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You've been looking in the wrong direction, the dangers are coming from the Left - read OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Being in parliament doesn't make them being in government?

    I'm not following this clap trap. I don't like criticising people's grammar but this is a constant with you. It's so pronounced that your points are incredibly difficult to follow.

    We can measure the potential threat of far left and far right ideologies by how parties that represent those beliefs perform in elections.

    By using these factual metrics we can see that the far right is not a threat in Ireland while the far left are not only a threat but they are becoming the establishment in many ways.

    You think I'm scaremongering and afraid of "anything left wing", well there's grounds for concern about the influence of the left wing. Grounds for concern based on facts and observable evidence.

    No such evidence exists to support the scaremongering about the far right in this country yet it is a cry we hear more than any other these days.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    You've managed to circumvent reality in quite an astonishing way.

    You take the quote I made above several pages back and completely fail to understand it and take it wildly out of context. Bravo.

    Then you go on to list out elected sitting TD's as exemplars for left wing politicians that no one takes seriously. They're all not taken seriously to the point that they were elected to the Dail.

    The idea of a credible argument from a leftist is laughable and you've proven that beautifully above.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,365 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    Government is currently a coalition of Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Green party. There is a difference between being in parliamnent and being in government, so you can withdraw the grammar accusations.

    I'm not dealing with far anything. Neither far left nor far right are a threat in terms of political power. I've said countless times that the threats come from the extremists not the moderates - but in Ireland they simply don't have the numbers. But this isn't about far anything, so put the goalposts back. If "we have no far right to balance the far left" is all you have, then we're done here.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Oh the grammar issue exists, you should have said "being in parliament doesn't equate to them being in government" or something to that effect.

    I don't like saying things like that about peoples grammar but you persist with it to the point that it's difficult to understand what you're saying. I wouldn't mind if you hadn't been so rude to me previously.

    The far left are literally in parliament and you suggest they aren't any sort of threat? The far right are not comparable to the far left in Ireland yet you would put them on an equal footing.

    I'm sorry but you can't ignore reality to suit your beliefs. I'm not moving goalposts here, you are, yet you accuse me of the same. I'm dealing in facts, you are dealing in opinion.

    And if you want to pin your hopes of winning an argument on another posters opinions I'd suggest looking beyond the poster you named and their ill informed fact-phobic diatribes.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,718 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    I understood it perfectly within the context in which it was written, but then you go and contradict it yet again with Sinn Fein and Gino Kenny as your examples of a credible threat which you’re purporting should be taken seriously, even though they are as you suggest “all moral crusades and paranoid nonsense and no actionable ideas that benefit anyone”. I agree with your assessment, and I’d throw Ivana Bacik, Alan Kelly and Holly Cairns in there too.

    Being elected to the Dail doesn’t mean they are in Government, you know this, so your earlier petty jibe at another poster when you’re aware that they’re referring to the Left being relegated to being in Opposition rings hollow tbh.

    Yet again you’re contradicting yourself by claiming that the idea of a credible argument coming from a leftist is laughable, and I’ve proven it beautifully, but you still claim that there’s any sort of a credible threat coming from the Left.

    Why would I, as someone who is politically Conservative Right, imagine the Left present any sort of a credible threat? They’re not even a credible alternative for the people who vote for them as they have no policies even worth engaging with.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    You can't have understood what I said correctly and then written the rest of that post.

    You dismiss the potential of Sinn Fein et al even though Sinn Fein received more votes than any other party in the last general election.

    The current coalition was cobbled together to ensure Sinn Fein couldn't get into power, it wasn't starting from a position of strength. And make no mistake things have not improved in relation to the issues people were led to vote for Sinn Fein for. Housing health etc are all still a disaster, but they will be exponentially worse with a coalition of Sinn Fein and assorted lefties in power.

    Making grandiose claims about free this and free that for all has been Sinn Fein's calling card, and that is not actionable at all, add to that the "nationalise everything" rhetoric of People Before Profit etc and you have a recipe for disaster.

    These grifters could very well come to power on the back of promises of easy solutions that they could ruin the country attempting to deliver.

