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Dangerous Dogs Owners



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,765 ✭✭✭satguy

    I have seen some of your posts in this thread, and see where you stand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    Post edited by xhomelezz on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    So Blanche and Gregor, any straight honest answer to question I've asked both of you? Or you'll keep hiding behind empty words..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    Don't be shy, since Gregor painted me as an unsuitable dog owner, can't wait the answers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,024 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa

    I don’t have to jump to your command, X. I’m not your lap dog.

    I already said no-one is going to engage in your Sealioning. You’re not on some echo-chamber Facebook group for fans of bloodsport breeds - this is the real world, and you’re on the wrong side of the argument here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 372 ✭✭Shank Williams

    should be death squads set up to kill pit bulls on sight- if your seen out walking a pit bull in public you get pounced on and dog gets lethal injection on the spot

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    Should we do the same with travellers or in the UK should the do the same with black folks seeing as both are over represented in criminality here and the UK just look at their stabbing victims/drill rap culture and the shop raids, bare in mind if you answer yes you're agreeing they're ALL the problem not just a minority of either group being the problem with society. Not to call either of the above dogs but do you think if they were raised differently taught right from wrong etc they'd not be criminals because thats what people who know these breeds better than the kneejerk reacting folks know, granted the VAST majority of the time its how you raise them and Bullbreeds like Staffies, Apbt's Bull terriers etc were bred to have high prey drive and known for being dog aggressive, what most people DON'T seem to get DOG on DOG aggression is NOT the same as Dog on MAN aggression.

    If Pitbulls as in the Apbt is are so deadly why was Cesar Milans one Daddy so good with other dogs surely the so called Devil dog would want to kill every other dog on sight thats how they ALL are right ? Im not a fan of Cesar but if these are how some here make them out to be Daddy would have racked up some body count surely.

    Where are the folks on here condemning Rottweilers and the other breeds of that have killed like the Leonberger that was actually in a program on tv about problem dogs but was walked without a muzzle, that and other dogs killed their walker now if you've ever seen one of these dogs you'll know they're bigger than your average person and thats just one dog, imagine 7 more to be attacking you at the same time, none of which were American pitbull terriers btw but sure that doesn't fit the media narrative of the devil dog. 2 Rottweilers killed an 8 year boy in Dublin in 2021 now, do you think its JUST the dogs faults or are the parents to blame and if so surely they should be prosecuted for negligence if that is the case, however most won't bother asking why the dogs did what they did, the fact is small kids and dogs of any type is more often than not going to result in kids being bitten if they don't know how to live with each other, like when a dogs eating leave it the F**K alone, same for sleeping or kids sitting on their backs, pulling their tails, gums, ears etc if a child can't learn to give dogs space they'll be thought a lesson in blood if they push their luck too far, a nip from a small Yorkie is one thing but when its the Rottweiler, Leonbergers, and of course Apbts it'll be much worse. Oh btw yes some very small breeds have killed and again due to negligence but noones calling for all of those to be rounded up, just look at the reputation Chihuahuas have for being bitey. I had a neighbour with a Yorkie that would run out chasing you and try bite you, nothing said or done about it, now if that was my dog at the time, a Bull Terrier you can be f**king sure id be in trouble for it, being a responsible owner though my dog was always on the lead and even when on my property when my brother cut the grass in the front garden we'd another neighbour with a Westhighland Terrier coming running in, my dog goes barking at it with the owners shouting how there should be a muzzle on our dog, bearing in mind he is not only tied up on our property but her dog was off the lead and not under effective control obviously if it didn't stay with her where as ours was.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    I have to ask those pro pitbull dog advocates how many more people have to be seriously injured or killed before these breeds are banned?

    I don't expect a straight answer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 449 ✭✭L.Ball

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    Of course you are not my lap dog, but you do some jumping..

    And I see you can't answer the simple question. On the other hand you are so capable of judging me. Brilliant move on your side.

    I have just a little bit to say and after I'll leave you to enjoy your crusade.I would advocate for any dog breed!

    Banning breeds does nothing ( personally I'd say it will make situation even worse ) Breed specific legislation does nothing. So what's left to do? Sort out fooking humans I'd say, educate educate and educate, plus bring in some proper legislation to target bad owners and bad breeders, support proper healthy and happy relationship with dogs and ownership, free training classes etc.. and for once make sure it's being followed by authorities. Look at the dog shelters in this country, full to the brim. Look at the numbers of euthanized dogs in this country every year, you'll probably be ashamed. It's a complex problem, which will take a time to sort, so it's actually funny you saying that I'm not on some echo chamber Facebook group, because I can tell you this thread certainly feels like one. Calling for extinction of few breeds, only because some of the dogs ends in the wrong hands. And a few who thinks banning will sort it. And on the top of it you feel you have a right to judge my ownership when it comes to dogs... As I said call over and meet my dogs, you can see pics of them on different thread here, only after that you can make a statement about how I'm, or not suitable to keep doggies. As much as I don't like what Blanche says in her/his posts, I certainly wouldn't go that fooking low saying she/he is unsuitable to have a dog, because I'm pretty sure she/he does the best.

    That's my goodbye to you!!

    Post edited by xhomelezz on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭Rubberchikken

    When will people realise it's not the dog that's the problem.

    Crap owners are to blame. Same as lazy couldnt-give-a-crap parents whose offspring make others lives miserable. The kids weren't born like that and not were the dogs.

