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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Facts are the QEII gave that lease to Harry & Meghan as a wedding gift. They covered the cost of refurbishing it (which was £2.4 million). They paid for the cost of the refurbishment when the Queen was still alive. Charles didn't stump up for it. He is a petty, mean and vindictive man (he seemingly also evicted QEII's former dresser/companiion Angela Kelly from her home in Windsor which was gifted to her for her lifetime by the Queen). Apparently, Charles didn't like her.

    For the record, when the Queen gave them Frogmore Cottage at a rent between £150K and £230K per annum, when they paid off what was spent on the renovations, it was agreed that it would be rent free. Now its empty, rent free and the Crown Estates owe Harry & Meghan £2.4 million.

    Since Harry will spend about the next two or three months in the UK with his various court cases, I wonder if it was a demand from Camilla & Charles media friends want to make his stay in the UK very difficult and to keep his wife out of the country in case she offered him some support.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Nope, the Canadians didn't withdraw security. That was all Charles and William's doing with the hope that they would scare Harry back to the UK to be William's scapegoat and Meghan would disappear with Charles' grandchildren with the tainted blood to hide her children in Canada or the US.

    Charles & William's little plan didn't work out for them though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,274 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    So, like I said, they weren't paying tenants as you stated in your previous post. The lease was given to them on the understanding that they would be working royals. They aren't so they don't get a free house. Oh well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    The Canadians did withdraw security. Charles or William don't tell any government what to do. They were getting security in Canada intermittently as IPP's since late 2019 as they were humming and hawing about what they wanted to do and they got it until the end of March 2020 when they were to officially step down. As was agreed by them by the way. Or whatever spin Harry subsequently put on it (Printers not working during Sandringham Summit, waagh, waagh, waagh etc.). A public opinion poll at the time said 73% of Canadians had no interest in paying for their ongoing security costs. Using your logic this means that 73% of Canadians also wanted Meghan dead. Just like William and Charles according to you. They had a known cut off point and as mentioned he was a multimillionaire and an ex-military man who presumably had the capacity to prepare and plan particularly for something that was inevitable i.e. arrange security in the US, somewhere to live etc. because the security will be stopped since you don't get to keep the perks of a job you've decided to no longer do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back

    Some posters are gone way down the rabbit hole...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,926 ✭✭✭dogbert27

    They're either fantasists living their own truths and posting them here or bare faced liars being contrarian for the sake of it.

    We may never know. 🤔

  • Registered Users Posts: 727 ✭✭✭Carol25

    Interesting the coverage of the Biden visit the last few days from the right wing British press - Dan Wooton and Co have been vicious towards their neighbouring country Ireland. Insulting it at every opportunity & Biden too all because he didn’t visit the U.K.

    These same journalists are constantly front and centre in their attacks on Harry and Meghan. After their performance this week, I cannot understand how so many from Ireland believe their lies and agenda against Meghan and Harry. Yes Harry and Meghan aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. Big deal if they spoke against the Monarchy, an outdated institution that caused Ireland so much pain over the years. I just don’t get the hate.

    I still haven’t bothered to finish the Spare audiobook, it’s quite whiny. But again that doesn’t mean Harry is bad or Meghan and should suffer the hate the British press throw at them. Meghan and the Coronation for example, dammed if she did and dammed if she didn’t attend. Hate articles printed for the sake of it - who’s behind that campaign? It’s not ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,638 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    Charles and William probably paid off that 73% to make sure the poll results matched what their media friends wanted obviously.

    The detachment from reality is hilarious. People genuinely think Harry could quit and keep (if not actually get extra) all the perks of working. Madness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,934 ✭✭✭✭Itssoeasy

    Seems lot of British people think they can leave something and still keep the perks like brexit for example.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Thats nonsense about being a working royals. Back then there would have been no question of them not working. It was a wedding gift from QEII. If you had to be a working royal to avail of Crown accommodation, most of the extended royal family would be evicted (including the York girls from Kensington Palace and their father from his estate). Will Anne be evicted from her house (a gift from the Queen on her first marriage) if she stops being a working royal? Will Zara, Peter Phillips and Mark Phillips also be kicked out?)

