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RTÉ admits paying Tubridy €345,000 more than declared



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,199 ✭✭✭artvanderlay

    20-30k??? I'd say he has a loyal fanbase of around 1,000 bourgeoisie mammies, young and old, who like reading shallow booky-wooks, and who think Tubs is an all round nice guy and an intellectual that they can relate to (he is after all a heavyweight author: check his instagram - Patrick and the President, The First Christmas Jumper, and his magnum opus JFK in Ireland). They won't pay for content. They want their names read out on live radio, so they'll stay with RTE. Having said that, it would be interesting to see Tubs do something where the massaging of figures can't hide his lack of popularity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,778 ✭✭✭Sunny Disposition

    No need to insult his fans. If Second Captains can get 10k I don't think it's at all unreasonable to think Ryan can get a multiple given his higher profile. Both have been critically lauded, but Ryan has had far more exposure. My hypothesis is reasonable and not based on emotion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,024 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    “Kevin is playing with fire?”

    Are you for real? All the key commentators have said over the weekend that Ryan’s star will fade the longer he’s out of work and away from the public. Life and listeners/viewers will simply move on and it will be harder to come back.

    If Ryan makes money on podcasting, then wonderful but it’s unlikely he will - furthermore just because someone listens to a Ryan podcast doesn’t mean they don’t have their radio tuned to RTÉ at 9am- you do know that you can listen to a podcast at any time?

    Ryan has very little to offer listeners aside from his ramblings - I’d doubt there’s any more than a few thousand people who’d pay to listen to a Ryan podcast and that would drift to a few hundred after the first few weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭alzer100

    Ryan Tubridy simply cannot compete with the likes of Pat Kenny, Sean O'Rourke (when he was at RTE) or Claire Byrne. Organisations such as RTE have known that for some time and have dispensed with his services although Tubridy gave RTE good reason to.

    Tubridy IS all about the money and his public perception, that's what has gotten him into his current situation. He may now have to consider offers from other organisations for work at a significantly reduced rate and not for the type of presentation or format that he has been used to at RTE.

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭alzer100

    I don't listen to Today FM, so I'm just going by their schedule. From 9am to 12pm, it's simply called mid-morning. Who presents that slot from 9am to 12pm? Forgive me as I genuinely don't listen.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,778 ✭✭✭Sunny Disposition

    I think some of ye can't see the potential here because ye strongly dislike Ryan. If he converted 5% of his listeners into podcast subscribers he'd make way more than the 170k. It's likely he'd convert a far higher percentage and win new listeners .

    RTE will continue without Ryan, that's not in dispute. But Ryan has his following and he's in an outstanding position to launch a very lucrative podcast. Whether you are a fan of him or not is irrelevant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,082 ✭✭✭McFly85

    That podcast is self funded, don’t know the listenership figures but it seems to do very well globally with the Irish diaspora and just general sports fans.

    €5 a month with thousands of subscribers so I don’t doubt they make a very good living out of it.

    Tubridy might be a bigger name here but I’d seriously doubt he could get anywhere near their listenership. He might get some subscribers in Ireland but unless he produces a hugely successful show it’s highly unlikely he’ll be well known outside of this island.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,011 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Sunny do you remember or are you willing to admit that Tubs lost his audience on 2FM and had been put in place for 5 years to save the station after the death of G Ryan?

    From what I can see of this thread, even if we don't like Tubs most of us have state if he can succeed he should go and succeed and well done if he does, it won't move us to like him anymore than we do or of our opinion that he's not a requirement for RTÉ.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,011 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Dermo and Dave, Dermo has just left recently so they are change the format, I didn't think they had changed the name.

    Mid-morning to be replaced on Monday with "Dave Moore on Today FM" on Monday, 28th August


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,082 ✭✭✭McFly85

    He’d need to setup a new company, employ staff(researchers, a producer etc).

    Would possibly need offices, certainly would need good quality recording equipment, and presumably guests/interviewees would need to be paid also.

