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RTÉ admits paying Tubridy €345,000 more than declared



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    I have asked both An Post, RTÉ and The Department. The Department couldn't understand why the collection agent should pay for ads for the thing they are collecting!

    I will ask again!


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    I know people in Media Buying Agencies who buy on behalf of both, I also know a lady who works in the An Post Marketing Department. They definitely pay for their ads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Thanks seriously, I did think the woman (high up in the department) was talking out of her arse, job for f'ing life.

    You know those ads only run on RTÉ services, will VMTV and the other not take them?


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    Not true again. They’re definitely on regional radio at least.

    Can’t speak for VMTV as I rarely watch it. In fact the only time I’ve watched it in the last 10 years were the few recent shows covering the RT scandal.

    I’ll ask the media buying people - they’ll know, might be tomorrow before I have an answer but tbh I cannot see why they would turn down money. It makes no commercial sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭alzer100

    In relation to the licence fee reminder advertising costs, does An Post claim it back then as in from the government? Or are they given some sort of advertisement budget?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭KevRossi

    I haven't posted on this thread for a while so I'll just say what I think from where we stand right now, and that is that Tubridy will be back. Mid-September at the latest, possibly in 3-4 weeks when things are still a bit quiet over the school holidays. No TD's around to hammer him in the Dail either.

    I think it's a mistake for a few reasons;

    There's a cancer in RTE, not just among the celebs and D-listers, but also amongst those who work there, Bakhurst had the opportunity to lay down a marker, state Tubridy's position as being untenable and to get rid of him. He should have done it by this week, to give fair hearing to Tubridy, but he hasn't and that to me is an sign that he is stating on.

    Bakhurst, by laying down a marker could have swept the top layers of sour cream off the organisation and massively reduced the wage bill. Show us where the saved money is going and he gets some breathing space. He could also have tackled the high wages in there in general by showing that cuts are being made at the top, but he looks to fail here as well.

    I said in a previous post that I'd like to see the wages of the Top 100 in there and was frankly surprised to see that nr. 100 is on €116,000 p.a. For a place that openly offers a poor product in many places that is too much. We need to see how much the Top 300 are on at this stage.

    There's other issues such as the rampant nepotism in the place, as an example many of the studio cameramen belong to about four different families. A closed shop, on crazy overtime and work conditions, backed up by the unions.

    Bakhurst, Ironically came in at the perfect time. He has a bit of a chance to wipe the place clean of all bacteria and start with a clean slate. Sadly, he's not the right person for the job and he won't do any meaningful reform. He could start with Tubridy, but he won't.

    I always thought that the reports on the Tubridy payments from RTE News were a bit venomous, there seemed to be plenty of glee at some sort of revenge that the lesser minions were dealing out to the big boys, and I've no doubt that there's a poor atmosphere in there now, especially that the main players have deserted the sinking ship on big pension plans.

    Anyway, I expect to see a colour piece on Tubridy in the Sindo or similar. Stock phrases drafted by NK should run like; "hurting inside", "regret", "sorrow", "can understand the pain I caused", "long road back that I want to take on with my fans", "build up trust again", "kindness of tens of thousands of well wishers". This will include a photo of Tubs looking straight down the lens, probably on a beach in Connemara where he has spent hundreds of hours pacing up and down, wracked by guilt and remorse etc. etc.

    The first radio programme may have tears, certainly a quivering voice, and all from a man who's biggest regret is that he was caught.

    Kevin Bakhurst will fiddle that with the Sindo and NK. Bakhurst has already let it be known to us that he's a big friend of Tubridy. Tubridy may have put out the feelers elsewhere for another job, in the UK or Cape Cod with the Irish-Democrats, and I think he's been told that it's a no-no from them.

    He has nothing else here, his name is mud with so many people that he can't take on a proper PR job for several years. if ever. So he has to bet it all on RTE. And Bakhurst is his only way back in there. And because Bakhurst is taking so much time, I reckon the deal is done and Tubridy will be back sooner rather than later. The blame will be placed on those who jumped the sinking ship and Tubs will have his "innocent man wrongly accused" tag.

    Anyway, I've given up on the story as I reckon that's the way it'll pan out. FF were rehabilitated here fairly quickly. Tubridy will be forgiven by those in power a lot faster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,487 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    Excellent summation and I agree that as of now K B is not the person to clean up the place, will slowly drift back to its old habits.

    Hopefully we will be proved wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭alzer100

    Quote from KevRossi:

    "There's other issues such as the rampant nepotism in the place, as an example many of the studio cameramen belong to about four different families. A closed shop, on crazy overtime and work conditions, backed up by the unions"

    I personally became aware of the nepotism in place in RTE during the early to mid 90s when a colleague of mine in a previous employment basically walked into RTE and straight into his father's position when his father retired. Nothing against the guy but...

    I think RTE were boasting that they were an equal opportunities employer even back then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,487 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    I think we can all agree that nepotism is rampant in RTE.

    That bird has flown…….

