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Hamas strike on Israel - Threadbans in op - mod warning in OP updated 19/10/23



  • Registered Users Posts: 16,677 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    I'm not defending the Israeli tactics here, I'm stating that this wouldn't be happening had Hamas not launched their incursion into Israel last week.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    So you're including conflicts non related to Gaza or Palestine?

    And yes non related is a bad choice of words.

    Maybe how many Israeli's have Hamas or Palestinians killed vs how many Israel have killed in return

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,087 ✭✭✭threeball

    There's nothing civilised about Israel. They run a massive internment camp where they dictate the lives and futures of a couple of million people denying them medicine, education, jobs and stealing the little land they do have. Sure there's a bunch of shìts on the Palestinian side but who could blame them. Having been driven from their homeland for the last 3000yrs and treated like subhumans for 75years.

    And talk of projecting nuclear power on a population that is separated from you by a wall is absolute nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,703 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    It will get worse - statistics, hostages, murders, shielding, history, tallies, crimes war- who gives a fck - both sides are c*mts for different reasons - I hate to see people “championing” one side or another - they’ve fcking fought for decades - fcking play tiddlywinks to sort it - it won’t be any worse than what’s happening right now.

    But anyone inciting violence be it through inflammatory pictures or actions or words - go fck yourself you’re not helping things right now

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,947 ✭✭✭circadian

    Using the same logic, the actions of Hamas are a result of generations of oppression and bombs dropped by Israel.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 426 ✭✭grumpyperson

    Post edited by grumpyperson on

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,947 ✭✭✭circadian

    They are currently committing multiple war crimes, have implemented an apartheid state (inter religious married couples are forbidden to live together) and throughout the entire history of modern Israel have antagonised their neighbours.

    Civilised? Sure many others in the region are no better and some worse but that is an exceptionally low bar for a country to be civilised.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,677 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Yeah, let's continue with an eye for an eye until everyone's dead. That's the only logical pathway here.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,029 ✭✭✭applehunter

    I wasn't politically aware when the Iraq War happened but I am now.

    Jews have too much influence in US politics.

    This last week has been an eye-opener.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    I'll try a simpler approach.

    In the early 2000 -2010 3000 Israeli civilians were killed in terrorist attacks in Israel oddly enough 2020 was one most quitest periods in Israels history with no terrorist related deaths,but year in and year one month by month Israeli civilians are dieing in terrorist attacks..

    Correction In 2020 two Israeli civilians were killed in terrorist attacks

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    But the ordinary Palestinian's didn't attack Israel, Hamas did.

    Israel choose to bomb Gaza, Israel choose to cut off power and food and water etc...

    It's this tit for tat (yes Israel suffered a horrific terrorist attack, and yes Gaza have lost 700+ children) that makes this merry go round keep going.

    The ordinary Palestinians have no control over Hamas, they can't get off the merry go round, Israel being a democratically elected, civilized country could stop this shitstorm. Find another way to take Hamas out.

    Have Israel even said the ordinary Palestine's are not our enemy? We will free you from the terrorists holding you hosttage etc...

    We had the US going in after 9/11 saying they were targeting Al Qaeda, not Afghanastans. And they did improve the lives of them until they redrew etc...

    They went into Iraq and said it was to topple Sadam etc... Why can't Israel do or at least say the same?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    Ok, same timeframe, how many Palestinians died from the IDF?

    Does that look disproportionate to you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,947 ✭✭✭circadian

    Exactly. Israel responding in this way will only add fuel, radicalise and perpetuate the problem. What Hamas has done is unforgivable, but responding in kind will make them stronger.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,422 ✭✭✭Snooker Loopy

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 RonanDonegal1989

    You really have to admire the restraint Israel has shown since Hamas invaded. Its been 48 since the evacuation order and no ground invasion yet. Israel has the capacity to kill every Palestinian and destroy Gaza but they choose not to. If Hamas had the same resources, they would not show the same restraint.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    And what about Russia vs Ukraine one was invaded and as you very well know from the near 3 year old thread it's absolutely Russia needs to be punished and they getting smashed and rightfully so ,we see calls to bomb Russian Cities,ban all Russians.from Europe,ban all Russian products, stop selling all goods from foods to medicines.

    Adds up to the same thing unfortunately collective punishment for what was putins three day adventure to Ukraine,

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,677 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Ordinary people don't deserve the misery visited upon them by the actions of Hamas.

    This particular situation has been created by Hamas attacking Israeli citizens.

    Things have always been bad for Palestinians now they're even worse thanks to their leaders.

    I'm not excusing the actions carried out by Israel in retaliation but things are worse than ever for normal Palestinians and it's thanks to Hamas and the reaction from Israel was hoped for by Hamas.

