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Dangerous Dogs Owners



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    It seems that 'ban' didn't go far enough as it didn't involve putting them down. It was more of a restriction but probably saved some attacks and at least some action can be taken if a ban is in place.

    'Banned dogs also had to be fitted with muzzles when taken out for walks and owners had to purchase third-party insurance in case their animal hurt someone. But the Daily Mail reported shortly before a deadline came into force in 1991 that three in four owners of the 10,000 pit bulls in Britain had failed to register their dogs'

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Absolutely. As I keep saying, no responsible owner would own one of those dogs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,236 ✭✭✭Patrick2010

    Why on earth would anyone want one of those creatures, just to feel a big man? I’ve had spaniels and they were very affectionate and always on a lead.

    In the very unlikely event they would have attacked anyone a swift kick would have stopped them. Walking home from Rialto recently I came across some lad walking a dog that looked it was on steroids off lead, was glad to get past it

  • Registered Users Posts: 602 ✭✭✭zedhead

    So I don't think banning them is going to do much. There will always be some new cross breed that will come in to replace them and fall into the hands of the of the irresponsible owners. What would be better is to crackdown on the breeding and importing of dogs. Bad breeding practices and irresponsible homing of dogs like these is the real problem. Backyard breeders and puppy farms should be completely outlawed but for some reason our government doesn't want to do anything about it. So not only are powerful dogs with the potential of being deadly getting into the hands of people who are either illequiped to deal with the training and control of owning a dog like this or people or are looking for a ferocious status symbom and have no concern for the safety of others, but they are also badly bred and possible dangerous traits are being bred into them.

    On top of that the dog licence system is a joke. When we got our dog I asked a few people had they got the annual licence or the lifetime one when they got their dog and every single dog owner i asked did not have a licence. Dogs should be microchipped and licence and if caught without there should be no warning, straight to a fine or even have the dog removed. If you bring a dog to a vet who is not chipped, the vet should be obliged to microchip at your expense or report it.

    Its far to easy for people to buy a dog and then do nothing required to look after it resulting in dangerous, unsocialised dogs of all breeds becoming too common and thousands of dogs a year being mistreated and abandoned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

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  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    Because they LIKE them is why, im guessing you've never heard of "Rage Syndrome" in Cocker Spaniels then too btw ?

    I can't speak for other owners of so called aggressive breeds but of all the animals i've ever owned my Bull Terrier wasn't even in the top 5 of being potentially deadly, I had Rattlesnakes etc at home too when I had him, again because I could, I don't need to brag on Youtube etc showing me free handling them though nor did I or my brother need to act the big man, sure he was about 6'2/3 by 14 y/o thats intimidating enough especially when you're well built too, im not as tall but again I didn't hang around street corners or be out selling drugs like how some owners of these dogs would again thats a tiny minority. A neighbour of mine has a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, he also has fostered 13/14 kids and taken in foreign exchange students too and never had a problem with his dog with any of them why because she was trained/socialised and NEVER left unsupervised with either his own kids or the ones in his care, and despite being a dog of a breed bred for fighting she is more than well mannered with all other dogs she meets BECAUSE of how she was raised. I'd sooner have her than some of the smaller dogs I see walking around my town that have not been socialised so go apeshit when they see another dog etc while on the lead and if it was her acting that way you can be sure he'd be getting a visit from the dog warden/gardai in no time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    Exactly my point and what if you did put all Apbt's down would it have/did it stopped the other breeds as i've mentioned killing people too NOPE because you'd have to kill every dog on sight to completely stop bites/deaths by dogs and well thats never going to happen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭AyeGer

    I never see muzzles on dogs. These big powerful dogs should have them on. Why should some elderly person or child have to feel nervous, intimidated or be put in actual danger as these dogs are out being walked?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,081 ✭✭✭theguzman

