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Fighter jets for the Air Corps?



  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    So the whole thing is essentially pointless then, what you're saying there is the result is the same whether we have jets or not because they wont attack us anyway or deliberately fly into commercial planes ect You actually are agreeing with me and don't realize it lmao

    Ye are so conflicted ye dont know what ye want or why you even want it.... its hilarious really the best part is yer all back patting each other as if what ye are saying genius level stuff.

    Genuinely laugh out loud stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Not pointless. It shows that we are ready to defend ourselves if needed. Nobody will help us if we don't ourselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    Flinty is still worried about the vikings and ww2... id take what he says with a heavy dose of salt...

    He struggles to grasp the over all picture i was trying to explain to him...

    1) In short attacking us would be a completely pointless endeavor for anyone, there is nothing of note to attack or spy on or whatever else.

    2) It would be a costly endeavor and face massive response from the international community and especially countries we have strong ties with, You would be hard press to find Americans that would be against there military getting involved if Ireland was ever on the receiving end of an unprovoked attack.

    3) The UK would absolutely be involved and straight off the bat.. 0% chance the UK would allow Ireland to be attacked if for nothing else its too close to them!

    So when i say its next to impossible to attack Ireland we are geographically save as houses that is what i mean.

    That's not hard to grasp now is it...

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    So if we were attacked unprovoked in the morning the US and UK would stand idle? No chance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    If we did little or nothing to stop it? I'm not sure why take the chance even if it is remote.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    Turkey is in NATO, has the second largest standing military force in NATO, along with a massive Airforce.

    Good ole Mutually Assured Destruction doing its thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    So if Russia decided to attack and invade Ireland in the morning you think the UK and US would do nothing?

    The chance isnt remote its 0%

    Seriously now come on...

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    In life nothing is 0% chance. Is this your idea of defence?

    'our idea of defence is hoping the guys who subjugated us for 800 years come to our rescue and won’t spend more despite bumper tax harvests and ignoring how we were already attacked by Russians who continue to float of our coast while all we can do is send fishermen in their direction'

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,950 ✭✭✭sparky42

    Yeah, just looked in again and Christ there are some loons on that, don't know which is worse, their ignorance or their xenophobia?

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    We were already attacked by the Russians? When and Where? musta missed that one lol

    What's your idea of defense? a handful of jets and a tiny land army along with a miniscule navy? The harsh reality is vs a modern army they wouldn't last pissing time on there own.

    Jesus wept talk about being stuck in the past, regardless of your "patriotic" views, the fact remains unchanged the guys next door who subjugated us would be the first ones too our defense along with the US in the event Ireland was attacked unprovoked.

    What do you think will change should we get jets ?

    We have invested in our navy and have warships and yet the Russian Navy completely ignores our navy and does as it likes lol.

    Why isnt the Irish navy sent out to confront the Russians rather than fishing boats? "Police them" seeing as you all love that word.

    Your clutching at straws and at the back of it all you know what your saying is pure nonsense your not being patriotic your being stupid.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    Id love to hear some of the ideas for "Irelands Defence" off some of the "experts" on here lol great for mocking what other people say but dont offer up much themselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    I wonder what would happen if the British public demanded a stop to RAF defence over Ireland and the British government would tell the Irish government to grow the hell up and defend itself.

    I mean… we gained independence for a reason.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭Dohvolle

    Its pragmatic for the RAF to work in the current arrangement, plus they don't have to be concerned about incursions.

    I recall a BBC documentary some years back with Prof Brian Cox, who was chasing the sunset in a 2 seat RAF Typhoon at Mach 2. He asked the pilot what would happen if they flew into Irish Airspace by accident? The answer was "Nothing. The Irish might send a Cessna up".

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Taking your reasoning to its logical conclusion we shouldn't have any defence forces. I don't agree we should and that should include some modern capibility including jets, modern armoured vehicles, missiles and an effective modern navy. Our army would need a territorial reserve too. Enough to make it not worth the while for anyine to attack us. It's not too much to ask especially the way the world is becoming more unpredicaible. If that's stupid I'm guilty.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,144 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

    I thought you meant it didn't exist. Perhaps it's needs to reinvent itself to appeal better to fitness and adventure culture.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,950 ✭✭✭sparky42

    It effectively doesn’t exist, small doesn’t even start to describe its state.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    Ok well lets entertain your suggestions for a min.

    Elaborate on what exactly you think our DF should be what size and funding ect

    Why do we need all that stuff? Who/what EXACTLY are our threats? and more importantly if we use military force to eliminate these threats what do you think will happen? what is our plan in the event we have to use military force basically.

    The notions on here are so short sighted, alot of people just want a defence force for the sake of having one same logic with the jets, no thought given to actually having to use them and the consequence's that come with that.

    I mean we already have a navy that didnt deter anything.

    Ireland outside of a militarily alliance such is NATO is essentially pissing into the wind investing in its military it will simply be ineffective and for lack of a better word ignored.

    Our world has been stable and predictable for decades, throwing out buzz words like "hybrid threats" and "unpredictable world" holds no weight in regards to Irelands threat levels and security risks we have been living blissfully for decades now.

    Also you mentioned we were already attacked by the Russians when was that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    The UK would be considered a very small army, and there reserves alone are nearly 5 times the size of our standing army.. to put things in perspective..

