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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Exactly. It is a team effort albeit a constrained one. Big up people, causes, issues etc. Give them the royal seal of approval and wider profile. That is the gig and there is a team behind them all. Any bullying of such staff would have consequences. I can only imagine the ideas and notions brought about by the superstars and how it created a toxic environment when the word no had to be mentioned numerous times. No you can't accept gifts. No you can't speak about topic x, y or z, no you can't personally get $500k a year for shaking hands, cutting ribbons etc. It was stifling, constraining but it is what it is and they left be that either voluntarily or forced to do so because it could never work. Interesting to see Trevor Phillips call out their victim playing as well. They had the chance to make a difference, to work with such staff to be iconic but they are where they are now circling the drain in sink or swim America because they wanted to aggrandise themselves instead.

    "They could have been a beacon of discovery and reconciliation. Not just to Britain, but the whole world. Instead, they completely squandered a golden opportunity to show everyone what this country is really like in matters of race — a country where no one disturbs themselves about a marriage across the lines of race and ethnicity. But they constructed this completely ridiculous and unpleasant story about how maltreated they were — which, frankly, no one believes. No one cared about Meghan’s race. They could have made things different for millions of people and they chose not to. That’s unforgivable. In my book, that’s a sin."

    They could have gone away with dignity and returned if it all bombed but they decided to burn any bridges back to that and are looking at limbo with the likes of Spotify cutting ties.

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,926 ✭✭✭dogbert27

    A hard fact conclusion on an opening probability!

    Harry might have just found his new solicitor! 😂😂😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    I think her point is (and I would agree with it), is that they are not allowed move on because the only interest the general public have in the royal family is gossip about the family. And that is how the tabloids make their living - gossip.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,033 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    Hard to move on with all the ongoing trials you mentioned earlier too.

    The Prince of Trials and Megain need to reinvent themselves fairly sharpish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    As far as I can recall, they did say that they had send a 30 page submission to the ''investigation'' and they didn't get a replyl

    In that article it said they were saddened by the failure of the palace to share the findings. Always thought the timing of the complaint was unusual. Just 2 days before the Oprah interview!

    Why have they not sued Valentine Low? Low would say that he was told by someone in the Palace and wouldn't say who it was. Palace says its invesetigating, investigates and then does nothing. Two of Meghan's PA's left. One was fired for getting and keeping 'gifts' she got using Meghan's name. The other one wasn't a PA, her previous job was nannying for Robbie Williams kids and had no PA experience. She is gone back to nannying kids again. Meghan's wasn't the one who fired them by the way.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Taking comeone to court has nothing to do with defending your character. Its the tabloids who are having to defend their 'character' in this incidence, something they will have to get used to.

    As a matter of interest, do you think it is right for newspapers to hack phones, fly drones over their houses, follow them everywhere so that these people (and they are people) need to always have security with them to protect them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    They actually did go away quietly. But the tabloids would not leave them alone. They had left the UK 15 months when they did the Oprah interview. Covid lockdowns started around March 2020 when Harry & Meghan had to get out of their house in Vancouver because their security was pulled and they had paps all over the place.

    They were just not left alone.

    They had left quietly when the paps were flying drones over Tyler Perry's house where they staying and where they had to build a fence around the house.

    Do you honestly think that it is ok for the paps require then to do that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    You seem to have definitive knowledge of what goes on behind closed doors. No speculation, inference or deductions from you. A "source" close to them told E News they were disappointed. E News. Lol. How come they couldn't make one of those statements asking for a formal release of the findings?

    Oh look a journo protecting one of their sources? Unbelieveable stuff! Come on you know how this works. Presumably the source of the story came from the palace and the timing isn't suspicious at all. 2 days before Oprah. We all know what was said in that interview so springing a story about alleged bullying was unsurprising i.e. the Oprah interview was expected to drop bombshells (watch the tantalising trailer) and when you are proverbially coiling back to throw a punch don't cry foul when you get punched in the jaw.

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Well, you hardly think The Times/Mail/Express/Sun are going to publish anything like that. LOL.

    Of course Low is going to protect his source. LOL. Camilla LOL.

    You seem to think it is ok to make up stuff to defend yourself. LOL. I'm not surprised that they did that. Totally immoral how they go about things and some people think it is ok. LOL.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Megxit happened. Lots of tabloid coverage, general serious commentary about what it meant. They went to Canada. Have a year to think things over they were told. Covid hit. World focused on that. They moved to California. Media coverage flattens. Meghan read duck/rabbit to Archie. Murmurs of curious interest. Covid still dominates. Their year review is up. They step down. Consequences of that kicked in. Perks lost. They go on Oprah who did the "What?" which was meme worthy. They win support until the holes in their story grow wider by the month. A listers and their attention dissipates. World, in the middle of a pandemic, ridicules a multi-millionaire grown man living in a mansion complaining that his dad cut him off and he has to begrudgingly sign lucrative deals with media companies. Telpis. They continuously do click bait PR. Tabloids lap it all up for their own clickbait and cream themselves about a gift that keeps on giving. Most only actually care about or pay any heed to them if they spill the tea on the royals (Netflix series, Spare). Other than that they and their current and ex-PR (Sunshine Sachs) just can't make fetch happen without that (diminishing returns) money maker.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Camilla is Lows source? My god! There I was thinking it was the reverse vampires.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    they are not allowed move on

