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Transgender man wins women's 100 yd and 400 yd freestyle races.



  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    You and I are done talking cordial if you are going to throw the toys out of the pram and accuse me of ulterior narratives and agendas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,879 ✭✭✭✭Rothko

    Why do you people keep wasting your time arguing with him?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭J.O. Farmer

    Some reasonable points although athletes regardless of gender/ sex would train equally hard so not the same as manual workers v aristocracy.

    Testosterone isn't the only difference between sexes.

    However if we look at it alone there is a question if exposure for a time to a substance gives benefit after the stopping exposure to that substance.

    It's a valid question in relation to dopers probably even more than transgender as there's a lot more of those. It would seem there is benefit.

    You are correct about prepubescent children. There is no case for a ban under the age of puberty though puberty can vary between individuals and so there needs to be a somewhat arbitrary age at which it would have to be said that puberty begins to impact.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    The question is a red herring. You and I could both drop dead in 30 seconds and this debate would still rage on. Accusing each other endlessly of suited narratives would bore us both to tears. I will just leave this here, Biden repeated this when he came to Ireland recently, while he was shaking hands with a reception, but I can't find the more recent clip now, the written story will have to do:

    “try to look beyond the caricature of the person with whom you have to work.”

    “It gets in the way of being able to reach consensus for things that matter to you and many other people,” he said.

    Biden said he learned early in his first term as a senator from Delaware to not find fault based on what he believed motivated others.

    He recalled that he objected angrily to criticism by then-Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., of a proposal for broader rights for disabled citizens. Then-Sen. Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., told Biden that Helms had adopted a disabled youngster.

    “I felt like a fool,” Biden said.

    The vice president recalled Mansfield telling him it’s appropriate to question another man’s judgment, but to not question what’s behind his decisions “because you simply don’t know his motives.”

    As a result, Biden said he’s equipped to work with Democrats and Republicans because “whether they like me or not they know that I don’t judge them for what I think they’re thinking.”

    “When you question a man’s motives, when you say they’re acting out of greed or in the pocket of an interest group, it’s awful hard to reach consensus,” he said.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Why do people waste time banning trans people from existing peacefully?

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Some reasonable points although athletes regardless of gender/ sex would train equally hard so not the same as manual workers v aristocracy.

    Yeah but they're not starting from the same starting point on the current state of the world, the common male is a selectively bred manual laborer with fighting tendencies, the common female is not. It would be fascinating to know if boy/girl twins with virtually identical genetics who had equal nurturing in sport would achieve similar performance.

    Testosterone isn't the only difference between sexes.

    Definitely but its what is being honed in on by trans sports regulations.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭J.O. Farmer

    A twin boy and girl cannot have virtually the same genetics any more than other siblings from different pregnancies.

    I also think most kids get equal opportunities in sport providing they have interest. There's probably lots of examples of sporting families with equal nurturing where there could be a comparison drawn.

    Times have also moved on, most males are not being bred to toil in the fields doing manual labour. Nobody consciously selects a partner on that basis either. However any breeding for that should also breed females better than average for those traits also. I think you are talking about nurturing rather than breeding but many males are nurtured to become white collar professionals not manual labourers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,210 ✭✭✭Patrick2010

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,774 ✭✭✭✭BattleCorp

    You have a very valid point. I'll cease shortly.

    Now who's throwing their toys out of the pram? My reply to you was very cordial. Nothing insulting in it at all. I'm disagreeing with your point of view, that's all. I asked a question that someone else also asked and you continue to refuse to answer.

    And lets be honest, you do have a motive/agenda/narrative - to allow transwomen (biological males) compete in the female category in sports. I also have a motive/agenda/narrative in that I think it shouldn't be allowed. Feel free to deny that you don't have a motive/agenda/narrative if you like. I certainly won't deny that I have one.

    If we abandoned sporting categories (male/female) and had only one category open to all, then the females would suffer because the vast majority of sports would be won by men. The females wouldn't get a look in. I think most people would agree with that. Or do you disagree that biological men have a sporting advantage over biological females?

    Most people believe that there shouldn't be an end to having separate mens and women's sports as women would lose out when it comes to winning. Hell, they wouldn't even qualify for finals in most sports, let alone win much. There'd be the odd success but there's absolutely no denying that physically, men have a very large advantage over biological women. And transwomen, whether you like me saying it or not, are biological men. If everyone competed in an open category, you'd end up with no female boxing world champions, no women would ever win a World Cup medal in soccer. No women would get to the 100m finals etc. It'd be pretty much the same at amateur level. Women would turn up for trials but wouldn't make the teams. In other words, they'd be pushed out of sport.

