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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 22,420 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    It's almost half a metre of rainfall in a single day from a rapidly intensifying storm that formed over a Mediterranean Sea that was much hotter than it usually is in what has been the hottest year on record so far....

    Yeah you'd want to be a lunatic to think climate change might have something to do with it

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,046 ✭✭✭Shoog

    The Green party are not equal to what people understand about climate change.

    Climate change denial is a loony fringe activity. To deny observed reality is a form of madness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,244 ✭✭✭✭namloc1980

    Yup there it is...more climate alarmism. Reported rainfall was around 400mm not 1 metre. Exaggeration isn't a good look.

    The 1959 Derna event had even higher rainfall, but climate change I guess. Or what about the 1997 central European floods caused by massive rainfall? All climate change yeah.

    Or maybe this area has a long history of heavy rainfall events and flooding, which is easy to look up by the way. Combined with inadequate infrastructure maintenance of 50 year old earthen dams, that led to catastrophic failure. Of course that would take some critical thinking, so it's easier to just blame climate change I suppose.

    Here's a picture of one of the failed dams from a few months ago on Google. Now you don't need to be a civil engineering genius to realise this ain't a very well maintained dam. Trees growing on top of it and out of it would clearly indicate structural weakness. But yeah climate change is the only game in town. 👍

  • Registered Users Posts: 911 ✭✭✭Mebuntu

    Yes, Green policies ARE trying their best to destroy this country.....and any other country that tolerates their foolishness.

    Look, Ladies and Gentlemen. Every cult, religion, cause, -ism etc. has always had its fanatics, often referred to as zealots or loonies. Yes, the climate is changing and we have to get used to it but this latest -ism is no different so it has its own army of fanatics subdivided into various "platoons" such as the likes of JSO, XR, Friends of the Earth, Thunberg's Infant-ry, The Fridays for Future Wan-Corps, Major Eamonn Ryan and his Green Paranoids, the Get-rid of-the-Farting-Cows Brigade, the Besotted-with-Leaves Outfit, plus one or two outliers on here and, of course, RTE's DoomMeister himself, George Lee, fresh from his several-times-a-day promotions of those crazy Microsoft Excel predictions that came from the obsessive self appointed Covid Prophets of Doom all done in the name of putting fear into the population.

    So, relax everyone. Take a deep breath. Don't live in fear. Ignore the crazy Excel predictions that start with an agenda and work backwards. Even an Accrington Stanley FC fan and moderately experienced Excel user could produce a spreadsheet that would predict his team to win the English Premier League by 2030. Not going to happen.

    Bear in mind that if every man, woman and child in Ireland did exactly as all the fanatic "platoons" put together demand it would not amount to a hill of green beans in stopping or slowing the changes in climate. That's the reality.

    So, if you are going to borrow 50 grand don't waste it on "retrofitting" your lovely houses and installing useless and noisy "heat pumps". Install that en-suite you've always wanted, a bright new front porch or a conservatory and don't forget that Mick O'Leary has a large fleet of jets waiting to transport you to your dream destinations. But, if you still believe that the Irish Sea will soon be lapping its waves halfway up the Sugar Loaf then, by all means, build an Ark instead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,404 ✭✭✭prunudo

    Another point is they built at the end of a ravine that is prone to flooding. When the rain falls on the mountains, the water gets funnelled into the ravine and the outcome is inevitable.

    Is it a tragedy, of course. Could the death toll be lower, of course. Were lessons learned, appears not. Using this event as a reason to blame a changing clinate is just a cheap shot and lazy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,046 ✭✭✭Shoog

    The only thing to consider with regard to the Lybian floods is

    Where they more frequent than previous floods ? The jury is out since there is insufficient data. If it happens again in a few more years then the certainty it was caused by global warming rises.

    Was it more sever than previous floods ?

