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Time for a zero refugee policy? - *Read OP for mod warnings and threadbans - updated 11/5/24*



  • Registered Users Posts: 550 ✭✭✭InAtFullBack

    Jesus H Christ. If this comes to pass, this country is truly then a total basket case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,166 ✭✭✭Patrick2010

    Who said anyone has issues with Ukrainians arriving here (650 a week) just because it’s been pointed out we can only offer tents in the midlands fields? Now pointing this out makes you bizarrely either far right or far left.

    Its like Trumps deranged posts about the Democrats being socialist,fascist and communist

  • Registered Users Posts: 550 ✭✭✭InAtFullBack

    No calls to CPO lands near Dublin Airport to build a holding centre for those that arrive with previously destroyed documentation. Nope. Not a fookin hope, because there's no jumped up free-legal-aid schemer gonna make a buck outta that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,270 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    I believe the country is fücked…the dystopian nightmare is becoming reality. The politicians do not give two fûcks about us or this country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭rgossip30

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,839 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    It's become increasingly worse over the last decade, and in the last 5/6 years in particular.

    Coincidentally around the time we got entitled, immature, inexperienced, trend-following, virtue-signalling, identity-first types in Government promoted to senior leadership positions. The problems that these types cause in ordinary workplaces is well documented. It should be no surprise that the same problems have manifested in the political arena.

    This is why we have Varadkar who struggled to be re-elected last time, whose party had to overrule its own membership to see him made Taoiseach (the members wanted Coveney - not that he'd be any better! Likely worse as he's an even bigger fan of this open borders idea), and whose primary achievements in the job have been examples of poor judgement and narcissism (picnics and foreign gigs while the country was restricted during covid, cringeworthy letters to Kylie specifically written as the Taoiseach, him and his partner embarrassing themselves and the country at the King Charles coronation etc).

    McEntee of course had no real or relevant experience before she was elected on a sympathy vote in Meath and yet now she's holding one of the most senior and critical posts in the country?? A post she uses to giveaway citizenship (in the context of this thread) and rollback the decision of a referendum in doing so, grandstand on social media and enact dangerous legislation that could see people prosecuted for others hurt feelings, and sponsoring knee-jerk reactions to some tragic individual RTAs that will only make the situation worse as it doesn't address the problem - all while crime stats surge and the Gardai are voting no confidence in their commissioner.

    I could go on, but even these two examples show the damage that is being caused to our political establishment (which was never great to start with) and what happens when you elect politicians on identity and blind party loyalty rather than competence, experience and actual policies.

    The country is being overrun with people that we can't support, can't verify who they are in a lot of cases, can't find somewhere to put them and which the above mentioned "leaders" and their colleagues refuse to put a halt to. It's not the new arrivals fault - the Government invited them here! - but they like the ordinary citizen are feeling the consequences of these decisions

    It's only because concerns and anger over this worsening situation is building and becoming so commonplace on social media that I believe the Government aren't blind to it and despite trying to write it off as "far right agitators" (a laughable claim in a country like Ireland given our history over even the last 15/20 years), that these mandates MUST be coming from higher up the chain in the EU. We already know that FF and FG are EU sycophants with many former TDs (even failed ones) going on to lucrative jobs in the Commission after life here becomes stale. I'm not even going to include the Greens who are a bunch of tax happy ideologues that would have us living in 3rd word squalor while China, India and other places continue to damage the environment far more than 5 million Irish EVER could - but they too are part of the problem (as they were last time they were in Government) by propping up this arrangement in the face of disaster (IMF on the streets last time, multiple crisis this time).

    But more than all of this, are two bigger issues - a compliant and docile print media (made up of staffers either related to, married to, or hoping to eventually work for TDs directly), a national broadcaster trying to squeeze more funds out of a population that increasingly don't watch it anyway so as to keep the internal gravy flowing (as we saw recently but which we all knew was the case anyway), and secondly an electorate starved of real alternatives (partly because anything that threatens the status quo is either marginalised or demonised by the media groups, and also because the "barrier for entry" is so high that unless you're a one-issue "independent" it's very hard to gain real traction).

