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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,385 ✭✭✭prunudo

    Manufacturers will do whatever it takes to make money, if they think there is a market for ice whether in existing form or through new technology, they will contuine or restart production to suit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,055 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    Well the argument for all hybrids is obvious enough, if the efficiency curve for them meets quite a narrow usage pattern. And that does eat into the most basic tenet of private motoring, flexibility.

    However, alternatives are coming. Mazda and Nissan have both recently released a new iteration of the self-charging hybrid, where rather than the engine and e-motor combining to drive the wheels, the petrol engine will remain at a constant and most efficient setting to continuously recharge the electric system which in turn will then be the only drive motor. Due to this, the engine will remain off most of the time, especially for urban driving.

    As I've said, awareness is widening of the whole life environmental impact of full EVs, especially regarding the mass extraction, usage and recovery of lithium, cobalt, manganese, silicon and graphite. The human impact regarding industrial labour in underdeveloped countries is also concerning.

    And so I feel there may be a few slips twixt cup and lip, when it comes to the 2030 deadline.

    I mean it's not as if ICE engine development is going to fall off a cliff in the meantime. The internal and associated electronic technology for combustion engines will continue to progress in industrial settings and it will take many years longer than 2030 or even 2050 for conventional ICE cars to disappear in the developing world. So you may take it that makers like Geely, Tata, GWM, BYD and SAIC will be investing in them for a long while yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    The 15 minute city really gets traction during the Covid lockdown, the big idea is eliminate private cars as much as possible.

    One of the main issues in transforming a city like Dublin is to understand how people will be encouraged to slowly change to rely on public transport, while also ensuring that the city transport system still functions for all its users, including businesses, those making deliveries, and those who need to use private cars, maintenance and emergency vehicles, and buses and taxis.

    All looks nice on paper, where are the drug dealers going to operate from? remember they need to be 15 minutes away 😋

    The problem comes about when the councillors decide that know what is best for you and actively try to enforce restrictions on peoples movement and this is where the idea comes a cropper as seen in the UK in Oxford/Canterbury who took the idea one step further and are getting kickback.

    15 minute cities are an idea that gains traction based on the experience during lockdowns and then actively seeks to penalise people going about their business is going to get up peoples backs.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,848 ✭✭✭?Cee?view

    I wouldn't agree with the tactics employed by the "vandals" but I certainly agree with their point of view. Curtaining people's movement and freedom is never a good look.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,453 ✭✭✭BlueSkyDreams

    I think thats a different thing. Putting in traffic calmimg zones in estates is something we already have in Dublin.

    Its not that you cant drive around the city, its just that certain estates will be cut off from traffic using them as a short cut.

    But it isnt like every road access will be blocked off in Salthill, so noboby can drive in or out, as part of a 15 minute city.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    Im back after a hiatus just to see if there are any new developments on this thread. The usual green suspects are still trying to live their pipe dream and act like the 3 monkies. Never mind, i just dont bother reading their posts and put them on ignore (an amazing amount of nice blank pages from the beligerent green advocates).It saves a lot of irritation.

    It is always interesting to witness how the 'renewable' proponents crunch the numbers to have their dream realized. Just like the climate modelers (of the IPCC etc) they are aiming at their goal and manipulate (cherry pick) data to show what needs to be done to reach that goal and what is supposed to happen when it doesnt. If polar bears, coral reefs etc can no longer be used (because they are both doing fine) they move on to unknowns like future 'climate victims' in which they can simply make up the numbers to suit their purpose. Like countless George Lees they spout out alarm every day. Too cold, too warm, too wet, too dry..climate change caused by humans. Acidification of oceans (another fallacy) and massive species extinction just about to happen..

    Maybe one should stop once in a while to realize it is ALL based on the unproven theory that Co2 emissions cause temperature rises (with the caveat of agricultural runoff in the ocean acidification argument ).There is zero, as in 0% evidence that it does in any significant way and is in fact drowned out by other factors. Models dont count as they come after scientific facts which are assumed but never established as they cannot be tested. They cannot be as the 'climate' or better said series of climates are the result of a non linear, chaotic interactive system in which only long term trends can be established and humans simply play a tiny role in all this but we are arrogant enough to state that we do control the thermostat. There was no such thing as a climate scientist before the 1980s because scientists knew the basics of their (limited) field and usually didnt have the nerve to state anything in general. Too uncertain (and still is)and would receive heavy pushback for obvious reasons. But politicians got the UN (set up BY politicians btw) to form the (eventual) IPCC and simply started the whole madness which became progressively worse over time. They managed to manipulate and infiltrate publications and politized them to suit their needs, like Nature and other once dependable sources (like NASA) with overall green policies supported with mass amounts of funding completely drowning out anything from the hydrocarbon industry and moved power to the (undemocratic) big players in form of ESG , Carbon trading etc.

