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RTÉ admits paying Tubridy €345,000 more than declared



  • Registered Users Posts: 988 ✭✭✭Hyperbollix

    I absolutely think Tubridy is that pathetic individual.......

    He's got nothing else to offer. He can't go down the independent podcast route because unfortunately for him, senior citizens don't do podcasts. If he's not on Radio1 he's inaccessible to a lot of his core fanbase.

    He can't write books, well because, he just can't write them. He's a very medicore writer who needed his brand name to both get books comissioned and sold. Maybe he could try children's books, but he's no longer the glorious Toyman.....

    As for other tv/radio work, I think he's locked into Ireland. As proven when he went to the UK for summer work, his shtick doesn't translate beyond these shores, the Brits saw him for the insincere, puddle deep, non entity he is. Will Virgin take him on? Not any time soon. Would Lord Turbridy seriously want to slum it with plebs in Ballymount, he's obviously far better than that!

    So his decision now is, does he launch into some spurious legal action against RTE to try to hoover up some compensation, although given his status as an out of contract freelancer who has had his contract failed to be renewed, I don't know how that works.. Or does he now go full mea culpa and throw himself on the mercy of Bakhurst and his "friends" in RTE, while putting out afew altogether smarter statements. I think he's fully capable of the latter because he's a man backed into a corner now.

    I think he will make a return to RTE at some point but It will be in a much diminished guise where he's largely out of public consciousness. A small mercy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,031 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    I’d agree with newcavanman though in that he doesn’t display the sharpness and wit that made him attractive to audiences in the past- he showed RTÉ that you could do a successful show without demanding nearly a million quid a year and I’d say that put a few noses out of joint- all of us (I don’t think there was one exception from the regular contributors) on the TV forum were in disbelief when Brendan’s Saturday night show got canned- it far out punched the LLS.

    Brendan hasn’t really been the same since- he had his 15 minutes in the big spotlight- I don’t think he blew it- on the contrary I think he was a victim of his own success and talent and showed up other highly more paid presenters as being overinflated talentless bores.

  • Subscribers Posts: 689 ✭✭✭FlipperThePriest

    He can do no wrong (inside his own head), reminds me of someone...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭lee_baby_simms

    He developed the “be kind” facade not out of choice but necessity. He isn’t funny nor good looking so he needed something to hook the public with.

    Someone with charm and wit and who was more irreverent and bolshy like Gerry Ryan would have weathered this storm. Ryan’s brittle “be kind” veneer is completely at odds with how he actually behaved.

    I really do think his days as a top draw at RTE are numbered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 260 ✭✭Munstergirl854

    Talk about having the contract in your hand and blowing it.Schoolboy error to release Wednesdays statement...

    Bakhursts statement was very well written I thought,I wouldn't get too caught up in how certain things are worded,I'd imagine the door open theory is to guard against any future legal action(which I think RT was going to take anyway).

    The comments about trust breaking down may send a damaging message to any future would be employers that he cant be trusted.

    I have to say and I have wondered this from the start, I dont think RT was well got at RTE by the way this whole thing has erupted,think theres more behind the scenes regarding tension.

    Heres a good article explaining the lead up to yesterday's statement

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,463 ✭✭✭Caquas

    This latest twist will mystify almost everyone because they misunderstand the entire, baffling situation.

    The question “Why drop Tubs over his latest statement?” can be added to the more fundamental questions about this scandal I.e. “Why does RTÉ pay their morning DJ like he’s a mega-star?” or “Why does RTÉ pretend that their staff are independent contractors?” or “Why was RTÉ negotiating against itself?” The nonsense about guaranteeing the €75K p.a. Renault payments just highlights the absurd lengths RTÉ management went to when trying to overpay their “top talent”.

    Some may think this is a kind of Stockholm syndrome where RTE management bought into their own BS about their irreplaceable “stars” (who had nowhere else to go). That might be a factor but I think there is a much more rational and self-interested motive behind this apparently crazy behaviour.

    Think of RTÉ as a sports team that is the dominant team in a fourth-rate, local league. Thanks to very generous and always reliable donors, the team can outspend the other, much poorer, teams in their league, and so is always top the table and has a “deep bench”, I.e. takes on far more players than it needs. And there is still plenty of money to spend on the backroom staff. The groundskeeper is the “Executive Director for Estate Management”, the guy on the turnstile is the “Commercial Vice-President” and the lad who just hangs around giving his unwanted opinions is now “Director of Strategy”.

