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Fighter jets for the Air Corps?



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    Seems to trying prove how little they know about the subject...or history.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    Military procurement often takes years. You're laughing at something which is perfectly normal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    Oh yeah you did mention some very credible ones and recent too... what was it 1941/1942 there was ships being sunk of the coast and the other one was they accidently bombed Dublin followed by an apology. Definitely good reasons to buy jets in 2023...

    I know now you think that was a real "gotcha" moment but i am being kind by refraining from ripping the stupidity of that post apart.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    Oh yeah hows that going? any timeline? what are they purchasing? Anything at all really? lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    You're argument we are so remote as be unreachable. All obviously wrong. We've have incidents in recent years including this year. So your dates are wrong also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    In addition the Russians Naval Assets sailed post Ireland to get to Ukraine. Making a joke of any assertion that we are unreachable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    We are of 0 strategic interest to anyone, on top of that we are virtually impossible to invade. and whether we like it or not we fall under the umbrella of protection of the RAF which has its **** together. We have fantastic relations with both the US and UK and are in the EU. It doesn't get much safer than that.

    If they sent that much help to the Ukraine imagine what the response would be to a Russian attack or invasion of Ireland.

    Us spending billions on jets and infrastructure to go with them is an utter waste of money driven by pure ego backed by strawman arguments and over exaggerated threats.

    The money could even be spent better within the current military ffs.

    But do elaborate on these so called incidents that warrant such a drastic response.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    ..and your back to Russians and WW3 for some reason as if that the only reason to police your airspace.

    Anyway you have it backwards. Its not Ireland taking an interest in Russia. Its Russia taking an interest in Ireland.

    Why you'd have to ask them. Russia doing stupid illogical things, isn't without precedent. If you knew your history...

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    Your the only one mentioning ww3 bud

    I'm stating the fact that we are between the us and UK and for decades have had no need for jets and as you said yourself the Russians have been at this since the cold war.

    Checkmate bud your strawmans for jets are collapsing at every hurdle.

    Ps Ireland can't stop Russia in any case so your jets are futile in the first place.

    So if your buying em to stop the Russians and they won't stop the Russians what's the point of buying them? Lol

    Not hard to grasp.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    Not entirely how else you can interpret the air battle youve described with the "Russians".

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭RavenP

    @delusiondestroyer An interesting opinion and worth discussing

    You present several options

    Option 1 Ireland defends itself against a potential agrgessor (you name Russia) and comes off much worse in a bun fight

    Option 2 Ireland does nothing

    Option 3 Ireland cosies up to the RAF

    Your premise in Option 1 is that Ireland cannot defend itself against any likely aggressor. However, if, your example, Russia. was attacking Ireland there are a few things to note. A. It is highly unlikely to attack Ireland unless part of a much wider conflict. In such a scenario it will only have a fraction of its air power to throw at Ireland. B. Only Russia’s relatively small fleet of long range bombers can approach Ireland with malicious intent, no Russian fighter has near the range to get to, and operate over Ireland. They can hurt Ireland, yes, but they could actually be tackled with a fairly modest fighter force when working at such long range without escorts. Let's say the Russians send twenty Bear and Black Swan bombers every day to attack Irish targets. Any, even modest, airforce such as Ireland could field, would get a couple of those every day, and soon deplete the VVS, with the liklihood of few losses on our side.So your suggestion that Ireland cannot realisticly defend itself from, say, Russia, in the air is not really correct.

    Option 2 is the ostrich in the sand approach. It works, until it doesn’t. Governments should make assessment of threat and protect their citizens. I am nearly 70 years of age and I have never had my house burn down but I still pay home insurance.

    Option 3 is not that easy a fix. You may not be aware of this, but the RAF has, in total, only about 125 combat aircraft, to cover everything. In a major war they have not enough aircraft to cover Ireland. They have in the past actually asked Ireland for assistance with maritime patrol. Basically the problem is our allies (that I what they are, we are not, and have never since 1945, really entirely neutral) expect us to do more. Sure they will base fighters in Ireland, but they will want us to contribute to western defence in a different way, like say building ourself a fleet of anti-submarine frigates. Having a decent fighter force, and an upgraded navy, actually makes us more neutral.

