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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 40,130 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Quote marks used for emphasis, not quoting anything. I don't read the Daily Mail or the likes. You think I can't form an opinion all by myself?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,051 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    It's funny that the people who defend Harry the most are just anti royal family/ Irish republicans, but they have no issue defending a man who was in the British army, that they complain about so much.

    It screams hypocrisy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,177 ✭✭✭Be right back


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,918 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    So you’ve moved from “Clarence house are lying about offsetting their carbon usage” -without a shred of proof to

    “this offsetting of carbon is a load of rubbish anyway”

    Don’t bother replying to me- I can see you’re posting a complete load of drivel and when challenged you just post more drivel to confuse - you’re derailing this thread by doing that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,130 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    No haven't moved at all. The vast majority of the rich díckheads are lying. In it's in the link I gave you.

    Since you have decided to become defender and spokesperson for Clarence House on here it's now up to you to back up their claims.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,130 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Oh right, Where do you get your information to for that opinion so?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,130 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Irish republicans

    You mean citizens of the Republic of Ireland?

  • Registered Users Posts: 727 ✭✭✭Carol25

    Any word on the state of Harry and Meghan’s marriage? I saw an article in the Daily Mail stating peace talks might happen with Charles on Sept with Harry only, however I then saw another DM article stating they’d all be in Scotland and would be avoiding Harry when he’s in the U.K. Conflicting information. I think the marriage is definitely in trouble and they’re trying to put on a united front until the Invictus games are over.

    As for the people trying to suggest Harry drop the games - he is their founder, it was his idea, it’s his brainchild. Why on Earth would he pass his creation to others? Comments on YouTube are just trolls, maybe they should turn them off. Both sides seem to have plenty of paid for bots online.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,918 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Let’s not talk about “rich d1ckheads”- let’s talk specifically about Clarence House- a claim you made, that you can’t back up, so you changed topic and went off into some rubbish about how carbon offsetting doesn’t work anyway -so no, I’ve no interest in providing “proof” for an arguement that never had an opposing side in the first place, except for your unsubstantiated statement

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,130 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Any of the complete bollíx reported that you expand on and give credence to.

    You don't get it from the Tabloids or the likes.

    So where?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,744 ✭✭✭Karppi

    As you say, there's so much noise around their marriage, it's not possible to know what's going on. Personally, I don't think he's meeting KC or anyone else whilst he passes through on his way to the Games. Harry has shat so much on his family, it's going to take a minor miracle to retrieve anything like a civil relationship. Charles, maybe - being a Dad, I think he'd be more willing. William? I don't think William's going to be so easy to talk round. William is going to remember what's been said and done, not just to him but also to Catherine and - apparently - Charlotte.

    My point about H&M and the Invictus Games isn't that he should drop the Games, but that they might think on about their "headlining" the event - especially Meghan who has no connection to the Games anyway. Like it or not, there's a huge barrage of criticism of them and whether it's "fair" or not, if their Netflix deal overshadows the whole purpose of the Games, maybe they should read the room and tone down their involvement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Have you not noticed the stream of interviews, articles, book, court cases, shows, PR promo/articles that H&M put into the public domain? Might following, watching, digesting and thinking about these be a possible source for someone forming an opinion? *Skinner Voice* No, it's the tabloids telling you what to think.

    Don't be generalising (i.e. deflecting). Be specific. You said you were going to show examples of me being a hater yesterday but then didn't. So go and give me a specific example of bollix. Note: I'll be taking any dressing down from the poster who declares William a psycho because he read about something in a book while having previously belittled posters saying a person showing narcissistic traits is likely a narcissist as arm chair psychologists/unqualified for making a diagnosis with an enormous pinch of salt. 😄

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,130 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    So your opinions are solely based on what H&M put into the public domain, really?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    In response to public criticism about the Royal Family using private jets, helicopters, they said that the aviation fuel that is used is carbon neutral. The QEII gave William a helicopter in 2014 to help him get around! From accounts (of residents that live close to Kensington Palace), he commutes from Windsor to his workplace in Kensinginton Palace by helicopter (they see it flying in and out).