    When the players discover the money these chancers are on, all hell breaks loose but the team can’t pay big money to the players without cutting down the squad size, the least popular solution. Instead, they pay big bucks to a few “top players” so that the backroom salaries look reasonable. When it comes to negotiating the top players’ salaries, the management have good reason to side with these players. Only a team with such lucrative players could support a massive and overpaid backroom staff I.e. themselves.

    For a long time, this worked very well for management and the top players. But Tubs broke the unspoken rule by dumping on management. He did it first in June when he issued that “nothing to do with me” statement , then he repeated the dose at the PAC. This week’s statement showed that he in unrepentant I.e. he doesn’t know the game is up and he wants “top talent” pay even if that means dumping on management. Bakhurst doesn’t want that attitude infecting his team, meaning he doesn’t want Noel Kelly around anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,418 ✭✭✭Gusser09

    Kevin Bakhurst was going only going through the motions with the negotiations. There is not a hope in hell he would have had Tubridy back. He needed to lay down a marker and show that he wants to reform RTE. He needed to show the staff there who are on less than Tubridy and who keep the show on the road that they are more important than Tubridy. That not one person is bigger than the team.

    He also needed to start to rebuild public trust.

    Tubridy was never coming back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,031 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    I don’t think we know the half of what the “staff resentment” is all about but now that Tubridy is not coming back for the foreseeable future I’m betting we’re going to get stories from “sources” over the coming weeks that might lift the lid on this- potentially in the weekend papers this weekend.

    Someone above mentioned that Gerry Ryan would have weathered this storm- I actually don’t think he would have. Back in 2008 or 09, can’t remember which but Gerry made a huge deal about taking a pay cut at the time of the great economic depression and eventually conceded - he made a big song and dance about it on his show and I’d say that was one of the reasons why he didn’t get TLLS gig- he was just tone deaf to the realities of the ordinary people in the depressed Irish economy that paid his inflated salary- probably greatly affected by the illegal chemicals swirling around in his system

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,478 ✭✭✭valoren

    It’s a clever strategy. Privately decide to not take him back because he isn’t wanted internally and then make it very public that the intent was to bring him back in September on 170k for an hour a day slot. That figure is then touted as the cost of hiring a “talent” like Turbidy, a talent which no one will be willing to stump up for. Then, down the line, when it comes time to re-negotiate contracts with Noel Kellys other “talent” Bakhurst will have that as a negotiating point i.e. no one outside of RTE wanted Tubs at a cut rate price, who will hire you at the levels you’re at? Here’s the (much lower) offer, take it or leave it folks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭omeara1113

    Maybe rte need to get rid of independent contractors and start hiring staff

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭lee_baby_simms

    I think it’s also worth mentioning that Paddy Kielty will no doubt provide a negative contrast to Tubridys ability.

    He’s funnier, quicker and more charismatic than Ryan.

    It’s emperors new clothes stuff with RT. He could fade fairly fast into people memories as the evenings draw in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 988 ✭✭✭Hyperbollix

    Disagree. Had he been a good boy and closed his gob, he'd be back in his old slot in September.

    But the goon just had to have another swipe and try to paint himself as wholly without fault. He wanted to just take up where he left off in June. Bakhurst, dealing with a licence fee crisis and a staff crisis as well, couldn't put up with anymore.

    This decision should have been made a month ago. But as has been said, we got the right outcome for the wrong reasons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,418 ✭✭✭Gusser09

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    I wouldn't exactly be a huge fan of Terry Prone but Ryan Tubridy would do very well to listen several times to what she had to say on TV last night. She's a long time in the media/ advertising/ public relations business and that's what she knows. She cut to the chase, that he is the author of his own misfortune. That all the stuff about his adoring fans and the poor children of Ireland was just publicity material and irrelevant to the matters in hand.

    Tubridy has become a problem and a large part of that problem is the fatal mistake of believing your own publicity.

