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  • Yeah real romantic types will be over the moon

    can picture it now, sitting there with the Mrs (or prospective Mrs), hands held, faces red as a baboons arse.

    ”love is in the air”…

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators Posts: 6,370 Mod ✭✭✭✭Sheep Shagger

  • Posts: 2,725 [Deleted User]

    My brother worked in a hotel years ago and said that the women’s jacks were always in a worse state after a wedding than the gents. The gents was the usual stuff - vomit in the urinals, the odd blocked shïtter, or a cocktail umbrella pitched in a coil of beefy shïte left floating in the pan.

    Said in the women’s you’d find used fanny bullets thrown on the ground, snot rags left on the sink, the odd pair of abandoned knickers (damage to the front and back in evidence) tucked in behind the toilet. Also said that white wine shïtes are absolutely horrific from both a smell and fallout perspective.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,297 ✭✭✭Count Dracula

    Even the bluebottles were coughing.... Love it.

    Hash tag , mods should eat more Bran Flakes and drink more scoops, and get ridden rotten on the floor of their kitchen, hall staircase, landing floor , bedroom floor and finally so hard until they get carpet burns from the chipboard of the back side of their broken bed headrest, that has collapsed in unknown forgotten depravity. They really should.

    Rockers..... keep on rocking....... in the free world.

    The Hogan Jack's yesterday resembled the back streets of Limerick as portrayed by Thommy McCourt. In case you haven't read anything by McCourt just imagine the smell and waft of fresh urine and faeces, distilled humanly for around 1 hour and then deposited en masse, by hoards of half cut GAA fans who had spent the previous 2-3 hours drinking Stout and lager, infused with Bacon and Cabbage and their own sweat, wiped off their brows on a hot, lashing out of the heavens, Sunday in late july. Dry retching is optimal.

    Please note that I am considering a letter to the united nations environmental committee, cc'ing the Irish Green party and whatever the EU equivalent is, to enquire about setting up a methane fueled Gas lamping project in the north inner city. it would certainly get the streets lit last night with the amount of scour pelted into the sewers of Bally bough. PHucking animals. The GAA should have their rates doubled, they have the money and we all know it. They should introduce a shight Tax for the GAA.

    Spanish dry cherry is a far better buzz than the laxatives the fans were snorting yesterday. Every shitter around town was closed yesterday evening. I ended up opting for the Westbury, I slow jogged from Hawkins street. All 4 cubes had been given the Kerry Treatment, piss on seats and ample skid marking, a variety of hues from Amber Orange clinging wet looking deposits, resembling a map of the Philippine islands, to other dark brown, pure back tail light of a Massey Ferguson designs, that smelt like a Pig farm in Westmeath. the ladies was not an option. I went for a Greek style hover at trap 3 and kept the door open, just to annoy the anxious strung out coke heads and show them how real Fenians do it....

    People should stop buying cocaine. If you are a user all you actually need to do is go and hang around the mens of any pub in the country and follow the cretins in after them with a cheeky grin and " ah go on yah mad chunt, just a quick bump yah dirty fooker yah" ... it works every time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,649 ✭✭✭Floppybits

    When I was younger I worked in a bar part time and at the end of the night clean up the worst thing the manager could say to you was will ya check both jacks. Checking the men's wasn't too bad the usual glasses left in sinks, blocked toilets and what ever, but the women's was dire, usually there was an inch of water on the floor you'd be splashing water all over the place, used toilet paper on the floor, knickers on the floor and I would love to say this was a rare occurrence but wasn't, you'd find someone had had a dump on the floor. You would need to hosed down after you came out.

    On another note had an awful start to the morning this morning, woke up the tummy rumbling so made it to the loo in time. These diet tablets are the devils creation, you are not safe at anytime, anyways made the toilet in time and all was grand, cleaned up and was going to head back to bed while the water heated up for a shower when I got the urge to let off some wind and thought I would be safe after just finishing so let rip and unfortunately it was a shart and I destroyed myself and the floor. I was just counting my blessing that this was in the toilet and not in bed or worse in the office. Utterly destroyed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,297 ✭✭✭Count Dracula

    Drunk women are animals.

    But they are paying the price for their desired privacy when it comes to pissing and shighting when they are out on the town.

    In Scandanavia there are " open casket" pooers where you can share anecdotes with fellow defacators without having to shout into the ceiling. Some are even Unisex. The sooner the better. either that are change the divide to Prudes and Non Prudes.

