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RTÉ admits paying Tubridy €345,000 more than declared



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,171 ✭✭✭limnam

    I'd argue the healy-raes are celebrities. Especially in Kerry!

    I don't know who Paul Murphy is, you might be right about him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,048 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    They were expecting the docs 48 hrs before the meeting, they were sent 3 hrs before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    How did NK get he best deal for RT his client when he stated on numerous occasions yesterday that he did what RTE said.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,171 ✭✭✭limnam

    Head of corperate for RTE won't attend tomorrows meeting because she has retired :)

    That was well timed

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    Paul Murphy is a People Before Profit TD, who can be gobby at times.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,280 ✭✭✭ZookeeperDub

    Explain how the TDs could review the evidence without the evidence? 👍


    Nothing provided by Tubs or Kelly have provided enought information to say RTE are all at fault. All that was confirmed was :

    Tubs knew the press release on wages was incorrect and he said nothing. He confirmed this

    Noel Kelly made incorrect invoices to a company in UK

    Noel Kelly switched companies on invoices

    These invoices meant he didn’t have to pay 23% VAT

    Tubs received money for work he never carried out, yet accepted it and said nothing

    Tubs has now offered to pay back the money he shouldn’t have got, why didn’t he pay it back before this?

    The rest was noise. Lots of noise becauer the TD didn’t receive the pack, which from recollection was agreed to arrive at least before 6 the evening before.

    That was down to Tubs and Kelly and no reason given why it wasn’t provided as they had 3 weeks to get it

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,291 ✭✭✭evolvingtipperary101

    Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett

    Much of this has been intense for everybody and I understand that seven hours of this is difficult. Our job is to recognise that the people who are the biggest victims are the TV licence payers and the other RTÉ staff who have been affected by this and were required to take substantial pay cuts. It is our job to ask these questions. I just want to make that clear.

    At the heart of this is that it was stated publicly that everybody, including Mr. Tubridy, would be taking pay cuts at the time. Then we discovered that these payments were being made which were kept secret and which RTÉ executives have acknowledged were an organised deception. We also discovered that these payments were mislabelled as consultancy fees by somebody. Mr. Kelly has said it was nothing to do with NK Management and that it was done under RTÉ instructions, which is a little bit difficult to credit.

    The other bit of Mr. Tubridy and Mr. Kelly's narrative, the one I want to concentrate on and which follows on from what Senator Dooley said, is that the commercial arrangement and the pay reduction that was publicly stated as having happened were somehow two separate things. To put this honestly to the witnesses, that does not look credible from the emails that are exchanged between Mr. Kelly and RTÉ during that early period in 2020. I have not seen all of the correspondence but the first mention in the emails of the €75,000 from a commercial relationship is put forward by Mr. Kelly. That is the first mention of it that I see. That first email on 16 January also states: "Terms and conditions of this: Underwritten and guaranteed by RTÉ". It goes on to say: "The fees above include the €120,000 owed to Ryan" and it suggests there should be "four less" shows and a "Reduction of radio shows". In other words, the negotiating position that Mr. Kelly was adopting on behalf of Mr. Tubridy was linked to the overall pay cut but then seemed to be insisting on things that would effectually mean the pay cut would not happen in real terms. Is that not a reasonable reading of what we are seeing here? In the negotiation then, there was a pushback from RTÉ over a lot of the conditions that Mr. Kelly seemed to be insisting on.

    I might put this other matter to Mr. Kelly. The email of 19 February also refers to Mr. Kelly saying, as part of this negotiating process, "we had a meeting with our client", who is Mr. Tubridy, in the process of the negotiations. Mr. Kelly and Mr. Tubridy were discussing the details, according to these emails, of this back and forward of negotiations. This is in the emails that Mr. Kelly has provided us. I have not even had a chance to read them all but, on the face of it, that is what it looks like. I am genuinely trying to be objective and I heard what Mr. Kelly said but that looks like Mr. Kelly is pushing for everything to mitigate the pay cut.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    Page 5 of the information pack is an email from the CFO.