    There is a more compelling case to be made for the potential danger posed by the left than there is for danger posed by the far right in this country.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,365 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    Regardimg the grammar issue - you know the difference berween being in parliament and being in government. You're not an idiot. I didn't say it that way for this reason. If you misread it, ok - but that's not my fault and nothing to do with grammar.

    Regarding the.far left issue - not what I said. I said neither has the numbers to be a threat. I didn't say one was stongger or weaker than the other. Again, you know this - you know what I wrote. Just to add: it would take sonething seismic for either to become a threat, and i don't see that happening.

    I'm.not trying to win an argument, I'm trying to illustrate a pont. Which is getting increasingly futile because you keep reading something contra to what I wrote. And there's nothing I can do about that.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    One is stronger than the other.

    This is measurable through election results.


    So when you say that the far left isn't any stronger than the far right you're not making a statement based in fact as illustrated above.

    You're not making sense, and I'm guessing it's because the facts outlined above are something you haven't been conversant with until now. Not that it stopped you from speaking as some sort of authority on the subject.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,365 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    Quoting the very post you replied to:

    I didn't say one was stringer or weaker than the other.

    Again - you're not reading what I've posted!!

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Your point a few posts back was that neither the far right or far left had the numbers to be a threat. The facts don't corroborate that as outlined in the election results.

    Glazers Out!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,365 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    Exactly. Not that one is stronger than the other.

    And with the strongest one getting jusr 2.6% of the vote accotdinh to your link, I'm standing by that.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭ppn

    Sure, but why prescribe them (to children) in the first place, in most cases after minimal consultation, given the irreversible damage they can cause. Comparing to something like Tylenol is disingenuous. They are marketed by the gender affirmation lot as reversible and harmless. Shocking really. An afront to all existing medical science.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    You're not seeing the potential for the likes of PBP to make up part of a coalition.

    A coalition of SF, Greens, PBP and assorted others is a possibility.

    The Greens have been in coalition with FFG but wouldn't baulk at a coalition with a more left leaning set of partners as that is more their natural habitat to begin with.

    So the notion that the numbers aren't there isn't based in reality.

    You accuse me of scaremongering about anything left wing yet you refuse to accept the reality of the situation.

    And regardlese of your opinion the enormous chasm in support between the far left and the far right is significant and it makes a mockery of the notion that the far right is on the rise and responsible for everything negative in Ireland.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,365 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    I started off by saying that the far left don't have the numbers to be a threat. You're responce to this is to exaggerate to say that they might get in as a very minor party in a left-wing coalation (which, counting the seats of all the parties you mention, is still 20-25 seats away from that possibility.

    So essentially, what you've done here is presented a strwaman argument. You've gone from saying "the far left have the numbers to be a threat" to "the far left have the numbers to be a threat in coalittion" to "the the left have the numbers to be a threat in coalition" - and assumed that I should be scared of the left. And that IS scaremongering.

    It also neatly brings us back to my original point: the only way people can present the left as a threat is with exaggeration

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    I've been saying the same thing all along.

    If we take the far right and the far left in Ireland only one has any foothold in the political mainstream.

    You're dismissing that as scaremongering.

    Do you call out the constant scaremongering that goes on all over Irish society about the far right, who we have demonstrated here are almost a non entity?

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,365 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    The scarmongering was in you saying we should be scared of everything left.

    Again - I'm not worried about any far-x wing party getting into power - that's you not me.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Where did I say we should be scared of everything left?

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,365 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    Back to the point where you're not reading the posts, then. Leaving you here because that's not the basis for a discussion.

    (FYI - I put it forward as an opinion based on your posts a page or two back - I never claimed verbatim)

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Odd statement from somebody who casually misrepresents people without a thought.

    If you want to believe the rhetoric pushed by the left isn't dangerous that's your choice, I'm sick of going around the houses with you.

    If those election results demonstrate anything it is the fact that there is a popular base of support for the left in this country which isn't mirrored with the far right.