    These dogs need to be banned and all rounded up for Euthanasia. I had a problematic neighbor with a Pitbull, I got my solicitor to notify the landlord we would be holding him civilly responsible due to his inaction on his tenants dangerous dog and the risk it posed to my own tenants young children of 2 and 5. He evicted them within a month and sold up after that. Don't accept it and fight back as it is only criminal elements harbour these killer animals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Yet again ypou miss the main point. It's not about biting, Pitbulls kill/seriously injure, way more than all other dog breeds put together.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    You're the one missing the point if they didn't exist, there'd still plenty of dogs killing people of all ages like I mentioned that Leonberger being one of 8 dogs attacking their own walker, and the owner KNOWING it wasn't a well mannered/trained dog letting leave the house without a muzzle, if I was to do that with my dog knowing he was pretty much a ticking timebomb by the sounds of that attack on that walker they'd be calling for my dog to be put down and others of his breed. I made the comparison of the teens around town here or the drill rap/postcode gangs in the UK where an overwhelming majority of stabbings etc are black, does that make blacks a highly volatile race of likely killers because thats just how these dog breeds are being viewed on the actions of some **** owners just like these teens causing trouble here or the gangs in the UK its their upbringings, lack of parenting etc not because they're black etc. Like I previously mentioned the last two fatal attacks on people here didn't involve Apbt/Am Bullys etc but didn't involve negligence of part of the parents/guardians to a degree. No dog in their right mind wakes up and thinks "f**k i'll kill someone today" just because. If these breeds are the so called devil dogs why didn't my Bull Terrier attack and likely kill the Husky that was attached to his face when it attacked him, because anyone who knows dogs would tell you a Bull Terrier if it wanted to would make short work of a Husky, pound for pound they're the most muscular dog breed there is and theres no breed standard so they can be 20kg-34kg but the biggest one was 49kg thats more than your average Rottweiler and Labrador by a good margin tbh. I nor my brother raised our dog to act aggressive in anyway but we did socialise him with other dogs and people, and all sorts of other stuff so he'd be a well mannered dog otherwise he could be a problem just like every other dog you see in the street.

    For the people saying oh x breed is small a kick and its dealt with, plenty of babies/children weren't that fortunate and were killed by these so called "SAFE" breeds that the media don't do the hype not nearly as much with when they kill a child because it doesn't sell papers but my dog or a German shepherd or Staffy etc baring their teeth WILL sell papers and get uproar over a given incident. Sure wasn't there photos of the dog that killed Mia O'Connell in the media, a mixed breed dachshund-terrier cross but when Alejandro Mizan was attacked the media went mental with reports of pitbulls doing this and that, but when another breed actually KILLED someone there was no calls to go banning or fining owners more only when it involved the pitbull did the government want to do something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    What a horrible post. We don't have breeds of people and comparing different races of people to different breeds of dogs is wholly inappropriate and disgusting. People don't act on instinct, dogs do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,987 ✭✭✭Former Former Former

    I think it's hilarious that people are still rolling out the "well, my bull terrier would never hurt a fly" without any irony.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    What was hilarious was the reference to the pet rattlesnake being more dangerous. How irresponsible not to have a rattlesnake in a home defanged?

    People addicted to the thrill of owning dangerous animals are not in the best position to judge whether that ownership is appropriate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,102 ✭✭✭✭rob316

    People showing pictures of there toddler next to their 12 stone XL bully to show how gentle they are, are morons. You have your child taken off you not your dog, idiot.

    "its the owners" - there is countless cases of experienced dog handlers who have been mauled to death by there own XL bullys. Family pet XL Bullys mauled to death children and their owners.

    "any dog can be aggressive" - sure but its all pitbulls involved in these attacks

    "My dog wouldn't hurt a fly, a pure softie" - sure your they might never attack but if they do the difference is the dog can kill you or your child, you haven't a prayer of controlling such a powerful dog.

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    I didn't say breeds of people im comparing the actions of a few individuals of a specific races to a specific dog breeds individuals actions asking is its fair to judge one lot as a whole being aggressive because of simply what they are or is it their upbringings, parents or in the case of the dogs owners if you can't understand that you might as well scroll by my post, btw i've a sister whose mixed race incase you think oh he must be racist making those remarks, facts are facts though black victims/perpetrators are over represented in stabbings etc in the likes of London so are they an inherently violent race or is it their upbringing etc as I said. Just in case you don't believe me about the stats.

