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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    You were more than exagerating. You were telling lies. They did not say they themselves were in danger.

    Lucky you that the people you were passing were not breaking lights, taking photos and blinding you with flash photography (as the driver). We're lucky in this country that we have such laws so that people don't get hurt.

    Yes. Paps can put 2 or 3 kids through college with a photo of them according to a journalist from Vanity Fair (when explaining why the paps are so reckless in their pursuit of a photo). The paps will be rightly pissed off because Harry effectively blocked them from anyone publishing photos by demanding photos from BackGrid as any usage will now incriminate them!

    Netflix would have got the permission from the orignators of any photos they would have used and would have paid a fee for its usage. They are hounded, just the Mail or the Express don't publish when the courts rule in H&M's favour, so you don't know about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Well, you claim to be a fan of the use of exaggeration yourself (read your own post above).🤣

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Stop telling lies. They are not hounded. They are not chased all the time. They are a pair of attention seekers utterly thirsty to always play the victims and more than willing to exagerrate when necessary. They attended an award show, they left, they got to where they were going while photographers followed, their crap security decided to play billy big shot bollox to lose the paps, they caused chaos and it was all a storm in a tea cup. Then they signed off on a statement made the following day having people imagine that it was akin to Mad Max in Midtown and get people thinking they could have died like Diana. After getting scutinised, the details suggested that it was all a complete exaggeration and their victim playing back fired and their victim playing became more concrete as they were deservedly ridiculed. I find it interesting that his family have said nothing about it all. They probably know all about the bullshit antics and now pay no heed to them. I also find it interesting that their celeb pals have also said nothing. Oprah, Tyler etc. It is like that Dave Chapelle skit about Jussie Smollet where while everyone else was losing their minds about the racially motivated MAGA homophobic attack the black community was "oddly quiet". Why? Because they knew this guy was clearly lying.

    Given the clap and blow back they've gotten from this I'd suggest they go back to Montecito. Drink some wine. Down some shrooms. Spend quality time with the kids. Take a breather for a few weeks and contemplate why they just can't seem to catch a break and win everybody over to their side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    So when I give an example of something going forward then that means I am automatically a fan of what I am giving an example of. Gotcha. 👌

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    That’s as good an explanation as any- it also makes total sense.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    What actually happened.

    What they wanted us to believe happened.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    They are rarely seen nowadays. The press were speculating on all sorts of conspiracy theories when Meghan wasn't seen for a month. Seeminly 100 articles in the Daily Mail on Meghan in that month. From this evidence, they don't need publicity. They get it non stop and as Oscar Wilde said: ''There is no such thing as bad publicity''. Meghan appeals more to her haters than to her supporters. Worldwide attention from everyone.

    Lets wait and see Harry's footage in the next Netflix documentary / court case before deciding on how mad it all was. You and other people need to grow up if you get so up over reminders of Harry's mother's death.

    They actually said very little other than the paps were reckless in their pursuit (by breaking red lights, scooters on footpaths, flashing cameras).

    I'm not a bit surprised that the Royal family has said nothing. Why would they? If Harry's father & brother can withdraw security at short notice and tell the British tabloids where they are staying, a little car chase in Manhattan is only going to disappoint them that something didn't happen.

    The Sussex's friends have said nothing. Why would they? All that would result in is the tabloid press manipulating what they said.

    If no one is on their side, surely its time to leave them alone? Why do you keep ranting on about them if they are irrelevant to you? What have they done to you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    And I think you need to examine this almost zealous like need you have to deflect, twist, minimise everything on their behalf for their benefit. 🤷‍♂️

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    So you have a problem waiting for the footage from Harry to appear before judging what really happened? I wonder why that is. I just don't get why you hate them so much. My distain is more of the British tabloid industry that can destroy a country (with Brexit) and people like Harry & Meghan or Caroline Flack (and all the ones we don't know about). I admire H&M taking the British tabloid industry on even though it is proving very costly to them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    For the umpteenth time I don't hate them. Twitter now has the ability to load video. Maybe Harry should post his footage warts and all to a Twitter account? If it was as bad as they claim then wouldn't they be rushing out to validate their claims? So, what is the problem?