    So say he got 10000 subscribers at €5 a month, that’s 600k revenue. After taxes, employee wages, rent, the percentage taken by the payment platform(assuming he uses Patreon or an equivalent) and other deductibles he’s not coming out with nearly a third of that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,199 ✭✭✭artvanderlay

    But it's so much fun to insult his fans. Anyone who likes Tubridy is automatically not my type of person, so I will have nothing good to say about them.

    It would actually be a lot of fun watching Tubs try to come back with a podcast and failing miserably, but he's too cute to do it. He'll have to get in with a radio station somewhere; he has absolutely zero appeal for a mass listenership on his own, and deep down he knows this. Hospital radio perhaps? He's in Blackrock, pop down to Vincent's. I think his brother works there so he could probably get him in, and get the hospital to pay him half a million as a paediatric consultant bringing joy to terminally ill children with his inane banter and toys that somebody else paid for.

    God, I'm toxic today :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 988 ✭✭✭Hyperbollix

    Ryan has two significant hurdles on the road to Joe Roganesgue world podcast domination as I see it:

    1) He's lazy as a teenager on midterm break. Unless he does a Harry and Meghan type deal where he just has to show up and ask some questions that have been handed to him, I don't think it's going to work. It didn't work for the Duck and Duckess.

    2) His fanbase, ie older ladies who think whatsapp photos are the height of tech wizardry and younger ladies who like a natty dresser with a 6 figure current account, won't be going in search of his ramblings on podcast. If he's not on Radio1, they'll suddenly become enamoured with the next guy who takes over at 9am

    You need a USP for podcast success. Dunphy is a world class current affairs host. David McWilliams is world famous for sound bytey economics chat. Brolly and Fanning have Brolly's prickly persona. What exactly can RT do that will get people subscribing in huge numbers. A whispery, intimate show ala Jarvis Cocker, where he ruminates on social/cultural issues? Ok. But he's never ruininated on anything in his life beyond which shade of beige jacket to wear to a corporate gig.

    LiDL are always an option....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,024 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    all the articles in the weekend papers were saying that there’s no room in the schedules of the commercial radio stations and that margins are tight so they couldn’t possibly pay close to what Ryan is currently on.

    Does he take “anything” in the time being just to stay in the spotlight? Can’t see him doing that.

    A new researched book is probably the one thing that might get him back on the circuit but even then, would he go on an RTÉ chat show to plug it? 😀

    Would he do the unforgivable and write his autobiography? I really hope not and anyway, someone writing their autobiography at 50 is just ridiculous but many do it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 431 ✭✭Become Death

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    speaking of Lottie , the bbc gave out to one off the women World Cup pundits for an instagram post that had the tag “clothes by ….”

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭yagan

    If there was seriously money in the podcast business he'd have jumped to it already.

    Sports podcasts have a solid following, but a podcast just for the sake of talking is a non runner.

    The Two Johnnies basic slock is Irish life outside Dublin and RTE bought their internet following by hiring them. RT in some many ways has been a space filler. I never heard anyone say they loved Ryan Tubridy.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I earned 1.50 this year from Spotify, that’s closer to the reality for tubbington

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    We’ll Larry and Jerry made billions from a show “about nothing “ so you go Ryan

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,024 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Isn’t it incredible that the guy who took over TLLS really doesn’t have a broadcasting home to go to?

    Besides his retrospective on TLLS, Gay also had The meaning of life and also his lyric Sunday radio show which suited him just fine, playing music he loved and doing the olde requests. The fact he was still revered by many meant his shows were always popular but they were quality within themselves too.

    Pat Kenny went back to his true love and total comfort zone- current affairs and interview style chat.

    Ryan was never “known” for anything particularly unique before TLLS- now that he’s without that support, it must be quite a shock to him.

    I could see RTÉ saying in a few years time, “we don’t have any vacancies right now for Ryan’s talents”

  • Registered Users Posts: 30,116 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    And to add, Patrick Kielty has already had a 'first' act in terms of his profile in comedy and TV work.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,024 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Yeah totally- I remember Kielty back in the day- you’d class him as a comic entertainer most likely- he’s hosted shows, has done stand up - he’s quite skilled - I’m really interested though as to what new changes will be made to TLLS- you could get the best presenter in the world but it could still fail if the format wasn’t right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,040 ✭✭✭stevejr

    No, Sunny, your hypothesis is not reasonable. If you're posting in good faith, then I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you don't really understanding how podcasting works. It also appear you don't know what makes Second Captains work either.