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander

    There's a horrendous amount of complete misinformation on this thread. Some genuine misinformed opinion, some deliberate mistruths. I've lost count of some of them but they include.

    And I will keep this factual in the main rather than opinionated.

    1) Israel's neighbours all want it destroyed and/or would go to war if not for US backing or nuclear weapons. No, they absolutely don't want to go to war. Who would? Eygpt? Zero interest and shares intel/Gaza border with Israel and is actively involved in the blockade, normalised relations for decades.

    Lebanon/Jordan? Zero interest, normalised relations, and even if that weren't true, insignificant armed forces that wouldn't dent Israel. Syria? Second-rate army ravaged by ongoing war that even pre-Civil War wouldn't have had the faintest chance against Israel even in tandem with the above countries.

    I won't even address the crazy claims that Turkey and Iran would cross international borders to invade Israel, putting aside the fact that neither country has the faintest interest in such an outlandish endeavor.

    2) Israel survived the 1948 invasion solely because of US backing. The US didn't even supply Israel at that point. It had to scramble to source stuff from Europe and even at that had to basically get a lot of it covertly. The US did not start really strongly backing Israel for another two decades after that.

    3) Israel only exists now because of US backing and/or nuclear weapons. See point number 1. Firstly; who wants to invade Israel? No-one. Secondly; the US gives Israel a few billion a year in aid. The Israel economy is worth $500 billion. Thirdly; Israel presumably having nuclear weapons didn't stop the Arab invasion of 1973 which was defeated.

    4) Gaza is an open air prison with no oversight and no control. Hamas controls Gaza. Hamas is the Government, it displaced Fatah in 2006. It's a Jihadi fundementalist organisation along the lines of ISIS. It hates Israel and until recently it's charter, the one it was elected on, was wiping out Israel and all jews. It hates Israel; it hates western values; it hates LGBT; it places little value on women. Hamas has not held elections since but polls show generally strong support for Hamas among the Gaza population, but it's very difficult to say how accurate said polls are. PA has also not held elections in the West Bank due to the fact that all indications are that Hamas would be elected to rule.

    5) Israel is blockading Gaza in a deliberate attempt to commit genocide. Israel and Eygpt both blockaded Gaza in response to Hamas taking power in 2006. Neither country wanted a fundementalist Jihadi organisation having open access to resources including weapons. Prior to that Israel had just withdrawn from Gaza completely and handed over control to Fatah. Had Hamas not taken power there would be no blockade, just as there is no blockade on the West Bank which is part-controlled by the Palestinian Authority. That's not to say all in rosy in the West Bank, but it's certainly incomparably functional compared to Gaza.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,029 ✭✭✭applehunter

    The Jewish lobby (AIPAC), you know what I mean.

    Their power is disproportionate to their number in the country.

    The US governement bar a few exceptions is subservient to the Jewish lobby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65,320 ✭✭✭✭unkel
    Chauffe, Marcel, chauffe!

    Well said. And trying to be proactive here, what can we do as an international community? We've offered an independent state with a lot of land for Palestininans in the past several times, but they always refused.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    There's a difference as you know that a Russian cannot buy an iphone vs the Red Cross cannot bring in baby food in Gaza.

    The calls to bomb Russian cities come from a very small number of people and you know yourself if Ukraine bombed innocent Russians in Russia it would be a war crime and beneath Ukranians. How does that stack with Israel bombing Gaza, if Ukraine bombed cities in Russia and killed thousands of innocent women and children, would you have any issue with that?

    Even on the Russian thread, the vast majority were against sanctions on baby food, and of course the likes of baby food and medicine was not sanctioned.

    Sanctions are not the same as collective punishment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander

    These strikes aren't to kill individual low-level Hamas fighters. They are to destroy Hamas infrastructure, fortifications, launch sites, command centres, intelligence centres, tunnel networks, etc.

    Given Gaza is a dense urban area, all of these things are in areas populated with large civilian numbers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander

    While that might be true, in the sense that I've no personal idea of exactly how strong Jewish lobby groups are, while knowing they are strong.

    Support for Israel isn't strictly tied to any lobby group. It's an incredibly powerful, regional powerhouse smack-bang in the Middle East that happens to share Western values and culture.

    It's an incredibly valuable asset to the USA establishment at any given point, regardless of their race, religion or creed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16 RonanDonegal1989

    Aye sir, Laggan valley born and raised. Any other questions?

  • Registered Users Posts: 426 ✭✭grumpyperson

    Laggan valley is not in Donegal.

    Anyway, I just wish this war wasn't happening and they lived in peace together.


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    @Wolf359f Sanctions are not the same as collective punishment.