    What do you think of Charles kicking Angela Kelly out (who had been gifted the use of a house on the Windsor Estate for her lifetime by the Queen).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    According to Forbes:

    The Metropolitan Police, which protects the royal family around the globe, stopped providing security when the couple stepped down as working members while in Canada last spring.

    Note it says Royal Family, not working royals!

    The Canadians refused to pick up the tab when the Met pulled security.

    Multi billionaire Charles should not have done that - but then he was hoping that Harry would have to come running home so that himself and Willy could continue using him as a scapegoat and with a bit of luck, Meghan who had been racially abused (for being biracial and being American) would take her child and herself to some remote island where no one would know that they still exist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    Remind me again who the billionaire Monarch was when all of this happened? Who was the one who said no to half in/half out? Doesn't suit their victim narrative to level any blame on or have a go at the boss at the time, the Queen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    It is RAVEC that make any decisions, not Charles. Thanks why Harry is taking the Government to court, he's not taking his father.

    Frankly, I don't care whether he gets security or not. That decision is the explicit responsibility of RAVEC. RAVEC is better informed than most about the threat and risk assessment. What I object to is that H (&M) think that he/they are entitled to security.

    When I was working, I was entitled to a salary, a company car, etc etc. I'm retired now, but I am not pestering my old employer for a replacement car, or a salary. It may be overly simplistic as a comparison, but H&M are doing nothing for RF - except to slag them off at every opportunity - so basically, lad, you don't get anything. Security is not a sine qua non for you any more.

    And Meghan is still everso quiet. The quiet before the storm, maybe. Actually, whilst on the subject of Meghan, I do find it totally hypocritical of some of the British media to be berating her for "snubbing" the King Charles by not attending the coronation. They made it abundantly clear she wouldn't be welcome. Cake, and eat. Same as H&M

    See, I'm more even handed than you might think. I dislike hypocrites of all shapes and sizes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Take a look at RAVEC's terms of reference. The Committee is made up of Queen/King (in respect of Royalty), The Home Secretary, Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and relevant Chief Constables.

    The Commissioner of the Met said there was a real threat to their lives (and there is someone in prison for it).

    I hope you have a pension for the years you were working. Did you get a lump sum when you retired or were you just thrown to the wolves with nothing?

    You have no idea what Meghan is doing because she keeps a low profile, but yet people cannot stop talking about her. Last year she did her podcast and earned $18m. Perhaps she is working on another series?

    As for the British Press - seemingly there were 40 articles in the Daily Mail in one day last week about Meghan not going to the Coronation. I find it a bit more than just hypocritical. Its hate mongering. The week before they had hundreds of articles about why she shouldn't be invited to the coronation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    I don't think the Queen was fully up to speed when decisions were being made. I think there was no love lost between Charles and the QEII. If she trusted him she would have abdicated a long time ago (or maybe she just couldn't tolerate Camilla taking her place as Queen). I think there was a lot of jealousy of Harry and Meghan when Harry and William split their households and Harry moved his office to Buckingham Palace at the invitation of the Queen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    The Queen gave her blessing and all ok for Camilla to be called Queen Consort. Harry did say he wanted to make sure the Queen was surrounded by the right people. He could magically do this from thousands of miles away of course. I remember reading somewhere that (allegedly) Charles, getting older and presumably wanting to appease his children, was open to the half in/out proposals with conditions attached (remaining neutral, no hocking HRH branding etc.) but it was the Queen who put the foot down about what service meant i.e. you're either completely in or completely out. You've got a year to suss things out. Then you have to decide.

    If the Queen could release millions for Andrew to pay off Virginia Giuffre then what was stopping her stumping up an extra few million for a beloved grandson and his young family who were in the height of danger until they could be financially independent? Must have wanted Meghan dead as well I suppose. Or else she knew her grandson was a multimillionaire and...well I'm repeating myself at this point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    Perhaps predictably, I think you are making assumptions to suit your position; you say

    The Committee is made up of Queen/King (in respect of Royalty), The Home Secretary, Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and relevant Chief Constables

    If you read the documents properly, membership of RAVEC comprises Home Office officials, the MPS and members of the Royal Household. Not Charles or previously Queen Elizabeth.

    I have a pension, thank you, which I contributed to over many years. Also, I didn't shat all over my company when I left. I am not a bitter, twisted or hypocritical person who thinks they are entitled to anything and everything. Most of us work for what we get. H&M have done nothing to contribute to the "Institution" that is the RF. Meghan thought she should be paid for doing a walkabout in Australia. That's indicative of someone over estimating their importance and value - and that's a generous interpretation on my part

    Meghan keeping a low profile is a recent and perhaps somewhat unexpected development. She normally relishes the attention, with Backgrid on speed dial for those "unrehearsed" photos. As I have said many times, I really dislike the hypocrisy of H&M.

    To me, those defending H&M's disgraceful behaviour are driven by an urge I just don't get. But, I guess, we're all different

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    The Queen devoted her adult life to service. The idea of abdication would have been abhorrent to her. Edward VIII abdicated and certainly the Queen Mother thought that this contributed to the early death of George VI. And so did the Queen. You are trying to re-write history to suit your narrative. Perhaps, it's, "Your truth". Let's get back to the truth, can we?

    The Queen may have been old but she didn't loose the run of herself and she would have been completely able to be, and indeed, in the driving seat when key strategic policy decisions were taken. Remember it was she who said, "no half in, half out".

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,274 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    They hadn't lived in the house or paid rent for years at the time they were "evicted". It's ridiculous to think they should be entitled to have a house sitting there for them in a country that they rarely visit. I'm sure they could afford to buy a place if they so wish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,678 ✭✭✭Multipass

    Yes those people you mentioned would be kicked out if they became a security threat by secretly photographing, recording, and releasing a book detailing the floor plans of private residences. Having a drug using, openly vengeful man living in close proximity to the next King and his children would be unacceptable. Harry lost the lease because of his own actions. He’s rich, he can buy his own house now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,137 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Harry wouldn't be the family member I'd be worried about living in close proximity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭superflyninja

    If you read back through this thread you will find out why so many of us here dislike H&M. In a lot of cases (for me anyway I dont read the tabloids) its nothing to do with the British tabloids or Dan Wooton or the Daily Mail, its down to H&M themselves.

    In short, much of what Meghan said in the Oprah interview was proven incorrect, didnt make sense or was presented in a way to damage the royal family without placing the blame (for something quite possibly willfully taken out of context) on any specific person. Meghan there especially showed herself to be at best a very untrustworthy narrator. I dont think any of us care that she spoke against the RF, its that much of what she said was bullsh!t. This has only been confirmed with many other incidents that have emerged since.

    As for Harry....he is almost as bad. He was on an interview recently and insisted that Meghan never said the RF were racist. She might not have uttered the words specifically, but her very strong implication that her kids didnt get titles at the time because of racism or that some "senior member" of the RF asked about what skintone her kids might be and that was racist. There are way more examples. The treatment of them by the British tabloids etc though is a separate issue to me at least.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    It's important to note that Harry doesn't want normal celebrity security - even if it's paid for by the RF. He could easily demand that Charles pay his security - and Charles would probably pay it too if it made him STFU. In fact, he's even on the record of saying he offered to pay for it himself, as long as it's UK police officers (But he's since not repeated that noble offer) . That's why he's taking the DoJ to court.

    But the problem is that the UK royal police protection isn't a service that can be rented. Or ever should be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,953 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    I wonder how “big” this will become.

    There are certainly a lot of disinterested people in the UK if a recent poll is to be believed, relating to interest in the coronation- the crowds that are there will be mainly royal family fans obviously so wearing a yellow shirt won’t go down well with those large crowds

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    I think it could get messy.

    Republican rumblings have gone on for years but it was kept in the background because even many ardent republicans had a fondness for the Queen, for example Murdoch. I don't know how true it is but supposedly he quashed a lot of stories about the Royals out of deference to the Queen. She was the nations Nan and also rarely put a foot wrong in a diplomatic sense.

    Charles is far less well regarded, and the elevation of Camilla to queen doesn't sit well with many people. As well as that, there is increasing calls for greater transparency and accountability that no royals in history ever had to have.