    The evidence for this is much stronger. Conditions were exceptional since the temperatures were elevated by around 3c more than normal. This allowed far more water and energy to accumulate in the low system which meant when it started to rained it rained far more strongly. Those dams have withstood previous floods but this time they were overwhelmed by a larger body of water.

    If this flood were an isolated event we could easily dismiss it as just normal, but the reality is that the med region has experienced a significant number of freak floods this year from Spain to Greece and this is on the back of similar patterns over the last few years across the region and especially in the western region with more exposure to Atlantic weather systems.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Meanwhile we see Dublin City Council release a plan to remove 40% of cars from the city center

    The Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 sets out an aspiring vision for the city, and in the area of transport sets out very challenging and ambitious targets to be achieved, including a 40% reduction in general traffic and significant increases in walking, cycling and public transport.

    The overall transport vision in this plan is for a low traffic city centre with public transport, walking and cycling being prioritised. It draws lessons from the response to the Covid pandemic whereby low traffic volumes allowed very ambitious changes to be undertaken in areas such as Capel Street, Nassau Street and along the North and South Quays.

    The traffic management changes envisaged as part of this plan aim to significantly reduce volumes of car traffic in the city centre, opening up space for the sustainable modes, and significantly improving the public realm by allowing greening and the development of new public spaces for residents, workers and visitors to the city centre.

    Obviously elements of it won't survive consultation, but a lot will and work like this is an important part of enabling modal shift away from the private car

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    More good news on road safety with an announcement that the blanket speed limit reductions are approved at cabinet

    Of course the devil will be in the details (few of which are out yet) so its yet to be seen the extent of this and therefore the benefit

    For example, there's a massive difference between

    • a 30kph city center limit versus
    • a 30kph city wide limit

    Obvious exceptions apply on arterial routes with few pedestrian/cyclist users

    Maybe its possible this goes the same route as the Dutch classification where an urban road with protected cycling/walking infrastructure can have a higher limit than a road which doesn't

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,404 ✭✭✭prunudo

    They better hope there are no delays to Bus connects, Dart+ and Metrolink. There needs to be viable options for people if they want to remove that volume of cars in a short space of time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,554 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    There was a green councilor on the the radio yesterday evening talking about this, and he spoke with sense, with common sense and painted the changes as a good thing in a reasonable and pragmatic way. Didn't go on about cars being the devil or any of that nonsense. Gave the reasons for the change, the areas impacted and generally sold it well. I was so shocked listening to a green councillor speaking in such a way and not being a prophet of doom that I had to pause my hedge cutting.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭TedBundysDriver

    The climate has been changing for millions of years, to deny this is looney fringe activity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,046 ✭✭✭Shoog

    Classic denial.

    Climate changes under forcings - there are no natural forcing which account for the current warming, that is because we know what is causing it - an increase in atmospheric GHG produced by mankind.

    What happened in the past under natural forcings is frankly irrelivant to what we are currently experiencing.

    if you disagree with this statement please outline the natural cause of the current climate warming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 381 ✭✭bluedex

    "Climate change deniers" are anyone who disagrees with these Green Net Zero zealot fools. Even if you acknowledge that climate change exists you are still called a "Climate Change Denier" because you disagree with some lunatic proposal or dare to question anything in pursuit of a balanced view.

    Just look at this thread, it pointless even engaging with the zealots, they won't change their views, rantings or religion-like preachings just because you present alternative information or points of view.

    Some of it is very amusing though :)

    Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭TedBundysDriver

    Imagine being in denial about climate change since the inception of the planet, deary me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,046 ✭✭✭Shoog

    Tell me what is causing the current global warming trend. The warming is an objective measured fact so something must be causing it. If its not greenhouse gases what is it exactly ? No hand waving I want the exact cause.