  • Registered Users Posts: 988 ✭✭✭Hyperbollix

    Good post Kev, completely agree. If I knew nothing about Bakhurst or his history with RTE, the gormless look on his face and the general way he carried himself in the committee would just give me one vibe, a man who is keen to make this debacle go away and get back to business as usual within the organisation.

    A serious DG would be making a statement by deciding to either A) dispense with Tubridy immediately or B) if for whatever legal reasons this proves difficult, at the very least move him off the main stage for the remainder of whatever bloody arrangement he still has and THEN dispense with him. But we all know Tubbers will be back on air sooner than you can say 'delicious'

    The reality is Bakurst has history at RTE, isnt a new broom with no prior relationships or baggage and probably feels obligated to dig out his old buddies here. More than that, I just don't believe he has the inclination or stomach for a root and branch RTE reform. Why would he? It's 50% funded by a licence fee and the government will bail out any deficit. He just needs to make the right noises, sweep some dirt under a rug and call it job done. All is now well in Paradise. Pure joke. But that's Ireland.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    I think it won't work for them. I think for them it is the inevitable outcome but I think in the end it will mean the end of RTÉ.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,082 ✭✭✭coolbeans

    Agree with KevRossi. Tubs will be back, Bathurst doesn't seem to have the will or skills to reform. In about a decade, maybe less, this will blow up again and 2023 will be looked on as another missed opportunity. Truly nauseating.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    This is the letter An Post sent me last week. They returned my €40 of stamps (TVSaving Stamps). They also returned my original letter.

    I should have asked for flip flops or an All For 1 voucher.

    Essentially the money is spent already like a direct debit so to speak - unless I BARTER them of course for a large bag of cans at €30.

    Its one big club and we aint in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    You effectively got a credit note. They don't expire, meaning you can stop purchasing them until you decide to pay the license fee.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users Posts: 51,924 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    Anyone know how to darken the print on a computer or if it can be done please? I can hardly see the writing>

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,437 ✭✭✭✭thesandeman

    They could become a collectors item in the near future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,913 ✭✭✭Pintman Paddy Losty

    Are people still clinging to the outrage on this one here? The news cycle has moved on. Even the angry men over on have stopped Xeeting about it and moved on to crime in Dublin.

    I can see Ryan back in situ on Radio in September if I'm reading the national mood correctly.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    100% agree. I had a similar experience more than 20 years ago and you can add SIPTU into that masonic ecology too. It was a small incestious pool at the top. Outsiders not welcome. Outsiders are a threat. Watch Serpico for an example of corruption.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    FOOKING DIRTBIRDS™ and SHITEHAWKES™ the lot of them!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,291 ✭✭✭evolvingtipperary101


  • Registered Users Posts: 894 ✭✭✭Emblematic

    Of course tradaditional broadcasting won't go away immediately, and nor should it, but we have to remember that it is one format among many. If we prop up a national broadcaster with license or tax money we are propping to a degree up the older formats rather than being format-neutral as we should be. Look at the failure to get DAB+ off the ground and also the general lack of effort put in to develop a working web-based player. RTE simply aren't interested. All the innovation - what there is of it - has come from outside.

    This is why I argue that it is content that should be funded and not broadcasters. Funding primarily a single broadcaster the way we do here leads to a lopsided and stifled market.

    Post edited by Paul on

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭Orange-Coca-Cola

    No surprises that another buffer account does not read the national mood correctly. He may return to the radio in September, but do not try to pass off the hiatus during the summer that this story has been more or less forced to take, as 'the national mood' of acceptance.

    It will be interesting to see how it plays out on his first week back. People start to phone in, or email in unless of course they decide to not take any external input. I would imagine many of the possible sponsors will come under fire, possibly even with threats of boycott, and I cannot think of any businesses that would be willing to risk that. But of course most of that is unlikely to happen because the national mood as you read it, is that everyone has forgotten about it and has moved on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭Karppi

    Looks like Bakhurst is going to make NKM the sacrificial scapegoat, and Ryan will be portrayed as rehabilitated. Delicious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,327 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    If they try and bring back Tubridy, I can see less and less people paying their tv license out of anger.

    If folks think his image is rehabbed, I got some land on the moon I can sell ya at discount.

  • Re studio camera operators, I remember attending LLS, three red heads, two girls and one guy as far as I recall, were covering it. The spit of each other, seemed to be siblings.

  • It would backfire broadly if he’s brought back, although his avid female fans would support the “wronged man” to the hilt.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,327 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    We're being told that he has an avid 'female' fan base...

    But who are they? Only folks I've ever seen be all 'Ryan is an INNOCENT MAN' are people who work as broadcasters, be it on the radio, or podcasts, or occasionally pop up on a program dumped on the RTE player/ segment on an RTE midday show that nobody sees because they're at work.

    His co-workers, as in go to work every single day at the RTE offices, have never spoken up in favour of him staying on at his gig.

    I could throw a stone in any direction, and I wouldn't be able to find a single supporter of him. So I genuinely question this supposed fanbase. I could find supporters of Marty Morrissey, even if I disagree with their opinion, but Tubridy, nope.

    Post edited by Paul on

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