    The electorate isn't blameless though - after all we (those who bother to show up anyway) keep voting these people in and then don't get involved in holding them to account until the next day out 5 years on. However, FF and FG have found a way around even that through "Confidence and Supply", and now outright coalition and in-house deals after the election is held. Even voting isn't a guarantee of change (even minimal/superficial as it might be nowadays) anymore.

    To bring this back on point - though it's important to review the reasons and causes behind the current migration situation just as much as the effects - I would agree with you that there is a real problem here that local politicians are either deliberately making worse or ignoring, and whose real sponsors (if my analysis is correct) are far beyond the reach of the Irish electorate - most people couldn't even name an MEP never mind what they do.

    What does this all mean? Well in real terms it's already too late as we've seen from many of the problems (but not covered too intensely by our primary media outlets) over the few years that started 15/20 years earlier, and now we're seeing more immediate problems from allowing anyone and everyone into the country regardless of background, cultural fit or beliefs etc. Again these things aren't generally covered but they are very real regardless as those living in the communities involved will know, and which will only worsen as the frustrations and problems on the ground (from both the natives and the new arrivals who've been effectively just abandoned there).

    Where will it end? I fear we only need to look to places like France, the UK and Germany to see that. They're further down the line with this "experiment" but there's no reason to think Ireland will be any different - especially given the "quality" of our Government and TDs in general.

    In any case one thing is certain, it's going to get worse before it gets better. No other outcome is possible so long as the politicians stay this course.

    Post edited by _Kaiser_ on

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,330 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69

    So Ursula has said they need to target the traffickers as they are telling lies to all these migrants about what awaits them on the other side.

    Ive a very easy target to start with Ursula.

    Roderic O Gorman, who published a whole pack of lies online encouraging migrants to come to Ireland with false promises of all sorts of goodies.

    What sort of planet are these idiots living on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,709 ✭✭✭ShamNNspace

    @clytemnestra, yes you have McEntee, Martin and O Gorman and plenty others and indeed Imv history will judge them harshly for their governance in this period but there are figures in the background in Brussels and Strasbourg who are Inthrall to policies which have at its centre the Sutherland doctrine, its a long term plan, independence is being fished up bit by bit and the notion of nation states is being eroded more and more , at this stage we are well on the way to a EU superstate with it's own military and all that entails... The dice is loaded, we gained a lot from the EU down through the years but there'll be a price to pay when we end up with a bobtailed cheque not too far down the road

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,734 ✭✭✭Bobtheman

    I think I started this thread back in 1977.

    Incredible how much comments it gets

    We are behind Ukraine so let's suck it up.

    The government is clamping down on refugees it's just not blowing it's own trumpet because it doesn't want to encourage the far right

    In the end people of Ireland get off the fence. Write to your TD and ask what's happening

    Or join a right wing party

    But please please don't delude yourself into thinking this thread will change anything

    I didn't.

    I would never join a far right party

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,734 ✭✭✭Bobtheman

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,022 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Yep. Agree.

    Thread has jumped the shark with political rants and anti Ukrainian comments..


  • Registered Users Posts: 13,022 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    The merits of the article are not up for discussion.

    In fact the article mentions nothing relevant to this thread.

    That was the twist the poster put on it, trying to back up his own bias it appears.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,022 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    As you have blocked me apparently you won't see my reply. However yet again you imply I made a personal atrack.

    THIS IS A LIE. And you and another poster have repeated it again.

    I critiqued the post because it used an article with no relevance to the thread, and from a known right wing writer, whomI and others do not rate because of the poor show he made as a politician.

    I am perfectly entitled to express this and othet opinions as freely as you and others here do of other politicians.

    Now you never answered my question..

    What imported culture wars?

