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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    But why writing about it at all and popularise it to the global audience? It is exactly the same as Meghan quoted a derogatory knick name of Kate in Oprah interview. You can say it was only quoting. It was not. It was putting these people down again by spreading it again in a disguise of contempt of the origins, when it should be r.i.p. and forgotten.

    You really don't see that what was only locally in tabloids was spread all around the globe? Is it really fair in your eyes?

    It is spreading the same gossip on a much larger scale but not taking responsibility for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    If I were Caroline's parent I would be very grateful that he put the record straight for the world to see that that's not how he saw or regarded their daughter but then I don't see everything Harry does through contemptuous eyes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    They dated briefly. Spare was akin to an angry drunk text per the BBC review. Score settling. My guess is that Harry was aligning his brief dating of Flack in order to score points against Dan Wooten, a former Sun editor (now with GB News) and no fan of the Sussexes in order to validate their leaving the UK since the same was happening to his wife. Harrys argument is that Wootens particular zeroing in on Flack during her arrest ultimately contributed to affecting her mental state and resulted in her suicide.

    It was an attempt to prop up the idea of Meghan contemplating suicide as well due to excessive media attention. Negative tabloid coverage can mean suicide.

    The description of Caroline as a bit rough was to me an example of classism in british media/society i.e. The middle class girl dating His Royal Highness. How very dare someone "rough" get notions about someone clearly above her station kind of thing. Not of good stock darling type BS. The kind of misogynistic message that Harry must just be sowing his wild royal oats with a bit of "rough" but worry not dear readers he will surely come to his senses and marry properly in time.

    The same thing happened with the infamous Straight Outta Compton article. Oh no dear readers, our Royal Prince is dating a girl from the ghetto and she is an American actress too! That's going to last eh? Lol. Fnarr. Fnarr <sarcasm/waits for it to inevitably end since you date actresses not marry them>. I don't think the coverage was initially racist at all but primarily class/snobbery driven as it always is. It flipped when it transpired they were serious and Meghan enjoyed a wave of positive coverage i.e. this is great for the monarchy, a strong outsider shaking up or "modernising" the archaic institution.

    The same kind of classist snark happened with Kate and her family e.g. the Middleton family always went abroad on holiday but would do so during off peak times i.e. careful with money because they don't have much and certainly not (Harry Enfield reference) much richer than yow. Pearl clutching that someone middle class could end up marrying a future King.

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    But but but Saint Harry did it so that makes it all good coz as we all know Harry can’t do no wrong

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    I also don't see everything Harry does through contemptuous eyes. I simply use common sense....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    The Middleton's company, Party Pieces was valued at £30m, so no, they were not cutting corners on when they went on holidays. All three children went to Marlborough College. The fees for first year are £90K. After that they are £60K per year.

    I think the racism really reared its ugly head at the wedding when Meghan's mother was very much in the public eye in a very white scene. Also, all that gospel singing, and preaching didn't go down well with the royal traditionalists.

    My god, you really are very dismissive of suicide. I don't think any half way decent person would use someone's suicide (particularly someone they were close to) as a weapon to score points on anyone, let alone a dead beat like Dan Wootton.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    A very white scene? A white family is, shock horror, white? I’m sensing race baiting there. Similar to the Bridgerton actress Anjoa Andoh on ITV during the coronation coverage saying the balcony was terribly white when compared to the diversity of the Abbey part of the day. Cue Ofcom complaints. White family is, shock horror, white. She apologises, re-iterates the context of the remark (contrasting the abbey versus the balcony) and the world moves on. I think what reared its head during the wedding was the optics of Meghan only having her mother there from her family. What would have instinctively been sympathy since everyone has a family and families can be problematic subsequently swayed towards wondering why everyone else wasn’t there.

    Didn’t go down well with royal traditionalists? Who are the ultimate royal traditionalists? The royal family. Everything involved would be included under collaboration but their ultimate approval.

    Dismissive of suicide? Not at all. I just maintain that Harry included Caroline Flack because to the wider (target) audience of America she and the circumstances of her death wouldn’t have been as well known. I do think Harry included that to compare and contrast Meghans mental struggles with those of Carolines. The message being that the British press is so utterly toxic that it has resulted in someone (once associated with Harry) taking their own life. So it happened to someone he dated and it would lend weight to the idea that Meghan went through the same and was very lucky to come through that. When you have Flacks ex-husband saying Wooten has blood on his hands then Harry re-iterating that sentiment is not unbelievable. Would Harry seek to use Flacks death in order to aggrandize his wife? Would Meghan use Flacks death to manipulate Harry into stepping down? Who knows. It is all speculative. I’ve been over this before but if Harry said his wife felt like killing herself then it would automatically induce sympathy since we’re all aware of how toxic and aggressive those tabloids can be and how much they were constantly in the public eye. The logical fallacies from the context however, for me, point to it all being used to throw the men in grey suits/the hug averse family/the not asking if I am ok crew under the bus. Using a sensitive topic to encourage sympathy in order to torpedo a target i.e. the royal family/institution on Oprah, Dan Wooten as the de facto standing example of what tabloid editors get up to in Spare. You’ve said yourself that this collective all wanted Meghan dead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Thats a very roundabout way of claiming that Meghan pretended she was suicidal. Do you really think she would make that up. If she was treated so well by the RF/Firm, why did she want to leave?

