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Kilkenny GAA Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,182 ✭✭✭realdanbreen

    He's the same towards tipp. More to be pitied than laughed at as they say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 540 ✭✭✭usualstripes

    I agree about trying to eliminate the current handpass/throw but if the rule was that you had to handpass off the hurl then if youre in a ruck and trying to get away then opponents are just going to stop you being able to get you're hurl out in front to allow you to hand pass the ball and then it's overcarrying and a foul against you

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,906 ✭✭✭Charlie69

    Well done to Limerick yesterday, what a team and what a performance.

    We’re all experts with the benefit of hindsight but I agree with the earlier poster who said we got the starting fifteen wrong.

    By starting Wally for Blanchfield we ended up disrupting three lines on the field and had two players in positions they’re not familiar with or certainly not comfortable in those positions.

    I thought that was madness going into a game against the best team in the land , after all our troubles in midfield it finally looked settled with Mullen and Fogarty complementing each other perfectly.

    The changes not only upset the balance in midfield but actually upset the balance of the whole team really as Donnelly and Mullen are both forward thinking players and Donnelly doesn’t have the engine for the amount of off the ball work his new role required.

    I was still very proud of the way we wired into Limerick from the start and felt we could maybe have sustained it if we started in the right positions and replaced like for like from the bench as the tanks were emptying but who knows.

    The biggest frustration for me though is that we definitely had chances when we were on top that we didn’t take that might have asked some questions of this Limerick team.

    Of course they are a great team and had they fallen eight or nine points behind they may well have found a way to win anyway but I would have loved to see us ask that question of them. They were always going to get their purple patch if you like but we definitely didn’t take full advantage of ours.

  • Registered Users Posts: 417 ✭✭Alonzo Moseley

    Id be surprised if TJ packs it in. He still exerts a massive influence (he was the only forward in the last 15 mins still winning ball and looking to set up goals), is injury free, very fit, and I assume loves playing. I thought he was better this year than last tbh.

    Even though he was 36 when he retired, Keher could easily have gone on a few years as he was still very dangerous and extremely fit, and would have walked onto the 78 and 79 Kilkenny teams.the feeling in Kilkenny back then was that he got "talked into it" by persistent newspaper nudges. I think Grace ran some national journalist out of Nowlan Park in 78, as he felt he was repsonible for nudging Keher in to pemature retirement.

    In fact the 1978/79 teams were very similar to yesterday, 5-6 top class experienced players, 3/4 really good younger ones, but a tail of 3-4 very average players.

    There is a nucleus of at least 10 really top class IC players (if Blanch and Carey incuded), with at least 4-5 of the best in their positions in Ireland.

    It was the tail of 4-5 bang average players that led to the cave in and Limerick takeover. When the heat got turned up, those 4-5 players from 8-15, just couldnt cope with the physical challenge and the backs got bombarded with endless Liemrick ball as the ball came straight back down the field.

    We have to twist now with midfield and forward options, be bold, going with broadly the same 9 from 8 to 15 of yesterday, would be insane.

    I'd see the glass as very much half full.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,906 ✭✭✭Charlie69

    Also I’d love to know who won the toss as it was well flagged that the wind was going to blow stronger into the canal end into the afternoon and I actually posted this on Saturday.

    I really hope we didn’t choose to play with the wind in the first half knowing how Limerick are such a strong second half team and that the work rate required from us would mean the last thing a tiring team needed was playing into a strong wind and that high wall of a Limerick half back line.

    If Limerick won the toss then fair play as knowing their managements attention to detail they will have had their homework done.

    EDIT: I’ve just been told that Limerick won the toss so no fault on our part.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 417 ✭✭Alonzo Moseley

    You can bet your bottom dollar they had their weather homework done to a tee and were always taking the 2nd half into Davin if they won the toss.

    They probably have their own meteorologist. 😀

    Cian Lynch listed off a battery of backroom names in speech and I'd say that wasn’t even half what they have. TBH, yes, they have great players, but it's the set up that terrifies me, it looks like a more advanced version of the Dubs 6 in a row.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,906 ✭✭✭Charlie69

    Yeah they seem to have everything covered alright…. from very early on they looked like a management team and players that had legacy in mind and were never going to rest on their laurels or be happy with one or two All-Irelands when they finally reached the holy grail in 2018.

    Given their levels of strength and conditioning, if they can maintain their hunger and stay clear of anymore serious injuries, it’s frightening to think what this team could achieve really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭droppingball

    Limerick definitely won the toss and John Kiely referenced it in an interview that they wanted to have wind for the third quarter

  • Registered Users Posts: 417 ✭✭Alonzo Moseley

    Their outfield is essentially their mid decade U21 (Hannon and Dan Morrisey the only exceptions I can see), so using traditional measurements, with an average age of about 28, (at least 10 of their starters in 2024 will be 29 or more, with 5 over 30) they should have already hit their peak. But the set up is so incredibly strong, you wouldnt bet much on a decline from here.

