict (starting wars, invading neighbours to expand a sphere of influence would be a clear sign of this). They are going to disconnect their dependencies on each other and try to use what leverage they can against each other.

    With blocs there will be no "global currency", not even a kind of ad hoc or de facto one. The Western sanctions on Russia are part of that process IMO, I'd expect alot more of it to come. I'll leave the "petro dollar" to you if economics professor is another hat you wear.

    Post edited by fly_agaric on

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,883 ✭✭✭fly_agaric

    Thanks, didn't think of it that way (that govt. may be freer to act as regards NATO membership vs some stronger EU collective defence agreement given how the court decisions here constrain their ability to change our relationships with the EU/other members).

    Was considering it from view that NATO has US and UK as members, and also a proven track record of intervening in conflicts etc., its members actually fighting in wars (whatever ones' opinions on that).

    Yes I think the "EU army" stuff is/was used as a scaremongering tactic. A real EU federal state almost has to arise before some collective EU military potentially "fighting for the EU" (vs member states militaries working together) IMO.

    There may be increased military/defence related cooperation happening at the EU level without treaty changes (could govt. of the day decide to participate in or not, without referendums?). Would see joint procurement of ammunition, and the use of the EU budget funds to supply with Ukraine weaponry as examples (or harbingers, probably with more to come?)

    Post edited by fly_agaric on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭greencap

    Finlands joining nato has no relation to EU defense. Finland was always in a catch 22 with Russia whereby Russia kicking off would lead to Finland joining nato, or inversely where Finland joining nato would cause Russia to kick off.

    Also worth mentioning that one of natos founding members (Denmark) recently joined EU common defense, which by the same logic would suggest that they dont put much trust in nato. (Perhaps the whole America first thing is a reason for that).

    Finland was brought up in the first place because you said "There is probably no other country in Europe that could have put up such a resistance".

    This is proven wrong by a few countries. I chose Finland, since resisting Russia is pretty much part of the culture. Building codes dictate that buildings over a given size be able to double as bunkers, the reserve force is huge and active, the Finnish military does nothing but prepare for a Russian attack, and the terrain is the worst conceivable nightmare for invasion.

    Somewhat similar stories for Switzerland and Austria. Greece too. Dont have the time, but yeah .... nope.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,680 ✭✭✭eire4

    As an example as a direct result of the Russia dictators invasion of Ukraine we are having to spend large sums of money to house Ukrainian refugees. Plus our tourism industry is going to lose money this summer also as a direct result of the Russia dictators invasion of Ukraine as we lose some hotel bed capacity due to the housing of Ukrainian refugees. So yes while the authoritarian regime in Moscow is not bombing us they are hurting us financially and in a significant way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 510 ✭✭✭AerLingus747

  • Registered Users Posts: 460 ✭✭HerrKapitan

    Can we still join NATO even with our triple lock system in place to send troops for peace-keeping missions?

    Or do we need to get rid of it first? I just heard an independent td on newstalk say we should change the triple lock system for more "sovereignty".

    The timing of it would lead me to believe that it's not for sovereignty but to open the doors for NATO membership.

  • Registered Users Posts: 905 ✭✭✭xboxdad

    Would it be possible for the Russians to hit the Republic with a nuke without affecting NI (=UK/NATO)?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭greencap

    To be in nato is to be in a military alliance with America, which in conservative Islamic circles is known as the great satan, the country which has fcked up the Arabic world in numerous ways. The top supporter of Israel. The country which invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and helped depose Ghaddafi. Etc.

    Britains alliance with America in these affairs has led to numerous attacks on the public, 7/7, Manchester arena, London bridge. All just a quick cheap flight away.

    I can see such a terrorist attack for military association with the US as far more probable than Russia sailing 2500km in its already bruised and battered state to invade a largely uninvolved country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 286 ✭✭Banzai600

    like in the past , the UK will patrol our outer waters if needed , british navy are already busy with this type of carry on around us and europe, and you can be sure uncle sam is lukring underneath. UK royal airforce have been busy buzzing off the russians in the air too quite reguarly when they brush british airspace or close to ours. And im sure if Ireland was under a credible threat, there would be intervention from elsewhere like UK, US etc.

    Myself, ive no fkcuing idea what good nato serve, but their tag line is: " NATO's fundamental goal is to safeguard the Allies' freedom and security by political and military means " - kinda means they can go in and do what they want, no?

    And today i see nato are now urging Sweden to join nato asap - can you see the pattern here, anyone ? they could get finland and Sweden in one swoop to join up this military band of brothers.

    maybe we do need WW3 , it'll be like a giant reset and we deserve it ?

    histoty is history, but you only have to look at the absolute havoc, misery, and millions of ppl killed , be it terrorism, war etc, since the invading of iraq back in 2002 until present time, its all related - there is no superlative good enough to express what a sh!t show its been since then globally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭Kiteview

    Yes. We can join NATO in the morning if the Oireachtas so desires it. It is also free to modify or abolish the triple lock if it so desires for NATO missions.