    Problem is that their use of choppers/private jets is not gone into very much. In the royal accounts, they spend about £2million every year. Prince William is the worst. He took about 80 flights during covid lockdown alone, which is remarkable! I can't remember how many flights he took last year, but I know it was a lot. And they only list the ones that cost over £15K.

    William wants to be a global leader in climate action. It just doesn't wash when this is how he operates. And the sad thing is that it didn't dawn on him (or his advisors) that it was absolutely ridiculous flying David Beckham from Qatar to Boston (return) for an environmental climate action dinner/gala.

    The same for his old man - he converted his Austin Martin into using renewable fuel. Problem is, that the process of making that renewable fuel is about 10 worse than running the car on petrol!

    Its all just show, with no substance really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,918 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    I didn’t start the conversation on carbon offsetting nor have I given a view it, and nor do I wish to given that it’s so off topic anyway so no point in quoting me- it’s not my “argument”

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Most of the stuff you see online is ''content creators'' making stuff up (such as speculation about H&M's marriage). None of them have a clue. They do it because their hate spewing gets hits and makes them money. Similarly, with the DM, Express etc. who repeat this bull avoiding being sued because they are claiming ''a source'' says it. Before believing this kind of info, perhaps check where the story originally appeared and then is repeated again and again so that it eventually become ''fact''.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    I'd say Charles and William has done a fair bit of ''shatting' on H&M. Its unforgivable that Charles pulled their security at short notice in Canada and didn't even have the courage themselves to tell them they were doing it (the security informed them). This is when there were under very serious death threats against Harry (for being a race traitor) and Archie for being bi-racial from far right racists (who have since been jailed recently). And they were not the only threats they were at the receiving end of.

    Bear in mind this was long before Oprah or Netflx. Charles & William made their bed. They can now lie on it. Harry & Meghan won't be back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    Yes. My personal opinion. Why do you think that these interviews, book, netflix, podcasts, PR promo/articles even exist to begin with? Beyond being an earner for them, could they perhaps be exercises in trying to persuade or convince readers/viewers/followers to support/like/align with Harry and Meghan? If that is indeed the case then they expose themselves to peoples opinion towards them (e.g. Watching his interview with Tom Bradby in January and, giving him the benefit of the doubt in giving his promotional spiel, I was, and in real time too 😄, thinking he was utterly incoherent and didn’t come across well at all. Not to mention his gas lighting about the Oprah interview which I also previously watched). Did I need tabloids to then go and confirm what I thought because that seems to be what you're implying.

    I think the power behind the longevity of interest in this, even if we are generally disinterested, is that we all have a family and were this a case of them stepping down and putting the royal thing behind them and having the tact to at least keep things civil on the surface then their brand would not be as tainted as it has become. Instead they haven’t let it behind, they’ve put their side into the public domain, a side predicated on being victims and their foray is crashing and burning because they’ve given people the opportunity to unpack it all and point out inconsistencies. This is despite having everything going for them. And to re-iterate, I thought it was great Meghan was marrying Harry. In any past news reports about Harry he came across as a likeable lad. I also thought they were dead right to step down when they did. I personally disagree with how they’ve gone about it subsequently as they’ve opened themselves up for criticism and ridicule unnecessarily. But, yeah, opining on it is me posting bollix.

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  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    By coinciding his children's charity event with that weekend, he's either a) hoping that he will be invited to Balmoral, or b) knows that he won't but also knows that the press will ask why he's not been invited and thinks it'll reflect badly on the RF. It's like "casually" loitering outside the school gates for the boy you fancy to notice you and invite you to the arcade.

    My guess is that if the marriage is in trouble, The RF will grit their teeth and pull together to help him negotiate an exit that doesn't shaft him and ties her up into a gagging order. Much like what they did with Andrew. It doesn't mean Harry is forgiven by a long shot, but they will house him and keep him out of the press and get him the best legal counsel money can buy. From memory, it took a few years to sort out Charles and Diana's divorce agreement and Diana for all her faults remained respectful of the Queen, and the monarchy. If there is a divorce brewing, it'll be be nasty.