    The ultimate royal traditionalists would be those people who believe anything the tabloid press tell them about the royal family. Still hankering after the empire. They voted for Brexit as well and won't ever admit that Brexit was a mixtake.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    Talk about conflating a few things.

    1. I have no idea whether Meghan was suicidal; how could I know? If she was, then Harry could have called for help from a pool of probably the best possible psychologists and/or psychiatrists in the UK. I know that in a similar circumstance (which I have thankfully never been in) I would have moved heaven and earth to help my partner.
    2. I suspect she wanted to leave because, despite all the intelligence gathering she had apparently undertaken, life in the RF with its millennium of history, a clear line of succession, centuries of protocol etc, it wasn't what she expected. Possibly, she assumed she would be able to change a thousand years of tradition. That's just delusional. (In fact, Meghan reminds me of a very lovely exchange student we hosted a long while ago. She was from Chicago. We took her to Warwick Castle for the day. As we walked in she looked at the signage which - IIRC - said that the origins of Warwick Castle go back to 914 AD. She said, "Wow, 1914, that's old!" The student could easily be forgiven - she was 14 years old. Meghan's not 14 years old and should have had a bit of good old "cop on") Whether you agree with a monarchy or not, they have a long established way of doing things and a pecking order. Meghan wanted to join the RF, but didn't want to follow the "company rules and policies" - or do any unpaid work. She wanted to be the same as Catherine, wanted to walk in front of Harry, wanted to be the first to greet a visiting dignitary - you get my drift?
    3. I'm English and Brexit was, in my view, the most stupid thing the UK has done in living memory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    1. Well, you know the first bit of advice the psychologists you recommend would have said to her - get out, which is what she did. The fly in the oinment for the Royal Family is that Harry went with her. Bearing in mind how Diana was treated by Charles when she was suffering from bulimia, I'm not too sure the RF would be keen on helping her. Charles ignored her and did nothing when she threw herself down the stairs.

    The reason Meghan & Harry left is becuase of how she was treated by the British tabloids (and no, she shouldn't put up with it) and the RF never stood up for her or defended her and were quite happy that she was abused by them. She was the sacrificial lamb. Meghan was very happy to follow the company rules, and was very good at it (a bit but not prepared to be

    As for Brexit - a lot of English people voted for it. They are the types that believe any only bull shipped out by the tabloids. They swallow everything whole what the likes of Murdock wants them to. Meghan was criticised for everything she did (even though Kate might have done exactly the same thing). The problem the Royal Family had with Meghan was that she was just too good at the job.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    It was your last sentence that caused me to spill my tea. I needed a good laugh, and that comment delivered

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Well, she is intelligent, well educated, a good speaker, and a hard worker (i.e., complaints that she was sending emails at 6am)! Her involvement with the Grenfell survivors just showed how good she was with her ability to get involved and getting things done. The other royals seem to just show up and cut a ribbon. Thats what I'm basing my opinion of why they were so jealous of her and Harry. William and Kate could never compete with that. History repeating itself. Charles was jealous of Diana because she attracted so much attention. Don't tell me that the amount of attention they were getting didn't hurt William and Kate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Omid Scobie has named Jason Knauf (who works for William & Kate and recently honoured by William) in court as the person he spoke to about the book. It was not Meghan & Harry as continually claimed by the Daily Mail (in court) and their haters. It would be interested to get Knauf up on the stand and get him to answer a few questions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    Her "performance" at Uvalde following the tragic shootings was a blatant pr stunt. She took her bodyguard and the NetFlix crew to not only the hospital but also to the remembrance area. Publicity and self aggrandisement are top of her list. She may well be intelligent, educated etc. It's her behaviour and manners I don't like.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    It is possible. Can't know for sure. Initially it was suspect because she said she went to HR and got fobbed off. A bad look. Who goes to HR about their mental well being? Remember this is someone with the wherewithal to get US senators personal numbers. She was pregnant at the time and she would have been asked by law about her mental health from actual professionals. My wife was asked about it at every care visit during her pregnancies. Anything said in confidence would have resulted in care provided for. Then there was Harry saying in his book that he had his (confidential) therapist on speed dial during that time but, strangely, when his wife told him she was suicidal he was in institutional mode (i.e. needed to attend that evenings event instead) and it never occured to him, even in the days after, that his therapist might be available to help.

    That you're trying to suggest I am a cold/insensitive type dismissing someones suicidal thoughts suggests the power of using that as a manipulation tool as well as its attractiveness to those who may use it for whatever purpose or agenda they have in mind. It looks like it worked on you. You think they all wanted her dead. This isn't Days of our Lives. In short, the mere statement of Meghan saying in public that she had such thoughts was more than enough. However, the explaining of how it all happened and the logical fallacies from it, to me, suggests there might be an agenda at play. Who knows.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    She was too good at the job? What are you basing that on and what do you think the "job" itself entails exactly? My metric would be engagements carried out. She is no where close. Wasn't it circa 70 engagements in a year and a half?