    Part of the reason why Sinn Fein have now started to jump on the bandwagon of a fighter force for Ireland is that it is dawning on them that in a multipolar world the only form of actual neutrality is armed neutrality and Ireland is just about big enough and rich enough to do that credibly, although it probably means in real terms tripling our defence spending. Alas the days of neglecting our security are probably over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    An armed neutrality is what is best for us now. Jets may not stop any invader but they would be a trip wire before a landing. Also useful in policing our sea and airspace in peacetime. Anyway if we were attacked by either the UK or Russia we would have to show a willingness to defend ourselves first before anyone would consider aid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    mentions that the procurement for aircraft is ongoing alongside ships and radar.

    seems the noise is finally getting louder on this front and I hope the meek media we have in this country for once pushes this more and more

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,950 ✭✭✭sparky42

    Think the "procurement of aircraft" is the CASA's which have taken over from the PC12s as the go to excuse/soundbite when asked. Given at best all they can say is a couple of trips have been made to see other Radar sites, I have little faith that they have actually any intention of anything more than that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭Dohvolle

    Exactly, that's not how we tender for military equipment. We lay out our requirement, and the bidder comes to us with their proposals, and THEN we may visit their sites elsewhere.

    This has been in the pipeline for 20 years now. Its a bit late to be travelling the world kicking tyres.

    in the late 1990s Michael smith stood up every month telling about the New ships being built for the Navy (while the old ships were starting to show their age). The Air Corps were getting long range medium lift helicopters too, Like the S92, Super Puma or EH101.

    Every month he spoke about it as if we were getting a ship and a helicopter a month. At the end of his term a total of 2 ships (Roisin and Niamh) were delivered. The Helicopters were cancelled because they fecked up the tendering process and it was either cancel or be sued by the unsuccessful bidder.

    In the end it was a good decision, as no other military has chosen the type to date for troop transport, though it is in widespread civilian use for SAR.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    That's because there is no real need for them, they are under no pressure to spend billions on jets and modernizing the air corp infact it would be detrimental to the gov go do that.

    Imagine it... in the midst of a house crisis and the gov announces a massive outlay for fighter jets lol.

    But hey lads dream on it costs nothing lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    LOL Govt has spent billions on many things (including the military) other than housing over the last 20yrs. It not like its a priority for them either. Seems to have no effect on them being re-elected time and time again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    They aren't going to shell out to overhaul the air corp simply wont happen your going to be old and grey on this thread before you see Irish f-16's or gripens or what ever else ye seem to think we desperately need hit the tarmac.

    And it all boils down to the same thing we don't need and can do just fine without them so there is no urgency to get them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,061 ✭✭✭purplepanda

    Another tankie who knows far more than those in Irelands military, the overseas military who have studied & advised Irelands defence situation for decades & other worldwide defence experts.

    Where do these tankies get their expertise from, perhaps they've studied or even written a report of their own, or just follow the usual PBF Wallace / Daly crusties who support Putin.

    Put 'em on ignore, they wish the abolition of any Irish Defence capability, I call them traitors.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    Won't fund the aircorps?

    This is following Government approval for a move over a six-year period to a level of Defence Forces’ capability equivalent to ‘Level of Ambition 2’ (LOA2), as set out in the capability framework devised by the Commission on Defence Forces, which will entail funding increases to reach a Defence budget of approximately €1.5 billion (at January 2022 prices) by 2028 through the annual Estimates.

    This level of capital funding will allow the Defence Organisation to undertake a programme of sustained equipment replacement and infrastructural development across the Army, Air Corps and Naval Service as identified and prioritised in the Defence White Paper and the Report of the Commission, while building on the significant investment programme over recent years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    Who exactly are they defending us from exactly? whos attacking us? lol the gobshites trying to leach money out of the budget to fund there military fantasy's are more traitors to this nation than anyone else.

    Let me qoute one of the articles ye linked.

    "When asked about Ireland being described as "the weakest link" in Europe, Mr Martin said he was "impatient with that kind of language".

    He said it was not as if the rest of Europe was depending on Ireland for security."

    I would completely question the credentials and motives of any "expert" that suggested there is an urgent need for Ireland to arm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    Stop the presses! 1.5 b over 6 six years across the entire defence forces its official we are a military power house defenders of Europe! Glory to the hero's savior's of Ireland!