    I don't think that the backlash towards Invictus is fair. While I think that Meghan has no business elbowing in on something that was created long before she was on the scene, it's up to the charity how they feel about it. But if they feel that his current behaviour is affecting the charity's mission they may have no option but to ask him to step back.

    I agree with you. I think we'll hear about a divorce by Christmas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Every country has a right to have an army to defend itself. And I will criticise them for illegally invading other countries. Harry (and the rest of the Invictus competitors) are just casualties of war. The British Army have done some great things, but they have also done some **** stuff - particularly in this country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,428 ✭✭✭NSAman

    Have said it from before they even got married. There is obviously a divorce coming.

    Knowing nothing about this woman, only knowing what I read in the press and observe about him, they were obviously a mismatch made in her heaven.

    He is an idiot, lets me honest here. He is a child in a mans body. She is cunning and ruthless.

    I think she underestimated the backlash internationally of criticising the Queen and RF. The constant media spotlight on themselves has caused more harm for them than good.

    Someone said earlier that Merkel was the "normal" one here. If you can call anyone 'NORMAL" in this situation, she would absolutely NOT be normal. ANYONE who treats their parents the way she has treated her own, is not normal. Yes they seem like trailer trash, but her father gave her everything as a kid. He may be stupid and money hungry for press.. I just don't know... I think personally he was a fool to do what he did. But cutting him off completely, shows how cold this woman is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,130 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    I don't believe you primarily because it is illogical.

    The majority of what you reference is gossip or lies as it used be known, these start normally start online and are then picked up by the tabloids or vice versa.

    The claim you only form your opinions about these 2 from they own word is nonsensical.

    But you know that.

    is that we all have a family and were this a case of them stepping down and putting the royal thing behind them and having the tact to at least keep things civil on the surface

    Yeah, not every family pays off an alleged rape victim and then keeps that alleged rapist in luxury all by the publics purse.

    Family is important but there are limits.

    I think you would want to be dangerously stupid not to believe that his family gave the press negative articles about him, also giving him no real notice about cutting security was just plain dangerous.

    It's what this horrible institution do.

    People indulged Lizzy because she was historical iconic, thankfully the whole rotten cult is in full demise mode.

    The ginger one with his whistleblowing has just sped up that demise a small bit.

    Like I said from what I have seen they are all raging díckheads, apart from her who comes across quite nice.

    That's why the hatred towards is hilarious and stems not from reality but an extremely dark well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,130 ✭✭✭✭Boggles

    Just to be clear the marriage is in trouble is a figment of the online imagination? Again we use call it lies back in the day.

    Or is there something tangible behind it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    I think you would want to be dangerously stupid not to believe that his family gave the press negative articles about him, also giving him no real notice about cutting security was just plain dangerous.

    His family don't provide or decide royal security. This has been talked about before. In any case they said their flight to Canada was a freedom flight inferring that there was sense of urgency to it which perhaps implies that rational and cool headed decisions about their security was compromised via their own impulsive actions. Also, Harry was worth multi millions, and multi millions can pay for security. My guess is that they were cock sure their half in/out proposal was a sure thing but, since there was no precedence, they threw a strop when the details and consequences needed sounding out.

    His family was feeding the press stories? He was in court recently. Did you not follow it? He argued about secret agreements between the aides and press execs about delaying privacy actions which would be settled out of court i.e. that was why he was only bringing the action now. This secret agreement was dismissed by the Judge as not credible. His phone hacking claims were also dismissed because, despite the strong probability that he was hacked (and I believe of course he would have been), he instead sat on his hole since 2012 doing no legwork legally in bringing about a stronger case when he inevitably went to court/settle out of it.