    And yet people on here are confident that 10-15 jets 7300 soldiers will make the difference... im sorry lads but your only coddin yerselves.

    Irrelevant on the global stage.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    I simply can’t understand why you’re so adamant that we don’t need a defence.

    Must a threat be present to have a defence force or should the government stick to what they are supposed to do which is protect the citizens living here?

    Its this paddy mindset that has us exactly where we are, fingers in the ears and the no one will ever attack us or let’s just be the lazy tight arses of the eu and let them defend us for.. well us.

    exactly what we are good at, **** all. But then again, I shouldn’t be surprised. We can’t build a metro, we can’t build up and we can’t solve problems without it descending into utter bollocks or cost overruns. Maybe we shouldn’t buy a thing, we’d only end up paying over the odds for anything offered to us.

    The sooner a government with balls starts leading this country the better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    You did a whole load of shouting and said absolutely nothing there.

    Again its a simple question what threat? The facts are we are a thriving neutral country that hasn't had a major incident in decades.

    Another simple question where exactly is it you think this "government with balls" should be leading us??

    You are all screaming for jets but again.... for what? if we got a fleet of jets in the morning what would change exactly? what would we have that we dont already have now outside of a needless expense and shiny jets?

    If the threats ye are concerned about are so high and severe why arent we fast tracking into NATO like Finland and Sweden did when faced with real threat? Those countries realized they cant stand alone and they are far bigger militaries than Ireland yet here we are too good to accept help from the UK or anyone else.

    According to those on here we need to "grow up and defend ourselves" and not depend on other nations for security which is hilarious really when you think about it.

    The answer is simple because these threats are not realistic for Ireland the likelihood of us ever being attacked is astronomically low unless you are utterly delusional.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    You didn’t answer my very simple question.

    Do you also think radar is not necessary? You believe the “fighter” craft we have are more than enough?

    Do you believe the navy that we have is more than adequate to police our waters?

    If you answer yes to any of those then I think it is you that is delusional to the current state of affairs.

    We should be in nato, who do we convince to do that? The likes of you?

    We’re screwed if that’s the case. Do you know why we aren’t even in nato?

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    So you think we should have a navy that should be able to confront.. ill take the most recent example the Russian navy? And be ready to engage them if they do not comply?

    is that what your asking for?

    Policing means to make someone forcibly leave the area... In short you are saying leave now or we will open fire. Terrible idea.

    Do you understand what you are asking for in these scenarios?

    Post edited by delusiondestroyer on

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    Ill ask you the same question i ask everyone advocating for all this military hardware...

    What would the defence forces have to look like for you to feel "safe" in Ireland?.

    And list a few threats, the frequency the occur at and what solution you would like.

    Genuinely curious to see what your strategy would be....

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,144 ✭✭✭✭Flinty997

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    So you still won’t answer a simple question or questions put to you. Instead you descend into name calling.

    You seem to have problems knowing what words mean, does policing mean to force someone to leave? There is no other meaning to the word?

    Do you understand what it means to be utterly defenceless? Or is that a good thing for you? I suspect the answer will be the usual dodging.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    I think the default answer to that, would be an actual defence force.

    The rest of your “questions” don’t really warrant a response at this stage but I would turn Galway airport into a base where 4-5 jets could be stationed to help patrol the west coast.

    base some in Shannon for the same effect.

    Id be making joining the army a bit more attractive to join, ships which can actually defend themselves and weaponry that can give our army an actual fighting chance in case anything did happen.

    You make it sound like it’s insanity to want this, but it’s an insanity to sit by and watch another country police our airspace because we have people with your mindset in this country.

    Will we cripple the country financially doing this? Nope.

    Will we need to watch other news outlets report on the shambles that is our “defence”? Nope.

    We will finally realise that having an actual defence force doesn’t mean giving up our neutrality but instead protecting it further? Yep.

    To use your own question, what would be your strategy?…

  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    In this situation policing means to make them leave via threat of force or use of force.

    If you walk onto my land and i walk up to you and point a gun and tell you to leave or ill shoot that means one thing.

    It is that simple you are saying leave or die and if you don't follow thru where is the point in sending up jets in the first place?

    You are the only one dodging questions again who are we utterly defenceless to? Whos attacking us? What threats?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 475 ✭✭delusiondestroyer

    If I had the concern that you for what ever reason have... that we need a major shift in military doctrine.

    The first port of call would be applying to join NATO, and fulfilling any requirements for membership as Ireland as a nation is incapable of defending itself from a nation that has the ability to project power to attack it, that is a fact we have no industry we have no resources, small landmass, low pool of man power to draw from. No ability to fight a prolonged fight.

    I would ask for NATO assests to be located in Ireland, i would aim to work with the RAF and RN to implement a strategy to jointly cover both the UK and Ireland and hopefully have US assests based in Shannon and allow to facilitate US aircraft.

    Then you would have what you want full fleshed out military defence with ultra deterrence from everything.

    But there are absolutely no threats to us as of now to warrant such a major shift in policy and military doctrine.

    But this idea of the DF's being able to stand alone and defend us from all threats... its just delusional and simply not feasible they are what they are and we are never going invest enough to have a fully functional stand alone military with war fighting capability because we simply don't need it.

    In short if we never spent another penny on the DF's we would be no worse off for it.