    Nobody is stopping them moving on except themselves. Who on earth else do you think is “not allowing” them to move on? Moving on would mean doing something new, if they could think of something

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,272 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    The royal family did her a favour by not releasing the bullying report imo. Why has Meghan not demanded it be released if it the claims were unfounded? Why have they not sued anyone over the allegations when we know they love to do that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭superflyninja

    Had they truly wished to be left alone they would never have setup the Oprah interview. As you say, there were out for 15 months. Stick it out a bit longer and the media would soon lose interest and move on to meatier subjects.

    But H&M didnt want that. They wanted the limelight and the money. They campaigned for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    The RF (William) did themselves a favour. According to Valentine Lowe:

    “And they thought if they put that out there, the Sussexes would be furious and would come back with something. So they’d rather take a bit of criticism from the media for not being very open with us than have get into another fight with Harry with Meghan.”

    Seemingly, William's excuse was to protect the alleged bullied! Meghan was not allowed defend herself.

    William is the bully in that organisation. Remember, Meghan had to tell him to take his finger out of her face.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    They haven't because there must surely be substance behind it. Substance which the tabloids latched on to, which Harry and Meghan wanted to be contained, substance which couldn't be controlled. Yes there are elements of the press that are toxic but for all their railing against the british press those entities haven't remotely touched the more extreme elements that are online about the Sussexes. Think surrogacy, moon bumps, ex-yacht girl, beaten up hookers while on duty etc. It is salacious and unhinged stuff yet the tabloids wouldn't touch it because there is no substance to any of that nonsense. Once they got a sniff of trouble and drama behind closed doors then, as they do, they zeroed in on it. A royal rift was perfect. They picked a side like in a general election. They built them up like the Three Lions, waiting until one missed a penalty and became public villain #1. Their egos couldn't take it. The troubling part for the Sussexes is that the tabloids were spot on. There was trouble behind closed doors and their combative stance is indicative of them trying to control a narrative. You can't stop the press printing an issue with the England manager looking like a turnip.

    It's the reason I think they agreed to that Oprah interview. It was unnecessary, the timing was awful but they knew they'd been behaving like headmelting **** behind closed doors, they knew the media was pushing for the nitty gritty and having been likely ousted and without any meaningful pay off or perks wanted to get ahead of any headlines to protect the brand. Worse could be coming and it was a case of throw 'em under the bus. The family hated us, the press are out to get us. Send Money, Harry has to *gulp* sign with Netflix.....shudder. The british tabloids picked a side? Has Harry never followed a general election for example? Get over yourself.

    Likewise the Sussexes haven't addressed any of this online craziness. It is weird to me that Meghan can go on Oprah moaning that the suits in the palace didn't give people the facts about who made who cry over stockings but won't complain about the much worse and anonymous nut cases online saying she wore moon bumps, was riding Prince Andrew etc. In a way, by fighting the likes of The Mirror, they are fighting an analog battle in a digital war.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    Meghan had to tell him to take his finger out of her face

    From the Gospel according to Harry, presumably? It always amuses me that both H & M refer to "my truth". I don't think I have ever heard them use the well known expression, "The Truth". No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,926 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    A nice bit of research there- I’ve no doubt it will be poo pooed by the usual suspects soon enough - or actually they probably won’t because it’s TRUE 😛

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    From what they have said, they don't look at social media. Most of the stuff, they don't respond to as well in the press. The tabloids have a way of avoiding getting involved in legal action by quoting someone else. For example, the 17 lies that H&M apparently told in that Oprah interview was started by Piers Morgan in an interview on Fox News. (It started out initially as 17 lies and unproveable and ended up as 17 lies!) One of his claims that was a lie is certainly not true - about the Royals talking to the press - there are photos of Camilla at lunch with Morgan and Clarkson. An unprovable which is now described as a lie is Meghan claiming to have been suicidal. That is unprovable, not a lie.

    Interesting that you claim they don't publicise some of the more nutcase stuff, I've seen some so called 'royal experts' retweeting some of this stuff. By chance, a tweet appeared on my time line where the tweeter was congratulating Meghan's Mole (a notorious hate account) for getting her story about the Dior deal being picked up by the New York Post which is the article that was being quoted by all the British tabloids. The story about the Dior contract was made up by a notorious troll and now everyone believes it!

    Pointless taking any of these accounts seriously. They have nothing to gain from doing so. Meghan's Mole was banned from twitter (and I think YouTube), but Elon let it back. Free speech you know!

    The way it works in the UK, the tabloids pick the PM/Government. Without the support of the tabloids, you haven't a hope of being in power in the UK.

