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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,607 ✭✭✭ps200306

    Lol. Oil companies operate as a cartel. The oil market is not a free market... Seriously. You do not have a clue how pernicious these companies are.

    Seriously. What evidence to you have for this? You're saying companies like Exxon are part of a cartel? How do they operate in the USA and fly under the radar of the DOJ antitrust investigators? How do countries harbour cartel members without falling foul of WTO rules? Would it be too much to ask for a bit of evidence here? OPEC is certainly a cartel (and does have run-ins with the WTO) but its members are governments, not oil companies.

    They got burned in 2020 because of COVID but that was a global shock, in 2022 they went right back to record setting profiteering

    You mean the price of oil was low when there was low demand, and high when there was high demand? Who'd have thunk it! It's almost as if prices are set according to supply and demand. OPEC (which is a cartel) tries to control supply, but its influence has been waning for decades (mostly due to the green bogeyman of fracking). In 2014 they explicitly set out to cripple American oil producers and failed.

    It's billionaires f**ing over the entire planet for their own profits.

    The world's three biggest oil companies are state owned. The fourth (Exxon) is owned by pension funds and investment houses, and through them by the public. A two-second Google will show you the top shareholders. Your pals in the various green divestment lobbies clearly understand this, how come you don't? Nobody (certainly not me) is trying to claim that capitalism is a perfect allocator of resources, but simplistic leftwing rants do nothing to address the issue.

    So-called "Big Oil" exists to satisfy big demand for the energy that sustains our planet (although the term is a misleading -- 90% of America's hydrocarbons are produced by small and independent companies). It's not a giant rightwing conspiracy. "Big Wind" is the same set of big investors out to make an easy buck although in that case there is plenty of evidence of misallocation. I don't call that a conspiracy either though. It's just capitalists doing what capitalists do, this time with a lot less scrutiny because they are the darlings of socialist greens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    Under the E.U. Renewable Energy Directive accountancy system there is no problem meeting targets. Irish green energy companies here were doing it providing 100% green electricty with no problem, and running ads telling us they were. Far as the E.U. and our CRU were concerned all legit and abovr board. Problem was it wasn`t. It was just accountancy mumbo jumbo and as fake as three euro note.

    It was a nice like scam using what the E.U. rather laughingly calls Guaranteed Certificates of Origin, (GCO). Green energy producers can get these GCO`s for the amount of electricity they produce and sell it on to a company supplying electricity as proof they bought the amount stated and can use that amount in their accounts to show they are supplying their customers with it. Ireland last year generated 34% of our electricity from wind. To make up the 100% of green electricity these companies were claiming to supply, then they need to buy a whole lotta green electricity from somewhere. And where did the buy the majority of that from, Norway a country we do not have an electricity link with via GCO`s. They didn`t actually buy anything other than the certificates. But that is just part of the accountancy scam. These GCO`s are also being traded on even by companies that actually bought and use the electricity generated.

    60% of E.U. clean energy comes from biomass which is classified by the E.U. as carbon neutral. As an accountancy scam GCO`s are in the half-penny place compared to biomass.

    Some time ago @[Deleted User] posted another of his links to show how bad some of our institutions were when it came to emissions from Ember. "A global energy think tank that uses data-driven insights to shift the world to clean electricity" (highlights by Ember). It was an interactive link where you could check the highest emitters of CO2 in any country. Not for the first time it was a link dump that came back to bite him. It showed Dax, the U.K. biomass "clean energy" generating company, as not just the single highest CO2 emitter in the U.K, but the 3rd highest in Europe, (the two higher were coal burning plants,one in Germany, the other in Poland). They also listed Dax as one the top 5 emitters of PM10 air pollution in Europe. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) have also stated the same for Dax.

    So really, as we have seen from banking alone, with a bit of creative accountancy you can more or less reach any target you wish. The reality though, now that is a whole different matter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,787 ✭✭✭antoinolachtnai

    This is five paragraphs of waffle from someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about and apparently doesn’t even know what country has left the European Union despite extensive publicity and thinks that PM10 is a type of CO2.

    You do not know what the Guarantees of Origin scheme is for or how it works. Guarantees of Origin have nothing to do with measurement for targets. Issuing a guarantee or not issuing one or not trading one makes no difference to the overall emissions

    Why are we talking about PM10 emissions? PM10 emissions? What do they have to do with CO2 emissions being fake?