    Mná na hEireann should get this actioned and introduce a trough style pee wall for themselves, whereby they form an orderly queue and squathover over a urinal and piss like crazy. If they want to have rights and access to our boozers they are going to have to compromise, men have been pissing the wall for centuries, it works. The average turnaround for a man is less than 2 minutes, including stage fright. I have seen Airport departure queues have quicker turnarounds than the ladies in Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,649 ✭✭✭Floppybits

    The queue at the ladies usually results on some desperate ladies barging into the men's to go. I remember one night was in the toilet using the urinal when 3 ladies barge in the door and into a cubicle some lad was in having a leak, while another lady decided to use a urinal and practically sat in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,297 ✭✭✭Count Dracula

    Their behaviour is appalling.

    This is what happens when females start burning the bras and getting all sauce for the goose.

    You can't have your Gallon of Porter without dealing with the consequences. That applies to chardonnay swilling hussies wearing hot pants as well.

    They never anticipate what is coming around the corner. Witless they are, throw in a few vinos and those stupid looking pink Gnt's they fawn over like a bunch of flowers and it is recipe for disaster.

    They either get with the hover trough or wear nappies in my opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 188 ✭✭Stewie Griffin

    Very little discussion here on the cathartic effects of cabbage. Anyone feel qualified enough for a deep dive, so to speak?

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,811 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    You don't know how many holes that stuff has been up before you indulge. Not good atall atall. Stay away.

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 34,811 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Well sadly I have been away from this thread for far too long, but now I am compelled to reanimate so as to speak.

    I am on my holidays way out west, can't blame "de wahter" for my troubles though as I'm sticking to Super Valoo's finest budget priced sparkling H2O beverage (and beer).

    Been producing normal healthy amounts daily but there was a bit of a warning sign yesterday, I thought I was done after dropping a substantial load in the morning but was caught out in the afternoon, no big deal thought I. Things were getting a bit less than optimal with the hotel's cheapo bottomo rollo though.

    But nothing could prepare me for the events of this morning, I was barely out of the scratcher when the contractions started. I soon passed something reminiscent of a world war two Mills Hand Grenade only somewhat rougher. This thing was easily a good two inches in diameter yet shot out with alacrity. It hurt. It bled. Why, arse, why?

    But that wasn't the end, there was more. Early afternoon, we were planning to go for a drive. Just need to visit the tut first. Oh no. Yep, my colon wasn't done and tore open old wounds so to speak.

    Then I spent 90 minutes driving on a seat with somewhat worn out upholstery over very winding and undulating roads. Walked around nondescript west of Ireland town for an hour (you'd think not sitting down would be good, but this was chafing city) and then 90 minutes back again.

    I think this is the closest I've come to having a row with the other half due to my discharge pipe. Not a fun day.

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,016 ✭✭✭Slideways

    Nothing like a good feed to cabbage to get things charged. Super smooth deposits from it. Generally results in beefy farts, hearty enough you could pin the tail of a donkey on them.

    Brussel sprouts however put cabbage in the ha’penny position. Glorious little fûckers, dunno why people refrain from eating them outside of Christmas time. Had a whopping feed of them yesterday and flew today, as soon as the plan started to descent I was firing out some cracking silent but deadly farts, whilst looking around in an accusatory manner trying to take the heat off myself

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭Grouptherapy

    Pro move there Slideways - glaring at other heads with your knuckles under your nose.

    Was in Saturday evening mass a few years back and mate let out a ripper on the wooden bench. Blue rinse with the rosary beads spun around to glare but my mate was ready and turned in synchro to glare at the elderly gentleman behind us while tutting and muttering durty animal...

  • Posts: 2,725 [Deleted User]

    That reminds me of a similar incident at our local church many years ago now at this stage.

    There was a chap called Gerard who had special needs. His elderly parents would bring him to mass - his mother would head over to the womens side, and Gerard would sit in beside his father. Gerard was known for occasionally letting go an extremely loud and absolutely foul fart during the mass. I can still remember that warm "hum" hitting the nostrils and people shuffling awkwardly in their seat as they were nasally assaulted by a stomach-churning "soup, stew and apple tart" influenced bottom burp.

    My uncle, who was a similar age to Gerard, decided to attend Mass one morning despite having consumed I'd imagine 15-20 pints the day before in the local. Back from England, and keen to check out who was about. I was sitting beside him and could sense him tensing up after the Gospel, before he (almost silently) discharged a good long sonorous fart. The horror and anticipation as you released you were soon going to have to endure this can only be compared to those folks in Threads who see the nuclear bomb go off and realise they only have 30 seconds to live.

    The unimaginable pong soon spread out, and my uncle decided to mutter "ara Jesus, Gerry" just loud enough that the two rows ahead and behind us could hear.

    Gerard waited about 10 seconds, before tapping my uncle on the shoulder, and saying loud enough so the whole church could hear, "that's wasn't me John, you bollocks".

    Fr. Hawkins had to pause his sermon, see what the commotion was, and only continued when he saw it was Gerard.