    There has been an element of the left/far left in Irish politics for quite some time now, they are very influential in this country regardless of only being in opposition.

    Being in parliament affords a voice to these extremists that thankfully isn't extended to the far right.

    My position is that extremism should be shunned by any intelligent person and that a functioning society should aim to eradicate far left and far right rhetoric entirely.

    Ireland is far from perfect and the failings of this country's leadership mainly in areas like housing and health give speed to radical voices.

    Thankfully Ireland hasn't been receptive to far right ideology, sadly it has been more amenable to far left voices to the point where they are inside our parliament and setting the agenda in many spheres, they may not be running the country right now but they have a hell of a lot of influence and ignoring that is a foolish response to something that could become very dangerous indeed over time.

    You call that scaremongering, I call it being reasonably cautious.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,718 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    You can't have understood what I said correctly and then written the rest of that post. 

    I can, and I did.

    You dismiss the potential of Sinn Fein et al even though Sinn Fein received more votes than any other party in the last general election. 

    Yes, I do, because as you’ve demonstrated - just because there is the potential for something to happen, doesn’t mean it will actually happen. More often, it doesn’t happen, which is why until it actually happens, then I have no concern for its potential to happen, specifically the idea that the Left presents any kind of a potential credible threat to the current status quo.

    In a similar fashion, I dismiss the notion of the potential for religion being removed from religious ethos schools or parents who are religious being discriminated against in the Irish education system as is often proposed by Leftists - they tend have a fairly flimsy grasp of Irish Constitutional Law and International Human Rights Law.

    There is a more compelling case to be made for the potential danger posed by the left than there is for danger posed by the far right in this country.

    That proposition has nothing to do with this discussion though which is only concerned with whether or not there is any dangers coming from the Left. There aren’t, and because I’m right-leaning politically already, I’m certainly not going to start perceiving or portraying right-leaning policies as a threat. That seems like an obvious point to make though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    The crux of the issue is is the fact that a more credible danger is coming from the left than the oft mooted far right who are perpetually on the rise but rarely to be seen in he wild.

    Danger in this context is referring to the ability of left wing politicians to not only potentially gain power in the medium term but to influence the zeitgeist within the country.

    We saw this at the beginning of this year, the Nimbyism of residents groups protesting against asylum seekers being crowbared into hotels in largely working class areas was casually described by the media as far right in nature. This behavby the Irish media is directly influenced by the far left.

    The "reaction" to those local protests was a demonstration by all manner of NGO's, political parties etc (many of whom are in receipt of government funding) to show how official Ireland is opposed to the supposed far right who for the most part do not seem to exist.

    An extension of this sense of danger is that the far left need the far right to be on the minds of the people in order to justify their own existence, without a constant barrage of noise about the far right people might begin to question the presence of the far eft in the political establishment.

    I haven't even mentioned the far left journalists who stoke these fires either, firmly embedded in the media of this country.

    We may not have a Sinn Fein, Greens PBP coalition right now, but we're being conditioned to accept it.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,718 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    The crux of the issue is is the fact that a more credible danger is coming from the left than the oft mooted far right who are perpetually on the rise but rarely to be seen in he wild.

    That may well be the crux of the issue which concerns you, but it’s a different matter entirely to the purpose of this thread, which attempts to portray the Left as being a danger to society. In order for me to take that proposition seriously, I’d have to first regard the Left as some sort of credible threat. I just don’t. There’s no threat from the far right either, but that’s besides the point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,697 ✭✭✭Flaneur OBrien

    Who is the far left in Ireland? I hope to God people are not trying to include SF, GP, SD in there.

    It also wasn’t anyone on the left who was setting fire to tents.

    I would also agree with Harris on this point:

    The Minister added there were a small number of “far right-wing actors” who move from community to community “stoking fear and division and on occasion engaging in criminal activity”.

    “We shouldn’t overstate the number but nor should we tolerate their actions,” he said.

    They are out there, and they do attack innocent people going about their business, and that should not be tolerated.