    Given the apparent close relationship between NKM and the Independent, it was interesting to also note Fionnán Sheehan's contribution...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,589 ✭✭✭LambshankRedemption

    On Morning Ireland one of the presenters referred to the anger within RTE and listed some of the issues, from poor pay to poor working conditions. If you were dealing with either of those issues and then seeing Tubs, as well as getting eye watering money, finding out he got an additional 170K, of course you would be angry. I'd say thats whats going on behind the scenes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,031 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    I can’t see Tubridy returning any time soon and by soon I’m saying 2 years. I think both RTÉ and Tubridy need a break from each other.

    However if Tubridy retains the ability to bring in the revenue from advertising via listenership or viewership figures, then there’s always that possibility -RTÉ do need money after all.

    But the question is, what would be the right gig for Tubridy on RTÉ? I don’t think he’ll EVER be offered a morning radio slot on RTÉ- EVER. So in that sense, yes I think that door has been slammed firmly in his face.

    Shows like The Meaning of Life would have been handy enough for him but Joe Duffy has that gig. Tubridy thought he could do his handy morning show, make 170k a year and have so much time then to dip into pet projects with a comfortable income supporting him- that boat has sailed.

    His semi-retirement comfortable 50s existence has been placed on hold for the time being. If he ever came back to RTÉ airwaves it would be either through an external production company selling a show featuring Tubridy or it would be something very low key like a Mike Murphy The Arts Show type gig- speaking of which I used to love that show- it’s a pity they shelved it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Why? For all the talk of his 'talent', there are many who viewed him as a non entity.

    Others will do what he did easily and more competently.

    Trust and a fan base is something built up slowly but it can be swept away very quickly. Au revoir Ryan, off ye toddle.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    He’ll pick up odd jobs over time for rte

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,317 ✭✭✭thebourke

    when are the RTE board going to get the sack?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    2 things I’d say, the split in opinion from the staff is one and the bakhurst thought tubs team were not very nice people

    I think Kevin seems to be very fair but doesn’t take **** from anyone

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,825 ✭✭✭Northernlily

    Ultimately Tubridy viewed himself as bigger than RTE. His delusions were allowed to go to an extreme level.

    Viewing himself as the toyman, loved by the children of Ireland, the voice of Ireland is well...... slightly unhinged to be honest. He's not as popular as he thinks he is.

    His performance at PAC was rehearsed, creepy and non contrite. That's what it was a performance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭Westernview

    Again I think its just about becoming more mature. I dont think he is lacking any "sharpness and wit". Since those early days he has written eloquently about the experience of having a daughter with special needs and those type of life experiences can change a person, often for the better. As a result he may have more of an interest in more serious topics nowadays, nothing wrong with that.

    I agree with your last part that he showed up other higher paid presenters but I still think he is very good at what he is doing now and Id have him as a replacement on the RT radio show over a lot of the other names mentioned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭fluke

    I know there's a few saying oh Tubridy will be back and all that, but I do think KB had had enough, and used this moment to send a clear signal to top earners to check their privilege.

    Also, as much we talk about Tubridy's ego, we actually know nothing about KB as a man, maybe he just thought, eff this lark. From Tubridy's hubris, KB's dig at NK, the renegotiation of upcoming contracts, to him saying Dee Forbes should appear before the Oireachtas committees, it does seem like he's unleashed some of himself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,589 ✭✭✭LambshankRedemption

    Lets wait and see how PK does. A couple of good LLS' and he might be offered the radio slot. Soon, Tubs might be a distant memory.

    Tubs does an odd job and the country does a collective, "Urgh, not him again".

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,031 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Oh I totally agree in terms of him as a perfect replacement for Ryans morning radio show- absolutely no one better than BOC for that show right now

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,632 ✭✭✭✭Beechwoodspark

    Part of it also was Gerry had a lot of debts from extensively renovating the family home in Clontarf and also his recent breakup from the wife did not come cheap in any way whatsoever. He had a lot of money issues.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,924 ✭✭✭✭tayto lover

    Narcissism and the big ego wouldn't allow him keep his mouth shut it seems.

    Where have the other lads gone?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭Furze99

    Ehh - I don't think you'd really want the current Ballsy on the radio every 9am. Unless you want to drive the listening public into a state of navel gazing & depression.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,632 ✭✭✭✭Beechwoodspark

    I’d recommend Arena with Sean Rocks - a very good Arts show with excellent guests and contributors.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭Westernview

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