    Point 4 refers to "Commercial sponsorship with 3rd party facilitated by RTE". We did not go looking for that or start that. It was completely facilitated by RTÉ. In relation to the contract, of course-----

    Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett

    No, sorry-----

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    Sorry, if I could just answer-----

    Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett

    Okay, sorry.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    In relation to the contract, there is always back and forth. RTÉ's job, as with BBC and ITV, is to give as little as possible to get the greatest commercial return. It is all based on advertising and commercial revenue.

    Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett

    I have to say that the first mention of a commercial arrangement in the emails, back and forward, is in Mr. Kelly's correspondence where he set down the conditions of accepting the overall pay reduction. It is clear from the responses from RTÉ that it only subsequently identified who that commercial entity might be.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    Sure. The email referenced by the Deputy was in response to point 4, on page 5: "Commercial sponsorship with 3rd party facilitated by RTE". I was responding to that. No emails originated. All along, it was an RTÉ and a Renault sponsorship and they guard it jealously. Of course they would. Commercial organisations mind their advertisers and sponsors. That is what you have to do to make sure they come back again. That is all that was.

    Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett

    From looking at this, it does not look that way. I am just being honest.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    In Mr. Kelly's letters of correspondence back and forth, he talks about a 41% reduction over the past five years.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    No, since 2012.

    Senator . Marie Sherlock

    He actually said over the past five years. He wrote the emails in 2020, so we have to take it that it is in the period 2015 to 2020. I can quote back to him exactly what he said.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    I am sorry; it was 20%.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    I am going to have to find it, but Mr. Kelly said 41% over the last five years.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    That was from 2012-----

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    He said, "This represents a 41% reduction over the past five years" in an email dated February 2020. When I look at the figures of what Mr. Kelly set out in 2017, 2018 and 2019, and we expect that what was published was actually what Mr. Tubridy was paid in 2015 and 2016, it is approximately €2.5 million. Therefore, if he was to be taking a 41% reduction between the 2015 to 2020 period relative to the 2020 to 2025 period, we are looking at pay of more than €4.5 million or close to €4.5 million.

    Can Mr. Kelly explain whether there are additional payments in 2015 and 2016 that he has not set out here? Are there additional payments that were on top of the published payments for 2015 and 2016 that would add up to the 41% reduction he talks about in the correspondence?

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    The years that are in question are from 2012 to 2020.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    I am sorry; I need to read this back: "This represents a 41% reduction over the past five years." Mr. Kelly said that in 2020. I do not think I am going to get an answer if Mr. Kelly can say it is from 2012.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    I am trying to give the Senator the answer. That was from 2012 at a height of €720,000 to €440,000.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    I am sorry; Mr. Kelly's own words here do not relate to 2012. They relate to "the past five years", and he wrote this email in 2020. I asked Mr. Kelly whether there were additional payments for the years he has not given us details for today, that is, 2015 and 2016. Perhaps he may wish to come back and furnish the committee-----

    Mr. Noel Kelly


    Senator Marie Sherlock

    -----but certainly, he has written this a number of times in the correspondence-----

    Mr. Noel Kelly


    Senator Marie Sherlock

    -----and it is very clear that 2015 to 2020 is the period about which he is talking.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    No, the period I am talking about is from 2012 to 2020.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    Okay, so, what he wrote is factually incorrect in the correspondence. It had to have been. He talked about five years and wrote the email in 2020.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    I am sorry; can the Senator tell me where that is exactly?

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    Yes, it is on page 10 of the briefing document provided to the committee.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    Page 10.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    Yes. Anyway, Mr. Kelly will need to go back and review because he does not really refer to 2012. He said "the past five years" and that email was written in 2020.

    I want to ask Mr. Kelly about the Renault deal because I am conscious that time is pressing on. We have two documents here. We have the contract for fees of €440,000 for 2020 to 2025. We have a one-year deal between Renault and Mr. Tubridy. There are no fees addressed in this document. Is there a separate document detailing the fees associated with this work?

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    That is a separate contract, again, for specialist services.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    I asked Mr. Kelly a question. Is there a separate document setting out the fees associated with this one-year contract?