    What and who were you talking about when you said this bs, and ran away with your nonsense and outrage on behalf of Michael. MC Dowell?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,270 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    They’re living in situations where they have nice homes, 6/7 figure bank accounts… if politics doesn’t work out… they’ll end up in some very well paid six figure, corporate consultancy role …

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,166 ✭✭✭Patrick2010

    Is it time to combine this thread with the immigration thread, it’s ridiculous to pretend they are completely different subjects

  • Registered Users Posts: 568 ✭✭✭72sheep

    Minister Roderick's report recommended the "State could, and should, use emergency powers to [...]". Funny how the state was powerless to help our homeless and now suddenly they "should" :-)

    Of course only a lunatic flat-earther might observe they're getting very fond of 'dem 'dose emergency powers?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,022 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Or lets change this ....

    Imagine it wasn"t a stabbing of an asylum seeker or anyone by an asylum seeker and those anti immigration were" wound to the sky " they were , without knowing who they were talking about !

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,022 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    That's the thing don't know what the truth is yet except a mention of non national by a small online news outlet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,330 ✭✭✭Jinglejangle69

    That’s two stabbing incidents in the last week the media has buried.

    Please someone make it make sense???

  • Registered Users Posts: 624 ✭✭✭Mullaghteelin

    None of us personally experienced the famine. Many European countries have faced far worse death and destruction more recently than anything Ireland has experienced in living memory.

    We like to see ourselves as long suffering victims of oppression, and that's the narrative we've been teaching our kids since Primary School. But this notion that we as a nation are collectively "kinder" than other countries is a dangerous narcissisim.

    Imagine someone on a lifeboat after Titanic sunk who insists on rescuing the thousands still in the water. Sooner or later the whole boat goes under and everyone drowns. That's where such uncompromising charity gets you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,022 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Maybe read the opening post on the Immigration thread to see why it was separated in the first place .

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,022 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    We are not on a lifeboat .

    We are on an island which is populated mainly in cities, but lightly populated elsewhere .

    We are far from ' going under ' .

  • Registered Users Posts: 426 ✭✭grumpyperson

    You should try living in England if you think Ireland isn't special.

    We're a small island where people are quite interconnected. That seems to end up with people being more neighbourly in general.

  • Registered Users Posts: 426 ✭✭grumpyperson

    I hope you're not suggesting planting asylum seekers in forests or letting them roam in a field it eat grass? Asylum seekers are not plants or cows, they are people and need accommodation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,022 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    So there is nothing else except vegetation outside of cities?

    Post edited by Goldengirl on

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,022 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    So what are you saying here ?

    I don't think you read to the end of that post.

    And if we're all so nice here why the continuous anti refugee sentiment posted on this thread ?

    This is a depressing and downbeat thread that just degrades us all by posting here .

    We are kind we are open, we are a wealthy generous nation.. And we are not' full up' although stretched.

    Post edited by Goldengirl on

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,839 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    What you're essentially suggesting then is that we should use any and all non-residential space (even if it means repurposing it) in towns and villages and regardless of consequences to continue this Welcome wagon?

    Here's a crazy idea - Let's not!

    Those same towns and villages already deal with things like lack of investment, poor infrastructure and services, and general decline. Adding in a few hundred refugees to these sorts of places will only make those problems worse AND create other problems obvious to all except advocates like yourself it seems. Also, do the actual natives and residents of these places get a say in this, or should they just shut up and "do their part"?

    We can't support the ones already here, can't get a handle on the problems it's causing, and yet your idea is to just keep packing them in! It's not just ridiculous, it's lunacy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,022 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Its not my idea but here's another crazy idea.. How do ' we' stop people coming?

    You and others posting the same political exposé every day about how somenody is profiting from this but the thread mentions solutions as well. So anybody got any solutions here?

    I don't see anybody coming up with anything positive here which I think is a bit disingenuous.

    May as well call it Time for a Whinge about Refugees thread!

    Post edited by Goldengirl on

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,470 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    I would argue that the anti-refugee protesters are the real narcissists in that their world view is all "me, me, me" and not what they can do for other people. I don't buy that they are deeply concerned about "our own" either i.e. other Irish people. They sound like the biggest Nimbyists on the planet and as if it they couldn't give a hoot what happens to other Irish people, never mind refugees.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭rgossip30

    A cap on the numbers coming for a start demand EU money for our 'obligation ' .