    Yes that's exactly what sanctions are collective punishments , imposed by several or more countries on another,

    When America went into Iraq both sides times they bombed civilian infrastructure power, water, communication all removed,

    The Same applies to taken down a building with terrorists sometimes the easiest and safest option is to hit the building with an airstrike ,it's safer than Risking untold number of soldiers and civilians.

    We have been told on here about massive indiscriminate carpet bombing for a full week, 6000 x2000lb bombs have apparently dropped on Gaza one of the most densely populated areas in the world why was there so few casualties reported, that's a hell of a lot of explosives dropped in one the most densely populated areas in the world, indiscriminate carpet bombings is whats been described on here,why so few casualties for the amount of explosives dropped from the air ,not including missles from Apaches and jets and Naval bombardment,

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    So close to 2k civilian deaths and how many Hamas deaths? Well based on the stats.... 30 of the 2k would be Hamas.

    But the strike on the convey evacuating south, was that a command center? Was the ambulance an intelligence center? Was the ultrasound and mammography room in the hospital a launch site?

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭ChickenDish

    Unfortunately Hamas have given Israel the excuse its been waiting for, for the biggest land grab in years.

    Israel has spent decades fostering extremism within the Palestinian population by brutalizing them in everyway possible. Unfortunately for the Palestinians, Israel are happily bombing the population of Gaza into oblivion and when the Dust settles Gaza will be forever changed.

    I find it a little sickening that the goverments of numerous countries condemn Hamas but in no way criticise Israel for the wholesale slaughter of innocents. Its very telling that in numerous countries the support for Palestinians is huge among the general population (all faiths) but there is nothing but condemnation for Israel unless ofc your Jewish. Any criticism of Israel is immediately labelled as antisemitism by Israeli.

    For Netanyahu this couldn't have come at a better time, I've no doubt he was delighted things have played out the way it has.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,400 ✭✭✭Homelander

    I don't think anyone would argue that any civilian deaths are OK on either side.

    Israel isn't concerned right now with taking out individual Hamas fighters. It's about destroying infrastructure and high-level operations before the ground invasion. As I said before, heartless but not headless, they are pursuing war goals, not just randomly bombing for the sake of bombing, and thank god they're not because if they were, as some people claim they are, the death rate would be literally 100+ times higher.

    Regarding your specific points also, don't think anyone would think it acceptable to see vital services like ambulances, hospitals, struck. But as abhorrent as it is, war in an urban environment will always lead to civilian casulties and impact on the innocent including vital services. In every war, including those where great effort is genuinely taken to minimise civilian casulties, there are still high numbers of civilian casulties.

    We see in Ukraine, Russia blatantly attacking civilian populations; not 'collateral damage' but specifically targetting civilians. This is also what Hamas did last weekend. There aren't enough words to describe how disgusting these tactics are. Ukraine doesn't engage in these practices at all; yet Ukraine has actually killed Russian civilians. Deliberately; intentionally; overall, no. But it still happens, it's inevitable in a war.

    That's just a factual statement, not an endorsement of anything Israel is doing, has done, or will do. It's not saying that it's OK. Every life is valuable, military or civilian to be perfectly honest, but there's no arguing that civilians being killed in any conflict is just horrendous.

    2,000+ dead civilians in Gaza is an awful thing regardless of the reason why, and that number is only going to rise in the coming days and weeks. That's the population of a good sized Irish town to put it into perspective. It's not OK. It's not "acceptable" collateral damage.

    But unfortunately it is war, it is the real world and the horrific nature of war and thank god here in Western Europe we have not known it for a very long time, and very long may that tradition continue.

    But we have to be careful to not let words lose meaning. Regardless of your opinion of what Israel is doing, it's not a genocide and they are not specifically targetting civilians. That doesn't mean that the associated civilian casulties are anything short of awful. It doesn't mean that Israel is justified, or right. It is just the inevitability of war, and thank god we have not known it for a very long time in Western Europe.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,801 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    Do you believe some person in Moscow not being able to play his Xbox or buy an iphone, but can still get his diabetic medicine the same as the blockade in Gaza? I mean he can buy his iphone/xbox/medicine abroad and use it in Russia. Palestinians's cannot. Sanctions prevent countries sending stuff to a country. Israel is preventing Palestine getting them. Massive difference. Blockade ≠ Sanctions. Management have the right to refuse service!

    Do you think Ukraine is right in bombing any Russian town or city and killing civilians as they were invaded?

    I'm not sure how taking down an apartment saves civilians.... unless you feel the civilian lives in the apartment are worth less?

    Stop with your quick google, you made a fool out of yourself on the Russian thread. Yes 6000 ordinances have been dropped, but not 6000 x 2000lb bombs.

    Use logic, they say they drop small bombs as warning knock, that's hardly a 2000lb bomb ffs.

    And unfortunately we only know the confirmed deaths, we don't know the number dead under the rubble.