    Unlike yourself I would never deny the history of planetary climate - I just want to know what causes it in any particular situation. You don't show much interest in that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 381 ✭✭bluedex

    People deny that there's climate? That's a new one

    Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭TedBundysDriver

    I've zero interest in it. The planet has been changing from day one. There is absolutely zip we can do about it and to think we can is arrogant in the extreme, much like Green supporters.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Good news for the folks waiting for smaller EV's

    More push coming on penalising heavier models too, long overdue IMHO

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,046 ✭✭✭Shoog

    Thanks for the hand waving answer. Your not interested, don't care and don't know. Given that, your opinion on climate is about as useful as a fart in a paper sack.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,554 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    Interesting one from the RTE Archives about limiting cars in Cork, way back in 1978. I suppose they hadn't factored in the growth of cars in subsequent years. Still interesting that cities, even back then, were being restricted for cars

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,559 ✭✭✭✭machiavellianme

    Genuine question - how many pedestrians are killed in urban areas every year? How many of those are due to speed as opposed to jaywalking etc? The usual ones that make the news are from trucks mounting footpaths or pedestrians being struck on country roads (or by trains this year). I'm not convinced that a blanket urban reduction of speed (since its rare to get over 30kph for prolonged periods anyway) changes much. Is this worth motor traffic running at significantly lower speeds, therefore increasing particle emissions due to inefficiencies?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,211 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    Didn't hear it but I bet it was Michael Pidgeon, he seems a great guy and a great communicator

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,554 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    Yep that's the man. He was very good I thought. Didn't bullshit (or seem to), didn't decry cars or those using them being the devil incarnate and spoke with common sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,607 ✭✭✭ps200306

    Ok, looks like we found our very first actual climate change denier on the thread. Don't tar us all with the same brush, though. For the record, I'm not one nor have I ever been. I am proudly anti-Green.

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    A climate denier, a climate change denier, a climate consensus denier, a 'it's all about Co2' denier, a denier of deniers..

    At this point it is very hard to deny the word has become meaningless, or do you.......!?😁.

    How about: a confirmer!

    Btw: another devalued word: 'unprecedented'..

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,607 ✭✭✭ps200306

    What's with the lower case 'g'? There's a reason I capitalised it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭deholleboom

    The idea of 'forcing' is an interesting one. Another one is 'positive feedback loop'. You just have to remember that these terms have no meaning in climate. They are constructed to give an impression they are real. They assume they are real so they must exist. Pity then there is zero data to back it up. Show me the body of evidence instead of mere conjecture. At least, that's what a proper judge would say in a trial. Most Greens clearly do not in the least know what they are talking about. Some of them insult you and copy and paste a 'paper' that supposedly proves it which is full of assumptions and non sequiteurs. I mean, it is baffling to see the sheer amount of displayed ignorance. No wonder real scientists or students won't go anywhere near it. I pity clever climate scientists. They are surrounded by idiots..

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,046 ✭✭✭Shoog

    Here you go this should clear up your confusion/ignorance;

    "Radiative forcing (or climate forcing[1]) is the change in energy flux in the atmosphere caused by natural or anthropogenic factors of climate change as measured in watts per meter squared.[2] It is a scientific concept used to quantify and compare the external drivers of change to Earth's energy balance.[3]: 1–4  These external drivers are distinguished from climate feedbacks and internal variability, which also influence the direction and magnitude of imbalance.

    Positive radiative forcing means Earth receives more incoming energy from sunlight than it radiates to space. This net gain of energy will cause warming. Conversely, negative radiative forcing means that Earth loses more energy to space than it receives from the Sun, which produces cooling. A planet in radiative equilibrium with its parent star and the rest of space can be characterized by net zero radiative forcing and by a planetary equilibrium temperature.[4]

    Radiative forcing on Earth is meaningfully evaluated at the tropopause and at the top of the stratosphere. It is quantified in units of watts per square meter, and often summarized as an average over the total surface area of the globe. Radiative forcing varies with solar insolation, surface albedo, and the atmospheric concentrations of radiatively active gases – commonly known as greenhouse gases – and aerosols."

    This is standard climate termology even though you don't like it. More denial really.

    There's some serious Dunning Kruger effect vibe from your post.