    I know fine well people will call me a 'climate denier' whatever that means. That's ok by me. 'THE climate doesnt exist anyway. It is also interesting to spot the total self hate the greens have about human beings. This a (post) modern idea that has taken hold of a lot of people and is directly related to the fact that people still go along with green policies but only up to the point where it starts to hurt. It starts to sink in now. The truth can only be witheld for so long. That is the reason those in power tried to quickly put every green policy in law, mostly by undemocratic means so that any opponents can be sued and punished if targets were/are not met. Our leaders have signed up for that but the people are pushing back. Eventually electable politicians will face reality and then judges will likely change their stance. The wall forces the ship back. That is reality. And outside the west the world just moves in a different direction. They are realists and no longer want to be lectured by their former masters.

    In 20 years time we will all look back at the Green madness. Just another moment in history when things got off the rails..The world is changing, 'climate' is changing (it always is), systems are collapsing (political, economical, financial). But going Green is the wrong focus UNLESS you are aiming to destroy human prosperity. I am really worried that many in the west in fact like to see that happen and would use any means to achieve this. They are rightfully called: the enemy of the people..

    Post edited by deholleboom on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I know fine well this makes me a 'climate denier' whatever that means. That's ok by me. 'THE climate doesnt exist anyway

    Oh dear 🤦‍♂️

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Biofuels are a cod and one which I'd love to see consigned to the bin......maybe in time that will happen

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    The Tom Nelson podcast is great. All those top notch scientists and journalists taking a deep dive into green matters.

    Like this one, looking at the IPCC reports

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A handy resource is the climate denier umbrella group called the Co2 Coalition. Basically it pulled together all the nutters and pays them to keep putting out nonsense. If your "top notch" anything is listed on that site then they do not deserve any serious consideration. Its honestly a dead handy tool

    Case in point, Andy May :)

    If you'd like to learn more about the Co2 Coalition

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  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    Co2 has recently been called a pollutant. Co2 has been added not because it is directly harmful like for instance Sulphur dioxide or Carbon monoxide and a multitude of other smog related particles. No, it has been added because only lawful measures can be taken if something is designated a pollutant. Because Co2 measures got stuck in court for obviously not being a pollutant (because plants LOVE it) so no measures could be taken, official bodies have changed its status. Et voila, NOW all kinds of measures can be taken against this evil pollutant.

    Interesting to note that it was always assumed Co2 worked as being part of the greenhouse effect and particularly the influence on temperature and therefor indirectly 'causes' temperature change, you cannot have it both ways by also calling it a pollutant.

    Well, apparently you can. Just change the definition. That is how lawyers operate. Like changing 'prisoner of war' into 'enemy combattant'

    Post edited by deholleboom on

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A good piece on why e-fuels for transport are a farce

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭ginger22

    Thing is without CO2 there would be no life on earth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    When you dig into the climate sceptics side, many of them are just retired men with time on their hands and they are slowly dying off due to age. They are not doing it for much money and compared to walls of money in the climate alarm industry, they are punching above their weight, because most of the population remains skeptical as well.

    Why don't you tell us who founded the smear site desmogblog and who funded it? Hoggan Public relations and the David Suzuki foundation.

    Who funds the climate-NGO-government-industrial complex? There are NGOs popping up all over the place like toadstools, ultimately they all lead to a few major backers when you you keep digging, redirection of tax funds are a major component, it's not just tax efficient trusts run by the descendants of big oil money or current billionaires. There is an entire industry built up that promotes climate alarm 24x7. There are even companies that provide consultancy services to the climate NGOs, business is very good. There are loads of front web sites soliciting your monthly donations, that funnel funds into the the larger NGOs like Fridays for Future is one of those, its business model is to collect names, then you get solicitations for monthly donations.

    Long before Greta Thunberg at the UN, there was Severn Cullis-Suzuki, daughter of Canadian multi-millionaire environmentalist David Suzuki. Here is an example from a Christmas fundraising campaign using children as the hook to get their parents money.