    I personally haven’t seen leftists attack innocent people for no reason whatsoever, but maybe the far right have a different term than innocent for “asylum seekers”.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,718 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    I’m not at fault here for attempting to participate in a discussion on the proposal put forward in the opening post. Your wanting to draw comparisons to claim that the Left are more of a danger to society than the far right is another conversation entirely and that’s the conversation I don’t wish to participate in, so I don’t. Your continued efforts to wedge it in where it doesn’t belong doesn’t mean I’m at fault for refusing to entertain it.

    Everyone else appears to be at least trying to have a conversation about whether or not the Left are a danger to Irish society, you appear to be the only person who claims the Left don’t amount to any sort of a credible danger (my understanding from your earlier post, and an assessment I agree with), but then you’re saying that the Left are more of a danger to Irish society than the far right. Nobody else appears to be interested in entertaining your proposition, which is understandable, given it amounts to whataboutery, and nobody’s biting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,232 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    Who is the far left in Ireland?

    Apparently Brid Smith is the new Iosef Stalin in the fevered minds of some people.

    You have to laugh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Unfortunately for you the left and right of the political spectrum are always going to be discussed within the same breath as each other.

    Some points seem to be eluding you so I'll go again with one for now.

    The left are currently part of the social establishment in this country they use the leverage that gives them to disseminate the idea that the far right are "on the rise" or to blame any number of things that happen within the state on the far right.

    Now you may think that's whataboutery, and your refusal to accept that is an indication that "nobody's biting" (a pithy and childish attempt to take your ball and go home BTW) but it is a legitimate observation.

    Do you believe that prior to the left/far left becoming part of the establishment in Ireland the lack of consistent references to the far right in the media is a coincidence?

    You again took what I said out of context, the meaning was that the left cannot make a coherent argument, that doesn't preclude people from buying what they're saying and it therefore being of danger.

    Also if you feel my posts aren't on topic report them or least don't reply to them.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,697 ✭✭✭Flaneur OBrien

    The far right are a threat to:

    People living in tents,

    Asylum seekers,

    Counter protestors,

    Gullible people.

    But they are not a threat to democracy in Ireland, thankfully. The majority won’t accept their violence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,856 ✭✭✭nachouser

    Bullet-points lads, not just vague generalisations about the "far-left". What is the actual danger - presumably you can sum it up in a few lines?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,731 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    It has all been discussed in detail.

    Digest it yourself.

    We aren't entitled to make those type of demands of each other.

    Glazers Out!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23,718 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    Unfortunately for you the left and right of the political spectrum are always going to be discussed within the same breath as each other.

    The fact that some people wish to do so isn’t the least bit unfortunate for me as I’m not troubled by it in any way whatsoever. I might consider they had a point in doing so if it wasn’t for the fact that ever since FF and FG separated from Sinn Fein, they’ve been in Government ever since, whereas Sinn Fein have never been in Government, and so they’re really not comparable in any meaningful sense where the right have been able to implement policies, and we can judge them on the impact their policies have had on Irish society, whereas the left represented by Sinn Fein has never had that opportunity, and Labour in coalition with FG between 2011 - 2014 ultimately led to their being cast out into the political wilderness, never to be heard from again.

    I don’t agree with the premise of your argument that the Left were ever part of the Establishment in Ireland in the first place, they’ve always been anti-establishment, hence the reason for their historic failure to capture the votes of the Irish electorate. Sinn Fein have changed tack in recent years and decided to try and capitalise on a populist platform, as opposed to having any policies of their own, their mission appears to be to criticise the policies of Government instead.

    The lack of consistent references to the far right in the media previously was due to the fact that the media too were on the right, and like myself, or anyone else on the right, they were unlikely to agree with anyone on the left that their policies were harmful to the country’s interests. Nowadays the media who are dying on their arse in the age of social media will pretty much print anything they imagine will generate conflict and outrage, because they’ve cottoned onto the fact that it generates revenue. They still devote an inordinate amount of column inches to a story about Paul Murphy getting a boot up the hole. That seemed unnecessary… funny of course, but unnecessary, the poor unfortunate has it difficult enough already with being a Lefty 😒