    If they only act on instinct why was my dogs one when attack 3 times in one night by the same dog or the other one with the Husky not to defend himself surely it would be, just like you or I or anyone on this thread would try to defend themselves from being attacked, especially if it was a case of one on one.

    With regards to breeds though, why is there subspecies of almost every described animal but when people have physiological/morphological differences theres not again its a fact certain cultures look different, its not a bad thing its just how nature is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    Its cruel to have venomoid snakes considering its like cutting a dogs tail or ears off, venom is used in the aid of digestion and subduing their prey unlike constrictors where they suffocate theirs. I said I kept them I didn't say I treated them like pets, they're not your average Cornsnake etc and not for everyone just like certain dog breeds aren't as they're behaviors, size requirements etc are very different.

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    Irony would mean he DID hurt someone/something though so I guess the irony is on you there, fact is he'd been attacked multiple times and despite being a dog breed developed for fighting other dogs and pest control etc he never fought back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    Yet AGAIN the last 2 fatal attacks were not PitBulls or AM Bullys, they WERE in one case by a restricted breed, 2 Rottweilers. It happened on the owner/families property not in a public place so a mandatory muzzle law for all dogs in public wouldn't have helped nor would it have helped in the other case that was a Dachshund x Terrier mix, but yeah Pitbulls/AM Bullies are the only dogs to ever do ANYTHING wrong at all in some posters eyes here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    "its the owners" - there is countless cases of experienced dog handlers who have been mauled to death by there own XL bullys. Family pet XL Bullys mauled to death children and their owners.

    If that's the case, it shouldn't be a problem for you, to list some, or stats or something.., countless as you say, that will be easy for you.

    People showing pictures of there toddler next to their 12 stone XL bully to show how gentle they are, are morons. You have your child taken off you not your dog, idiot.

    I have pics of my kids taken with dogs. What's wrong with that? Unless the weight of the dog matters. I have pictures of my two lads taken with horses too. And that's a big difference in muscles and weight.. Just missing your point there..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 43,028 ✭✭✭✭SEPT 23 1989

    Any man who feels the need to keep one of these dogs is lacking in another department

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    You could say the same about posts like this. Always thought boards are a bit better than that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    People addicted to the thrill of owning dangerous animals are not in the best position to judge whether that ownership is appropriate.

    Few posts back you said all dogs are dangerous. So how is it, are you addicted to the thrill of owning dangerous animal too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 181 ✭✭Sarcozies

    Here are the list of dog fatalities by confirmed breed in the UK since 2010. 

    American Bulldog - Zumer Ahmed, F, 18 months

    Mastiff - Barbara Williams, F, 52 years

    Pitbull - Leslie Trotman, M, 83

    Bulldogs, American Pitbull, Mongrel - Gloria Knowles, F, 71 years

    Jack Russel Terrier - Harry Harper, M, 8 days

    Bullmastiffs and Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Jade Lomas-Anderson, F, 14 years. 

    Bullmastiff - Clifford Clarke, M, 79

    Bulldog type or Aylestone bulldog - Lexi Branson, F, 4 years

    Pitbulls - Emma Bennett, F, 27 years

    Pitbull Terrier - Ava-Jayne Corless, F, 11 months

    Alaskan Malamute - Eliza-Mae Mullane, F, 6 days

    German Shepherd Police Dog - Irene Collins, F, 73

    Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Louise Caygill, F, 43 years

    American Pitbull Terrier - Molly-Mae Wotherspoon, F, 6 months

    American Bulldog - Rhona Greve, F, 64 years

    Lakeland Terrier - Reggie Young, M, 3 weeks

    Pitbull - William George, M, 68 years

    Springer Spaniel - Ken McCall, M, 84 years

    Mixed bull breed of unknown ancestry - Liam Hewitson, M, 22 years

    Staffordshire Pitbull Cross - Stephen Hodgson, M, 45

    Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross - David Ellam, M, 52

    American Bulldog Mastiff - Dexter Neal, M, 3 years

    Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Archie Joe Darby, M, 4 months

    Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Mario Perivoitos, M, 41 years

    German Shepherd - Ryan Busa, M, 10 years

    Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Reuben McNulty, M, 2 months

    Large Bulldog Cross - Frankie MacRitchie, M, 10 years

    American Bulldogs - Elayne Stanley, F, 44 years.