    Do something proper with the owners. Don't take it out on an innocent animal who didn't ask to be with the s$itty excuse for humans out there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

    Muzzles and leads on all breeds.

    Out loose, put down unless in designated areas and owners fined.

    Cause injuries or worse, jail for the owner. Simple.

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    Yet again banning them does NOTHING, don't believe me look at the UK they're banned there over 30years ago (1991), did it stop people being killed by dogs, Apbt's or otherwise NO it F**KING didn't, the same way lowering speed limits here is not going to stop road deaths because people will still drive fast/recklessly regardless of the law and its not the speed that kills its road conditions etc. Just like a dog attack its not just one thing that is the cause and treating either issue like that won't do a thing to stop road deaths or deaths by dog attacks from untrained/unsocialised dogs etc.

    The ignorance of anyone who thinks banning something solves the problem is something to behold, it hasn't worked for other breeds, or drugs or guns etc and thinking it solves the problem shows how naive your thinking is. With BSL in the UK you've had innocent dogs put to death because of how they look imagine now if that was people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

    Don't care.

    I don't want to be annoyed by dogs when I'm out for stroll. Shite owners yes, agreed. I can at least try to talk down an annoying teen.

    I don't know dogs, I don't want to know dogs. Keep them away from me please.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    That's the humans for you. They enjoy good old witch-hunt. Teeth out, pitchfork, a bit of fire and shouting without thinking. And the best is that some are actually thinking that's the solution! Haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,987 ✭✭✭Former Former Former

    "Do something proper with the owners"

    What, specifically?

    What can you do that prevents these attacks, as distinct from punishing them after the fact?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    With BSL in the UK you've had innocent dogs put to death because of how they look imagine now if that was people.

    Personally I don't know about UK, I know in states that was lots of dogs needlessly put to sleep. Now imagine how Ireland would be. Only going by the posts on this thread..

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,987 ✭✭✭Former Former Former

    A crap owner with a Yorkshire terrier is a lot less of a concern than a crap owner with an XL Bully.

    No matter how you spin it, people only buy these things to scare other people and to make themselves feel tough. No other reason.

    The people who buy these dogs cannot be educated about responsible ownership and they cannot be trusted to manage the dogs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,132 ✭✭✭chicorytip

    ...and these dogs will attack - children, in many cases - irrespective of how they have been raised since pups and not just because they have been brutalised by their human handlers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    Any examples? May I ask. Since you seem to be so sure.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    Annoying teens are one thing, a better comparison is the teens kicking homeless people to death, stabbing people to death for a phone etc, but sure the 30-50+ previous convictions before they're 16 are a deterrent surely, again NO because actual proactive actions have to be made against their parents just like dog owners if their dog is being a nuisance etc take it off them. Letting people breed and sell some of these dogs breeds funds gangs too, not all of them but some do laundering money by breeding high priced exotic colour Am Bullys, French Bulldogs etc. The closest thing you could probably do to eradicate dog attacks in public would be a mandatory muzzle law but then that wouldn't have stopped either Mia O'Connell or Glen Murphys deaths by dogs in the family homes in which none of the 3 dogs involved were Apbts or AmBullys btw, so the you're back at square one, with having to teach people, especially kids how to react around kids and not leave small children unsupervised with ANY dog regardless of breed even when that sounds doable you know theres still going to be negligent owners whos dogs will bite and or killing someone regardless of how much you time and effort you put into educating people about risks, just like I mentioned about the speeding issue, lowering the legal limit does nothing if people aren't going to drive care and attention while not flying down backroads after a few drinks or letting kids drive tractors illegally on public roads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    If you would actually care, any crap owner would be a concern. That comparison in your post is shocking. It's like saying, till dog is small enough, do as you please and it's acceptable by majority as something normal. I hope that's not what you think of course. But I suspect plenty are buying into this misleading concept.

  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭TedBundysDriver

    Lol, the real world. This site is full of cranks and weirdos.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,699 ✭✭✭Allinall

    Maybe you should concentrate on keeping yourself away from dogs, rather than saying “keep them away from me”.

    You don’t own the space you’re walking in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,987 ✭✭✭Former Former Former

    No, it's never acceptable.

    But a scumbag letting a springer spaniel run around unsupervised is annoying and might give a child a nasty nip, but anyone over the age of 12 is going to be able to discipline the dog. One swift kick and the threat is neutralized.

    A scumbag with an XL Bully is a threat to everyone in the vicinity and even grown men can't control the thing.

    You need big dogs to feel like a man. I get that. It's like rednecks in USA with their assault rifles. And you don't see anything wrong with people being attacked for no reason by vicious dogs. That's harder to understand but OK. Again, gun nuts in the USA don't care about shooting victims, so it's not unusual.

    But your emotional deficits should not be more important than the safety of others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    That poster likes to play games. But sometimes he's right, just hard to read it in his posts imo. All dogs should be on the lead in public places. Yet plenty ignores it. And I'll fully backup muzzle up all, as he/she says. I've said that here before, don't understand why all doggies and all owners can't be on the same line. No more stupid excuses on any size of the doggo beside us.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Who would have thought that decades of selectively breeding dogs for its aggression and ferociousness could have led to this outcome?


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

    No. I shouldn't. Keep your fur babies on a leash. No issues then. I don't want there "friendliness" or shite on the footpaths.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 36,073 ✭✭✭✭BorneTobyWilde