    You refer to them and looking for money. How are they meant to live if they are cut off by his family? Please explain that one to me. What are they meant to do to support themselves?

    As an aside about earning money and Harry being criticised for touting for voiceover work for Meghan from the CEO of Disney which the newspapers ran with. It was a joke. Several months previous to this, Meghan had done the voiceover for a movie about a herd of elephants for Disney. The payment she received was donated to the Elephant Charity! The joke was on the tabloids!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Well, I think William is well known for having temper tantrums. Even his buddies in the tabloids were saying that Kate treats him like a child when he loses his temper. At least he didn't hit her a box I suppose!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    How could they support themselves? Seriously?

    Let me do a back of the envelope assessment. I'll assume he had £30 million in "money my Mum left me". Worth that much after years of investment/reinvestment since her death. Add in a couple more million from the Queen Mum. You said Meghan had $5 million. Charles gave him £2 million when they left. Let's say this is $40 million to play with/live off.

    You buy a gaff in a private gated community with 24/7 security. $2 million we'll say. Can even mortgage that if necessary. Keep $8 million in the bank for expenses and invest $30 million in boring/conservative but predictably profitable blue chips (Coke, J&J etc.). Even at a 3% dividend that is approaching a million dollars a year for doing absolutely nothing. Let's not touch that 30 million and use the dividend money to pay for a live in bodyguard and a full time nanny.

    They still have 8 million cash to play with. Phil dies and another couple of million comes on the books in inheritance. They get bored and have the clout to secure a $20 million deal with Spotify and Meghan actually works at it and delivers regular content organically building a following. She starts up The Tig again and becomes an Insta influencer. The duchess/royal angle obviously giving a competitive advantage. Meanwhile Harry studies for a qualification to become a therapist. He has a plan to forge a media career as a celebrity therapist but feels the need to actually have the actual qualifications to be legit and not a show pony like at Better Up. His trauma and therapy over Diana is a unique selling point. Keeps them busy.

    The Queen dies and we'll allow for $5 million in inheritance. Their 30 million still pumps out dividends and in time Charles snuffs it and the inheritance adds $50 million along with valuable properties to their portfolio. Set for life.

    It's not Oprah/Perry levels of wealth but they'd have been more than able to support themselves given what they already had to hand as well as what would be coming via inheritances (plural).

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    They did the Oprah to refute the lies that had been said about them. They are never going to be left alone and need to earn $3m alone a year to cover security. And those costs will get higher once the kids start growing up. There is nothing meatier than the RF who will need to provide the sacrificial lamb if the press move on from Harry and Meghan. Another 4/5 years I suppose Charlotte and Louis will be useful cannon fodder for them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    Some will, of course, pooh-pooh this article, which is contemporaneous with the Oprah “interview”, but for me it pretty well sums up that event, albeit has a Canadian view, and the likely outcomes

    And as far as H&M’s future income/expenditure is concerned, their industrial sized sense of entitlement is preventing them from actually earning money. Nobody owes them a series of hand outs. The huge majority of people have to work in order to provide for their own needs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,272 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Has this been posted?

    I saw that a former real housewife of New Jersey has bought a $16 million montecito home. Harry and Meghan probably think someone like that is bringing down the tone of the neighbourhood and will be moving out pronto 😀

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,272 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    Harry thought Putin and trump would sit and discuss their childhood traumas for a podcast, and the pope would talk about "religion". Perhaps this is the zoom call that bill Simmons was referring to? How out of touch with reality can one person be?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Whats the relevance of being contemporaneous? Factual inaccuracy there as well. It says someone ''asked'' about the colour of the baby. In the interview they said that someone expressed 'concern' on the colour of the baby.

    Why would anyone but a racist express 'concern' about the colour of a baby?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    You’re trying to have it both ways, or maybe even three

    Concern is their word. Did someone ask a question which they took as a concern? And, of course, as Harry belatedly pointed out, they didn’t use the word racist. That was the British Press. And he managed to say that with a straight face!

    H&M continually re-cast history to suit the situation on the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    It said 'world leaders'. Its doubtful that anyone would have expected Putin to be interviewed, but people like Angela Merkel, George Bush, Jens Stolenberg and Erdogan in Turkey would be interesting to hear from. I don't see why the Pope would refuse either. That shows the lack of ambition by Bill Simmons of Spotify (perhaps because he knows they would never talk to him). It might also explain why Spotify are pissed off that Archetypes walked. In the announcement about the Obamas contract, Spotify said they decided not to renew it. In the Spotify-Archewell announcement, it was ''mutual agreement to part ways''.

    It might also explain why the person who hired archewell got the bullet (for the poor contract that allowed them to walk).

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,272 ✭✭✭ceadaoin.

    No, it said he wanted to interview Putin, trump and mark Zuckerberg specifically, and about their childhoods. Bizarre stuff altogether

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    I simply love how, as a rule, you always frame things in a way that means Harry and Meghan are blameless.