    Staffordshire Bull Terrier Mastiff Cross - Jonathan Halstead, M, 35 years

    Chow Chow-German Shepherd - Elon Jase Ellis-Joynes, M, 12 days

    Staffordshire Cross - Keira Ladlow, F, 21 years

    American Bulldog - Lucille Downer, F, 85 years

    American Bull XL - Jack Lis, M, 10 years

    American Bully XL - Adam Watts, M, 55 years

    British Bulldogs - John William Jones, M, 68 years

    Husky - Kyra Leanne King, F, 3 months

    American Bully XL - Bella-Rae Birch, F, 17 months

    Rottweiler - Lawson Bond, M, 2 years

    Cane Corso - Daniel John Twigg, M, 3 years

    American Bully XL - Keven Jones, M, 62 years

    American Bully XL - Joanne Robinson, F, 4

    American Bully XL - Ian Symes, M, 34 

    American Bulldog - Ann Dunn, F, 65

    American Bully XL Cane Corso Cross - Shirley Patrick, F, 83

    American Pitbull Terrier - Natasha Johnston, F, 28

    American Bully Mix - Jonathan Hogg, M, 37

    Rottweilers - Marie Stevens, F, 40

    47 killed. 

    36 were from a Pitbull/Bulldog/Staffordshire Bull/Mastiff mix. 

    Ban the above that are responsible for 77% of fatalities. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭AyeGer

    I was out for a walk yesterday evening and passed a guy with one of these dogs. Big wide head and very muscular, looked a sort of grey/blue hue to the dogs coat. As far as these dogs go it was an attractive looking beast. He was a stereotypical bully owner though, full grey tracksuit, hard man walk, baseball cap. He had it under control and on the lead but no muzzle.

    I felt anxious walking past them on the footpath but I wasn’t going to cross the road. I does appear to be a bit of a status thing with these guys they might enjoy people being afraid of them.

    I will say again though I don’t understand why these dogs can’t be muzzled and why they are not pulled up on the lack of a muzzzle on them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,901 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Keeping venomous snakes in a house with children is not responsible. End of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭TedBundysDriver

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    Who said there was children in my house with them, and even if there was statistically they're safer than any dog in Ireland, when was the last time you heard of a venomous snake bite/death of a keeper here or death of one from a constrictor even, there has been one recorded bite it was from a Puff Adder to someone who'd no business keeping venomous id imagine as I know probably most if not all venomous keepers here and they'd not be ones to be reckless with their animals like a lot of people are with their dogs, not just for the publics sake but for obviously their own too, sure there is a saying in the venomous community "Complacency killed the keeper" being reckless/negligent WILL get you or others hurt with dogs or venomous snakes etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    Because theres no legal requirement to, I bet you'd not comment about a muzzle for smaller breeds like if you say oh lets say a Jack Russell being reactive on a lead to someone else walking a Labrador in public, the majority of people wouldn't either but as usual the judging dogs by how they look or owners how they dress, and yeah im well aware theres certain types of lads who gang around street corners selling drugs and having these but the fact is not everyone who dresses in a tracksuit and owns a Bull breed is a drug dealer. His dog likely paid no notice to you either.

    Have a watch at this blokes videos, all sorts of breeds on there with owners being proactive with sorting their dogs issues, from human aggression, or dog aggression etc being treated. If more people bothered their arse training and socialising, feeding, and exercising their dogs properly they'd have a lot less problems. Its funny I can tell who in my estate is out walking their dogs because theres 2/3 that go apeshit when other dogs are being walked near them, but sure the owners don't fix that, they might have to if/when their dog bites a child who is walking their own dog and gets bitten but that is easily avoided, none of these are Bull breeds though so they get a pass as far as muzzling goes going by some posters opinions on here as its only Pitbulls that are the problem.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude
