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Time for a zero refugee policy? - *Read OP for mod warnings and threadbans - updated 11/5/24*



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,807 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    The only hope irish kids have these days of a good life is to move to Australia or Canada or so on.

    While ireland may not be in the poverty it was before the EU, the country is worse in many ways.

    Unfortunately things are only going to get worse especially when the American multinationals back out.

    One of the big reasons they come to Ireland is because of the education standards here.

    We are inflating class sizes and forcing our your youth to move while replacing them with people who in most cases can't even speak English.

    What will it take maybe 10 or 20 years but this country is going to be fcuked in the near future.

    Maybe they will all flock elsewhere when the money runs out and owning a house won't be so hard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 670 ✭✭✭creeper1

    I get what you are saying "Debdynamie". I think Ireland was at it's peak 2000 until the crash of 2007. However I would say that owning a home was as much of a pipe dream back then as it is now. They got crazy expensive.

    I do sometimes worry about the "easy come easy go" with regard to wealth brought by the multinationals. There is going to be a lot of dependents still needing looking after (both foreign and domestic) and to do so with a reduced tax take would be absolutely crippling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,366 ✭✭✭Star Bingo

    Reading each one of strazdaz posts feels like gaslighting I swear 😵‍💫 have you considered the political sphere proper pal?

    The best of times, I’ll tell you and we were so well regarded on the world stage .. in peoples eye’s as a people; irish people but I’m glad the topic has moved on around here from feelings about multiculturalz to had your fill yet?! I mean it’s a start, because it’s apparent with the veritable drop of a hat we’ve had more than enough. There is no ultimatum, no threats no we haven’t even begun yet they’ll be storming you regardless just a matter of whether you’re willing to lie down and accept because anyone with a modicum of backbone and similar degree of sense says no. Hell no, and it’ll be a cold day before we allow it get to a point because every one that continually arrives will be seen as increasingly absolutely not Irish, and there will be the disparity and anarchy that these hipster leftists saw in a janes addiction video or some shjt do thrive. The government have already kicked into panic mode trying to slap a gag on the people but it’s hardly going to work as sentiment will be eternally more rife than it’s already become.

    Simple fact is some point the buck stops; it has to. the levee does not have to give and whatever sheer volume continues trickle through can be dealt with. Gathered, and returned to the vast fcuking reservoir and amen to that. No more Goodwill, (sorry dude) no more pennies in the trocaire box for it’s becoming apparent only reap what you sow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,463 ✭✭✭rgossip30

    He did say most are dependent on state help if that is not true prove it . Why does he need to to be pitied for making a true claim . You know one person who is skilled and on a big salary .

  • Registered Users Posts: 349 ✭✭slay55

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,861 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    I dare say that's only because we are only starting to feel the effects of these policies, ideologies, divisive crusading, and the rest in the last 5-10 years.

    Run that poll again in a decade and I'd wager there'll be a very different response!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,366 ✭✭✭Star Bingo

    Wow. More than half of Clones now; looking for our assistance that’s buck wild man not even the indo can put a positive spin on it

  • Registered Users Posts: 799 ✭✭✭Juran

    I'm confused ??

    An family from Egypt, living here for 18 years, and they go back home on holidays. It wasnt clear to me but it seems they are depending on the Irish state for assistance, maybe Housing or welfare payments. Is that how you read it ?

    Another lady, has a muslim arabic name, but it didnt say where she was from, might be Syria as the article discussed other Syrians. She has 4 kids, all born in Clones, said she was a single mum. What about the father of the kids ? Again, I am presuming she is dependent on the irish state for housing and welfare payments.

    If I claim refugee status in say Australia, or Canada, will those states support me forever after I get my citizenship, or is their a cut off point to get a job and support yourself ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭Stephen_Maturin

    Joe O’Brien urging a search for accommodation for homeless asylum seekers

    I'm actually in disbelief at how hugely out of touch this absolute clown is. An utter fool, thinks he’s doing good too, makes it even worse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,861 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    It's not so much about "doing good" for most of these people (and the vocal advocates online), it's about being SEEN to be "doing good"

    We live in an era of virtue signalling and attention spans that extend little past the byline in a story. What you can see in the link above is enough to tick that box for most.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭Gen.Zhukov

    Q - I would like my country to be like it used to be?

    'Used to be' when? - 10/20/30/40 years ago?

    -Adults aged between 16-75- were asked. How many 16yo adults were polled? afaic, a 16 year old doesn't know their arse from their elbow

    A cynic would say you could get any skewed result you wanted by asking a targeted cohort. That poll is meaningless as it was taken before this madness really kicked off and the IPA shambles was fully exposed following the influx of UA refugees

    If that poll was meant to ba a - "There, you see" - it failed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,949 ✭✭✭0ph0rce0

    There's a few pics, then it mentions some names that don't match the pics so a bit all over the place that article but says most of them are there years. Mohammed says there's no work. Nothing, Not one job, not one single opportunity in all those years. Ask me hole.

    Here's an idea, commute.

    Travel 1, 2, 3 hours each way like half the country does each day, while paying someone about 2 grand a month to mind your kids on top of food, bills and a mortgage on top.

    It's actually sickening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,366 ✭✭✭Star Bingo

    No fines for double-line camping I take it. Just free to be that Joe is a strange bird n all there’s a whole host of them on the rise now, it is the absolute saddest thing politics the new rock n roll it seems that pain in the hole from Teh Young Ones is in. With a bit of Neil on the side

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,919 ✭✭✭enricoh

    Went through Monaghan last week from clones to carrick- numerous ads along the road for crowds looking for workers. Decent enough jobs I'd say, probably nothing to rent in the county for workers.

    Over half the residents in clones are now refugees - When not if corporation tax dries up we are up s#$t creek. The number of local twenty something's heading off for work abroad is off the Richter scale here, it's either that or live with mammy n daddy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭high_tower

    We have open borders in practice as you can fly in here with no documentation from anywhere to claim asylum. Then just disappear into the ether , even if you do get your asylum turned down ( only a 20% chance if that ) then you have to make sure you deport yourself - most don’t.

    we are talking about fast demographics change - not liberties or shitholes - which many of them actually are.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Australia had the right idea. However harsh it might be. Push the immigrant boats back.

    The real issue as even the Dali Lama has been quoted as saying. Europe cannot possibly take in everyone from the developing world who fancies an easier life.

    The real solution is for these countries to get their own **** together and make their countries viable places to live.

    Before anyone starts waffling on about all the Irish uwho emigrated. They got nothing free. They worked to make a better life for themselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,074 ✭✭✭Jeff2

    That the so strange and out of touch thing I'v seen so far. Well come close.

    Put them all in the RDS up the road.

    Not to worry about the Irishs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 917 ✭✭✭thegame983

    Has he checked Has anyone told these asylum seekers what the going rates for rent are in this country?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,629 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    "Fancies an easier life" is an interesting way of describing someone fleeing a war, natural disaster, famine, civil unrest, authoritarian regimes, religious oppression, the Taliban, Ukraine etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,498 ✭✭✭Tipperary animal lover

    I suppose thats why a fair few head back to their own countries for a holiday once they've got the irish passport. Not all of them are as they say but the emotional blackmail seems strong in this post again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    But again, you can't just take an imperfection in the system and call that 'open borders'. If you're waiting around for a system that works absolutely perfectly, with no downsides, where every dishonesty is identified and punished, well that's great — but it's also a pipe dream.

    I mean, even if that 20% chance of rejection figure you quote there is true (wondering where this figure came from, and whether it relates only to asylum seeker figures, which is a smaller subset of total refugee/asylum figures) then even that does not amount to an 'open border in practice' because an open border would be 0% and literally everyone flooding to Ireland without a single rejection, to the point where there would be almost zero point to any visa system. This is not the situation we have, no matter how desperately hard the migration dramatists try to plug the term "open borders".

  • Registered Users Posts: 41,065 ✭✭✭✭Annasopra

    Her local school would probably close to low numbers if it was just 4. The benefits of immigration.

    It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.

    Terry Pratchet

  • Registered Users Posts: 670 ✭✭✭creeper1

    Even if the Muppet succeeds in getting that 500 off the street then there would be another 500 arriving to take their place in a week or two.

    There simply has to be a stop to this free for all open borders insanity or a way to stem the flow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭ArthurDayne

    But who is actually disagreeing with you that Europe can't take everyone ? The status quo of our laws and systems right now is that we don't take everyone. The fact that people always seem to pull out the Australian model as some exemplar of the failures of decadent border policy in Europe seem to conveniently forget that Australia has as almost as many immigrants as France despite having a significantly lower population than France — and is also an isolated (from both the rest of the first world and generally geographically) and financially / logistically difficult place to get to for migrants and certainly refugees. Simply put, it's harder for a relatively poor person to make it to Australisa.

    You also seem to have a fairly rose-tinted view of how Irish emigrants got by historically. Many of them ended up in crime and gangsterism (it's called the 'Irish' mob for a reason) and certainly did not follow the rules of their host countries. They were originally seen as a dirty, stupid, workshy drunks and — as for your great solution that all it takes is for poor and wartorn countries to get their **** together — we would have been in a right worse pickle if there hadn't been an escape valve for our own humanitarian crisis and millions more would have died. It's only with the benefit of 170 odd years of hindsight that we talk about how much the Irish eventually contributed to America — and yet some on here barely give refugees a minute before writing them off as the horsemen of the Western apocalypse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭Stephen_Maturin

    I must say I’m gobsmacked. I’d been led to believe all the new entrants would be a boon to our economy?

    Feck all these people that will lose their livelihoods anyway - the new arrivals deserve more

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,825 ✭✭✭RobbieTheRobber

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭Honesty Policy

    Logical stuff, not!

    Even if a school had 4 pupils in each class, the school would remain open.

    Sure let's pack them in like sardines instead.

    We'll also continue with chronic over crowding in schools and a chronic shortage of teachers because they cannot now afford to work and live in towns and cities in this country because you guessed it, OVERPOPULATION!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,463 ✭✭✭rgossip30

    How many times have you heard '' they will pay our pension, if we are ill look after our medical care , remember how it was in the past before immigration '' .

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    You miss the point.

    Regardless of how former Irish emigrants managed to survive. Either through hard work or crime. They were NOT given free acccommodation food heathcate etc etc

    They also managed to assimilate into their host countries. Rather than clinging to their own sometimes medieval set of values which discriminate against women amongst others.

    The UN needs to setup camps in these countries to give a decent standard of living.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    On the plus side. Word seems to have got out that Ireland isn't handing out gaffs. Arrivals down 50 percent. Let's hope that continues