    I'm not sure if it'll result in a republic - even if the public hate C&C, they still want the pomp and ceremony and Royals, just...not those particular ones.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,953 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Yep, hence the cries for many years now (back to the early 90s) for the Crown to skip a generation and for William to get it - anyone my age and older remembers the buffoon Charles and squigygate and all that nonsense no less the whole dial-in parenting skills that he’s famous for - he was ahead of his time in terms of climate change, I’ll give him that, but he was never “King” material - I just hope he can last a few years before handing over the reigns to William - he certainly shouldn’t hang on to the bitter end, that’s for sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,953 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Quite sickening watching Fergie try to rehabilitate Andrews image in the eyes of the public -we’re not idiots Fergie, go away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,978 ✭✭✭wyrn

    Aye, I totally agree with this. Personally I think Charles should have abdicated and allowed William to have the throne. Charles is too stuffy, old fashioned and with his past, not well loved. William and Kate would have been a breath of fresh air. Charles will forever be in his mother's shadow and cannot live up to it, whereas William is more contemporary so he wouldn't have the same comparison to his grandmother. There has been some rumours bubbling about William (no idea if they are true or not) and I think if he had ascended, he would have been protected. No way would the public find it palatable to diss him. At the moment there's nothing concrete. However if Murdock and co decide to take pot shots at Charles, then I think William could very well end up in the firing line too.

    I honestly feel for both brothers, it'd sicken me if a parent had an affair and that affair partner ended up getting one of the top positions of the country. I don't know how William feels about Camilla but it will be tough to keep up the joyful appearance at his father's coronation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Eurox6

    His mother was called the Princess of tarts by many that knew her, She was far form the Saint that she is portrayed to be these days ,Oliver Hoare & James Hewitt bine the tip of the iceberg

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    I think the sad part is that Camilla had what Diana wanted all along. Love. Charles never loved Diana or at a minimum foolishly thought he could grow to love her in time. Recipe for disaster but Charles was under pressure to deliver an heir and so the arranged marriage with Diana materialised. It is a crappy situation to be in i.e. anyone you meet will face such unprecedented scrutiny that it might not be worth it and thus the pool for quality potential partners is diluted versus idealistically marrying someone who privately sees you as someone to help him fulfil a duty. He met and bonded with Camilla some ten years before he married but he was still in his early twenties and presumably wanted to sow his royal oats (with Camilla and others) before settling down as per the alleged Mountbatten advice. In the meantime Camilla married anyway and thus subsequently became off limits for marriage but not for intermittent bonking. Allegedly her husband was ok with this because he was off doing the same himself. Always holding a candle for Camilla, Charles must have thought their intermittent trysts were ok since an unloved Diana was doing the same and their marriage was unsurprisingly imploding. The right people for each other ultimately ended up together. Camilla has been with/known Charles over half a century now. Ironically Diana would face the same dilemma Charles had faced when she dated Hasnat Khan. She loved someone who knew (and who others knew) what the consequences of loving her back meant.

    I think both brothers benefited from what went before but I think only one grasped the actual complexity of it all at play. William was mindful to find someone early that he actually loved and not someone he might grow to love in time but would also allow significant time for them to acclimatise to the scrutiny and press attention i.e. they had more years together before marrying than times Charles and Diana had actually physically met before their wedding. Lest we forget that the guy was a pin up with his mothers looks and could have spent years like his father sowing his oats. He settled early and that was crucial and likely deliberate. Meets Kate. Intelligent, educated, good looking, sense of humour, lovely family. Sold.

    However, it would need to be something Kate knew was coming and something she wanted to endure. She committed to it and given such a commitment it would be easy to appreciate the regard William would have for her in doing that given what his mother had endured. I doubt he is so stupid as to actually cheat and dupe someone he is still clearly smitten with. For Harry he obviously fell hard for Meghan and her status as a divorcee and non-member of the COE didn't prevent him from marrying someone he loves. Had such an archaic thing happened to him to stop their marriage then I’d be fully on board in supporting him criticising his family and their ways. I think William, a confidante for his mother, can see that she was not perfect, that his father was not perfect, that his step mother was not perfect but in the end deeming that it is better that two people love each other rather than despise each other. I think Harry, who puts his perfect mother on a pedestal, sees Camilla as someone who disrupted this fantasy he had about his parents having this fine marriage and the consequences of her meddling in their marriage all leading to Dianas untimely death. The pragmatist versus the idealist.