    Then we listen to your waffle about creative accounting and fake emissions reductions. What is your specific allegation here because you haven’t stated it?

    All you’ve done is waved your arms around.

    You told us how you were able to find out the three biggest emitters from a table supplied by the EU. Congratulations on your acuity but so what? The EU publishes these figures, you accept them and then you say the measurement is a scam. Which is it?

    Have you brought your specific allegation of a scam to the relevant authorities?

    No,you haven’t of course, because if you did you’d be found out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,559 ✭✭✭✭machiavellianme

    You stop with your nonsense. What makes you so qualified? You have yet to post a single indisputable fact.

    Neither side has any complete set of evidence to support their arguments. It is all based on models fitting observations after removing any outliers or data points that don't fit a narrative.

    Post edited by machiavellianme on

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,419 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    OPEC (and now OPEC+) sets the supply and controls the price. The private oil companies operate as price takers not price setters knowing that any attempt to engage in price competition will see OPEC drive them out of business.

    OPEC couldn't drive the Shale producers out of business because the US government propped them up. It wasn't because Shale oil was so cheap to produce, it was a **** tonne of subsidies because US politics are captured by the Oil industry and will spend billions of tax payers dollers supporting 'strategic interests' in oil and gas but hardly anything on developing the domestic renewable energy sector or maintaining their electricity grid

    The price fell in 2020 because the pandemic was a global shock that was not predictable so it fucked up their pricing and production strategies and they ran out of storage for the excess oil. It was but a minor blip and they've all made that money back with interest already.

    Which is not to say that the privately owned oil companies don't collude in other ways, but that's mainly through demand side and political lobbying (climate change disinformation campaigns through their shady 'think tanks' and AstroTurf campaigns)

    Post edited by Akrasia on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,993 ✭✭✭✭JRant

    Hang on a second, you were claiming oil companies were acting as a cartel and creaming billions in profits. Now, you admit they are price takers. Make up your mind would ya. OPEC do not set the price, that's just not how it works. They shape supply but again are price takers on the international markets.

    Have you proof that they collude to fix demand and carry out political interference? Bold claims that I'm sure many countries around the world would like to have more information on.

    "Well, yeah, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man"

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    49 degrees, fk me

    RTE news : Italy puts 15 cities on red alert for high temperatures

    France, Germany and Poland all look like they are about to have similar crazy heatwaves

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,419 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,419 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    If someone woke up from a 20 year coma and saw these headlines without having been drip fed the warnings for decades, they'd think we were already heading for the worst case scenario for climate change. And they'd be right

    While some gobshites are posting from Australia saying 'its quite chilly here so it's all overblown"

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,383 ✭✭✭prunudo

    Seems like the thread has another link dumping green, name calling anyone who dares to question the green agenda and shouting down on people in a similar vein to authoritian leaders. Your lobby groups are bad, our lobby groups are saints.

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  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 14,404 Mod ✭✭✭✭marno21

    There are a large cohort of people on this thread and across the country who believe climate change is real and it’s happening.

    They also believe that it’s not going to be addressed by removing parking for public sector workers or delaying the development of the Tubbercurry bypass.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,419 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Ok, but the headline actions are large scale investment in renewable energy, electrification of our energy and transport systems, introducing limits on fossil fuel extraction, withdrawal of subsidies for Fossil Fuel production and consumption, carbon taxes and increased regulations on industry to require sustainability, global cooperation in setting binding targets to reduce global emissions etc

    Instead of getting into long drawn out discussion about individual tiny pieces of the jigsaw, do you at least agree that wholesale changes need to be made?

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,419 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    When someone asks for evidence, and I provide links, suddenly I'm link dumping...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,383 ✭✭✭prunudo

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,609 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Can you guys get together and make up your minds, you spent last night asking for evidence, and when you got it, you react by saying someone is 'link dumping'.

    We're nearly 10 years in to the 'we've had enough of experts' mindset which has massively influenced our societies.

    Brexit, Trump, and the Covid response experiences all heavily manipulated by advocates of tin-foil hat wearing BS artists who were given equal or greater weight to people educated, experienced and working in their specific fields.