    Climate change is melting the North Pole and it’s no longer safe for Santa and his Workshop. So our dear old friend is packing up the sleigh to find somewhere else to live.

    You can help! Move your mouse over this website to find gifts you can buy Santa to help him set up a temporary Workshop and protect the North Pole for his return.

    Of course, you’re savvy enough to know we won’t be sending actual gifts to Santa. You will receive a tax receipt for 100% of your purchase and proceeds will be used by the David Suzuki Foundation to support our critical work to protect nature and the environment from threats like climate change.

    Buying these green gifts and personalized ecards on behalf of hard-to-buy-for friends or relatives on your holiday list is a great way to show you’re thinking of them — and the planet!

    Act now to help Santa!

    Sincere thanks,

    The David Suzuki Foundation

    In the UK both the Guardian and Telegraph receive money from these foundations to promote climate alarm, and its the same story with wire services such as Reuters, AFP and others. RTE has signed up with the shadowy Covering Climate Now (CCNow), the funding of this organisation is masked, it operates under cover of The Fund for Constitutional Government (FCG). It is hard to "follow the money" with an unincorporated group that hides behind the fiscal sponsorship of a larger charitable organisation.

    RTÉ Brainstorm is one of hundreds of worldwide news outlets taking part in Covering Climate Now, a project headed by the Columbia Journalism ReviewThe Nation and The Guardian to strengthen the media's focus on the climate crisis in the lead-up to the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York on September 23rd.

    Alarmists like to point at big oil, they don't like highlighting the torrent of money gushing into their cause.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭crusd

    Do I go with the consensus among scientist who have spent their lives following the data or some random-er on a polemic? Hmmm, its a quandary.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Its great to see so many media organisations collaborating and supporting one another to get the message out there 👍️

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    Just remember the consensus at the time of Galileo, Darwin and Einstein all going against them. Einstein said famously (and im paraphrasing) after 100 scientists sent a letter warning against his theory:" why 100? You only need 1 to prove me wrong". The consensus wants to protect the power. Peer review is used to keep outliers out of the business. The answer is, as Richard Feinman said: "question everything". Do not take the consensus at face value. Look over the fence and climb higher to get a bird's eye perspective. Broaden your horizon (and your X line!). Don't be afraid, be brave and question the narrative. Otherwise, like you, you will be captured and used. You don't have to be a scientist but just need enough intelligence to follow a counter factual presented by qualified people in their field. Unless of course you are afraid to be wrong and not look at the data and continue to trust corrupt institutions who continue to attack opposing views. It is their vile reaction to anything or anybody going against the narrative that is a giveaway. Ministry of Truth kind of thing. 'Misinformation'. The BBC now has a program called 'verify' who will 'fact check' things using 'trusted sources'. I mean, you cannot make it up..

    Time to wake up..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

    ― Upton Sinclair, I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Words that Oil CEO's seem to have lived by for decades 🤷‍♂️

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,110 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    For once you have posted a link that is informative.

    It shows the absolute hypocrisy of greens. Up in arms over biofuels while at the same time happy to ignore that all their reasons for doing so are exactly the same when applied to biomass which they have been championing that makes up 60% of the so called EU "green" energy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    It's a team effort, don't forget all the geologists, oil workers, drivers, chemical & plastic industry, clothing industry, pharmaceuticals, computer industry and everyone who uses products derived from oil. "Big oil" money even finds its way into climate NGOs via Gettys and Rockefellers, even Greta Thunberg benefited directly from big oil.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 680 ✭✭✭US3

    Gretta Thunberg nominated for the freedom of Dublin City. Wtf 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,385 ✭✭✭prunudo

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 14,404 Mod ✭✭✭✭marno21

    Good thing DCC are running the city so well they have time for these kinds of capers

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭crusd

    That is perhaps the greatest cop out I have ever read on here. Galileo, Darwin and Einstein changed the paradigm precisely because they followed the data. The consensus shifted within a short number of years. They did not decisde they did not like something and pull an alternate explanation out of their hole, which is about the best description of the Climate change denial "science", which is based only on supposition and not observation.

    Richard Feinman (sic) did say question everything, and that is precisely how scientific consensus is arrived at and overturned if the data supports the alternative position. The consensus in the 1970's was suggesting a period of global cooling. The data said something different and the consensus shifted.