    That would still leaves us in the stupid position that we couldn’t adopt any policy at EU level related to defence (even if that policy was that the member states would not have a joint EU structure on it but would instead leave it to each member state as to how they deal with defence).

    Post edited by Kiteview on

  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭Kiteview

    Basing our policies on the views of conservative Islamic circles seems like an outsourcing of sovereignty to them. It isn’t as if most of the countries you mention even pretend to try and adhere to human rights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭greencap

    Its just another factor to account for.

    - Increased odd of the Irish public being attacked by Islamists.

    - Russias ability to cut cables anywhere in the Atlantic. Regardless of nato membership or not.

    - Russias depleted naval infantry. Our own proven historic ability to muster up 40,000 uniformed defense personnel. And 100,000 irregulars.

    - Britains membership while still occupying the north, and the British Cons/Dup govts association with the murder of Irish citizens and subsequent cover up.

    - The unpredictable nature of American politics. And presidents.

    - The potential for EU support and increased integration with EU common defense, pesco and csdp.

    - Our lack of anything half way significant to offer to nato.

    I see no compelling argument for nato membership, and more than one against.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    @Banzai600 And today i see nato are now urging Sweden to join nato asap - can you see the pattern here, anyone ? they could get finland and Sweden in one swoop to join up this military band of brothers..

    Nato aren't urging Sweden to join asap Sweden already have applied for Nato membership and it's currently been held up by Turkey and Hungary for political gain ,

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Tippman24

    What use would we be to NATO when we do not even think it worthwhile to have enough ships available to patrol the sea around us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,600 ✭✭✭quokula

    Aside from the fact there are plenty of alternative broadcasting methods so it would be practically impossible for them to stop pictures being broadcast, if the Russians decide to cut major communication lines between Europe and the USA then the last thing on American minds will be "well this is embarrassing for Ireland". It's also incredibly self important for Irish people to think the Russians would purposely time such an attack to occur when the President is visiting Ireland for maximum damage, rather than when he's visiting a major ally like the UK, Germany or France, or an eastern European nation of strategic importance to Russia.

    America doesn't need or expect a country that's smaller than many American cities to defend its interests. If they genuinely think that Russian vessels are a real and credible threat they will handle it themselves regardless of if it happens to be in Irish waters and Ireland isn't going to deny them permission, just like Canada allowed them to send jets to intercept a believed Chinese balloon in Canadian airspace - despite being a nato member Canada itself did nothing and there was no backlash that it didn't either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,310 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    "Russia's ability to cut cables anywhere in the Atlantic" says you.

    Much easier in the relatively shallow waters close to Ireland than in mid-Atlantic. Plus much more embarrassing for the EU.

  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭Kiteview

    Those just sound like a random list of disparate factors to provide a “semi-excuse” for just sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring the issue - and it’s a foolish policy because this will come up at EU level in the (short term) years to come and we really do need to have some sort of coherent thought through view when that arises.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭greencap

    Just some hot air because you have no actual answers to the list of problems associated with Ireland ever joining nato, which it wont.

    The only issue coming up at EU level is more common defense integration.

    Me 7-0 Nato cucks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭greencap

    Lol. No.

    Russias ability to cut cables anywhere in the Atlantic say experts.

    Much safer in the mid Atlantic, plus much more menacing on the world stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭Kiteview

    You didn’t actually list problems, they were just a random list of semi-excuses.

    And for the record, I amn’t a fan of NATO but it will be the main vehicle for defence in Europe in the wake of Russia’s aggression. The EU doesn’t have anything to match it and won’t so long as we and an increasing small number of other EU countries go into hysterics anytime anyone mentions defence in the EU.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,008 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    Using terms of abuse like that and refusing to even have the conversation, kinda loses you the argument, no matter what you believe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭greencap

    Well if theyre such ""semi excuses"" why cant you counter them in any way.

    I dont even need to give reasons, Irelands not in nato and Im quite content with that. Its the people who want a different state of affairs that need to come up with the reasons and the answers to the obvious objections and problems.

    Won't be that long til greater Europe can coordinate overwhelming power relative to Russia and thus no pressing need for nato to hang around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭greencap

    Happy to have the conversation. That little jest was aimed at no one individual in particular.

    Also I cant lose the argumemt, there is no argument.

  • Registered Users Posts: 234 ✭✭niallpatrick

    If we gave Chuck Norris Irish citizenship we wouldn't need to join NATO, just a thought

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭mcsean2163

    Shocked to see this. Hard to think of anything more moronic globally and nationally than joining an organisation that seems hell bent on causing war led by a country devolving into polarised hysteria.

    If Ireland has a role to play that stabilises and improves the world, diplomacy and not war mongering should be that role imho

  • Registered Users Posts: 905 ✭✭✭xboxdad

    I'm not decided on the topic, so don't take it as that please.

    ...but what diplomacy can you really do with liar psychopaths? Or you're suggesting they're reasonable people (Putin, Lavrov, etc...), they just didn't get their rights respected enough?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭Mic 1972

    Totally agree, NATO has become dangerous to peace, which defies its purpose