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    RTÉ drafted that document but the fees are recorded in the emails for commercial activity.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    We do not have the emails to show the final agreement. We only have the emails leading up to the agreement-----

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    The Senator might bear with me for one moment, please.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    -----and Mr. Kelly said this is a five-year agreement. Where is the agreement for the final four years? We only have year 1 here.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    On page 12, the February emails all confirm the €75,000.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    I do not believe that is final. Is Mr. Kelly saying that on 28 February, he concluded negotiations between RTÉ and his company for the entirety of the Mr. Tubridy's package?

    Mr. Noel Kelly


    Senator Marie Sherlock

    My understanding is that it was concluded in the summer in July.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    No, it was later than that. This was where it was outlined, however.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    Basically, therefore, we just have one or two lines with an agreement of €75,000 per year every five years, but there is no detail as to the services that would be provided after year 1. We only have the year 1 detail of service.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    I also have on page 22 of the briefing document the email invoice request from July 2020. Again, this is the relationship between RTÉ and Renault. It was nothing to do with us. It asks, "Can NK Management please send an invoice for €75k to Renault Ireland, for the attention of [redacted]. Wording as follows:"

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    I am sorry; what page is Mr. Kelly on?

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    It is on page 22.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    The page I am looking at is the final page of the contract. Mr. Kelly is saying the email is all we have with regard to the contract.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    I apologise; it is on page 23.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    Okay. Mr. Kelly is saying that all we have for the contract between Renault and Mr. Tubridy for the final four years is just based on an invoice and an email.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    It is not based on an invoice. It is based on RTÉ and Renault.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    I do not see a contract, though. I just see an email and an invoice. There is a piece missing in the middle.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    The email states that it is a "Bespoke Partnership between Renault Ireland ... to include personal appearances ... Activity [programme] to be agreed between Renault Ireland, RTÉ and NK ..."

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    Okay. Where is that?

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    It is on page 23 of the briefing document.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    I appreciate that, but where is the bespoke partnership document for the four years? Mr. Kelly chased up payments. We understand there was a transfer and a payment made for the first year-----

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    From Renault.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    -----of the agreement. Then, Mr. Kelly chased up two subsequent payments-----

    Mr. Noel Kelly


    Senator Marie Sherlock

    -----for which services were not provided.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    However, services are outstanding.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    I appreciate that, but Mr. Kelly was chasing payments for services that were not provided.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    They are services that are outstanding.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    Okay. Where is the documentation detailing those services to be provided? We have never seen that documentation.

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    I do not know what documentation ... I am sorry; what documentation is the Senator referring to?

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    The bespoke partnership. Why did Mr. Kelly have a detailed contract for year one and not for the following years? A series of questions need to be-----

    Mr. Noel Kelly

    I want to try to explain everything we can. The contract was rolled over from 2020 to 2021 to 2022, with Covid-19. Each year there were different requirements, different events, different set-ups. Each one that was done was different. There might have been 400 of one and 200 of another. Everything was bespoke to when everyone could do it.

    Senator Marie Sherlock

    We have no paperwork for the services.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,280 ✭✭✭ZookeeperDub

    Sorry I forgot we also found out

    Noel Kelly know nobody in RTE, never even had a cup of tea in the place

    Noel Kelly can’t whip his own ass till RTE tells him which way to do it 😂😂

    A bit of banter to lighten the mood

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,171 ✭✭✭limnam

    The story is 3 weeks old. They couldn't think of any questons on all the information that's been in the public domain for the last 3 weeks?

    The PAC heard all the answers to the earlier meeting.

    Yet PAC asked the same questions again hours later. They couldn't identify any other questions having the evidence for the whole day?

    One TD mentioned he had read all the document and was very familiar with it and asked decent questions.

    Why could he do it and no one else?

    What difference does it make which company NK used for the invoice?

    I belive the VAT issue came up before and believe there's no issue with VAT compliance and as NK mentioned he's 100% tax compliant also.

    I belive he said if there was no ask to deliver the other events it could be paid back.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    From a quick glance at the comments over the proceeding pages it seems people are somewhat disappointed by the quality of questions and the repeated or similar questions by TDs and Senators. I don't think it's fair to say they were all bad, there was a broad spectrum with some who were quite good, and some who were atrocious.

    One thing the same and/or similar questions being asked did highlight however was the fact that Kelly and Tubridy repeated the same coached, stock-phrase bingo buzzword answers over and over - and exposed themselves doing so as a result.