    The level of paranoia in this thread is actually sad, there are people on here that genuinely believe there is a serious threat to the nation that we will be attacked by the Russians and need to arm ourselves to prevent it and spoofers then claiming to be experts encouraging it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    We are already "armed". We have always been "armed" since the foundation of the state.

    The irony of your comment is Ireland is depending on Europe for its security.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    Well you said they wouldn't shell out for defence. Well they are.

    You are obsessed with the Russians. You'd have to assume you must think they are an issue due the sheer number of times you have referred to them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    The "Russians" is one of the reason you're giving for our need for fighter jets no?

    Previously mentioned by several posters with the same train of thought as yourself prior to me even being on the thread.

    I said they wouldn't shell out to overhaul the Air corp with modern jets, now unless you think that little 1.5 B is going to get new ships for the navy and jets and all the infrastructure your codding yourself.

    You are obsessed with jets and security though and a desperate need for more military spending tell me why do you feel so threatened? who do you thinks gonna attack us?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    I gave a few reasons and talked of policing our airspace and marine, from incidents that have already happened and recently. You've talked about some fantasy war, Russians and Nuclear war and shooting down ICBMs. Thus far you've been factually incorrect on everything.

    Incidentally. You're a bit late. They already got new ships, that ship has literally sailed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    You haven't given any substantial reason for our sudden need for fighter jets and increased spending who is it exactly you are afraid of ?

    What will be the consequences for the nation if we don't get our jets soon?

    Honestly i get a great laugh out of the fact that these simple questions cant be answered in any meaningful or factual manner.

    Again the Russians were brough into this as justification by your lot for getting jets to police our skys hilarious you try mock others for using it in a counter arguement but expect to be taken serious when using it as a reason or justification.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭RavenP

    @delusiondestroyer There are a few things that seem apparent:

    1. the world is becoming more dangerous. Wars which ten years ago only happened in other continents are now happening much closer to home. We can argue about who is responsible for the worsening international situation (both sides have blame IMHO) but the situation is worsening. The possibility of a wider war cannot be discounted. Both sides have hightened the stakes so much that neither side can afford to lose. The possibility of significant escalation is real, not a certainty by any means, but substantial nevertheless. It would be very negligent of the Irish government not to reassess Ireland's defence and security apparatus in light of this.
    2. Ireland, in a wider war, may become a target. Even though we, as a people, do not really buy into all the "west is the best" bull, by ties of geography, economics, diaspora etc, we are, for al intents and purposes, part of the west and most threats to us are likely to come from people opposed to the "west" and its agenda. Even though that is unfair, we really have not hurt anyone very much, it is still a significant possibility.
    3. We need to find out which way Ireland can best protect its people from likely threats. The threat of a country, out of the blue, attacking Ireland is remote, but again, in a wider conflict we are unlikely to be left alone. We also can see that as part of a wider war, given that no countries or blocs resources are infinite, an aggressor would have only limited resources to attack Ireland with. This means that Ireland has the option of having a credible defence position which could act to deter aggression, and if it happened, limit its effects.
    4. We have three options, a. do nothing, b. enterinto a defence pack, which for reasons I have noted above will mean a significant contribution from Ireland as the cost of joining the club, or c. Reaffirming our neutral status, but taking steps to ensure that the state has the capacity to deflect likely actions taken against it. I think that c. has the most merit and, when the situation is explained to them, is the route that the Irish public are most likely to want to go down.
    5. As a side note. Russia and the rest are not the only threat to Ireland. Brexit has revealed a side to the British right that has shocked many. While it is inconcievable that at present the UK would ever be an aggressor to Ireland, who knows what might be the case in ten or twenty years. If for example Scotland became independent, especially if it declared any kind of UDI, a British civil war would be possible. The last time Britain had a civil war a largely defenceless Ireland had to cope with Oliver Cromwell. Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    I did (with sources) you just aren't able and/or unwilling to understand/acknowledge any of it. The reasons aren't my creation. They are from the defence and govt sources tasked with such analysis and expertise. You're not disagreeing me, you're disagreeing with them.

    People have talked about lots of different types of air policing and defence issues. It's you who are solely focused on Russia (and Nuclear war) for some reason. Russia is an issue due to their actions no doubt but they aren't the only issue. So why are YOU solely obsessed with Russia. If you feel your posts can be ridiculed, then maybe consider why. I've just pointed out you constantly post factually incorrect statements.

    The Irish state has had military aviation since 1922.