    Tubridy is not a content-creator. That is to say, I don't really think he's an 'ideas' man. He's assimilated all the various parts of his persona everyone from Letterman to Byrne, Colbert to Gimmel. And he's expressed his imitation of all these personas badly. He has very little self-awareness; essential comic timing. He lacks curiosity, at at least the ability to fake it for an audience. He isn't really a great presenter.

    Now while this hasn't necessarily counted against him at RTE, his 'own' business would face a world;

    -without the ready-made audience that RTE provided.

    -without the infrastructure that RTE provided.

    -without the goodwill of a large amount of Joe Public.

    -without the trust of many of the advertisers he's worked with in the past.

    And the last two things there are key. The reasons why your Hypothesis is bogey. The public might give him a grudge-listen or two out of curiosity. But the novelty will soon wear off, listeners will move on and so will any advertisers dumb enough to sign on with him in the first place

    What's the reason for being reasonable?

    Is that an unreasonable question?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,262 ✭✭✭Schorpio

    Okay - let's work it out then, shall we.

    The Ryan Tubridy Show had 334,000 listeners in the 12 months to the end of June this year. 5% of those downloading his podcast would give him an audience of 16,700.

    Now for earnings, I have no personal experience, but a quick Google suggests that revenue from podcasts varies from $20 to $100 per 1,000 listeners. I'm going to be generous and assume Tubridy would get €100 per thousand downloads.

    Thus, Ryan would earn €1,670 per episode. Let's say he works harder than he ever did at RTE, and releases a weekly episode every single week. Ryan now has an income of just shy of €87k.

    Of course, he will have had to buy equipment, rent a studio, hire a researcher, and then pay tax. So he's take home will be a lot less. And bear in mind, I have given him the maximum income rate.

    So, no. The notion that he'd "make way more" on a podcast with just 5% of his listeners is nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,778 ✭✭✭Sunny Disposition

    Funnily enough I used to work on a couple of podcasts. It's relatively cheap. Three to four people plus Ryan I would imagine. Other expenses are fairly minimal. If all of the Second Captains can make €110k with approximately 10k subscriptions I think it's a no-brainer that Ryan is going to do well.

    A lot of people on this thread won't subscribe, but that's fine, there are an awful lot of people who love Ryan. Some people obviously don't rate him at all, but they're essentially irrelevant to such a project. Ryan is a very well known, very talented broadcaster. In financial terms the podcast is a no-brainer, but he's so loyal, he may only want to go back to RTE and not do anything to destabilise his return.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,040 ✭✭✭stevejr

    What's the reason for being reasonable?

    Is that an unreasonable question?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,082 ✭✭✭McFly85

    Have to agree. Keeping paying subscribers is a difficult job.

    If we take the second captains example it’s generally 6/8 hours content per week depending on what’s on.

    What would Tubridy have his show be about that produces that much content while also being unique enough for people to decide it’s worth paying for? He can’t just do a radio show, there’s too many free alternatives.

    €5 a month is 37.5% of the license fee. Who would pay that much specifically for a Tubridy show?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,024 ✭✭✭trashcan

    It’s the children. He couldn’t possibly leave them and go abroad !

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,024 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    So pray tell us all- what exactly is he going to “podcast” on that will make 10,000s of his followers flock to a podcast website and pay out their hard earned money to?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,778 ✭✭✭Sunny Disposition

    I'd say it would be largely personality driven, with occasional guests. If I was close to Ryan I'd be trying to convince him to do it, and keep the format he was so successful with on Radio 1. I would say it's very likely it will happen, unless RTE have quietly told him he'll be back next year.

    I know some people won't like to hear this, but the success of such a podcast is a certainty, he's just too popular for it not to succeed. Tbh I think most people know Ryan isn't gone for good, that he will resurface and be successful again sooner rather than later.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,040 ✭✭✭stevejr

    Jaysus once he doesn't go Bizzaro-Tubridy and try his luck on Onlyfans.

    What's the reason for being reasonable?

    Is that an unreasonable question?

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