    Now I wouldn't recommend this as an approach for this type of Committee, but I do think it worked to expose that element of coaching and rehearsed answers at least yesterday.

    A far better approach would be for the Committee to meet and agree their questions in advance; but admittedly it's hard to do so given the different parties etc. That said, there could at least be some level of co-operation agreed by say members of the same party or Coalition re. questions.

    There should also be an element of time-keeping. The amount of time wasted by Tubridy and Kelly alike yesterday through waffling, shuffling papers, searching for stuff etc. were clearly deliberate time wasting tactics. Kelly in particular was allowed waffle and ramble repeatedly eating up time. I thought both Chairs yesterday were very bad at keeping them in line on this. It should be in the Chair's gift that if he/she feels the guests are time wasting that additional time can be given to the questioner.

    Likewise, there were a few occasions where both Kelly and Tubs were "saved by the bell". If someone is on the ropes as a result of questions that are unearthing facts again the questioner should be given leeway on time to extend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,480 ✭✭✭✭bucketybuck

    NK was lying when he stated that. It was just one of many lies told yesterday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    Oh I know that, I am just proving how NK is full of ****.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,048 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    NK was also informed in May that the auditors noticed the payments through the barter account and were unhappy with DF's explanation.

    Yet he incredulously forget to give his client, "the most honest man in Ireland" a heads-up, so Tubs didn't find out until 6 weeks later, therefore this had absolutely nothing to do with Tubs stepping away from the LLS despite being on record as saying he had no intention to leave 2 weeks earlier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    In fact when ever NK's lips moved he was lying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,280 ✭✭✭ZookeeperDub

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,048 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    Very hard for them to agree on questions, or even formulate them, when they just received the docs 3 hrs in advance - 45 hrs later than expected.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,280 ✭✭✭ZookeeperDub

    If the TD got the pack on time they could have reviewed and date checked etc, when people got time to do this it all fell apart for NK and Tubs

    Tgat was clearly a tactic to send over the document late as possible to give no time, yet magically Tubs had a lovely prepared speech all ready to go with theatrics coached to go with it

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,105 ✭✭✭✭rob316

    New DG needs to lay down a marker get rid of tubridy and run Kelly out of rte.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭forumdedum

    It’s all catch 22. RTE losing audience and/or licence payers whatever is decided.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    I am not disputing that point at all.

    That was a shameless stroke and tactic from Tubs and Kelly and should have been more called out as such than it was.

    My point was that the same questions exposed the rehearsed regurgitations from Kelly and Tubs. Had Tubs been asked his kids names yesterday he’d likely have said “I leave that stuff to my agent” and then Kelly would have said “RTÉ made me do it” such was the level of ridiculousness they reached.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,480 ✭✭✭✭bucketybuck

    He is an agent who has flooded RTE with his clients, but has never spoken to Dee Forbes socially. Liar.

    He has never requested that any of his clients be guests on the Late Late show. Liar.

    Never encountered a barter account before, despite them being ubiquitous in the industry and records linking him with Astus previously. Liar.

    He doesn't know who first suggested the side deal for Ryan Tubridy. Liar.

    He didn't know RTE were paying for the events, despite being fully involved in their creation. Liar.

    He lied, lied and then lied again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    That was their intention even though they denied this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    Exactly, and you have just shown why he must be a shite agent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    Of course it was, and it was completely and utterly transparent. In fact it was the most transparent thing about their whole performance (and it was a performance) yesterday,

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,417 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69

    In typical Irish style, the nightly shows have moved on to another scandal.

    Will be forgotten about next week, how do they manage to do it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭Rubberchikken

    Two liars who deserve no second chance.

    If rte management, whoever they'll be, had any wish to give this country a decent honestly run professional media outlet they'd say bye to RT and slam the door on that reprehensible NK.

    Tubridy lied by omission. This imo makes him an immoral excuse.

    Others need to see that this behavior us taken seriously.

    We need to see that there isn't one rule for some and another for the peasants.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,743 ✭✭✭✭degrassinoel

    Whatever ye did Butters, do it again, this is gold! they're coming out of the walls for ye!

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