    And those tabloids? They are only too delighted with them and their carry on because they really are a gift that keeps on giving for them. They went to an event about a specific cause. Have we been hearing all about that since? No. It is all about the chase and the fallout. For balance I think the Sussexes have made very valid points about the media (i.e. in this case they would argue that the media/press should focus their reach to promote the cause, the honorees, their work etc.) but it can't be ignored that when making sensational claims like car chase with paps sensational media in particular won't do that but will delight in making sensational claims. They effectively feed the very beast they claim to despise and wish would measure up for good. It is as if they are seeking attention. It is fascinating to me but cry hate all you like.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Meghan was one of the honorees. Why are you having a go at her. I believe one of the other recipients (Black Lives Matter) is also getting a hard time from the right wing media/tabloids owned by the likes of Murdock. You know, the one who just paid out on false claims about the election results in the US and had to sack one/two (I think now) of their presenters who just can't tell the truth. These are the people you are believing. There is no impartial/vested reporting of what happened. Of course BackGrid will say they behaved appropriately (even though the cops told them to go away). The Sussexes have been castigated for among other things, for not staying in a hotel by the vested interests of the media. The Sussexes have made very few claims, except in your imagination (fed of course by the likes of the Daily Mail and Express). While you might not hate them, you do put a lot of effort into creating hateful commentary by manipulating what they said and sensationalising it (though at least we have not got through to you that we don't accept that they claimed it was a high speed chase in New York)! That took a lot of effort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    That is quite the diatribe. I don't read tabloids so how the hell are the Daily Mail and The Express informing me of anything? That kind of insult is boring by now i.e. you must be so thick that the tabloids are telling you what to think. I am basing my take on this based on what their security and their spokespeople have put out, what the authorities have said on it, what the taxi driver and even what the paps themselves involved said.

    I find it refreshing in following this that we now finally have a scenario where their version of the truth can be compared/contrasted with those who are neutral and who aren't operating under an omerta/never explain or complain outlook i.e. his family who I'd imagine must be long chomping at the bit to react but know they can't/shouldn't. They've had their arses handed to them here and I don't think we'll be seeing any footage from them despite its capacity to vindicate/validate their version because they are exaggerating this for effect.

    So now is there any possible inkling from you, via contrasting what is being said from their end against other neutral ends unencumbered by NDAs, biases, Royal "Firm" Omerta, that the Sussexes and those affiliated them might be exaggerating this? Any at all?

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    They actually said very little other than the paps were reckless in their pursuit (by breaking red lights, scooters on footpaths, flashing cameras).

    Don't you think this would warrant fines? While in police statement, no tickets were issued. With cameras everywhere there, they would be, if it happened, so obviously it didn't happen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,678 ✭✭✭Multipass

    That’s outrageous. His mother WAS paranoid, in large part due to Martin Bashir’s lies. The lies which are the reason Prince William fought to block the Panorama interview being shown ever again, it was obtained through deception. William has done more to protect his mother’s memory than Harry, who is using her death as a ghoulish cash cow. I’ve learned horrible things about Diana’s behaviour because of Harry, why doesn’t he ever celebrate the good things she did, why does he reduce her to nothing but a victim. He’s using her, and it doesn’t reflect well on him at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Agreed. Didn't William once says words to the effect of his mothers death could have either made him or broken him. A not so subtle dig at Harry who milks his mothers life endlessly and, when a commercial partner (Netflix/The Crown) dramatises his mothers interview he is very quiet about it. I would imagine that if Diana agreed to an RPO then that officer wouldn't be acting with bravado on the night of her death. She turned down any RPO as she was paranoid about leaks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,637 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    Harry is an embarassment to his family. Desperately trying to stay relevant and as this latest farce shows utterly desperate to get the limelight.

    South Park actually got that part of him and Meg dead on. They incessesantly whine about the media to......the media that they seek out to whine about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    The Sussexs have said very little and what their spokesperson has said says nothing about them claiming that they were doing it at high speed or that they themselves felt they were in danger. BackGrid claimed that their photographers couldn't hurt them because they only had cameras! Do they think people are stupid. Your account of events/opinions seems to tally very much with how the tabloids spin the events, so you have a lot in common then.

    What is their version of the truth. All they have said is that they were chased by paps for 2 hours in New York.

    What they didn't say that it was 'high speed' or that they were ''in danger''. Why are they being mocked for claiming this?

    When it comes to 'never explain, never complain' - William is doing a fair bit of complaining (absolutely losing his rag) here when in fact the pap was very polite to him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Oh a pap can be polite now? Deflecting again with whataboutery. The context of that was it was a journo trying to get a scoop by catching William/family/Edward and his family violating covid lockdown mass gathering restrictions. He was loitering around trying to catch them in the act. They went on a bike without any RPO and the journo, filming them to gather evidence, follows them. Oh so polite. Father with some unknown stranger filming/stalking him and his kids. I mean, what a monster for losing his temper trying to find out who the **** this random person actually was as he calls his RPO to come escort the guy away.

    Quite simply their spokesperson put out a version of events, Scobie put out additional details and then various people and agencies directly and indirectly involved put out their versions. The latter dilutes, undermines and tempers the former. So recollections vary. Who else said that I wonder?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    The point of the clip was to show that William was complaining (in fact he was very angry) so quit using the the Royal Family ''never complain" as a whip to beat the Sussex's with.

    What has happened with William is exactly what happened with the Sussexes. They had done the event, they had stood for plenty of photos, come out the front of the building and wanted to go home without being followed. Something similar as William being out for a ride with his family. Why didn't he just let the pap take some photos of him. William & his family are funded by the taxpaper and they do flaunt their young family all over the place. The British people have a right to see this family who they financially support.

