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online dating



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,213 ✭✭✭Ubbquittious

    In many ways no harm to see them gone. So many girls just looking for followers

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,853 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    If I see social media links in a guys profile it’s an instant left. Now it will be less obvious who those kinds of guys are - though it’s rare tbh to see it from guys (in may age bracket).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    What I find odd is when they have the IG up but it's on private and clearly not like an influencer type one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,853 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    That’s odd alright. I suspect those ones might be a bit thick and think they have to fill out all the options

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    50/50 in my exp. Some are clearly just looking for followers and it's travel/photography/fitness stuff. Whereas I think others have it up maybe to appear more legit or something. I've also come across guys in bands promoting their music IG.

    Post edited by Mike on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    Oh actually, I'm thinking about Tinder where you'd have to put it in the bio. But my IG feed is linked on Hinge cause it's part of the app, you know at the bottom where they can basically scroll through pics but it doesn't show captions or your handle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,853 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    You don’t have to put social media links in your tinder bio. I don’t have any and I don’t see it often.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    No I mean if you wanted to add it you'd have to put it in your bio as there is no specific section, not that you have to :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,853 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    Ah apologies :) Though there is for your instagram handle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,346 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    The text in my fortune cookie after dinner read:

    “He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals”

    It’s somewhat ironic but I can’t argue with it. Maybe a good philosophy to follow

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,853 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    I like it 😊😊😊

    But also loving yourself is essential to being content, and to finding somebody else who will love you

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,346 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    This makes no sense to me but I won’t challenge it

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,853 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    It’s just what I think, but your interpretation of it and why you liked it is just as valid as what it made me think about

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    ahhh here, just found this "Shiftin and Driftin" TikTok on reddit. People send in their stories about dating in Ireland (anon) and some of them are hilarious.😅 It doesn't have pics or any personal info like the FB group before someone goes nuts on me. Just funny antidotes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    100% agree. You have to be happy in yourself and find someone who adds to that, not be looking for someone to miraculously make you happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,853 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    I’d say it’s a good one alright - never really any good Irish sources for this kind of stuff usually.

    I’d won’t look because I’d have to brave TikTok and that gives me a headache :)

  • Due to my increasing Multiple Sclerosis disability, at time I’ve been physically barely able to get out of bed lately. I updated my profile to be very fair.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    What do you mean? From the app or from people you speak to?

    Very sorry to hear you're not doing well.

    Post edited by Paul on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    Oh yeah actually I just saw it's that same thing where the person can look through your feed if you connect it. Can they see your actual handle on that though?

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭RubyGlee

    This thread has been an eye opener. Sensing a little bit of anger and bitterness. See I thought it was just me I was doing something wrong that I was attracting over emotional people when I wouldn’t be one myself but now I think it’s the fall out from online dating after a while? Is that what it does to you eventually?

    I mean no one likes rejection but it’s a part of life you just have to move on and try not to let it taint things.

    in other news got asked out on a date in real life this week which was so nice I didn’t think people did that anymore.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,271 ✭✭✭Pwindedd

    I like the idea of someone/thing sifting through to get to the "good stuff" - assuming the AI does its' thing correctly of course. But judging by the AI carbon copy profiles we've already seen on tinder, when AI gets' involved it all just gets very bland and loses personality. I can't see this being the solution the article hopes. Not in the immediate future anyway. Maybe in time. Do you get to see what your bots said to each other ? that would be weird AF.

    As for the no-touching sex stuff ? Just nope ... don't want to live in that world. I need to feel things to feel things if ya catch my drift.

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    Yeah, there's a lot of that, unfortunately. One of the most recent guys I spoke to on OD was saying it was refreshing to speak to someone who wasn't so totally cynical about it now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,271 ✭✭✭Pwindedd

    This is exactly why you need breaks and good long ones at that. Not just a week or two. A couple of months away from the apps restores your faith in humanity somewhat. Any prolonged spell on OD is a head melt - 6 to 8 weeks, tops, then I need to retreat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    I don't really find that happens to me but it's likely because I'm more of an infrequent user, like I just open it now and then and wouldn't be going on aa lot of dates. I can see how the burnout would happen if you were using it a lot in terms of dating often etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    Just checked mine there and it shows the pics and captions but not your username. Now, if one was to be VERY interested in doing some detective work, you could look up the most uncommon hashtag on their most recent photo and try your luck finding them. Hypothetically. 😂

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    Whatever about the rest of this, do not get a single bed. It's just wrong. Why. No.

    Mine is a proper double (not one of those twin size sh1t bombs) with a king-size duvet for cause it makes it super cosy, and I could not get a good sleep in anything smaller. I'd get a king-sized one if I could.🤣 Single beds just feel weird.

    As you can see, I feel strongly about this.😂

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle

    Oh, some updates on the dating apps this past week:

    • Got a 3rd message from a guy on POF who I have never responded to as I'm not interested and never matched, god knows why he's still wasting his messages on me. He messaged me on another app too so I don't know if he messages so many women he forgets or what. Surprisingly, they were different intros and not copy-paste. But.. why.
    • A guy messaged just to tell me he wasn't buying it that I had "not sure" down under the "do you want kids" Q on Hinge and that "at my age" I obviously do. I really wanted to reply and tell him to go f-uck himself given that I genuinely am very on the fence and not bothered about kids either way, but I think he was baiting me for a reply so I held back. Very proud of myself for that TBH because I am not known for my restraint.😂
    • I got talking to another guy who is just here on holidays for 4 weeks apparently but has "long term" on his "looking for" thing. He's from **** Australia. I mean long distance is one thing, but.....
    • Been talking a guy I was considering meeting until I found out he once dated a girl I knew (he told me). His confidence and chat was really f-ucking attractive. I felt like there was something off about him in general but I couldn't pinpoint it, so I checked in with her just to make sure. She's a lovely girl who would never talk badly about anyone TBH and she said this in the fairest way possible to me, but basically told me he took advantage of her when she was a teenager and he was a lot older. And just some other stuff that made me go "no...not for me". That combined with him wanting to go for a forest walk on the date.😂 Her words were "people can change, he could have matured since then and I'd hate to think anyone would judge me for how I was 10 years ago, but I still wouldn't suggest anyone meet him in a forest." Fair, like. (I obvs wasn't going to go to a forest with him regardless). He also sort of reverse catfished me a lil bit, which sounds weird but basically in his profile he was a lot stockier and had since lost a lot of weight and didn't have any updated photos, so when he sent me some in the later chats that were recent I was a bit shocked and how slim he'd gotten. That wasn't as attractive to me as I didn't think he was overweight to begin with. That said, that wasn't a deal breaker and he was nice looking anyway. It was more the general "off" vibe I got that was then confirmed with the girl. So that ended that.
    • I uploaded new pics on POF and a guy who has never messaged me before messaged me to say nice one on the new pics, which had me like "how long was he looking at my profile?" ha. He was nice though, seemed very genuine but very not my type. I did respond but I also made it clear I wasn't interested, and he said it was the most pleasant declination he ever received on there. That was a nice change from the recent spouts of guys going nuts at me for not being interested.

    The other updates are boring, just chats that went nowhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,853 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    For me raccle isn’t the first person that springs to mind when I think of bitterness being displayed on this thread

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,853 ✭✭✭YellowLead

    I generally don’t date people who use social media. There was one who did once, but for work purposes. Nothing wrong with it, but we just wouldn’t be compatible. Some of my female friends so a very small bit, I’ve no issue with that.

    So for me it’s not about whether I can see their handle or not (pretty easy to find anybody these days) - it’s the fact they have an instagram in the first place that would put me off.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭PoisonIvyBelle