    It's my belief, and correct me if I'm wrong, that you won't answer the question because you do acknowledge that men have a biological physical advantage over biological women but won't answer the question because that harms your position. If men have a biological advantage over females, then that harms the argument that transwomen should be allowed to compete in female sports. Not trying to put words in your mouth, feel free to rebut my thinking.

    Anyway, seeing as you love citations, here's the poll. And the number of voices calling for transgender athletes not to be allowed to compete in their chosen gender category is growing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    If we abandoned sporting categories (male/female) and had only one category open to all, then the females would suffer because the vast majority of sports would be won by men.

    This is the same facially plausible, but misleading argument that was again, once made to exclude blacks from white sports, 'the whites will suffer because everything would be won by blacks - or do you agree that whites have a sporting advantage over blacks'

    There is also the central issue here your statement alludes to: inclusion, equality, etc. vs. "but who won?" ('Most people believe that there shouldn't be an end to having separate mens and women's sports as women would lose out when it comes to winning.') when sex is as much a protected category as race, how is that not a bit like saying it's unfair for blacks to be allowed to run for president because they might win?

    Feel free to deny that you don't have a motive/agenda/narrative if you like. I certainly won't deny that I have one.

    Not interesting argument and doesn't move anything forward constructively. ICYMI see my biden post above, phone died while I was editing that post you quoted.

    And transwomen, whether you like me saying it or not, are biological men.

    Trans women, whether you like me saying it or not, are women. Again, no point repeating yourself there, or I, it doesn't move us forward.

    It's my belief, and correct me if I'm wrong, that you won't answer the question because you do acknowledge that men have a biological physical advantage over biological women but won't answer the question because that harms your position.

    I effectively answered this question substance when I spoke about Darwinian evolution a few moments ago, these apparent differences in the sexes are for a whole host of reasons, anthropological and otherwise. When you account for these factors, as was done to correct biology and incorrect assumptions correlating physical performance to race, you find less actual differentiation than previously thought. One study I linked to earlier (a literature review) found in its study (you can see everything they researched, tabulated) there was inconclusive differences in sporting performance once testosterone was controlled for at least 12 months.

    Polls are fine but again as far as I can tell, across the entire spectrum of LGTBQ issues there has been a marked shift right because of groomer panic campaigns: less than half of Republicans now describe homosexuality itself as acceptable. Which has nothing to do with transgenderism or sports, but its being swept up in what is an apparent culture war, along with acts of violents against the LGBTQ community, even acts of terror across entire regions as in the case of US electrical substation attacks last year. "LGB" (trans-exclusionary) activists who are against the trans movement might find the face eating leopards will eat their face after all. Also from Gallup polling:

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,774 ✭✭✭✭BattleCorp

    Trans women, whether you like me saying it or not, are women. Again, no point repeating yourself there, or I, it doesn't move us forward.

    Biologically they are male. You can harp on all you want about the social construct that allows them to call themselves women but the reality is that they are biologically male.

    That's as far as my argument needs to go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Plus just imagine how crazy this will all get when designer babies are a reality.

    We won’t be discussing transgenderism we will be on to transhumanism and inclusion & fairness between the coordinators and the naturals like the bad plot of a Gundam show. Arguing about this stuff will have been seen as quaint.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭J.O. Farmer

    And yet me a pasty white/ tomato red Irish guy identifying as a black man would be considered racist but no issue with me declaring myself a lesbian woman (assuming I had gender dysphoria and was still attracted to women).

    Funny how the culture wars work. However it has nothing to do with sport except it's being hijacked as a science v religion type battle ground in the wars.

    Designer babies would be unethical. I can't see it being allowed legally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    You can identify as black and you wouldn’t be disqualified from sport. 😶

    Russians, Chinese, Iranians, Saudis etc are racist and homophobes but they’ve still been allowed to the Olympics yeah?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭J.O. Farmer

    You're the expert on the negro leagues, would I have qualified for those. That was when sport categories were based on social construct.

    A better analogy if I was a boxer I weigh at least 200 pounds. I could probably make the 200lb cruiserweight weight limit. However even if I identified as being a lightweight (135 lb) I would be disqualified for failing to make weight.

    This would qualify for a heavyweight class and if I lost a few pound I'd make cruiserweight.

    Another one is I've never had an organ transplant. I don’t think I would qualify for the world transplant games even with a sincerely held belief I had had one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Weight isn’t a social construct it’s physics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,637 ✭✭✭Enduro

    I think we can add genetics an science to sports in the list of things you know little or nothing about. No need to confirm it for us. It's clear from what you are posting. Males and Femles are not seperate species which can be easily selectively bred in different directions.

    It's not just "obvious" that athletes of the male sex have significant performance advantages over athletes of the female sex in the vast majority of sports. There are littereally billions of data points supporting this. Basically its a statistically proven fact. I can point you in the direction of plenty of websites you can use to read the data, so you can try to find any data which disporves this fact.