    And is for the faux condensation You don't have to be a scientist but just need enough intelligence to follow a counter factual presented by qualified people in their field. Unless of course you are afraid to be wrong and not look at the data and continue to trust corrupt institutions who continue to attack opposing views. You in fact have chosen to "follow a counter factual" based on its polemic alone when in fact it is not in any way supported by observation. You have chosen to trust the contrarian position because accepting the data based assessment does not offer and easy way out. The contrarian view being backed by big oil and other vested interests and is craftily designed to hoodwink the feeble minded into believing there is an easy answer to global problems, as everyone longs for there to be easy answers.

    Tell me why are the "elites", as you would probably characterise them, choosing to promote a difficult path that requires major changes and potential massive economic impacts, over preserving the status quo which protects their current status?

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    You can look at the climate debate as a rigged courtroom in which the prosecution have picked the jury and where the judge has been bribed. Where useful evidence is cherry picked, where witnesses for the defense are attacked and character assassinated, their views ridiculed and silenced.

    In the film 12 angry men the consensus was quickly reached and the man found guilty of murder. But an older jury member had doubts and proposed to take a second look at the data. He was ridiculed, verbally attacked for a long time until one by one the jury members had to admit the levels of uncertainty around the case, that certain evidence did not match up, that in the end it did not make logical sense to reach a verdict of guilty. In 20 years time many will feel shame about their current position.At least i hope so. Or collective amnesia as in the Covid period.

    When we talk about 'the climate' we are really talking about long timespans in a general way, 100-1000-10.000-100.000-millions of years with some rough trends. We use 'global temperature' which is just a statistical number that does not mean anything. Earth's temperature variability runs roughly from minus to plus 50 degrees Celsius. In that light 1 or 2 degrees difference is well within the parameters of natural variability. There is simply no way to make a solid equation in which a trace gas like Co2 causes global differences, no matter how you present it. In fact it is SO uncertain and doubtful that proponents go ape **** if this is being put forward. They know they are on shakey ground, like a hog on ice. They need to double down or the whole thing falls apart. If it was so selfevident they wouldnt need all the strongarm tactics. Still, the true believers need dictatorial power to make people comply. Hence they never stop. But reality will stop them just the same. We bare witness..

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    Nice try. But, to put it mildly: it is the 'climate' scientists that rig the data ie observations/measurements to fit their models ( i should say, those who write the IPCC AR reports and can pick the data, not the various scientists). It is standard practice, if the data doesnt follow the model the data is wrong and needs to be 'recalibrated'. That is the opposite of science in which the model is wrong if the data doesnt support it.

    About global cooling, yes, that was the consensus back then. When the data didnt support it some went to the other side and saying the opposite, global WARMING. When that stagnated it turned into Climate Change in which you can put anything into the basket. You see how this works? It is no longer about science but about politics.

    Keep talking about consensus and stay ignorant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭crusd

    That word vomit doesn't in fact advance any argument.

    In the real world predictions were made on the impact of CO2 on global temperatures before impacts were observed. And what do you know the data on temperature impacts is now following the predictions. That is science.

    What is not science is stating that "There is simply no way to make a solid equation in which a trace gas like Co2 causes global differences, no matter how you present it." as fact when in fact the mechanism by which CO2 concentration impacts temperature is well understood, and was so well before any anthropocentric theories of climate change were advanced. Stating something as being true does not make it so.

    What you have done is taken a simple conclusion out of context. An equation which fully describes the impact of CO2 fully and completely as part of a complex system does not exist. This does not mean it does not have an impact. Becuase something cannot be boiled down to a simple A+B=C does not mean that conclusions cannot be drawn based on observation and data.

    Also, the attempt to characterise atmospheric CO2 as as "trace" gas is disingenuous at best. The well established science that predated climate change tells us that without atmospheric greenhouse gases the temperature of the planet would be about 30deg colder than it is. The use of "trace" is designed the hoodwink the feeble mined by using an isolated fact, the proportion of CO2 in air is low, to obscure that fact that the impact is massive. Without thinking someone might say what impact could 0.04% have. But the open and rational mind will understand that there are many examples of even smaller concentrations having a large impact. Trying seeing out you get on without the 0.005% Iron in your body. And try seeing how you get on if the that concentration was to increase significantly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,237 ✭✭✭crusd

    I am sure you can cite the observations that dont agree with the scientific community.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    Does the scientific community agree with the political community, the religious community, the traveler community, the business community?

    Are you a spokesperson on behalf of the scientific community? What do you believe to be true? we are talking about your religious convictions.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.