    One thing that is noteworthy, and A Daly alluded to it in Examiner last week (and he was involved with Lim underage back then) is the progression of these players from minor. All good players, but Daly remarked that only Cian Lych was seen as real gold back then, but look at them all now.

    David Reidy couldnt break on to the Lim team and went hurling for Kildare in 2017, now, a starter on one of the strongest teams in history. A classic example of how the Limerick set up can bring players on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,182 ✭✭✭realdanbreen

    Obviously they are a fantastic team but I feel there's a danger of this myth about them getting inside fellas heads. One incident yesterday which I'm surprised more has not been made of is where Kilkenny were denied a clear 65 and immediately Limerick were allowed a quick puck(illegal, players in the square) which made the game 2 points up for Limerick instead of all square. Waterford could have beaten them, tipp drew with them and clare beat them so good and all as they are they're not invincible.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,906 ✭✭✭Charlie69

    No doubt about it Cian Lynch and probably Gillane are the most naturally talented of that team but while the rest of the team are all brilliant hurlers and incredible athletes it's their years of the right type of strength and conditioning and most importantly of all good coaching is what sets them apart.

    We have looked to be a very poorly coached team for the last few years and very slow to adapt to the modern game but there's very positive signs that this is changing. As the panel alluded to on TSG last night it takes a while before this becomes your default way of playing or becomes part of a teams DNA if you like but at least we're heading in the right direction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,906 ✭✭✭Charlie69

    No doubt about it Dan.... no team are invincible and you're also correct in saying that we can be guilty of creating an aura for teams like this and there's no doubt that our own great team of the noughties had some teams beaten before the ball was thrown in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭davidx40

    You would expect our great servants in Richie Hogan , Wally , Fogarty , Buckley , Padraig Walsh all to call it a day ......I think Tj should retire but will get .......I also think Eoin Murphy should be moved on ....we have a rebuilding of the panel to do and I think we need a goalkeeper that can distribute the ball way better than he is capable of if he stays in it will hold back our development

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,835 ✭✭✭kksaints

    I'd be somewhat wary if too many players retire after this season as there's a lot of experience gone in one swoop and might put too much pressure on the young players which could be an issue particularly in certain positions where we don't have a massive amount of depth. Certainly some of the players should be moved on/retired but all of them in one season is risky. Definitely Richie Hogan and Padraig Walsh should go now. Wally still has something to offer as an impact sub for another season or two. Buckley I'm in two minds over, he was much better as a sub this season than the last few years but if we have players ready to come into the halfback-line/midfield then he could be moved on. Think Fogarty is entitled to another year after some good performance this season and our lack of depth in the midfield. TJ is good for another year if he wants it although he might retire, he owes us nothing in any case. One thing I will say is that the league should be purely for trying out new players or giving relatively experienced players like Billy Ryan, Tommy Walsh matches to prove themselves worthy of a starting spot next season, I don't want to see the likes of Eoin Murphy, Eoin Cody, Buckley and Adrian Mullen in any of the first 3 or 4 league matches.

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭The_Tank

    Yep @Alonzo Moseley fair point on Tom Phelans touch but he’s come on a lot in the last year in his shooting (still not perfect but he was unconvincing on that last year) so I have hope on that front. His arc looks on the upward, which is what we need. And if we don’t have the next Richie Power (heralded star) then we need to develop a few more Taggy Forgartys or Liam Simpsons. What I do like is how he attacks the ball at pace which can at least cause chaos in terms of a breaking ball - which I think Mossey could take a look at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 800 ✭✭✭Glenomra

    brilliant point. The Limerick set-up has converted some 'average' players into exceptional ones. The intensity and quality of the skill training plus the buy-in from players to prepare professionally is exemplary. If that pattern continues, then they might remain longer at the toptable than most people assumed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 565 ✭✭✭Frankie Machine

    So on the question of goalkeeping, where is this terrific distributor of the ball then ?

    If we have one, why isn't he playing ?

    If we haven't one, then maybe address that first before handing out P45's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    There would be fewer rucks because players would be less likely to carry possession into contact because they are more likely to be turned over. In my opinion it would open things up considerably. Less rucks and bunch defending because the ball would be moved quicker off the stick. Teams wouldn`t be committing as many bodies to the man in possession. The current handpass/throw has created an obsession with retention of possession.

  • Registered Users Posts: 512 ✭✭✭kilkennyboy

  • Registered Users Posts: 565 ✭✭✭Frankie Machine

    God be with the days when you could drop the hurley when making a handpass. We'd be better off going back to that, plus a compulsory pass from the hand that's not holding the ball.