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    So Knauf was telling the truth. If Harry and Meghan sent Knauf to Scobie then do you think they were involved with Scobie in some capacity albeit via a proxy? That was their argument.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    According to USA Today, she visited the memorial site where only licenced photographers were allowed (who were required to share photos with all other publications). So unless you can supply Netflix footage, she didn't bring a Netflix crew. How about supplying some photos at the hospital that you claim she was hanging around with her camera crew?

    Whats the problem you have with her bringing a bodyguard?

    What behaviour and manners do you disapprove of?

    For the record, her foundation partnered with the City of Uvalde to provide a playground for the children of Uvalde. She also worked in the kitchens providing food when she was there. Other volunteers there did not know who she was other than Meghan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    They didn't send Knauf. He suggested he speak to them and they oked it (and the emails concerned that are available). Knauf advised them that he should speak to Scobie. Knauf was working for William & Kate all along. William has rewarded him well.

    Royal aids have to respond to all requests from the media. I know Camilla is as thick as a thief with Clarkson & Morgan, but in most cases they usually keep their distance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    If your definition of being good at the job is cutting ribbons, then I suppose she wasn't great. So in 2.5 years she got engaged, got married, visited Ireland, did a tour of South Africa and Australia, had a baby as well as working with the Grenfell Survivors (produced a best selling cook book, guest edited Vogue, got invovled with a charity that helped women back to work by providing suitable clothes.

    Now tell me what Kate did in the first 18 months of her marriage into the RF.

    As an aside, Meghan visited a school/food kitchen in some poor area in New York which Kate had visited previously when she visited New York. The comments from the people there was Kate came with her hands hanging, while Meghan arrived with $30,000 dollars of support for the school.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Photographer of hiking Meghan says it wasn't arranged.

    Clint brewer's words:

    she did not call me, I was going for breakfast as they drove pass me.

    In Prince Harry's legal case against the Home Office about security, it seems that Sir Edward Young, the Queen's Private sec. (and now Charles') didn't pass on the information to Ravac that Harry had offered to pay for his security. Sir Edward stepped down today after 19 years service to King & Queen. He is also likely to be the one who prevented Harry from visiting his grandmother when they had privately arranged for Harry to visit just before she died. Harry referred to him as the Bee in Spare.

    Could be that he is taking the hit for the Royal Family when it comes to Harry's security. No doubt it will be claimed that they knew nothing about the offer to pay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Knauf was assigned to them. He wasn’t working for them. He was working with them. He was ultimately working for the monarch. Harry wanted to go and Knauf, probably sussing it might get out, went in his stead. They needed to ensure that their involvement could be denied. Plausible deniability. His ghostwriter mentioned that Harry always wanted to engage in retractions for every piece of misreporting. That was their way of getting their side of the story out there via Scobie. Why was Knauf doing this? Because Harry and Meghan were working royals. Giving them a PR boost via covert involvement in a glowing biography to correct/retract on information in the public domain ultimately would be to their benefit and consequently to the benefit of the monarch whom they represented at the time and were presumably expected to continue that representation in the years ahead.

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    There’s a lot more people deserving of a racial inequality award than MM- the thing about awards is that they can be manufactured for all sorts of reasons - looks like her PR campaign is in full flow

  • Administrators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 76,279 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Beasty

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Home Office tells Prince Harry police officers are NOT for hire as 'private bodyguards for the wealthy':

    Good - the British public have enough money worries with tax bands expected to increase and a lot more people like nurses expected to pay more tax- stick your hand in your pocket Harry- just like your uncle Andy, you’re a non-working Royal - pay your own way- your choice to move to one of the most exclusive areas to live on EARTH-,FACT!

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    that's what he is trying to do.

    so on the one hand you are saying it's good he is not allowed to pay but yet on the other hand you want him to pay for the very thing he is being prevented from paying for and which you want him to pay for but don't want him to pay for.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    No. It is the idea that police protection is for sale only when there is a public interest necessitating it e.g. mass gatherings such as football matches where the cost of policing is covered in part by (sold to) football clubs so that people can congregate at (and their non attending families presume they are safe at) such gatherings because policing needs to be in place. The kind of thing you happily pay your taxes for even if you have zero interest in the sport in question. What is not in the public interest is assurance for them that a Prince of their realm visiting the country in a private capacity is kept safe i.e. he will not be on official duty so he must dig into his own pocket for security instead of expecting resources reserved for public tax payers to be at his service.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,272 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    He can't pay for British police officers to protect him. There is nothing preventing him paying for his own private security, which he does.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Not quite -Harry wants police protection but he’s willing to pay for it- I don’t agree with that- as others have said, the Met is not for sale- - and ts not a commodity that can be purchased- let him find his own security if he thinks he needs it and then pay for it.

    In the meantime the British public are essentially paying for this enquiry