    I don't think that you're motivated by mysogeny, but your arguments are unbeleiveably mysogenistic. You now seem to be argueming that the entire female population lack their own agency to overcome some form of societal manipultion that ensures that they couldn't possibly be able to compete with males at sports. You "solution" to eliminate the male and female categories in sports is hugely mysogenistic in effect, whether that is you intention or not.

    Do you realise how massively illogical your post is?

    You are pointing out that pre-puberty there is limited physical difference between boy's and girls as far as athletics potential is concerned. We can agree on that.

    That implies that there are physical difference between males and females once puberty takes aaffect. (Otherwise ther ewould be no point in bringing up pre-pubesent athletes at all).

    So now you accept that there is a physical difference post puberty between athletes who have been through male puberty and athletes who have not. But at the same time you're trying to argue that the only difference bewtween males and females is that they have been conditioned by society to perform different roles. Both of those can't be true. One is wrong since they are mutually contradictory.

    There have been studies which show that testorone suppresion reduces the performance gap between males and females. However the most current studies show clearly that it doesn't elminiate the male performance advanttage. Not by a long shot. There are many other factors involved which ensure that males retain statistically significant performance advantages over females even after teststerone suppresion.

    Which leads to your next logical inconsistancy. You seem to be advovating for testorone supression to suppress the physical advantages that males have over females. This would imply that trans-women would retain the advantages of their male sex biology without testoserone supporession. If that is the case then that would clearly be unfair to cis-female competiors in the female category if they were allowed to compete in that category. Your basically agreeing that obtaining a gneder recognition certifiacte is not enough to negate male performance advantage. Medical intervention would also be required, if what you are arguing is true.

    I'm sure that since none of this has anything to do with American politics, liberlas/conservatives, reblicans/democrats, Biden/Trump, that way way beyond your comfort zone.

    And just for you I'm going to define male and female for you in a very thread appropriate context. This thread was orignally about the results of athetes in a swimming competiton. Here are the definitions of male and female from the rules of the Wolrd governing body for the sport of swimming (found here)...

    The word “female” means possession of XX chromosomes and (in the absence of medical intervention) ovaries and increased circulating oestrogen and progesterone starting at puberty.

    The word “male” means possession of XY chromosomes and (in the absence of medical Intervention) testes and increased circulating testosterone starting at puberty.

    The word “sex” denotes natural biological differences between females and males, includingchromosomes, sex organs, and endogenous hormonal profiles. This Policy uses the word “sex” and the term “biological sex” interchangeably

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,774 ✭✭✭✭BattleCorp

    Actually weight when it comes to boxers isn't physics, it's biology/physiology.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    No it's still physics, gravity and newtonian forces don't cancel out because you label it biology.

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭sonar44

    It's just a discussion. Something more important is bound to come along.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    There are littereally billions of data points supporting this. Basically its a statistically proven fact.

    Statistics that don't prove the exceptions, which are again, still covered by Equal Protection of the law.

    But at the same time you're trying to argue that the only difference


    I'm going to define male and female for you in a very thread appropriate context. This thread was orignally about the results of athetes in a swimming competiton. Here are the definitions of male and female from the rules of the Wolrd governing body for the sport of swimming (found here)...

    The word “female” means possession of XX chromosomes and (in the absence of medical intervention) ovaries and increased circulating oestrogen and progesterone starting at puberty.

    The word “male” means possession of XY chromosomes and (in the absence of medical Intervention) testes and increased circulating testosterone starting at puberty.

    The word “sex” denotes natural biological differences between females and males, includingchromosomes, sex organs, and endogenous hormonal profiles. This Policy uses the word “sex” and the term “biological sex” interchangeably

    So an intersex person with only one X chromosome (XO), they're just fucked and cannot compete then. That sounds problematic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,774 ✭✭✭✭BattleCorp

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,523 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Woah really? If it does, write the paper and put in for the Nobel prize.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,637 ✭✭✭Enduro

    I'll take it from your lack of response to my other points that you are unable to refute that you're argumanets are mutually inconsistant and illogical, and have the end result of being mysogenestic in effect, even if that is far from your intention.

    As for your reply, it reads as context free nonsense. What exceptions to what statistics? I'm going to guess we can add statistics to the list of things you have no idea about.

    If any World Swimming's rules break the law please point out which article breaks the law, and can you reference the case where this was shown in court, thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭sonar44

    It's just a discussion. Something more important is bound to come along.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,220 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Wow, the irony lol. Just like how the biological advantages males have in various sports dont cancel out because you label them female. Or according to you, they do because, feelings, or something.