    Anything would be better than the travesty that pertains.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    Changing the handpass rule will make the middle third less squeezed. I suspect we will start to see a return of some ground striking and the short puckout could become obsolete. It will be interesting to see how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭forchange

    Think it’s time to go just reading comments there most of them about who could go

    it’s amazing when I said this at the beginning of the year I did not know what I was talking about now everyone is saying it

    poor old brookville thought we needed big games from Ryan mossy Donnelly sure you cant get what’s not there and they have showing this

    mossy for 2 years running has being taking of in Leinster final semie and final

    Billy Ryan there for 6 years and you could not say he dominated any game and I don’t thing he touched ball yesterday

    Donnely had terrible semie final and poor again yesterday

    it’s inter county hurling and the object is to win all Ireland not beat laoise and Westmeath and Dublin

    as for coming back not being there when we winning

    I put my cards on the table all said I talking bull **** well looks like my bullshit came through

    just remind you Tipp hammered us in the park

    Limerick made use look so bad in league final it was embarrassing

    But worst of all Wexford destroying us when it mattered and if people couldn’t see where kilkenny hurling was after this result they going around with there eyes closed

    i said Derek lyng no experience not right man for job

    all I see on comments how they fucked up on sunday with changes

    The biggest mistake they made was thinking that fogarty mossy Ryan Donnelly Walter Buckley Alan Murphy had anything to offer a team that was trying to win all Ireland

    some of them gave unbelievable service to kilkenny and everyone of them gave there all

    but you can’t change the facts there either gone past or not good enough

    John Walsh was the only player ever scored 1-15 for kilkenny in Walsh cup and got dropped of panel 2 weeks later

    maybe you should look a bit harder look how well mullinavat have done the last few years

    o loughlins might rember and he the top scorer by far his record at underage for kilkenny and intermediate Donnelly Ryan mossy would not come near him

    you can only judge a player by what he does on the field

    Donnely last few years for Thomastown did not preform when mattered

    mossy did not preform for tullaroan when mattered

    walter very poor for club at junior leval

    buckley very poor for Dicksboro

    fogarty very poor for comer gave 20 minutes against tullaroan

    again I put all the facts down and no one can contradict them

    Time to go back to kilkenny hurling skill and speed

  • Registered Users Posts: 512 ✭✭✭kilkennyboy

    Short puckout will be gone under new proposed rule change ball must travel beyond the 45 before a defending player can touch everyone will be outside the 45 .no point staying beside a defender if your a forward keeper can't use him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭forchange

    If you want to call light wait

    Eddie Brennan

    Richie hogan

    Tommy Walsh


    mikey Butler

    we now going into our longest spell without all Ireland

    The last time this happened it took one of the greatest managers / player of all time to get kilkenny back to the top the great ollie Walsh

    you say my way would not work well i guarantee you as long as we keep picking people gone past it and work horses instead of skilled players well we will watch other teams lift the cup

    in fairness how billy ryan and fogarty mossy were kept being picked

    young kenny showed he far more skilful and a lot more to offer he scored more than billy ryan in the championship

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭me89

    Oh great you're back, still waiting for you to name the 15 that should be starting, who are the alternatives?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,182 ✭✭✭realdanbreen

    Exactly Charlie, I remember tipp Kilkenny matches in the mid 2000s and if tipp were going well in the game you almost accepted that Kilkenny would come roaring back and clinch it. You can have all the sports psychologists you want in the squad but if you don't go and shove it up to the opposition you're fucked. I'll say it now, if that great Kilkenny team of the 2000s were not able to do the 5 in a row then this Limerick team certainly won't do it! It's time for Tipperary Kilkenny Cork etc to man up and shove it up to them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 643 ✭✭✭Mad about baa baas

    Did you not read his posts..john Walsh is coming in instead of the 10 lads he is dropping

  • Registered Users Posts: 540 ✭✭✭usualstripes

    Walter very poor for Tullogher?

    Have you watched any Tullogher games over the past few years when he was involved?

    I would certainly be of the view that John Walsh had enormous potential when he got involved with the inter county setup years ago but it came to an end fairly abruptly. Not sure i have all the reasons for this but maybe you can enlighten us on them. But to go on saying Wally was very poor for Tullogher when this is just not the case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 954 ✭✭✭conor05

    This Limerick groups commitment to Strength & Conditioning since the age of 15 is well known. There is a reason they are finishing the matches so strong.

    Can the same be said of all our squad?

    Add in Kinnerk football style of hurling and you would need off the scale fitness levels to stay going with this Limerick team for 75mins.

    I actually think the gap is getting wider between Limerick and the chasing pack.

    Would Ritchie Hogan, Cillian Buckley and Padraig Walsh make the Limerick match day 26? Never mind coming on as subs.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    No point in going outside the 45 either because if your team mate gets possession, he can no longer throw it, so he is more vulnerable to a turnover, so he is more likely to strike it than pass it. If your an inside forward you`ll have to explain why you`ve gone missing from the inside line. I`d say they didn`t have to change the puck out rule because if it becomes easier to win a turnover, forwards will push up naturally, forcing keepers to go long more often.

    I welcome it anyway. There will be plenty of bedding in problems and I`d say the ref will wear out his whistle in first few games until players adapt. Anything is better that the throw fest we had Sunday. The refs seem to have given up trying to enforce the rule and it`s hard to blame them.