    The Uncle left straight after communion, and my poor Father had to apologise to Gerry's Dad about the attempt by my Uncle to pin this most heinous of crimes on an innocent man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,811 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Women's side? was that a rural thing or a hangover from pre-vatican 2 days or what?

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,012 ✭✭✭✭cj maxx

    I haven’t been good for the last few months . An urge to fart followed by an emptying of pure scour . Im only fixed now . It’s great feeling a turd , not skitter , coming out . Before flushing I look at it like a new mother looking at her baby , smilingly , before I wish it well and say goodbye .

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,765 ✭✭✭Aglomerado

    Unplanned feed of black pints last night. My rear end is like a black pudding factory churning out logs today and the gaseous emissions probably have deafened the cat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,016 ✭✭✭Slideways

    Had to interrupt herself mid sentence this eve and tell her to hold her whist. Got an outrageous and immediate need to give birth to a Sinn Fein councillor.

    Up from the table and abandoned my mug or tea and choccy bar and darted to the powder room. Was expecting carnage but was very pleasantly surprised. Two of king kongs thumbs dispatched with minimal pressure and a clean sweep on the paperwork.

    Waltzed back to the kitchen all happy about meself only to find two guilty looking fuçkers and an empty club milk wrapper. Sneaky bastàrds..

  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭Grouptherapy

    Swings and roundabouts Slideways.

    Treated myself to a cooked breakfast yesterday morning and as it was coming near the the end of the beans, Oliwia put the last 3 scoops from the tray on my plate. I nodded thanks and gave her my best fair play to ya smile.

    Fast forward to this morning's log out and I was pleased to see the beans had given the midden a ferocious shine. Off it went sleek as a water rat to Ringsend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,467 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    The shiny midden log is a fast disappearing occurance in these days I have to say.

    Well done for unloading a fine specimen, the diet is the important bit.

    I fanned out a shroud of military green scutther in the downstairs which coated the pan and surrounds ,after a feed of ham shanks and cabbage yesterday.

    She was not shiny by any stretch, must check my diet, could have been the cans of Samson 8%.

    Will have to choke back a bit.

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  • Posts: 2,725 [Deleted User]

    My GP told me my cholesterol is quite high, and put me on a statin to get it down. Started it this morning, and within an hour I felt the first major rumble down in steerage class. I've sat on the throne at least 15 times today. Can't even risk a fart, and I'm glad I didn't take the risk as not one of them have been dry so far.

    If the pan was Eastern Europe then my hole is Chernobyl and the fallout is everywhere. Pretty much just rusty water at this stage. Red, raw and angry. I'm tired, emotional, and dehydrated. Can't even risk having my usual 8 cans of Beamish as that would make things worse.

    Not a good day.

  • Posts: 2,725 [Deleted User]

    Thanks for the support….

    Shower of bound-up cûnts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,744 ✭✭✭✭EmmetSpiceland

    Lashing out won’t help anyone, Doc. Some of us might have been “going at it” fairly heavily over the last few weekends and have fears of blowing out an O-ring.

    I, myself, have been fairly liquid the last while. Solid deposits have been few and far between. A lot of friction heat developing with the wipes.

    Will soldier on but I don’t see any real let up until after the World Cup. Not looking forward to the last of toilet bowls in France, though. Will have to up the number of “leg days” to make sure everything goes smoothly. Buckshot splash on the lower leg is a real worry.

    “It is not blood that makes you Irish but a willingness to be part of the Irish nation” - Thomas Davis

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators Posts: 6,370 Mod ✭✭✭✭Sheep Shagger

    Back in the old days of the Shepherd's Bush Walkabout where they had long rows of old school, piss troughs (aka urinals), I still remember walking in to take a piss and seeing an Kiwi or Aussie bird using one of the urinals, aiming into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,467 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    Filthy bint, hope it wasn’t a solid she was releasing.

    Was there a whack of Marmite off the discharged load?

    Or maybe blown mutton?

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators Posts: 6,370 Mod ✭✭✭✭Sheep Shagger

    I's say she is well settled now with 2 kids, dog and white picket fence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,835 ✭✭✭NewbridgeIR

    Saw an Irish labourer taking a dump in a trough urinal mid 1990s. That was a pub in Shepherd's Bush.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,467 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators Posts: 6,370 Mod ✭✭✭✭Sheep Shagger

    This is ridiculous...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭You the man

    Ah here, I'm extremely bound up of late... A penny for your thoughts Dr...

    I'm passing nasty, hurtful stools reeking of fish oil as I thought the cod liver would ease the delivery. Not so. I've been on 'da batter' since returning from the 'important company business' down Iberian way, and so, reaping the rewards I'd imagine..

    Mrs man, has a severe dose of the squirts since returning- all the imodium in Eire ain't plugging the dam..

    Go figure..