    The stories about him in the papers which he claimed stemmed from phone hacking were argued in court as being plausibly capable of stemming from other sources i.e. the press could get the stories he specifically selected by means other than hacking and without having his family feed it to the press. For example, having people do the sell-your-story gig. The positive note is that this will go to trial based on arguably unlawful methods of gathering information however it raises the question of why they even used potentially illegal methods (and thus putting themselves at risk) when, according to both you and Harry, all it took to get some tea and gossip about Harry was calling up his relatives or schmoozing with them at press events.

    Remember this is the guy who had a chat with a toilet bowl and who thought photographers were hiding in bushes. It is not unreasonable to think, at some point in time, that he thought his family was doing him the dirty. It doesn't mean that they were though. And to clarify, this isn’t me defending the big evil cult here, I’m saying when he went to court about stuff like a “secret agreement” he was found wanting by people who aren't dangerously stupid. Reality is much more boring than whatever paranoid fantasy he may have ongoing in his head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    Just on the security for the time being. This is what was agreed. Full agreement is below.

    It is agreed that The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will continue to require effective security to protect them and their son.  This is based on The Duke’s public profile by virtue of being born into The Royal Family, his military service, the Duchess’ own independent profile, and the shared threat and risk level documented specifically over the last few years. No further details can be shared as this is classified information for safety reasons.

    You claim that the RF have no say in security arrangement. How come Andrew still has security* although not a working royal (and was in fact sacked after paying out £14 million to his accuser)?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    The clue for me was in Meghan retaining representatives stateside. It was her cleverly keeping a door ajar back home. She was an American marrying into not only a British family which is culturally different as it would be but it was the Royal family. She was right to keep her options open and, to me, this was the modernising of the monarchy at work in allowing for collaboration with external PR reps who were not adjoined with palace PR i.e. being a leader, getting differing even conflicting opinions and making a decision.

    This process strikes me as necessitating a slow burning melding but the working culture clash reportedly caused inevitable conflict. I think this is where the whole palace-didn't-protect-me complaint stemmed from. The confusion being that the palace were not there to protect them, they were there to protect the monarch. You'd have demands for every negative piece to be PR managed/retracted but you'd have palace staff operating on a basis of Harry and Meghan as working royals doing that on the basis of representing the monarch and clapping back thus creating a toxic working environment i.e. you're not cutting ribbons to promote yourself, you're cutting ribbons on the Queens behalf because everyone there wanted her but she can't be everywhere and so they'll have to settle for you. I think this is where the idea of half in/half out stemmed from. Just get out of that stifled and rigid system.

    The retained reps back in LA, who still had their foot in the door and their opinions in Meghans ear, could see dollar signs and their logical solution would be to half in/out. On paper they were worth hundreds of millions. Instead of palace reps handling their PR then they needed proper representation to protect their brand (and their commission). It would be win-win via getting paid handsomely to collaborate and endorse with brands eager to sign them up while they would have control on when they came back to the UK between lucrative gig after lucrative gig. I think they believed themselves to be stars and thus had the clout to demand appearances at movie premieres versus a mass. I guess ego got the better of them and they managed to trip over themselves spectacularly.

    The half in/out is really the achilles heel that they missed i.e. If you're going to cash in on criticising and attacking that which you still wanted to be aligned with then it completely undermines and neutralizes your criticism. If they just conclusively left and noped the f*ck out of there then their credibility in going on the attack would be much more effective. Instead, the come across as bitter and entitled because they didn’t get their way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,051 ✭✭✭suvigirl

    The agreement about their security becomes null and void when they live in a different country.

    Prince Andrew does not have armed police protection.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    That was the agreement when they knew they were going to be living in Canada. It was to be privately funded by the Royal Family.

    Andrew has security (believed to be costing £3m a year) paid for by King Charles, Harry's father. Andrew seemingly is trying to get back his armed police protection and for it to be paid for by the tax payer.

    Andrew must have a lot of dirt on Charles!

    edit: the reason why Meghan was so anxious for Archie to have his princely title was because that would mean he would be entitled to police protection up to the age of 18. Beatrice and Eugenie had police protection when they were galivanting around the world on their gap years for example.