    It's long past time to stop letting people 'both sides' such conversations without objective analysis. If the proponents of the above hadn't been so successful, I wouldn't give a sh*t. let them rant away within their own circles all they want. But as they've been able to dominate as they have done, it's necessary to call them out for what they are.

    The climate impact has been an issue since before these recent events we've had to watch unfold. I was massively frustrated during them that we as a society were having to put so much effort in to dealing with them, (and still dealing with them) rather than the climate concern (given how impactfulthat is and how difficultit is to make meaningful changes), but that's what we had to do. So absolutely I'm going to call out the nonsense in blunter terms now, ye have been entertained for far too long.

    P.S. I know I'm generalizing to a degree here, but you went their first with placing everything in to 2 sides, so here you go. Watching the various mouthpieces and influences on these topics over the years, it's not unreasonable to predict how people feel about the various points.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,383 ✭✭✭prunudo

    Nobody is denying climate change is happening, to what extent it is manmade vs a general climate cycle is still up for debate. What people have a problem with is being constantly talked down to by rule makers who believe that incresaing taxes and negatively impacting peoples lives and livelihoods will somehow make everything better while ignoring the fact that developing countries pump out millions of tonnes of pollutants and do nothing to combat their own environmental issues.

    By and large Irish people care about the environment and do their bit but it feels more and more like we aren't the problem and other countries need to pull their weight. Meanwhile we're spoken to and looked down on like we are destroying the world and the only way to deal with it is hit us in the pocket. All the while arrogantly thinking that humans can reverse the actions in a short time frame which were caused by centuries of industrial production.

    Post edited by prunudo on

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,268 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Interesting admin error...

    Catherine Martin says high mileage claim was made in error (

    Green party minister arts minister Catherine Martin says her unusually high, tax-free, ministerial driving expenses claim for August 2021, a month when the Dáil wasn’t sitting and her diary showed only a handful of ministerial engagements, has been "rectified".

    Martin’s ministerial diary for the month suggests just less than 200 kilometres of driving while her mileage claim was for almost 4,500 kilometres.

    Her party leader and environment minister, Eamon Ryan, didn’t claim any ministerial mileage expenses in the same period.

    Though Martin claimed more than €2,300 for ministerial driving expenses for August 2021 alone, all but seven days in her diary for the month had no entries for events or meetings related to her office.

    When questioned by The Ditch, a spokesperson in Martin's department said this was down to "an administrative error", which has now "been rectified".

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,383 ✭✭✭prunudo

    Funny that whenever they make administrative errors its always on an expenses form.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    You really should make at least the occassional effort to read what is posted rather than go off on one of your little rants when reality carches up with your opinion.

    Your opinion is that the E.U. will have no problem reaching its targets. Reality is that it makes it much easier to reach your target if you are using dodgy accountancy practices and continue to use them when made aware of them.

    The Guarantee of Origin is a E.U. backed certification scheme, legalised here, that has been pointed out by many over the years as fraudulent with the multiple trading of the same certificate and the E.U has refused to do anything about that. Why is that ? It`s not as if they were unaware of what has been going on, and other than it playing into the narrative that this energy greening process is flying it with electricity suppliers using these GO`s fraudulently claiming they are providing much more green energy than they actually are, then I fail to see why.

    It`s an E.U. legalised accounting scam that it took a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland to expose just how much of a scam it is. It was pefectly legal under E.U. and Irish law for our "100% green energy" companies to make that claim based on nothing other than ownership of a few pieces of paper from Norway, a country that it is physically impossible for use to get electricity from. Yet you are perfectly happy with this E.U. legalised accounting scam ?

    You now appear to have joined the ranks of those that believe that somehow when you are a member state of the are in a completely separate biosphere from the rest of Europe as well as the rest of the world. Btw,it would help if you at least made an attempt to read what was posted.I did not say that the Dax biomass plant was identified by the E.U. as being the 3rd highest energy plant emitter of CO2 in Europe.

    I said that biomass, which provides 60% of the E.U. "green energy" is accounted by the E.U as carbon neutral. The finding of the Dax plant being the 3rd higest emitter of CO2 and in the top 5 for air pollution were by Ember a global think tank promoting clean electricity and also the finding of The Natural Resources Defense Council, one of the largest environmental activist organisations in the U.S.