    Are you saying that the Sussex's were briefing Scobie? I think he was giving his opinion based on what he had heard from various people involved, just like you without any concrete information and certainly not from the Sussexes. They never said it was a 'high speed' chase, but it was widely claimed that is was and that the Sussexs were telling lies again, when in fact they didn't say anything about the speed. Then you try and infer that Scobie is their spokesperson, when in fact the Sussexes have their own spokesperson.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Dismissing your dead mother as paranoid is not very loyal, or nice.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Not sure of the context for that remark but Diana was paranoid. It was a sequence of events. She was manipulated into doing the Bashir interview by alleged leaks from those inside her circle. Taking payments from papers for stories. All made up. Even to the point of forging bank statements to dupe her brother. She never knew it was all bullshit. It came out years later. That interview hastened their divorce. She was offered an RPO after the divorce. She refused. The real possibility of leaks in her mind. She wanted to cut such ties understandably. She died under the protection of quite terrible private security. I doubt an RPO would be speeding away from paps. I would imagine William is being a realist about his mother. He might see her as a victim and may reasonably think that if her paranoia wasn't what it was, if it wasn't exploited by an ambitious journalist like Bashir, then she just might be alive today.

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    He didn't dismiss his mother. Quite opposite. He tried to explain her induced by BBC paranoia at that time and her rejecting protection because of it. But you seem unable to grasp the difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    It wasn't an official event. It was a Saturday during a lockdown. Scobie doesn't have Harrys personal phone number. He said that in court. Case closed. Interestingly he didn't say that he didn't have Meghans personal phone number though. Who exactly is their spokesperson then? Can't they speak for themselves at all?

    Again. English test time since you never answered last time.

    Read the below tweet/statement.

    You are working in the media and you need to quickly put out an article about the above breaking story. How would you describe the likely speed of the vehicles involved for your target audience? 1. High. 2. Not High.

    Stop being so disingenuous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    This is what he said:

    The Duke said it brought him “indescribable sadness” that interview with Diana, Princess of Wales, had “contributed significantly to her fear, paranoia and isolation” in the final years of her life.

    He is actually saying that it was a contribution to her 'paranoia', fear and isolation. In other words, she was paranoid (no matter how she became paranoid).

    By the way, what do you think were other contributor facts?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Saturday event? It was late at night in New York - the event was finished. The paps were asked not to follow, but they still did. Do you think they had a right to follow them?

    So Scobie was retweeting the Sussexes spokesperson, yet you claim that he has Meghan's phone number. Are you trying to claim that Meghan briefed Scobie directly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    You said William had also just done an event. It was a saturday during lockdown. No official event. Were Paps right to follow them? Well do do have the right to do that. Some "bonkers" thing in the constitution. The BackGrid paps got a tip off about a dinner. They are allowed take photos and sell to the likes of gossip magazines e.g. Bella magazine in which they appear almost weekly.

    Meghan briefed Scobie directly? Not a stretch to imagine she did or via a proxy/third party is it? Since they don't speak publicly then we are all guessing here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    No I didn't say William had done an event. I said the Sussexs had completed an event, it was late at night and wanted to go to where they were staying without being followed by the paps. The paps were asked by the police to stop following them, but they refused.

    William was out for a cycle and he totally lost the plot when someone followed him and his family. You can hear Kate accusing the pap of watching their house.

    BackGrid made an assumption that they were going to eat somewhere (which might be expected if they hadn't eaten at the event). They were not going to eat, they were told that they were not going to eat and they were asked to stop following them.

    Why was Scobie using the official statement as backup then if he was briefed separately. Maybe he gets, (like a lot of other papers/magazines correspondents) a press release/tweet and thats what he reports.

    By the way, who do you think gave the tip off to BackGrid (and other paps that were following them) that they were going to dinner? When asked to stop following them, do you think they should have?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    Are you deliberately obtuse?

    If someone gets paranoid because of falsified documents showed to them proving that the closest people betrayed her for money, is it a real paranoia or induced paranoia? I am happy that William wanted to clear it up and wanted to explain his mother unreasonable behaviour in the final years of her life.

    You would prefer, if she stayed stupid and paranoid in people's eyes? I much prefer to know, that she was manipulated into such state of mind, not that she just was that way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,678 ✭✭✭Multipass

    Dismissing is your invention. Recognising someone’s mental problem is loving, apparently she thought the family were listening to them via William’s watch.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 727 ✭✭✭Carol25

    Agreed. For whatever reason, Meghan and Harry seem to trigger a lot of people. Some posters seem to post like they know them personally and know what's happening behind the scenes, what their true personalities are like and what their 'evil' masterplans are. Very strange but I put it down to media coverage, most of them made up articles with no evidence.