    While you are capable of posting long tirades, like a few others here, answereing what you are asked appears to be beyond you. As these Gaurantees of Origin have been shown as an accountancy scam, then why has the E.U. which endoses them not done something about that ? And why do you see no problem with 60% of E.U. green energy from biomass being placed in the carbon neutral accountancy column when two advocacy groups have identified the U.K. Dax plant as being in the top three of the largest CO2 energy plant eimitters in Europe ?

    Is E.U. biomass sprinkled with magic dust that automatically makes it carbon neutral in the E.U. or have you a cohert answer. That you have no problem with biomass being a major air pollutant is a mystery as well, but no matter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,559 ✭✭✭✭machiavellianme

    In fairness, it's not physically impossible to get electricity from Norway. It's not that far away electrically. Irish Grid <-> EastWest Interconnector <-> GB Grid <-> North Sea Link <-> Norwegian Grid. Basically just two HVDC schemes and the High Voltage AC Grid in GB between us. Hardly any impedance at all.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    Technically that is true, however, Norway is reaching it's generation limits and there is a political consideration, it's domestic customers are unhappy the electricity prices that used to be cheap and now being bid up by Denmark, Germany and the UK.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,787 ✭✭✭antoinolachtnai

    You were challenged and you were proven wrong.

    As a result you are now doing the thing where you raise your voice and change the subject when you are in a corner.

    The guarantee of origin scheme has nothing to do with the targets for reductions for 2030.

    You are waffling about a tangent. PM10 is another tangent.

    What authorities did you bring your information about all these alleged scams to?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    That is true, but it is much easier when you do not have too and a piece of paper will legally do the same without any impedance.

    Whether that piece of paper was used before and that electricity used elsewhere is also a consideration. Or if our so called 100% green energy provider, having only used it for accountancy purposes, then sold it on, (perfectly legal under E.U.and Irish legislation) is also questionable.

    It`s an accountancy scam sanctioned by the E.U. who have failed to do anything to correct. Like the cost of this offshore plan it`s another of these myseries that nobody has an answer to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,787 ✭✭✭antoinolachtnai

    What has this to do with whether the EU is on target to meet its 2030 target?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    I have not been the one posting personalised tirades, and as per usual you have again refused to answer anything you were asked.

    That is not challenging anything. It`s running away with nothing other than a load of waffle.

    I did not have to bring these examples of E.U sactioned scams to anyone, particularly the E.U. who have been made well aware of them on many occassions. Even by green electricity advocacy groups, yet still have failed to act.

    If you wish to look on air pollution as an irrelevant tangent then that is up to you

    Is it not incongruous that it took the ASIA to act on foot of a complaint to show these 100% green energy scams for what they are rather than the CRU or the E.U. who have sactioned these dodgy Guarantee of Origin certificates ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,741 ✭✭✭PommieBast

    For an actual MWh to go through that chain (as opposed to some accounting trickery) is going to have some rather interesting arbitrage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,787 ✭✭✭antoinolachtnai

    Tangent tangent tangent. And you don’t even consider it an important one. It’s just a talking point for you to avoid dealing with facts and continuing your carastrophising

    Why do you keep asking me irrelevant questions?

    Do you accept that the EU is on track to meet its 2030 target, or not?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭WishUWereHere

    Yet another administrative ‘error’. And in August 2021, weren’t we also in lockdown? Oh yes, TD’s are above the law.

    What amazes me more is the ‘error’ is (afaik) always in their favour - I have yet to learn of a case where they under claim.

    What a country😳

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    What are you on about now ?

    You are the one that finds air pollution as an irrelevant tangent.

    I have given you the facts on both Guarantee of Origin certificates, and on biomass that provides 60% of E.U. green energy is credited as being carbon neutral. Facts that you continually ignore in favour of personalises jibes.

    Which track. The accountancy track of biomass being carbon neutral, or the reality of treating biomass for what it is, a contributor to CO2 emissions and air pollurion ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,787 ✭✭✭antoinolachtnai

    It’s quite simple. The EU is going to meet its target for CO2 reductions by 2030. You said it was impossible.

    When I pointed out that the EU was most of the way there already, you started off these tangents about Drax and the ASAI and scams.
